Been there. Mind your business.
Mind your own business.
Damn yall some snitches
Mind your business
What’s your mom’s number?
Id bust her out in front of your dad
Girl mind ya business
Stay out of it- it’s none of your business Karen
Your dad deserves better
Mind yo business. Your dad is an adult? Yes? Your mother as well? Okay so it sounds like a wholllatta nonyadamnbusiness
Mind your own business.
If yall are grown, leave it be. That’s Their relationship.
Mind your own business.
Mind ya business stay out of your parent relationship.
Not your relationship not your problem.
Grown folks business. Period.
time to tell your mom to go fuck herself
i think u need to mind your own business
Mind your own- it’s for the best
Definitely mind your business
Is she a good mom to you? That’s what you should concern yourself with. I know where you’re coming from though… my dad cheated relentlessly while I was growing up. You get disgusted yes… but it really is between them. If they can work it out or deal with it… it’s on them. Not you.
Maybe mind your own business. Has nothing to do with you!!
I would be like all these other people and say stay out of it, but no. I couldn’t just watch and let my dad get cheated on, I wouldn’t be able to, I would physically have to call her out every chance I could, just to get the point through my dad’s head that she was hurting the whole family, not just him.
I personally think you should just tell your dad what you know and leave it at that. It’s up to him to decide if he wants to do anything about it. As for your attitude towards your mother, that is something you can control and I don’t blame you for being harsh about it.
People are saying stay out of it like it isn’t her parents that raised her and spend time with her kids! Honestly id sit them both down and figure ouy what the he’ll happened if shes that unhappy he shouldn’t be giving her money and working to take care of her!! She needs to support her self if she wants to live the single life!! God forbid this happened and my kids didnt intervene bc we make most of our decisions based on how our children feel and think…maybe u can get through to her and if not maybe dad needs to cut her off💁
What goes on between your father and mother is really non of your business. Once you understand that maybe you will have a better relationship with your mother. Don’t take sides. Just love them both. Good luck
I know it hurts to see your parents go thru this but I would say stay out of it. Let them handle their marriage issues.I wish you and your family whatever is best for you all💙
I would stay out of it if they are both sleeping in different rooms etc they are both aware they have issues and it is up to them on how they proceed if she has cheated infront of your sister and father knows and still stays are you sure they are not both exploring other people and don’t want to involve children in there bedroom life reality is you will never know the whole situation between your mother and father because parents do not discuss everything with there kids about there relationship with there spouse I would not take sides so that you can have a relationship with both parents
You let your dad be a man and stay out if their business just like they should stay out if yours as an adult. You don’t have to approve of your moms actions but honestly she is grown and will make her own mistakes. Let her face the natural consequences.
Honestly I can see you want to be loyal to the situation and tell your Dad. But if he knows then there’s nothing else you can do. Your mom is a grown woman and while that’s not the best behavior for a married woman, she is an adult and there’s nothing you can really do. Maybe talk to her about it but it sounds like your Mom and Dad need to have a talk amongst themselves. Good luck.
Dont mind your business. Tell your mom to grow up and file for a divorce if she’s so unhappy. It was a shitty thing of her for her to cheat in front of your sister, once she did that you guys became invovled and it sounds like your dad doesnt deserve this at all.
She should have divorced your father before cheating on her entire family. Your feelings are valid. She messed up big time and you have every right to be mad. Her karma will hit her hard.
It’s not really your “business” you can tell your mom what you’ suspect and how you feel and you can tell your dad the same but it’s between the two of them and how they deal with their marriage is between them and only them.
They are grown adults and from the sounds of it your dad does know she is cheating (I mean she told him she wanted a divorce) it isn’t just her that can get a divorce if he wanted it he could get it himself also. Isn’t just up to one person takes two to decide that and she already has.
Try to stay out of your parents relationship. If you know he knows. Its not up to you to fix their problems.
Just stay out of it. Obvious that dad knows but probably just cheaper to keep her. Let dad know that you are there for him and encourage him to let her go so he can find real happiness someday with somebody else. As it is now a no win-no win situation for everyone.
Well, it’s hard to accept, but you can’t parent your parents and it’s none of your business. It’s not your marriage. Your father obviously knows, so let him deal with it however he chooses. As for your mom, being a crappy wife, does not automatically make her a crappy mom. She’s not cheating on you, she’s not intentionally hurting you. She’s not happy where she is and she’s made that known. You can ask her to just file for divorce and stop cheating on your father, but beyond that, stay out of it. I know it hurts, I know it’s hard. I was in therapy for almost 6 years because of what my mom did to my dad and many other things, but my mom cheating was the straw that broke my crazy back and I had a meltdown. I was so invested in what my idea of home and mom and dad was, I was so angry at my mom for the lies. I get it… And I do not mean to sound harsh, it’s honestly just the cold hard truth.
You are an adult. Your parents, you clearly love them, but stay out of it period. Your dad isnt clueless and when hes reached his limit he will do what needs to be done.
I speak from the perspective of your parents, as I’ve been married for 52 years to the same man. Marriage is a complicated relationship of ups and downs when your parents have been married as long as they appear to have been since you are already an adult. Couples sleep in separate beds/rooms for a lot of reasons. Judgement of what you think you know is at least incomplete, if not incorrect when looked at from the outside. Honor your parents by staying out of their choices. If you have issues with your mother of things you are personally involved in, you have every right to discuss that and your feelings privately with your mom, but please don’t come between them. Preserve what you can of your relationships and be grateful they came together long enough to create you. After all, none of us is perfect.
Your dad needs to gather as much proof she’s cheating and get a good divorce lawyer she will be hit with adultery and he will not have to pay her anything, he should take the house and whatever else he can get his hands on and then let your mom go stay with her new man. You would have to be a witness yo the fact that all of this cheating is happening.
I’ll be the odd ball and say SPEAK ON IT! Call her out on that bullshit. Let her know that what she is doing is affecting the entire family. Y’all won’t be able to be in one house at a holiday because y’all can’t stand being around them two knowing what’s going on.
I agree. Its time to take a step back, you and your sister both, and let that relationship run its course; they will either work it out or split and what’s meant to be will be but interference is just gonna muddy the waters even more and make the situation even more confusing and painful.
Unfortunately, this is between them and they need to figure out what the next step is for them. However, her behavior in front of her children and her lack of respect for you guys and towards your father right in front of you leaves you questions about her character. I’m so sorry you and your sister have been put in the middle and exposed to it, no matter your ages.
Let your parents handle it You should have a private conversation with your mother and tell her how you feel but it’s up to your parents to handle themselves
You and your sister should seek a career in a private eye business, but you should stay out of your parents affairs, that is between them
Everyone saying mind your business as if they are living your life. Yeah its good advice but you have every reason to feel the way you feel. To see your family breaking apart and your mom not being honest or faithful to you and your dad. I bet you feel like shes living a double life and you arent part of it. She hasnt put her time and love towards the family she built, and is giving it to other men.
I understand how you feel cause when my mom got on drugs, and would cheat on my dad.
Best advice is tell your mom how you feel. She may validate how you feel or call you crazy but at least you got what you had to say to her off your chest.
Stay out of it. If your mom said she wanted a Divroce and nothing came of it that’s between your parents and not you. Sounds to me like your dad knows what’s up as he was already told once and you mother stated she wanted a divorce. Nothing you can do about it.
It sounds like you are grown, as are they, it’s their relationship, it’s up to them what they do or don’t do with it.
Seems like dad already knows, an there’s not really a lot you can do about it. Best to stay out of it.
I had to leave … until she finally divorced my dad. It took years before I talked to her again…
She put her children in between their business by staying with him she chose to stay for the money some women can be just as insensitive as men plain and simple…
Sounds like you’re Dad knows what’s up , your grown back off and leave it to them to work out on their own.
Mom knows, Dad knows. Mind you business. I know that sounds harsh, but its the truth. Then, take care of You. No matter how old, its traumatic. Continue to bond with your siblings and heal with them.
Sounds like you and your sister are grown adults and they are grown adults so its best to stay out of it. Divorce sucks for kids but your adults now it wont be as hard still hard though dont get me wrong. Ive been here with my god parents who were more parents to me than not. And they just divorced over a year ago with sort of the same scenarios but i still talk to both of them and spend ti.e with both of them no resentment why??? Because they are adults and make their own choices and your dad chose not to get the divorce knowing what was going on.
I was in the same boat my mom made me promise not to say anything to my dad and I didn’t instead I wrote him a letter and said she was cheating on him and than she wanted a divorce he was heartbroken but my dad was always giving her what she wanted so they finally got it my dad tried to move on but couldn’t and my mom went with the guy she cheated on my dad with the guy ended up beating her and was also a drunk… she’s now lonely n living in my aunt n uncles basement… Karma is a bitch
Also gonna add as your mom has been outed as a cheater before… maybe get paternity tests done. Men have a right to know if they have kids- it should be done at birth but especially now that shes known to be a cheater
When I was 15 my mother revealed to me and my sister that she had been cheating on our dad and asked us to stay at our boyfriends houses that night because she thought it was going to kick off that night. What had happened was my dad had got the phone bill through and seen a number he didn’t recognise so he called it. It was the bloke my mother was cheating with so he had obviously then called mother and said “your husband has just called me” so she thought he was going to confront her. My dad being the soft he was never brought it up so when we came home the next day it was just tense. Every so often my mither would get a bit drunk and tell me I should be grateful that she stays in a loveless marriage because of me and that as soon as I move out she was going to leave my dad. So I made sure to move out at 18 as soon as i could to get out of the way. But for those years we just had an extremely tense household where everyone knew what was going on but no one spoke about it
I would be hurt as her child but if it’s not working out and your dad knows this I would get a devorce. There adults if your mom is cheating then it’s because she’s not happy my husband cheated on me 22 years but I forgave took him back then caught him posting stuff on her. Fb so no trust at all it’s not your fault but it’s between your mom and dad they need to fix it or let go I’m
Not happy but we must let go we’re both not happy no kids together but he raise my kids my grandkids they shouldn’t have to suffer because of he’s mistakes you need to have a talk with your mom
I’d just pull your dad aside and tell him of the suspicions you’ve been having and explain to him what you just told us and then leave it up to him to figure it out. I know it sucks but it’s not your job to fix it even though they are your parents! I hope everything gets better
So mom told dad she was having an affair.
The subject of a divorce was brought up.
They sleep in separate rooms.
Your father knows what is going on.
Leave them to it. I gather you do not live with them. Not clear if your sister does. If you are both out of the house then it is not your concern.
They got married without you and they will do as they decide without you.
Go live YOUR life and do not bother about theirs. Just be happy they created you.
I feel like that is none of your business your mom and dad are both grown and can figure it out on there own .
Sounds like my parents. I want to them to be divorce so fucking bad ever since i was little. Just let it be. Just tell them its time to move on from eachother but if she tried and wanted a divorce i can understand.
Play Switzerland and pick ya battles and let ur parents work this problem or problems theirselves and be there for both sides
They are 2 grown adults Their business not yours
- Your mum is not happy. 2. They sleep in separate rooms. 3. She had asked for a divorce. 4. If your dad is ok with it then don’t get involved
I went through this … I caught my mother driving w another man, i pulled up right along the side of her car with him in the passenger seat. Later on that day, I questioned her and she lied telling me it was a work friend she seen standing at a bus stop and offered him a ride. Years later she confessed the truth to me, after the affair was over.
She did ask for a divorce right?
I would talk to ur dad. He probably already knows. Either way it hurts to see somebody u love get hurt. Follow ur heart.
Tell your dad about it and let him knwo you’ll support him in a divorce.
And also- it is ANYONE who cares about your dad business.
Tell him he is worth more, and that you’ll testify in court that she cheated to make sure he gets his fair share in the divorce and doesnt pay alimony.
And also- yeah it’s ok to be mad with your mom. Let her know. It’s a shitty thing to do- and moms cant just get away with it because “they’re your mum”
The more people that are involved the more sides to a story.
Ppl saying to mind your business are foul. I get minding your own when its a relationship that has no affect on you but this is your parents!! I’d tell dad what you know and leave the rest up to him. I would do my best to love my mom and be as civil/kind as I can, and maybe even let her know you know and have also informed your dad. You can sit down and communicate with her properly how you feel and how what she’s doing is affecting your relationship with her. If she’s already expressed that she wants a divorce but didn’t take action it makes me wonder if she’s staying because of you kids and I’d tell her that I’d rather her divorce and do things the right way than to add this extra strain and stress into yalls lives and dads. Its not fair of her to be putting her children into this kind of situation and you have a right to tell her so. Its not like your “meddling” so I dont understand why ppl are saying mind your business. I would never sit back and watch one of my parents mistreat the other in any way shape or form. Bet if it were roles reversed I bet a lot of these same ppl would be dragging dad left and right. Smh
Word of the wise if it is not your relationship stay in your own lane period point blank that’s the end of the conversation.
Our parents are people with their own issues just like we are. You can’t make her do anything she doesnt want to. If it upsets you that much, sit down with her and your dad and your sister and lay it all.out on the table, but dont expect anything to change. She may be your mother, but she is also an adult woman who what she wants whether yall like it or not. The only other person that can change the situation is your father. And again, he is an adult man and will make his decisions for his life accordingly. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that sometimes we look at our parents as just that, parents and nothing else. They are adults with wants, needs, desires and flaws also.
Uuhhh … your mom wanted a divorce bc she isn’t happy … then that didn’t happen? Maybe your mom feels like a prisoner at this point.
I’m more than 100% positive theirs many reasons she’s not happy that you, or anyone else, don’t even know about.
It’s there business number 1. And 2- try to understand them both they’re both your parents.
Sometimes when this happens you need to mind your own and accept we are not perfect beings … you worry yourself about this it’s more stress on you and you have to accept facts if she’s not happy what can anyone do? That’s up to them to fix
Tell your dad!!!
When my dad cheated on my mum I told her. She is now in a happy marriage with a man who absolutely loves her.
You are so entitled to your feelings. It may not be your place to intervene in their relationship. But her poor choices which absolutely effect you directly will change your personal relationship with her. That’s her fault and she has to deal with that consequence. Do what feels right for you.
I don’t believe in cheating but you sound like you already have issues with your mom and why are you keeping tabs on a grown woman mind your business because your dad will also say you ruined his life why are you digging into your mom so much
Sounds like their relationship is already over? I’m not really understanding the “cheating” accusation. I completely agree she needs to either pay her half or move out since they’re already roommates. But frankly I think you’re not taking your mom’s happiness unto account at all. She’s wrong for using the situation to her benefit, but she deserves to be able to move on the same as your dad.
I doubt you know the full story. Must be a reason she don’t slee in the same room as him. Why you assuming it’s your mom who’s in the wrong and that your dad is mr perfect? Who’s not to say your dad ruined the marriage. Not your place not your marriage. I’m sure there are plenty of things you don’t know.
Sounds like they have already come to terms with separation and your mom obviously wants out of the marriage… Dad obviously knows. Not for you children to be getting yourselves involved. If anything you need to support the idea of divorce and encourage it, would be way better than what’s happening now
Let her do her - she’s trying to find herself again, and you don’t know the full 100% behind-the-scenes deal between man and wife.
Life’s complicated, let it go or go no contact if she’s too toxic for you.
Their business, not yours. Your dad knows she’s a cheater, so it’s up to him if he wants to stay or not.
Stay out of it. Your dad knows what’s happened/happening. Don’t assume cause she’s talking to someone she’s banging them.
Don’t take sides. Love them both… stay out of it.
Seek counseling thru your school. THIS is a hot potato.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! I think my mom may be cheating on my dad: Advice?
Yikes… That sucks…
Seams like dad knows and doesn’t care
Stay in your own hula hoop my friend.
I’d sit her down and ask her wtf is she doing? She wouldn’t be using my father as her personal bank account while carrying on with other men. She needs to get the divorce and set your Dad free. Even if he does already know, how can anyone sit there and just knowingly break a man like that? Nah, I’d be all in her business and then I’d bring in the siblings and then I’d bring in my Dad. You don’t want to be shamed? Don’t wanna lose all that cushy money? Don’t break your vows and destroy an entire family by being easy around town because its easier to do that then be on your own.
Mind your business
Stay out of it babe!
Absolutely mind your business
your mom is obviously unhappy in her current situation. Even if it seems like she shouldn’t be, something is lacking, and she is. Support her. Talk to her. Don’t be mad at her…
You have a right to be upset by all this but you dont have the right to be nasty to your mom now. They don’t sleep in the same bedroom anymore, that should make it clear that their marriage has been over for quite some time. You don’t know what they say to each other behind closed doors. Maybe they are ok with the situation as it is for right. Maybe your dad would rather have her there in another room seeing someone else than to lose her and since he’s paying all the bills maybe she’s ok with that too for now. It’s distasteful for your mother put you and especially your sister in the middle oof her affairs but there’s no need to check up in her, follow her around when she leaves, and call or talk to other ppl to make where she says she is and when. She’s a grown woman. That’s absurd. Her children do not have that right and your only going to mess your own mental health up by doing things like that worrying about her and what she’s doing so much. Whatever your mom is doing it’s pretty clear your dad already knows and for whatever reason it’s not ending their marriage at this moment. But you should stay out of it as much as you can. You might want to check on them both. Say something like hey dad I know you and mom are going through some stuff right now and I just want you to know I’m hear for you in anyway you need me. Help get his mind off it. Visit more take him to your house to dinner to the beach. and for your mom say something like hey mom I can tell you haven’t been happy for a long time. I know you and dad are going thru it right now. If you ever want to talk I’m here for you. Please keep your hurtful behavior and affairs away from us though because it puts me in a bad spot where I shouldn’t be between my parents…
I know it’s hard to accept a grown woman, a married mother and grandmother acting so out of character but you need to let them work out whatever they have going.
It’s their marriage not yours, you are grown, although the situation effects you emotionally, children should not interfere in another’s marriage unless abuse is present.
Y’all need to stay out of their business. Jeeez
I’d completely disown my mom after that. I wouldn’t even speak to her at all. But that’s just me.
Put a gps tracker on her car LOL…I feel bad for your fam and your dad that have to live with this.
Mind your business its their marriage. They know what and why they staying together
Well it sounds like your mom most likely cheating, the reality is, your dad is weak and your mom has at this point, taken advantage of the fact that he refuses to just divorce her. Once a cheater always a cheater. I know this is your parents business and of course ppl okay with the “women” cheating will support this, but it is obviously effecting you and your sister. In my eyes, people who cheat do not have value in my eyes. Your mom is milking the situation. She cheats and expects him to pay for everything. There things like filing for separation or mutually agreeing to the divorce. You parents are both foolish at this point. Sounds like you’re the parent of them.