My son is four years old. He just turned 4. I have a feeling that my son has some form of ADHD. I’m not sure, though. But the real issue is that I recently had a baby girl, and my son has been acting out so bad that I do not know what to do. I am at my absolute witts end. His behavior is a problem. At home, especially in public. I don’t know what to do because he cries and nags for every single thing. I tell him to the bath he cries, I tell him to go get undressed to the bath he cries when we out in public he cries people stare at me, the family gets super irritated. He cannot sit still. He wiggles and talks to himself make funny sounds for no reason I can ask him to stop when his sister is asleep he stops for a minute and does it again. Now I’ve spoken to him put him in naughty corner spanked him shouted its to the point where I dream of telling him to be quiet. His father is absent, and I have a boyfriend that’s been around since 1.5 years old. But because I’ve always been overprotective and never allowed him really reprimand him. He will talk to him only when I ask him to do so. So I don’t know what the underlying problem is I shower him with love and give him the best that I possibly can, but with that comes the fact that I work five days a week. So I’m really lost, and I don’t know where to start and how to start correcting his behavior, but really, he honestly cries more than the baby now. Any constructive advice will be appreciated. I’m at the point where I’m crying daily because I feel I have failed as a mother now.
Best way to check is getting him tested.
Start with his pediatrician.
Good luck.
Did you ever stop and think he may be doing it for attention? Maybe he feels like he doesn’t get enough attention since his little sister came into your lives? He needs time with you that is special just like your baby girl. You have to make some all about him time and make him feel special and loved too and I’m sure with that and some stern talking to and maybe a little time out he will be back to normal
He could have adhd but he could also just be regressing the way kids do when you add a sibling ask his doctor what they think. List what he does. Try to redirect his energy when you can and see if that helps. It’s so frustrating bc you think the older one will be easier but they give you a harder time while they adjust.
Try CBD oil to calm down his moods. Read up on it more or have him checked by a dr to confirm he has ADHD and then you can find out if it is mild or not.
Was he like that befor you had the baby too?
4 is a tough age, generally. 4 is also way too young to properly diagnose ADHD. He’s not difficult because there’s something wrong. He’s difficult because 4 year olds are difficult. It’s just the way it is.
Talk to his doctor and have him tested.
I can tell you right now with someone having adhd mild to severe meds help if he is. It does come with side effects like not wanting to eat as much but as soon as the meds wear off I was in the kitchen eating everything in site
If you are truly concerned about whether or not he has ADD/ADHD, I’d speak to his pediatrician and see if they recommend an assessment and intervention, if necessary. I’m no professional, but personally, I feel like 4 may be a bit young to determine such. How old is baby sister? Is it possible that he’s just acting out because it’s a big change for him? Not being the baby anymore could be making him feel out of sorts as well. Is he able to tell you how he’s feeling? Or why he’s doing the things that he is? I’ve also seen it suggested that you make sure there is one-on-one time with you cut out for him during the day. Possibly when little sis is napping. If you haven’t already, could you ask him to help with her? Small things like fetching diapers and wipes, or talking to her, or finding her a specific toy? I wish I had more in the way of advice to offer you. Best of luck, and hang in there Mama. I’m sure it’s rough.
Could he possibly be autistic
Let him be a kid!! The baby will adapt to her surroundings and sleep. Let the boyfriend spend time with him, take him out. Maybe make the ekid feel included. Seriously, how would you feel being told to be quiet all day. He is doing it because it’s the only time you pay attention to him. Kids know if they act good or bad which one attracts attention. Spend some time with just him. He doesn’t have a disease he is a CHILD.
Four is a difficult age even when there’s not a new baby vying for attention.
If you think its adhd start with your pediatrician. My son is adhd. We see a physiatrist and a behavioral therapist. Most drs wont diagnos adhd until the child starts school.
He’s 4. Sounds like he’s doing normal kid things to me
If he didnt act like this before the baby, then hes probably doing it because of her. Kids usually dont take big life changes very well and act out cause of it. It could just be that hes jealous and wants more attention.
My son was 4 when all his diagnosis came to light. Id call the ped have testing done they do extensive testing for adhd odd anxiety autism…good luck
Well dont spank him or punish him… if he does have ADHD theres no way he can control it on his own. Go to a doctor
My daughter was like this at that age. She doesn’t have ADHD or anything else. It was literally like a stage she went through. She is 9 now, and she is just a wonderful kid. I know it is hard and it almost completely breaks you down, trust me I know. I would literally have moments where I would walk away from everyone and scream into pillows or wait till everybody was in bed and lock myself in the bathroom to fall apart and just sob cry. But hang in there, there is a light at then end of the tunnel, and every thing will be okay momma.
Sounds like he’s just 4. 🤷 my husband and I have 4 kids. 3 boys 5, 3, and 2. We always have special time for each one individually. Maybe try to do something with just you and your 4 year old. Make him feel special!
He may have adhd have him tested
I have 3 grown children. My oldest is 36… 4 was THE WORST AGE for ALL OF THEM!!! Hopefully it is an age thing!!
Was he like this before the baby? It could have to do with feeling displaced. Try making him a part of her care. Help with diapers or her bottles. Tell him what a great big brother he is and how lucky she is to have him.
Could be that he’s upset about the baby. My son (6) started acting up whenwe had our daughter. He loves his sister and is a great big brother but his behavior has taken a turn for the worse im 99.9% sure its because hes not getting the same kind of attention. Dont get me wrong we make a point to give him special time and include him in everything we can but the fact is we have to take care of an infant so he doesn’t get the same attention he did
4 year old boys are HARD. He probably just wants attention. I’m almost certain. It doesnt matter how much you work, he needs quality time from his mom and getting in trouble all the time will only make the problem worse. You have 2 kids now and you need to make sure they both have mom time. Trying to diagnose a 4 year old with ADHD is not the answer. All 4 year olds are nuts. Period.
That’s not adhd that being a 4years who may feel jealous about your time with the new baby
My daughter was 4 when they said she was adhd… severe adhd…it is possible, take him to the doctor for an assessment
Mine is 5 and does the same. I think it’s normal kid behavior. Some are just better behaved but we can’t compare to other kids. Each kid has a different personality.
My 4 year old is the same why. Not crying all the time but super hyper. Jumping from couch to couch, constantly running up and down the hall, in the stores he is in and out and under and around the cart, running down the aisles. Constantly go go go all day long!! And I question if it is ADHD too BUT I recently had a baby 4 months ago and it has gotten twice as bad. So I think it’s his way of getting attention. Bc he feels as though u don’t pay as much attention to him as the baby which is probably true bc babies need alot of attention. And honestly there isn’t much u can do about it until baby is a bit older. Just make sure he is treated equal and if u can leave baby with a relative while u and him have one on one time, every once in a while do that. He needs to know that u still love him just as much as u did before baby came.
I have an almost 5 year old little boy that you just described to a T. I think that, in part, it is the age, and a stage. Or I pray, that it is, anyway.
A failing mother doesn’t reach out for help I think he is acting out for attention maybe if possible go out and a mommy me date once a week and tell him how much you love him
Jealous. He hasnt got a dad and you have had a new baby with someone else and she has her dad there. Involve him with the baby dont shout at him if he wakes her up, encourage him to nurse n cuddle her… have mum n son days & give him as much attention as ur new baby.
Take him to see a doctor and get him tested.
My son got diagnosed at 4. Hes 12 now and doing great.
Sounds to me like he’s a normal 4 year old boy adjusting to no longer being an only child. That’s a pretty huge transition for any child, but especially one that age.
If you are concerned, take him to his doctor and ask for an evaluation. As far as feeling overwhelmed, it sounds like you decided not to include the boyfriend as a parent, so you did that to yourself.
How about showing him love, compassion and patience instead of anger and physical punishment. He is missing being an only child and is acting out to get your attention any way he can. Make special time with him alone when baby naps for example. I have 5 children from 7 years down to 6 months. I can guarantee you that’s all it is… bless his little soul you’ll get out of this mama; he needs your love kindness and empathy will fix many many problems! Children this age are opening to the world and are very busy and wanting to learn!!
My son is 2 and he has a very good understanding, he is smart, for 2 years he’s had me all to himself all the love and attention. Then i had another baby 3 months ago and he acted up bad his attitude went bad he’d cry all the time didnt want me to leave him at nursery etc i was at my wits ends too then someone put it into perspective for me. My son thinks i will not love him now the new baby is here or spend time with him etc dont get me wrong i had to be soooo patient with his tantrums but i tried to involve him with the baby like asking him to help with nappy changes and bathing the baby little things and make him feel like a fantastic big bro, i had to overly praise him give him extra hugs and kisses and even spend 1 on 1 time with him he slowly got used to the idea of having a baby sister and now he adores her! He used to hit her and throws things at her in the beginning lol so we’ve come a long way and of course he will still get jealous it will never go away but you have to keep at it! So keep ya chin up mom! Wish u the best! X
My child does same stuff is autistic and adhd
He could be ADHD or he could be acting out because of new baby
Could be autistic doesn’t hurt to get several Dr opinions, but I have a boy and they are wild and hyperactive, he’s 9 and is a complete motor mouth lol
Hes acting like a 4 year old boy…loud and hard headed. Tantrums and being silly. Not everything needs a diagnosis…hes 4.
Also…you need to allow you bf to help parent BOTH kids. If this guy loves your son and has been around for this long and wants a relationship, then you need to back off and open up to him actually help raise him. It’s not fair that you dont allow him to do that…the boy sees the difference between him and his sister. That’s her dad and she gets a father, yet you dont allow him to parent him.
Also, this could be all because of the new baby. Kids act out and regress allot when a new baby or a big change happens.
Again…its NORMAL. Hes 4…he doesnt know how to Express himself properly because hes only 4, so he cries and freaks out.
Allow the bf to help. Have the boy help more with baby.
You are completely telling my life story with my child, he’s nine now but it started very young just like what you’re explaining and I took him to a specialist for young children they couldn’t exactly diagnose him at the time and put him on medication because he was so young but they did feel like he had ADHD as well as a form of slight autism he did all the things that you’re explaining that your child is doing. And I did all the things that you’re explaining that you do so I completely feel your pain heartache frustration Etc because I know there’s a plethora of emotions that go along with it. For now all you can do is take him to a psychiatrist that specializes in children that young and by next year you should be able to get him rightfully diagnosed and on some medication that might help like they did my kid at 5, and then a couple years later my child was also diagnosed with IED which is an explosive disorder what he acts out yells screams fights so we had to put him on medication for that as well, the ADHD and IED medicine works really good but there are still struggles and things that we have to work on still. If you don’t mind my suggesting I think you should do like I did and get one of those little three or four drawer plastic things and some little candy prizes and some little backed up prizes that you think he would like and whenever he shows good behavior let him pick out of the prize drawer so that he knows when he is good he’s being rewarded. And when he shows bad behavior Maybe 4 minutes in the corner because you’re supposed to go by age / minutes I guess or something like maybe cleaning up a mess or 4 minutes in the chair and having to be quiet because you’re not supposed to start their time until they’re quiet that way they learn once they sit in timeout they have to be quiet for their time to start and to get out of time out. My son’s come a really long way somewhere we used to be but it is a struggle so I completely sympathize with you 100%. If you need to talk or anything you’re welcome to add me on Facebook and message or FaceTime and I’ll give you whatever advice I can. I wish you all the best of luck girl and I’ll be praying for you and your family and especially your little boy
Talk to his Dr.
Get reccomendations for a councilor and a physicist.
What I did with my daughter when I had her sister is when I needed quiet time I would hand her a special toy I found these awesome coloring books that used water pens instead of real markers that way they had something constructive to do while I’m out there trying to get something done or I needed them to be quiet while the baby sleeps
First off…He’s 4…he’s going to make noises and jump around…want things his way…ect… also you said you just had another baby too…He’s probably feeling all kinds of ways about that…about losing all your attention…being jealous of his sister. His life has completely changed, he probably doesn’t know how to process it.
Is it possible …with a new baby , he just wants attention. Have you talked to his doctor or NP. I agree it might be the age .
And for these people that have got rude to give, ignore them girl. Because no you didn’t do this to yourself, kids go through things and sometimes they need a little more help than we’re able to provide. People make me so mad thinking that they can parent better than the next, everybody’s situation and child is different and they can’t put you down or try to make you feel some type of way because they think they’re high and mighty and can parent better because no they can’t. And half of them saying something probably don’t even have a damn child they just think they know what the hell they’re talkin about. Sorry I didn’t went off on a rant but those negative comments make me so mad cuz I used to get them to
Sounds like a normal 4 yr old going through a big change hun .
Maybe he is acting out because of the new baby? Or it could just be a stage. Or jealous because the baby had a dad but the guy isn’t really playing that rolsle for him. My advice would be to let the boyfriend start stepping up more if he is going to be the father figure and maybe visit a family counselor and see what they think and ask for some professional advice. And I saw someone mention mommy & me dates for some extra bonding between the two of you, that sounds like a good idea too.
Remember kids have adult sized emotions. Talk to him once he has calmed down. Get your partner to handle all things baby so you can have uninterrupted time with your boy. It also sounds more like asd not adhd.
What country are you in x
Typical behavior from a 4yr old boy who has become a new big brother. My 3 yr old is the same since his sister was born. I have found if i make special time for him doing crafts or baking whatever really that his behaviour settles down heaps and he communicates better with baby too.
#s to keep track of my thoughts
- If you’re concerned; then speak to your doctor about referral to pediatric psychiatrist. They can do an eval. But be warned, at 4 it may very well be inconclusive. This behavior can also be because of the new baby. With my own son it was both.
- You have a new child. That is both yours and your boyfriends. That baby will be treated equally by both you and boyfriend.
As good as your intentions have been its time to let your boyfriend step up so your son doesn’t “feel” the difference so much. That will go a long way towards improving behavior…knowing that consequences will happen with everyone in his life (seriously my son acted like a freaking demon around my grandma for a long time because she wouldn’t discipline him) - Before you can get your son evaluated there are changes you can make that may help if he has adhd (and won’t hurt if he doesn’t). Restrict artificial dyes. Use electronics as a reward (limit their use…they’re often a trigger for symptoms). Set up an economy rewards system. My son has to earn his tokens to play with his toys…which sounds terrible but its designed to make him do things like get dressed and eat breakfast BEFORE he plays (when he’s not having to stop it helps prevents meltdowns)
Short term immediate consequences directly related to what he does wrong. If he throws a fit over having to stop playing and do something take the toy for the rest of the day. If there’s nothing you can take away…either make him pay tokens as a fine or have him do a wall sit for 30 seconds. - Try coffee. If a child has ADHD stimulants (like caffeine) will effect them differently. It will actually help calm them down.
He is normal, he was used to full attention from you BUT now he has to share it with his sibling who is only a baby. Get him to help you it will help.
Sounds like normal 4 yr old that is jealous of his new sister .If he thinks he isn’t getting enough good attention hell get bad attention .Not saying ADHD isn’t possible but think it is way over diagnosed
It sounds more like he wants attention, not adhd…plus he’s 4 so yes he’s going to jump around and act out.
What I think would help is set time aside for just him. Every night, set 30 minutes on the dot so he knows every day that his alone time with you is secured. In Those 30 min take him for ice cream and talk about his day, or go to the library and read some books, anything as long as he knows that he can count on that time being only you two. When you told your boyfriend to not parent him, they lost the chance to bond with each other. He probably feels like it’s him and your new family and that has nothing to do with you trying your best to make him feel accepted. You’ve overcompensated for him for his fathers absence and now you are seeing the repercussions of that. Good news is you can still change the dynamics. Let dad have a day and don’t Intervene. If not, you’ll raise a boy that is totally dependent on his mother and imagine what kind of husband he’ll turn out to be. Also you can put him in a sport and and all you guys can go watch him. He’s trying to find his place and security. Still have his PMD see him if you’re concerned of ADHD. Good luck mom
sounds like hes having negitive behavior for attention ,its normal with having a new baby, try having him do little things for his little sibling,like picking out clothes or being mommy’s little helper. it will make a smoother transition
Talk to the pediatrician and get a referral to a counselor. My step son was this way at that age and he was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. He was horrible he would be loud for no reason he almost got put out of Prek for being violent he tried to stab me with pencils when he got mad. We tried all sorts of punishment b4 I started really trying to read and study ways to help him. Anything with red dye I cut out did away with caffeine. I dont know how many times his behavior put me in a full blown panic attack.
Give him more attention and positive reinforcement… get him to help with the baby… refer to her as HIS sister a lot … basically make him included
Her sounds just like my daughter and she’s 5. It’s just how kids there age are like
I would talk to your pediatrician. Follow your gut.
Crying isn’t ADHD. He has a new sibling. He’s acting out. Your boyfriend has been there since he was 1.5 but you never let him do any discipline?
Carry him to his doctor and tell them the situation. They will refer him to a specialist and get his evaluated my daughter has adhd odd and dmd and they have her on aderall and its really helped her out
Give him some attention that’s what he’s crying out for
Sounds like a normal 4 year old adjusting to having a new sibling
He is 4, he’s a boy AND y’all just had a huge life change. As a former educator with some good knowledge on this, I’m inclined to believe that some major structure and systems will benefit this child more than medication. Wiggling and making sounds is typical of that age, but if you feel strongly then speak to his doctor. Maybe some behavioral therapy for the whole family to teach you and your boyfriend how to discipline etc might be beneficial as well. Personally i wouldn’t jump to medication first but that’s just me and my feelings that ADHD is overdiagnosed right now…
Look up studies where parents removed food coloring from child’s diet and ADHD was gone. Particularly Red#40. Many cases where it was completely cured just through change in diet.
Sounds like he is acting out because the baby kicked him out of being center of attention. Kids will do that. Get him to help you with the baby. Say for example throwing dirty diapers in the garbage, picking out her clothes. Folding laundry. Make him understand that he is the big brother now. He has to help protect and love her. Let him know you need his help when it comes to looking after her. Also make time for just him so he will see that he is not forgotten.
Well, hes 4. All 4 year olds tend to be antsy, and talkative, and loud. My just turned 5 year old is the same way. Now that she is going to start school soon we are trying to mold her behavior to learn to sit and listen but otherwise, you just gotta work around it. As for public, tell him one time to quit or you and him are leaving and waiting in the car until everyone else is done inside/ going home. If he does it again, follow through. My daughter was a nightmare in public until one time she was terrible, I took her to the car and we sat in silence until her dad got back into the car, and then after that we didnt go in anywhere. We would get in the car and go out, but me and her would stay in the car. I did this for about 3 months and then we tried again. She has been an angel in public ever since. Life is hard with a 4 year old, even harder with a new baby. You gotta start choosing your battles and letting him learn the hard way sometimes.
Have him tested and if nothing mentally or medically wrong then bust his butt not beat but spank when he does wrong kids need rules and structure and to know that they get punished for doing wrong and praise for doing right and if you trust your s/o then let him help out more he could just be jealous of the new baby let him help such as bring diapers or holding bottle and stuff like that Good Luck
He needs ATTENTION. His while life just changed and it sounds like you’ve made it known to him that he has to stop doing this and that because of the baby.
He is only 4 for fucks sakes, treat him like a young child
Don’t listen to anyone, but yourself. Since my son was three I knew there was something wrong, at 4 he got kicked out of his first preschool because of his behavior, he’s five now and we’re going through the avenues to get him on medication. Just because people think ADHD is overdiagnosed does not mean your son does not have it. Get him into counseling and go from there
My son couldn’t get tested until he was in kindergarten they say most times it’s too early to tell before then
Where does he go when you are working? I put my son in a Daycare facility and it was structured. A blessing and I followed the same rules they did there. So there and home were the same. I was a single Mom though so needed their help cause my son was out of control at close to 4 years old. It was cause of me cause just letting him go was easier since we just left his Dad. Nothing wrong with being protective but discipline is warranted too. Have your son evaluated just in case though. Get help for him if warranted. Medication probably if ADHD. Helps them concentrate more and not the outbursts you are experiencing.
He is a kid how many times do adults have episodes of bad behavior be patient everyone seems to just medicate their children
I’d say this ADHD is a horrible and is overly diagnosed because parents are not putting the time in that’s needed right and wrong. You should tell your pediatrician your struggle. That’s what they’re their for, to help.
Newly 4 is a little young to diagnose, especially after such a huge life change. Is the person watching your child 5 days a week allowed to discipline him? If not, there’s a big part your problem. If so, then why not your partner too? He could just be a very active strong-willed child. Having said that, that’s a very accurate description of my daughter at 4 and she’s severe ADHD, both types, and recently (age 10) deemed autistic, but I’d like a 2nd opinion on that. Still, knowing she was ADHD at 4 months (not even kidding) and being totally prepared for this result, I held off on diagnosis and meds until it was effecting her ability to learn. She wasn’t diagnosed and medicated until age 7, when it was clear therapy and school accommodations weren’t going to help enough. So, start with an evaluation from a child psychologist, local children’s hospital, or a pediatric neurologist, and then perhaps play therapy or BCT, and then go from there.
Get red dye out of his life it is is all kinds of things try for a few months wouldn’t hurt and may help
He’s 4. He has a new sibling. And he’s four. I can’t think of a single four year that can sit still long. And talking to him self is him playing. I think you’re expecting perfection. Lower your standards. He’s a kid. Let him live. He acts out in the store oh well. Tell him no if he cries he cries. He don’t wanna shower. Prepare him for a shower. Tell him were gunna get ready to take a shower in 10 min. Then in 5 min. Say were gunna shower in 5 min. Then when it’s time take him to the shower. If that don’t work set a timer. Tell 5 min and then when the time goes off time to shower.
I mean sounds like my four year old. Seems mostly normal
Doesn’t sound like adhd but normal child being bratty due to having to share attention get a structured schedule in place
Ive been there, I have a 4 yr old son and an 8 month old daughter and I was at the end of my rope, feeling out of control and yelling a lot and felt like a mean mom. But hitting him is not going to help anything, and will only make him sadder and more angry. He needs attention and one on one time with you. He’s still your baby, too. Seek out a behavioral therapist for some new parenting ideas… I had to do this too, and there’s no shame in getting advice from a real professional! Ask your son’s regular pediatrician for a referral to someone they trust.
He is spoiled …i know i did the same
Well you said you just had a baby. It’s probably jealousy. Kids act out when they feel like they’re not getting enough attention. Having a baby takes attention “away” from the older siblings. At least that’s how they see it sometimes. Baby’s require a ton of attention and care unlike a four year old who can keep themselves mostly entertained. It’s hard being the center of attention and boom all of a sudden there’s someone new getting all of mommy’s time and attention. It’s stressful and most small children can’t understand it or how they feel entirely so they act out since it gets mommy’s attention quicker than if they behave
Sounds like a normal 4 year old that just became a big brother. Its an adjustment. Give it time. Make sure to give 1 on 1 time as much as possible. When baby naps do something he enjoys, read a book, play a game.
He may be feeling like he’s not as important. Try to give special time for him and you let him know you’re still there. My son’s 3 and his father had ADHD and he’s just like him it also runs on both sides so high likelihood he is as well. I do a couple different things when fits are thrown and what have you: 1) redirect. Whether its to an object or asking unrelated questions. Fair warning it can make them angry if they’re like serious about the thing 2) talk it out calmly but seriously ask what’s going on and get to the bottom of it and go from there. 3) usually used if child just insists on crying and everything is just no, let them cry. Then say "good job, ok its my turn now. Its my turn to cry. Then you “cry” then its their turn again. Make sure to tell them good job. Repeat until calmed down enough to be reasonable. Good luck mom and congrats on baby
My boy was that way, we thought it was ADHD, but we found out way later he’s Autistic. Have him tested. My boy he didn’t understand a lot, he had his things he wanted to do. Very picky eater, hated some clothes. I’m not trying to worry you but get him assessed now, before he gets bigger. I wish my kid didn’t fall through the cracks.
It’s hard to work and take care of little ones at the same time. I doubt your son has ADHD. I would suggest the following:
If his diet is full of sugary foods and drinks and simple carbohydrates. I would eliminate them from his diet. Fresh fruit and vegetables with dips are much better.
Check out free parenting classes in your area. You can take the kids with you. Dinner is usually included.
Start praising him for the things he does well.
Stop spanking him. It doesn’t do any good, but break his spirit, and make you look like a terrible out of control mother.
He is starved for your attention because you have the new baby. Set aside time just for him. Allow him to help you with the baby. Let him feel included.
Treat him and talk to him with manners and respect. He will reciprocate the same behavior.
I havr an almost 4 year old and she cries over EVERY thing. Sounds normal. Make special time with him and be consistent on rules and EVERYTHING. Hes four. He’s been alive less than 2000 days. Remember that.
You self diagnose your son. !! Talk to his pediatrician & explain what you stated here & listen to what the Dr has to say. And if you also want to go further, try a child study team and maybe a child therapist
Hes 4. Parents nowadays are to quick to diagnose their kids themselves, just because the child has bad days, which is not our job…They usually will not diagnose at 4 because all 4 year olds act out. Hes not ADHD, hes jealous and still a child and used to being an only child. I have 6, 1 who was diagnosed and it took a lot and the only reason i did it was because the school was pressuring it, they were gonna put him out… studies with behavior, eating and sleeping, talking to teacher’s, family, etc is all involved… Hes a normal 4 year old, i have one!
He’s at the age where he is pushing boundaries. He will try to see what he can get away with. And especially with a new sibling, even if you give him attention, he’s been the only child for so long. If you think or feel there’s more going on, reach out to his doctor. They can tell you if it’s behavior or if it’s something more concerning.
Get a chart that shows faces. Help him explain if hes sad, frustrated, lonely, hungry…you need to understand the emotion he feels so you can deal with it. Keep him occupied, reward good behavior and ignore the bad. Be realistic with your expectations. Ask for help from anyone…an extra person to go to the store to help…anything…you have a lack of communication and you expect him to be an adult…hes not…so change the way you parent.
That’s normal be consistent you don’t have to scream yell at him it’s only going to make matters work give him rules and regulations if he starts crying let him know this is not acceptable and make him leave if he’s at the table and he starts crying make him leave the table go to his room and make sure he does it every time this will also teach him to be a healthy adult is just pressing your buttons drugs are only going to make things worse
have a blood test to check for any deficiencies. Many times behavioral problems that are prolonged can be due to low iron or low zinc. That would be my next step after you’ve attempted some of the other suggestions
He was the baby remember? The only one until his baby sister came, he may feel a bit jealous I been tru that I have three kids myself I know it’s not easy but you be alright. Just play with him give him love make him hold the baby make him feed her this maybe he like it and he help you take care of his baby sister
Him crying for everything now since baby was born and not as much before baby arrived shows insecurity which is only normal.Try involving him in your daily routines with baby like picking out her clothes,bath times etc to make him feel apart of the changes in a healthier happier way instead of your going to wake up baby.Let him also feel responsible for her in a way,creates a bond.Also,his only 4yrs old and everything revolves around them at their age so try explaining why he shouldnt do something instead of just trying to make him stop.He will develop emotionally.As much as you showing him love ensure that its not given seperately only when baby is asleep for instance.Also know when to be firm kids feel secure when theres not too many options.As much as your hearts breaking you need him to still know when enoughs enough.You will be fine💖
Hes jealous of the attention his sister is getting
He sees u run to baby aid when she cries…so now he keeps crying
He makes weird babbling noises to get ur attention…even negative attention is Attention
Ur work…how bout u have ur bf bond more with him?
How bout u wake up extra early and bring him to ur room to snuggle with him
Read books
He feels left out
Its difficult balance when baby enters family
I’m going through same thing but he doesnt cry as much
Candy alters their mood…as in all these symptoms x10 so be careful with that