I caught my boyfriend of 5 years kissing my twin sister when we were all drinking and hanging out. I was asleep, got up, and went to go to the bathroom, and I walked in on them kissing…she pushed him away when I walked into the room, but I am not sure if it was because I walked in or if it’s because he kissed her and she was appalled because that is my boyfriend. He told me he really thought it was me and he was sorry, but I do not know If I believe him or not. They both are saying it meant nothing, and it was an accident on his part. My sister and I are identical, and we were wearing similar clothes, but I don’t know…I have never felt they did something behind my back or anything, but I still feel weirded out by it. I cannot help but feel awkward around them now.
I am currently banned on Facebook so I’m sorry I can’t just comment this on the post but I have to ask…
Wouldn’t your boyfriend know that you were the one who went to bed? Or did you just like pass out from drinking with your clothes on? Because if you were blatantly like, “hey, I’m going to bed guys” and kissed your boyfriend goodnight, there is absolutely no way he didn’t know that it wasn’t you, maybe if you just accidently passed out from drinking and they just stayed up without you but idk, shouldn’t he have noticed the difference while he was talking to “you” about your relationship? This seems very sketchy and it doesn’t sound like you shouldn’t be surprised if you find out that they might have been doing this behind your back the whole time and just haven’t noticed because you should definitely be able to trust your own twin sister, I honestly would never trust my sister to be around one of my boyfriends again if I were you but I would recommend leaving this man as soon as possible
If it’s true she was pushing him away it’s possible he thought it was you… POSSIBLE. But I’d be highly suspicious of it. Honestly all you can do in this situation is trust your intuition, listen to what your gut is telling you… it’s rarely wrong.
I’d also say that how well you know and trust both of them would play a part in my reaction. Do you think either of them or one or both of them would be capable of betraying you?
I once dated a twin. me him and his twin brother all lived together for about 3 years and I definitely secretly had a thing for his twin brother Idk why bc they were identical honest opinion it was no accident and if you don’t keep an eye out it will happen again my ex’s twin would grope me in secret and we would make out from time to time in secret as well. I wouldn’t trust it. Also I’m well aware that what happened with my exs brother was very wrong but I was 19 and naïve
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I walked in on my boyfriend kissing my twin sister: Advice?
Trust your gut. Something shady is up
Alcohol isn’t an excuse
I feel like after 5 years your boyfriend should be able to tell the difference between you and your sister, even if you’re identical.
He was drunk and yall look exactly alike. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt just this once.
that’s the most classic line ever!
He’s full of shit and so is she
My friends were identical twins and I had a few dates with one, you can tell them apart so I feel like its lies
I agree with Kelsea Gunter
It’s not like yall just started dating something fishy is going on to be honest.
Nah, YOUR SISTER let that shit happen
Why are you putting more on the boyfriend? All things being equal, sister is the one that knew for sure.
They both knew exactly what they were doing…kick them both to the curb
5 years yeah he should know the difference
Leave him, period!!!
Nevermind him being drunk your sister knows who is who so she knew he was your boyfriend and she still kissed him till you walked in to push him away agg man your sister is shady as fudge because she knows even if he didnt
5 years together…. Nah something shady! And she pushed him off when you caught them. Trust your guy. They both shady
I’m kind of iffy on this one.
He was drunk and y’all are identical, but it’s real convenient that she pushed him away the exact second you walked in🤔
He was probably too drunk to actually tell,
but SHE knew that wasn’t her boyfriend and should’ve said stop as soon as he leaned in. It should’ve never happened for him to need to be pushed away in the first place.
Your sister knows she isn’t you lol
Whoop both of their asses. He knew that wasn’t you knock it off
So as a person dating an identical twin. I can tell them apart even though they are reallllly identical. I don’t even mistake them for each other now, and we haven’t been together for 5 years. Idk man. I don’t drink though but that’s rough.
He wouldn’t have stopped when you walked in if he thought that was “you”
My best friends were identical twins. This too happened. He knew damn well what he was doing. She is ur sister, she has no excuse. He knows she is ur sister, he has no excuse. I would kick his ass to the curb and put her on ignore. I would also tell her an eye for an eye! Didn’t know and alcohol are a lame ass excuse. They both showed their true colors to you. Total disrespect
If he’s been around for 5 years, he should know who is who. Drunk is not an excuse
I mean, he MAY have been too drunk to not realize it wasn’t you, but would your sister not recognize that he was him??
You guys didn’t just start dating . He and she both knew what the hell was going on. Wow just messed up.
Thats every guys dream right there he knew wtf he was doing
If he can’t tell the difference between you and your sister after 5 years, there’s a problem.
F him and your sister girl
Sure you can give him the benefit of the doubt. Your sister however…
Sorry but ur Boyfriend of 5 years would BE able to tell you apart!! drunk or not isn’t a excuse… I would be saying bye…
well ur sister should had told you right away if ur boyfriend try to do something to her but unfortunately sounds like they already did… they do it again obviously cause they knew ur sleeping!! Ur sister been hiding from you!!! Leave him!!
Why were they in the bathroom together? After 5 years he knew it wasn’t you.
Your sister knew who she was…
Uhmmm…but your sister definitely knew.
If he’s been with you for 5 years I’m sorry, but he knows the difference, identical or not.
I could understand him getting it wrong after some drinks if you are identical but what’s the sister’s excuse!!
Leave him, and worry about why your sister would even be in that position to be kissing your boyfriend in the first place!!
I think they’re messing around.
5 years then he should know if it’s you or not and your sister knew. If it was innocent in the living room then ok possibly an accident on his behalf but to hide in the bathroom sounds a bit shady to me
your sister new better then to kiss him, why hide in the bathroom …LOLO
They shouldnt have even been alone in a room together… So yeah id be looking at them both funny to be honest maybe its just me idk
I mean after 5 years u would think he would know the difference… regardless but at the same time I’m one for 2nd chances so honestly what ever u feel like doing girl, but definitely wouldn’t be dr u nuking with both of them anymore
Even if he didnt know your sister does. Both of them were wrong and I highly doubt that has never happened before. Take a break from both of them. What’s done in the dark always comes to the light.
If you were asleep I’m sure they were hanging out which means he knew and she probably only stopped it bc you walked in. #shady
He’s bullshitting you girl
It have to mean something even if he thought it was u atleast she knows who he was
They both knew what they were doing
Your sister kissed him back and you been with him for 5yrs and he can’t tell the difference by now
Its obvious…either she was kissing back and both r guilty or if it was just one kiss, they r not guilty.
Identical, your sister knew who she is??!!!???
Lmao your sister is a liver and so is your man……
That is your guy instinct telling you they are messing around
She’d never be around him alone again and he’d be in a probationary period for a year. One tiny slip up and he’d be gone.
So, my sister and I look SO much alike. Body figure and all. I was sicker than a dog one day sleeping on the couch and my boyfriend came in and walked over to my sister who was doing the dishes, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. It was such an honest mistake and he couldn’t stop apologizing! I never did get mad. We all just laughed it off and still talk about it to this day.
If he was drunk I could understand if you guys are identical. But I’ve been trashed before and still known it was someone else’s boyfriend lol. I think both are to blame of course but this would be the rare time I blame the girl over the guy
I’m convinced the sister was pretending to be you
Needhi Gregorio Reyes it’s ok to laugh at this cuz I’m a twin:grimacing:
Your sister knew she wasn’t you.
Drop it. Who is his girlfriend now?
Idk i went to school with acouple of set of twins and after awhile I could tell em apart. They had 2 whole different personalities and how they carried themselves
Trust your instincts!
Your sister knew n if you hadn’t walked in I bet she wouldn’t have pushed him away. Might both be guilty. Intoxication or not I’d be a loon right now trying to see signs from both of them if they have feelings for one another. Not saying that that’s right thing just saying.
Good thing you woke up when you did, I’m sure any longer and they probably would have been doing more than kissing…
He may have been drunk and confused but she knew what she was doing.
He really could’ve thought it was u tho if she’s your identical twin but your sister knew tho is the thing.
Your sister knew…she’s shady af
He may have mistaken the 2 of you but no way she was mistaken she knew what she was doing
I would tell him to go kick rocks
One- why were they in the bathroom together with the door closed?
Two- you guys have been together for 5 years… he doesn’t know the difference by now?
3- YOU WERE SLEEPING! there is no way of him not knowing that wasn’t you the whole time you were sleeping.
4- seems like it may have been a drunken decision on both parts and got caught.
5- extremely disrespectful on both of their parts and I wouldn’t trust either of them.
6- don’t be naive. You’re gut instincts are already telling you the truth.
7- not knowing the truth is going to eat at you if you stay and things will never be the same.
Get rid
ask yourself why she pushed him as you walked in.
Your sister knew and only pushed him away when you walked in…
I get if he’s drunk and yall were wearing very similar clothes but your trash sister KNOWS she ain’t you and that ain’t her man.
My kids have lots of twin in my ex’s family at least 10 sets (he wasn’t a twin) but I could always tell who was who and 2 of my best friends growing up are twins and I was the only one at school who could tell them apart in school including our teachers. You bf might of been mistaken due to being drunk but your sister knew better. If you said she pushed him off maybe she did just keep a close eye on them
I’d believe him over her in this situation because he very well might have thought it was you…BUT HER ASS KNEW SHE WASN’T YOU so either way, your sister either wants him or would have slept with him had you not walked in. Hell to the NOOOOO!!!
Dang your own twin sister…that’s crazy
I’ve known identical twins, I could always tell them apart.
So I’m pretty sure that if I was romantically involved, I’d tell them apart.
Did your sister think she was kissing his twin?!
What a great excuse being your twin… but no, they are full of it!
Don’t ignore the signs
He can tell you two apart, he’s a liar. She’s shady af too for doing that to her sister. Run while you can
Being together for 5 yrs , c’mon he knew and her twin knew
I’d go have a private conversation with my sister. And see if she comes clean. If not I may get her drunk. Maybe she will spill the truth then??
You’ve been together for 5 years? Dump him. He knew exactly what he was doing. Being drunk is no excuse.
He would be my past!!!
They both knew exactly wtf they was doing. Shamefull .
Yeah …no …don’t believe that shit
I have an identical twin sister and when I was in my 20s my sister and I looked pretty much exactly the same as far as weight and everything. I was standing in the kitchen cutting up something on a cutting board on the counter her boyfriend came up behind me and said hey Shelly which was my sister‘s nickname and he grabbed me on the butt. I turned around and I was like what are you doing and he was beet red and apologize profusely he honestly thought it was my sister. Of course my sister was in another room and he had just come home so he didn’t know and she came out and I told her what happened and we both just laughed it off and it never happened again and it truly was an accident. In this case I don’t know if it was an accident. Seems to me she only pushed him away when you came in. If you’ve been with him for five years Shirley has been around your family and her when he has had a few drinks and He can recognize the differences. This is a tough one I don’t think I could trust them because it’s just sounds a little bit too fishy
Did he not know you were sleeping? Seems suspect to me.
Girl, my husband is an identical twin. If you been with him for 5 years, he knows the difference between you guys. I could tell the difference between him and his brother almost immediately. My sister in law Alyssa Pate is with his twin brother and I’m sure she knew the difference especially after 5 years.
Its ur sister’s fault, he was drunk and she’s your identical twin plus wearing same clothes, not his bad … she’s guilty
Yeah your sister was in on it. Fuck both of them honestly
He might have been drunk and thought it was you (giving him the benefit of the doubt) BUT wtf was her excuse!
This reminds me of the 2 for 1 menu at burger King
I can’t believe you’re going to defend them both I mean I hate to be the bearer of bad news but both of them knew what was going on and you caught them and if you hadn’t caught them it would have been a full-on cheat complete with sex and everything both of them knew what they were doing there is no way they didn’t know and being drunk is no excuse I know you don’t want to believe the truth because the LIE is easier but the truth is they both hurt you and are now lying to about it
Sounds to me that it’s just a very convenient excuse that y’all are twins…
Run and run fast…
That’s horrible… drop them both blood is not always thicker than water… your sister sounds shady