I Walked In On My Twin Sister Kissing My Boyfriend: Advice?


“I caught my boyfriend of 5 years kissing my twin sister when we were all drinking and hanging out. I was asleep, got up, and went to go to the bathroom, and I walked in on them kissing…she pushed him away when I walked into the room, but I am not sure if it was because I walked in or if it’s because he kissed her and she was appalled because that is my boyfriend. He told me he really thought it was me and he was sorry, but I do not know If I believe him or not. They both are saying it meant nothing, and it was an accident on his part. My sister and I are identical, and we were wearing similar clothes, but I don’t know…I have never felt they did something behind my back or anything, but I still feel weirded out by it. I cannot help but feel awkward around them now.”

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“The sister wasn’t confused. She could have turned her head… she could have moved away she could have stopped it but she allowed it. You should be worried.”

“I’m a twin. This would never happen by accident. Even if HE was confused, SHE wasn’t. Shame on them both.”

“I mean, he MAY have been too drunk to not realize it wasn’t you, but would your sister not recognize that he was him??”

“He may have been confused but I would be concerned about the sister. He could have drunkenly thought she was you. But she has known since birth she wasn’t you. So.”

“Well this whole situation is wrong, you’re sister is not loyal to you she knows that’s your boyfriend so she shouldn’t be alone in a room with him and if he came onto her thinking she was you she should have said I’m the sister this isn’t ok and leave the room they both cant be trusted.”

“Even if he is telling the truth, considering he had been drinking and who knows how intoxicated he was at the moment, your sister was shady to allow it to happen. Either way, it’s a problematic situation and cannot be ignored.”

“They were in the bathroom hiding from anyone seeing. He’s obviously gone in there after a little flirting for one reason. He knew who she was and she knew she shouldn’t be doing it but still did. She only pushed him away because you walked in. Any respectful sister would have pushed him out the door before he even got a chance to kiss her.”

“Your sister definitely knew she wasn’t his girlfriend and how convenient she pushed him away when you busted them. Now you’ll never be able to trust them around each other alone again. Even if you break up with him you’ll probably never be able to trust your sister alone around future boyfriends.”

“Let’s pretend he was drunk and made an honest mistake… your sister knows who she is and also who your boyfriend is. There’s no excuse for your sister to have allowed him to get close enough to kiss her. Also sounds like she was kissing back when you walked it. So shady.”

“Nope. Both lying to you. Your Sister definitely knew that was your boyfriend and your boyfriend just happened to walk up and kiss her without speaking to her as you walked in? No. He knew it wasn’t you and I am pretty sure they were talking before the kiss.”

“Whether it was a genuine mistake on his part or not (hard to believe it would be after 5 years) - she knew she wasn’t you and knows better.”

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