I want another child but don't know due to my toddler being so needy: Thoughts?

I had my second child when my eldest was 6 and I wouldn’t change a thing. He has been the biggest helper to me from the beginning and just the most amazing big bro. I cant imagine having two in diapers at the same time :grimacing:. My daughter is about to turn two and is very much a mommy’s girl too. We did the co-sleeping up untill two months ago with her. It wasn’t so much waiting till she was ready, but I was, so momma you will know when the time feels right to you. I personally thought it was going to be impossible, but I started off slow by just sleeping next her crib on the floor for a few weeks. Then once she seemed to catch on I would put her to bed while I sat next to her ( no eye contact ) usually pretend im sleeping and every few days I move myself farther away from the bed. I am to the point now that I sit by the bedroom door till she is sleep and sneak out. She honestly has transitioned great, but I am taking it terribly slow. My daughter also wakes up at 1-2am and then again at 4am every night and I have no clue why. It’s exhausting, but I do feel that now shes in her bed I get more me time at night and all an all feel more rested. Hope this info helps.

I’m sorry, but you did this to yourself. Your torturing yourself. You will learn from your mistakes hopefully if you decide to have a 2nd baby. My first baby was kind of like that because I permitted it. The 2nd baby was always self sufficient because I did not do the same mistake twice.

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My daughter is clingy as all get out. She’s 2.5, as well. However, we’re expecting our second child and she knows about the baby. She talks to baby and kisses baby. I’m a little anxious to see how life pans out with two but I’m excited bc I know eventually they’ll be the best of friends.

If you want one have one…there is no perfect time. Another child will be another member of the crazy lovely life you have. And kids are small for just a short time. When thier teenagers ignoring you or giving a sly glance…you will cherish those cuddle years!


If you’re having this much trouble with your toddler, you need to wait to have another. If you decide to. And don’t try to have another unless you’re 100% sure you want another. Because if you try now, you’ll be exhausted and frustrated.

Age differences in siblings isn’t that big of a factor. It’s really based on how you teach them to have a relationship with their sibling(s).

My first born was pretty calm and quiet. We thought by the time he was 2 that another one would be perfect. Well, let me tell you :joy::rofl: my youngest is now one and they fight NON STOP. It feels like I have 2 preteen boys constantly going at it. Life is 20x harder -for me- with two. It’s good if you want them close in age but I would wait until they’re about 4 or 5 or in full days of school :joy: to try for the second. Truuuuust me.

Also, breastfeed as much and for however long you want.

YOU caused his problem Need to break him of your bad habits before you have another and before he grows up

If you don’t want another baby yet, don’t have one. If you and your baby aren’t ready don’t do it. You will know when you’re ready. My son is already 3 and we are ready but that’s our decision. Don’t let anyone else tell you when you should be ready. By the sounds of it maybe you will just have the one and that’s so fine.

This sounds dreadful :exploding_head: :flushed:

If you don’t want to change anything, nothing will change. I can’t answer to your dilemma because I did these things differently. Only thing I can say is you may be holding your child back from “growing up” but not judging your decisions. Let hubby be more involved, and leave the house right away so you don’t know how it went! Good luck and peace to you.

Sounds like your two-year-old runs your life. Time to take your life back

Lets start by saying No one is the perfect parent but Please DO NOT have any more kids until you can help the one you already have. You clearly do not know how to be a parent and set boundaries to help your child be independent. My 2 little ones follow me constantly up my ass but they also love their father and brother and feel safe with them and do not cry when I leave but both my 1 1/2 and almost 3 year olds give me huggies amd kisses and say bye bye while waving goodbye. They play on their own while we are busy sometimes as well. They both have their own beds in their own room (when infants their beds were in our room)and a routine to follow and give no fits about it. All my children have been potty trained completely by 2nd birthday. Should definitely not be breastfed still. Babies are breastfed not big kids. Should be drinking from a regular cup. So many issues I think you and now, undoubtedly, if you can’t see the error in your ways and change it then your son will need some professional help too just to function on his own. For your childs health and wellbeing I pray you open up your eyes and get real help not Facebook bullshit advice.

My kids are 4 years apart. It was important for me to have one in diapers at a time. By the time 2 comes, your oldest should be getting ready for school. If he’s that attached, you need to encourage one on one time where he’s JUST with dad and times he’s JUST with you. You need a break!

I have 2 boys. They are 22 months apart. I never wanted children but I did the best I could as a mostly single parent. My boys do not fight and never gave me a difficult time. I parented how they needed to be parented. If you want another child then have another. The trick is make it a normal event for your first child. 9 months of preparation for the role he will play will make it easier. My oldest protected and loved his brother, shared well and put him first. Be the example of love and kindness and your first child will do the same. They are best friends at 30 and 28 now. Married to great women and turns out great parents…better than I was.

Idk about having a 2and child, but you need to stop catering to this one. I did with my youngest. Tried making up for her father not wanting her, and when hormones hit, it bit me in the ass. Hard. Good luuck