I want marriage and my boyfriend doesn't

Bring him to the pastor. Or…wait two more years and sue him for palimony.


Don’t pull God into it now you have kids and live with each other. Don’t pressure him with that excuse🤦


Honestly if you keep pushing, you may eventually push him away. I would drop it. Marriage is a piece of paper and an expensive dress you wear one time. Love is something you don’t stumble across often these days. I wouldn’t ruin what you have.

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You have to be married 10 Years if you get a divorce but if you are marred and they die you can get it but nothing if you are not married

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Besides the love, compromise and faith marriage involves, there are legal rights that marriage provides,so it’s also taking care of one another, in case (god forbids) that something happens to one of you all your years of work (in and out of home) all the time and effort it took could be worthless. I’m not sure what’s like in your place but in the country i live, just loving each other grants you nothing, and taking care of you is taking care of your children too, so they don’t have to worry either or go through a rough time.


Tell him some Random wants to marry you ,…based on ur values and children you have …give him the opportunity and then walk if he dosent get it…


No More Kids. Marriage is no guarantee you will be together. It would be nice
Get a skill for yourself, an a Insurance Policy for sho, on him.


Have you tried really talking to him and trying to find out what his hesitation is? Sounds like you all have a pretty solid relationship overall so I would try to find a way to bring it up, not argue about it but dial down why he feels the way he does. To be clear I am with you and understand where you are coming from on adding to the family while unwed. I think this has the capability to be discussed and worked out just may need to be a little creative in the way that happens. Wish you and your family the best!!

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I want to apologize for the individuals that are ridiculing your faith. Lord knows if you were a follower of any other beliefs you wouldn’t get the same kick back.


If he doesn’t want to get married maybe don’t push him. Maybe there’s other reasons for him not wanting to get married. Probably, if he is the primary breadwinner, it will put a struggle in your finances,or, something else like a parents divorce. Before God, try to understand why he doesn’t want to get married. Maybe you can reach an agreement.

We’ll be together 24 years this year, married for 13 years. For us, it was money. We had 2 girls when we got married, have 3 now. 21, next one will be 19 in a month & youngest will be 12 in a few months. If you guys love each other, marriage is just a piece of paper & his last name

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You should have thought about values before you had kids and cohabited. If you don’t want more kids, it’s understandable but imposing marriage on him nay. I suggest you find yourself a job and be independent. Nothing is cast in stone .


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Marriage obviously isn’t important to him and you were probably aware of that.
My daughter also doesn’t want to get married and she has walked away from several relationships once they started talking marriage and family.
You should let it go and be content with the knowledge that he’s your SO and father of your children.

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Compromise: you don’t push him about marriage; he doesn’t push you about more kids. Too bad you got yourself into this situation. You’re trying to discuss issues with him that should have been discussed before you got intimate with him (not just sex).

In Washington after 7 years cohabitating I think it’s a legal marriage?

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If you been praying maybe it has been answered and you don’t want to have that answer ,


You can’t force him to marry you.

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I am curious, do you want the lovely dress and party or the piece of paper? That piece of paper means Nada, nothing. That piece of paper will not bind you together. I am not sure where you live but here in NZ if you live together for 2 years you are considered de-facto in which all rights are the same if you have that piece of paper. 6 mths if you have a baby together. Are you wondering how you financially will cope if you split? If you want the dress, party do so.

So yall dont agree on children or marriage…that is a problem…sounds like yall aren’t that “good” together then…

There weren’t even rings or God when man roamed the planet a wanderer.

If y’all not married and something happens to either one of y’all u or him can’t say nothing about what can or can’t be done in an emergency it will b left up to the next closest kin.


You can propose to him?

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Why buy a cow ,when you get the milk for free ?


I find it hard to believe that a “christian” man would do this to the woman he supposedly loves!!
Talk to your Pastor and get Godly Wisdom


Have you thought of popping the question on him? Break tradition :wink: he might be flattered and decide he’d like to get married??? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Have you prayed and asked God to show you why he “is a afraid to commit??”
Perhaps he has had a bad marriage modeled before him growing up?
Or is it financial?

Whatever the reason it seems that “fear of committing” may be a root problem?!?


Don’t f-up a good thing. Seems like you currently have a good thing


I’d get a paying job and start saving up. There are people who object to having the state involved in marriage, but that doesn’t sound like the issue here.

The better time to push was before you had kids with him. Now you’re left wondering about his commitment.

I strongly recommend couples counseling.


A bit too late…but people are allowed to want different things at different times so maybe he will change his feelings towards marriage later on. Until then keep your fingers crossed and prepare for the worst.

Children are a way bigger commitment than marriage. Did he agree to the children? If so he’s committed! Some people just don’t want to get married. I never wanted to marry but I did have a child with my partner of 27 years.


Where was your Christianity and desire to honor God the entire 5 years you’ve been a fornicator :joy:
You want marriage to be important to him too but maybe he wants it to not be important to you
Are you willing to change your outlook to his?

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Well you gave him everything he wants…you live together have had children with him…So…?

Id say just get the legal stuf sorted and you both covered in the eyes of the law …nothing is done until the paperwork is done if he walks away what havve u got ur the house wife

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Why did you have babies out of wedlock if marriage is what you desire

I would make it clear that you are not having anymore kids if y’all aren’t married. And then make sure you take your birth control lol. And pray about it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I know a couple that was together for like 20 or 30 some years and never got married. but personally if marriage is that big to you then you should have waited for marriage before having children if marriage is what you desire

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It appears you have put the cart ahead a mule and there is no turning it around. You can’t force him to marry you and a serious Christian would not be living with a man out of wedlock. You need to decide what you REALLY want.


Living together and having kids is pretty much the married life already. Some people don’t believe in marriage. The committment is already there…so why do u need a piece of paper to validate it?

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if marriage hasn’t happened by now, it’s not going to. Move on, honey.


I would ask him to make a list of the pros and cons of marriage as told from his point of view, and then address those one by one. You might wish to make a list as well and trade for discussion. He needs to see your points made and the reasons for them, without it becoming a heated argument or a discussion that shuts him down. If he is unwilling to even discuss where you two agree or disagree, then you might want to consider moving out and finding a more suitable partner who has no objection to marriage. It is possible he has a vague notion that marriage leads to divorce, but living together doesn’t (a fallacy), or it is possible that it is his independence he feels is threatened, or also possible that he does not want to be bound in any financial way. A list will help you narrow down his objections and then you can made a rational decision for you and your children’s future. Good luck.

Go on that ultimatum show :rofl: Just kidding good luck

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I’m sorry but I am a firm believer in being with a person who wants what you want out of life, ie…marriage, kids…etc if those things don’t align then you need to not be together because one of y’all will grow to resent the other. If marriage is important to you and he is completely against it you need to break up and find someone who wants marriage like you do. Good luck!

You say your a christian. What does the Bible say about your current situation. That’s all I’m going to say on the situation

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That talk should of been spoken about fully before you committed and had children period . I have been with someone twenty years and that piece of paper is not what made us happy . Having a good relationship and a good life is what mattered . Should of not moved forward all these years before moving in and having children . Your deal breaker should of been BEFORE . No legal paper will ever promise you forever as we all know .

You have already had children out of wedlock so why does it really matter now? Why force him to do something he doesn’t wanna do? Obviously he’s happy the way things are and you can still grow old together without marriage…

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If you want to honor God you’ll stop living together. And you’ll give him an ultimatum. This is why you don’t play wife with a man who won’t put a ring on your finger.

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Ask your pastor to speak with him

Leave his dam ass! Men who don’t want to marry you never will fulfill your dreams. Your missing out on being married to someone who cares about you having their social security benefits as you age together in retirement. After this leech consumes your youth, straps you with enough kids no man will ever want you and he’ll leave you high and dry for a fresh young thing. Get out now! While you have a chance.

I think if one feels that strongly about getting married, an ultimatum may be in order. The children’s best interest should also be acknowledged

Together 12 years 2 kids. I told him well I feel left out, I want to have the same last name as my kids and him.
I had always brought up marriage In past, we both wanted to get married by a certain age but we ended up having kids first. I stopped pushing it.
We got engaged this year.

Have a commitment ceremony, if he can’t give you that then dump him! He owes you that much!!! 5 years is enough time spent, he’s just comfortable with the way things are & with not being married it gives him the opportunity to just walk away from the family life you BOTH have built together & if he can’t honor you & respect that… Fucking dump his ass!