I want to get back with my oldest fathers son: Thoughts?

If anyone knows hurt, it’s your son in foster care. Is that where the one on the way is headed too? Put the humans you create first before the humans you sleep with.


Umm really! is this a real thing. 1 girl worry about your babys and caring for them2 why did y’all break up ? 3 obviously the reason was another chick umm hell no he definitely burnt his bridge and you should value yourself more. I think you should invest in counseling and work on being the best version of you for you and your babys. Sounds like one hell of a hot mess.

You should seek out counselling. You have a child in foster care, another child on the way…

Someone at some point deemed that neither you or your child father were suitable parents.

Stop dating. Get help. Use this time during pregnancy to get your shit together and come up with a plan to become a suitable parent.

How bout you focus on the son in foster care instead of seeking a benefactor.


Why? I dont get it. When are people gonna start putting their kids first? Wanna get with your first baby daddy but neither one of you even have custody of the kid and your pregnant again by somebody else who isn’t around. :woman_facepalming: step number one, get your priorities straight.


…and…the cycle continues.


So… how exactly did the first kid end up in foster care? Were you an unfit parent? Was his dad an unfit parent? Why haven’t you got him back? Have you ever tried? Why did you and your ex break up every time? Without this info, I can’t really give you an honest answer. I feel like IF your oldest is in foster care because of anything that you or the ex did, this baby will likely be ripped from your arms also. If you’ve never tried to get your oldest back, that definitely makes you a bad person. Stop worrying about relationships with ANYONE who isn’t someone you birthed! Work on you! Do better for yourself and you will be better for your kids. I saw someone said that since the child had already been in the system long enough to call his foster parents mom and dad, you should leave him there… If you want to be a decent mom, completely ignore that advice. Start working now to better your life and FIGHT LIKE HELL to get your oldest back! Find a man who loves you and your children in the purest form of the word. If you can’t, screw men🤷🏼‍♀️ NOTHING and NO ONE is more important than your children.


My ol man says, Take it to, “JERRY SPRINGER”

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Only way things could work out is if you both get on the same page. Think about why y’all broke up, and try to work through it now or have an agreement about how to handle the situation.

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Ahhhhhh the good ole I need dick before taking care of my kids. Classic methamphetamine story of 2 star crossed lovers who forgot they had a kid they couldn’t raise. But hey let’s have another and give it a go , why not.


You need to get right yourself for that baby and not worry about getting with anyone put your child first , then get your other child back before worrying about some guy that may or may not stay

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Maybe less worry about men and more worrying for ur kids!!! SMFH


Girl you need to get your priorities straight and quickly this post is stressful 🤦 Honestly you have no buisness having babies with a child in foster care selfish much? why don’t you be a mom and take care of the baby you brought into the world already before getting pregnant again with this one most likely ending the same way please do yourself a favor and for your children and get fixed that’s pretty sad your thinking more about dick and a meal ticket than your own children like i said get your priorities straight your children come first before your own needs period


Why are you more worried about this man than the fact that your kid is in foster care? Step up and be your kids mother and stop worrying about dick. You shouldn’t have lost your kid in the first place.


I was waiting to see if you would mention trying to get your son back…PRIORITIES.

Your kids come before anything.


Worry about yourself and becoming stable for your son to get out of Forster car then worry about a relationship with him. Once u guys are good parents then ur relationship will change

“We have been talking for a few weeks”.
Focus on your child and forget about the drama of a man for now. Why go backwards??? You ended the relationship for a reason…


Instead of worrying about dick you need to take care of your kids. Get your oldest son back and focus on this new baby you are about to bring into the world :woman_facepalming:t3:


I feel dumber for reading this. :expressionless:

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Why step into the same stuff again…be single

This cannot be real. Someone placed a bet on the total comments they’d receive.

Get your fucking priorities straight and shut your legs!

The child has obviously been with this foster family for a while if he calls them mom and dad

Stop having kids!!!