I wish you were close to me…I’d help…I’ve been there!
There’s a bunch of at home jobs you can do paparazzi, lularoe, Mary kay
Maybe a work from home job is the way to go on this one.
Why isn’t your husband capable of managing his own diabetes? And he surely can manage the kids while you were to work when he is off?
Erm…posted as Mum & talking about her children & husband but last line saying ‘my wife’ something DEF off here
Maybe wait till the kids are older an can get a handle on managing their own meds, meals etc. As for hubby just pack up a emergency care package for him. My hubby was a diabetic. We always had a backup cooler with what was needed. Good luck mama.
Maybe try a at home business thet you make your own hours and are able to leave when need be to take care of your husband and children. Maybe make some homemade crafts that you can sell.
A lot of places like Scentsy and tastefully simple have a $20 join in July Meredith Gurney Page can help you out with both!
I have type 2 Diabetes. You can found a job working from home.
Check out this website and follow her group on Facebook.
Lots of work from home jobs.
I currently work from home and starting two new at home jobs in August.
Never be ashes to do stuff for your yourself but I understand with u wanting to take care of the kids is the diabetes so bad that they have to be watches around the clock or what I’d notat be u can get a job you can so from home
Have u thought about maybe making shirts, cups, decals, keychains. Like a little online shop maybe.
Not sure what you husband does for a living, but sounds like you may have 4 kids instead of 3…
How do you have a husband and a wife? What is she doing in all this? Or was that a typo? Why are you doing like everything? Your husband has diabetes, that in no way absolves him from his half of the responsibilities. He can work, he can help you figure this out. If there is a 3rd partner they definitely should be helping, as that’s the point of a large family like that is one fills in where another can’t. You need to do what makes you happy, and you need equal partnership.
Stop thinking you’re a horrible mother - you’re not . You are not just a mother , you are a person and there’s nothing wrong with wanting more from your life . Your husband is an adult and needs to act more like one and step up regards his diabetes . Next time don’t run to him , ask him what he needs and see if it’s something he can resolve himself . Maybe working from home might be your only solution until your kids are a bit older . If you do that , establish a routine quickly so you can get the work done . Stop feeling guilty and look at your possibilities .
Have you thought about doing in home child care? You could offer affordable prices
Reach out to other toddler moms with children with diabetes who need a sitter 2-4 days a week… you’re already a pro at it… you could help someone else out and make a little money and you already understand they can’t afford 150$/day… so if you took on 2 kids at 40$/day 3x a week that’s 240$/week paycheck for you and you don’t have to leave home…
Horrible Mom and wife?
do a work from home job
Are your children’s needs bigger than your wants? If so you need to home with them. Maby selling items like handmade goods or do a job where you can be home. I’m sorry, its hard to have to put everyone else above you. But your kids obviously need you until this is more manageable.
Husband /wife are used strangely here…wtf?
Do uber eats. You can take the kiddos with you
My child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of three. When he started school i went back to work. I had to keep my phone on me at all times bc the nurse would call. She was great with him.
If you want to go back to work sounds like you are going to have to suck it up and pay the amount most sitters and daycares charge now days. As far as your husband he should be able to handle his by now and if he is struggling make an appointment with a diabetic health nutrition specialist. Your kids will also benefit from that experience.
Sounds like it’s better for your family that you stay home right now. Every season has a time.
At this time in your life, you are needed at home… Whatever you do, do not get sucked into an MLM: Scentsy, Herbalife, Mary Kay, Usbornne, Color Street, etc. There are legitimate jobs that you can do from home. Even more so than pre covid. Make a budget, go thru your bills and see where you can make cuts. Lower your cable bill and phone bill by calling and seeing if there’s better deals right now.
What about a part time job that you work on your husbands days off? Or look into working at a daycare where you can enroll your kids and be there when they need you. Also why would your husband need you to drop everything to go help him? Does he not know how to manage his diabetes yet?
In home child care?? You have to be there anyways, might as well make some money,
I dont think you’re going to be able to work, basically you’ve got enough to do, why dont you try and do some further education at home, so that when the kids are a bit older and can manage their own diabetes you can get a better job one that takes into account you have children and may from time to time be needed at home. Good luck Sweetie, I know it’s hard.
Do you have a husband and wife or one or the other?
Start your own business at home you can don on your own time.
My kids and husband keep me running with school, sports and road needs (hubby is a trucker) Being a SAHM mom is a JOB, especially if you’re ripping and running for the husband too. If the issue is bringing in income, try finding something you can do from home or at night when they sleep.
Why don’t u send the kids already with their snacks and lunch for their diabetes and just a schedule with the times they have to eat ? How old are they? And why does your husband need u ? He can’t eat right pr inject himself ? It sounds like u and your family need a healthier lifestyle …
Have you looked into respite care? I’m not sure what your insurance allows but Medicaid allows some for children with significant health conditions.
Let your husband deal with his own diabetes I’ve had it for 50 years and I take care of myself. I would look for at home work so you can be there for your kids with diabetes cause they need help
Maybe try to find a work from home, maybe assembling parts or something part time
Try working from home
If you were in Alabama , I’d be happy to help ! I’m type one diabetic also !! And have two kids myself , who don’t have it as far as we know (they are 2 and almost 1) . Honestly , I’d start working the days the husband is off . That way your bringing income , but not stepping away from the family , since dad can handle the type one situation when he’s home (plus they will have access to everything they need to correct their sugars) . You could also start babysitting kids who have diabetes for other parents ! It’ll help others so much , plus you wouldn’t have to leave the home
Simple: work at home, many companies are hiring
Do they go to school? I work as a cafeteria lady so I can get the days they are outta school and don’t have to worry about finding a babysitter. I get the summer off too! I get paid monthly and it’s only $1000+ but my husband works too so this helps us both ways.
You can maybe try to find couple of other kids to babysit. That way your home for your kids & making money watching other kids.
I suggest working from home. Covers both your needs and saves you the headache of worrying about your children’s diabetes while under another’s care. Allstate is hiring work from home customer service agents.
There’s a lot of jobs out there now that went home based since covid, and plan to keep it that way so you might have luck with that, or maybe something part time a couple of days a week if you can swing the cost of daycare for those couple of days
How did your husband handle his diabetes before meeting you? Cause that shouldn’t had changed at all. And for the kids I don’t understand why diabetes is causing sitter to charge you more or whatever the case is because it’s in your home and they should have all the proper care products and food right there in front of them. Seems like you’re just making excuses to not go back and saying everyone needs this and that.
Sounds like you have a full time job already. But if it’s what you want you will find a way. I had to leave my children for work and my thought was, “I’m going to teach my daughters you can have a family and work. You can have it all.”
My daughter was diagnosed with type one the day she had a major corrective surgery for a leg deformity she was born with. Not only are we dealing with the healing of surgery but her new diabetes as well. It’s super tough. My husband and I both work full time on day shift. We pay a pretty penny for daycare for our two kids. If I were you, maybe try to find something outside of his work schedule so you don’t need daycare. Even part time. I understand the need to get out of the house and also earn money to help support the household. But that would be my only guess. Feel free to reach out to me if you need someone to talk to. I know how difficult it is mama but hang in there.
You might have to wait until the kids are older. Maybe you can find something you can do from home for now to help financially? I’m in the same boat. I have 3 children, 1 is special needs, 1 has a lot of food allergies. If I took a job it wouldn’t even pay for their childcare, so it just makes more sense to stay at home with them for now.
Depending on the ages of your children your need is to be there for them until the are old enough to be able to monitor their blood sugar or the school can provide resources for them. Your husband is an adult and should learn to monitor his need for insulin. Perhaps one of the newer automatic ones. Good luck!
You can apply for a care provider threw your insurance to help with the kids this would give you a little more time to maybe do a part time job or you could become a realtor which is a very flexible way of employment for hours ect
I’m sorry you’re going through this. But your husband needs to man up! I got health issues too but I don’t force the other parent to pick up the slack unless truly needed.
First Of All I’d Like To Say You Are A Great Wife & Mother! There’s Nothing Wrong With Wanting To Work & Help Provide For Your Family…
I Feel This On So Many Levels…I’ve Got An 18yr Old That Was Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes @ 8yrs Old,A 16yr Old That Was Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes @ 14yrs Old & My Husband Recently Diagnosed As A Type 2 Diabetic That Has Many Other Health Issues…I Worked 2 Jobs For 3yrs Until I Just Recently Quit My Public Job & Now I’m Just Dispatching From Home 7 Days A Week…It’s Rough Being The One Holding Your Family Together While At The Same Time Feel Like Your Loosing Your Sanity…Find Someone You Can Trust & Talk To Whenever You Need Someone…Try Not To Stress & Take It Day By Day…Your Only One Person…If You Don’t Take Care Of Yourself & Make Time For You,You Won’t Be Able To Take Care Of Your Family…
Your husband needs to grow up. Try finding a job for when your husband doesn’t work so you don’t have to worry about daycare or babysitters
Drive for uber nights and weekends when you’re husband is home.
Do day care for like 1-2 kids a week?
Maybe you would qualify to get paid to care for them.
Can you work third shift?
“I’m there for my husband”
“leaving them and my wife”
Stay home take care of your babies. Your husband has to man up… Idk if you are able to get any type of disability compensation for your children but try. Your husband is out of this equation… he needs to be more sensitive or he stay home while you work
Sure he would change if you suggested it
sounds to me u cant handle staying home with your kids anymore so why dont you just find a job an take over the bills an tell your husband to stay home an care for the kids. when u have children with type 1 it is going to be hard for 2 parents to work im in the same boat as you i stay home while my husband works with 3 kids an 1 type 1. an yes your his wife whos stays at home to care for the kids an when he needs you at work he isnt just bothering you for no reason so dont act like its a problem your right there when your husband needs you. ( you decided to have kids put them first especially they have health issues) ( i am a die heart worker but i sacrifice that to provide the best care possible for my kid with type 1 and kids)
If your legally single you could apply for Medicaid food stamps and child care expenses may be provided or helped paid for by the state.
Sounds like you already have a full time job
apply for a sliding scale thing at a government funded one?
for everyone telling her man to grow up why dont yall tell her to grow up an care for her kids like a mother is supposed to do in these situations no need to nag at the dad whose has health issues an hes the one worker an she not working for the family. being a stay at home mom is a full time job! people really have life with children so confused with being selfish for their own benefit an happiness. if your family needs the money to work sit down with your husband an figure out what schedule or type of job will work for the both of you. but if your family dont need the extra money an you just want to work so you can get out the house that when you seriously have an issue.
You may qualify for respite care through family services. There would be no cost to you
Call dshs and see if they have services to help
Work part time nights or weekends and have your husband man up and take over for that time at home.
Sometimes, as adults we don’t always get to do what we want. Espresso as mothers, we have to put our wants 2nd to our kids and family’s needs. It sounds like right now it will be very difficult for you to go back to work. You’ve said yourself you can’t afford a sitter. For right now you need to focus on getting your husband #1, and kids to be more independence for their sugar and insulin monitoring. Don’t feel bad that you want to work but also realize that now may not be the time. Put it to the side for a bit and get your husband on board with taking care of himself and then teach the kids all they should know. Make healthy food choices to reduce insulin dependence and make it easier for a sitter in the future.
Stay home until the kids can go to school…it’ll be hard but then they’ll be a little older and might be able to handle themselves a little better… and they’ll have other responsible adults around them as well.
Something work from home.
If you are not struggling financially I think it’s best for you to stay at home with your kids, I was a stay home mom and I loved every moment of it … your kids will grow up in a blink of an eye be there for them specially if they have medical needs … that’s just my humble opinion
Is working from home an option? There is a website called Rat Race Rebellion that posts legit work from home jobs daily
150 bux a day!! That’s daylight robbery for simply keeping a track on blood sugar levels…
As a type 1 diabetic for 26 years, diagnosed at 4 and both of my parents worked. It was very hard for me. Most people are VERY uneducated about the disease. I’m not sure how old your kids are, but if they’re young, you don’t want to put that responsibility on them. If they both just got diagnosed, they 100% do not have the tools and abilities to do it themselves. They, and you, need much more education about it. Just my opinion.
Find a work at home job
I know it’s not Ideal situation but can social security income for the children or posable to pay for childcare.
I was a nanny for a little boy who had type 1 and it wasn’t a big deal. His mom taught me how to check his sugar, how to adjust it etc. We’ve never had any issues.
Do you just need to get out of your house a few hours a day? Talk to your Dr about possible care for your medical needs children for a few hours a couple days a week.
I’m a type 1 diabetic my parents pulled me out of school was a bad choice should of stayed in school I wish I stayed at school.
Sorry going off topic… but I noticed you wrote your husband then at the end you put your wife? I’m confused
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I want to go back to work but feel like a horrible mom for leaving my children due to their health issues: Advice?
You are not horrible mom, don’t worry. You need to talk to your husband, clearly you need his understanding and participation in handling errands and needs for children. Just take one foot and the other, shouldn’t feel to rush and start perfectly at all once. Start with a part time job on weekends, work with your husband for time schedule.
Your husband needs to learn how to manage his diabetes. You should not be dropping everything to run to him. Your kids need to learn too. They will be much healthier and so will you.
Get a part time job, they will all survive without you, because you have been by their side to teach them how. It will all work out and most likely you will never miss a beat because that is what moms do…good luck🍀
I think more information is needed, like why do you have to run to your husband at his work? How old are your children? Are they in school? Are they fragile diabetics? Do they have a history of diabetic “episodes” that make you being “ever present” necessary? Does their doctor feel you should stay home with them? Have you discussed it with their doctor?Every adult needs some “adult time”. Even if you don’t work it is important you have some time for yourself. I TOTALLY understand HAVING to work. God bless you. You have a lot to work out.
You are already doing a full day’s work don’t feel bad as children get a bit older it may get better take care and be safex
I’m sure you are feeling overwhelmed with all of it. You’ve been dealing with their diabetes for a while now and the reality of their care has set in. People have suggested a lot of wonderful ideas. What kind of work do you do or want to do? Do you have any passions in your life that you could do from home? Sewing, baking, crafts? In my area there are craft shows in the winter and during the summer there are weekly markets happening everywhere. My township does the market once once a week. The baked goods are gone quickly. They hope to continue the market through the winter months as long as the pandemic doesnt cause them to shut down. What if you took in one child for daycare? Depending on the price in your area, that would be an additional $600-900 per month and still be able to stay home. Ask your husband for one or two nights a week so you can get out of the house.
Sometimes home is overwhelming. It is a job. But you don’t get to “clock-out” at the end of the day. Shame on anyone to tell you what it is you “need” to be doing. As moms, we have enough of that from every direction. Sometimes going to a job is a release and rewarding in a different way. It can be easier to do just one job, compared to the endless number of jobs of being MOM.
Are you horrible? No. You are human.
If you leave them alone to fend for themselves with no one to care for them and no medication - then you are horrible.
You might be enabling your husband - but that is for another time.
I wish you the best finding what works best for you and your family on the work/home life front. But you are completely entitled to have the same wants and desires as all other persons that exist on this rock we call home.
Do you need to work for the money? For your sanity? Do you do something so that you could work on an opposite shift than your husband? Maybe he can be home with them? Friends/family help out so you can work while he has them or maybe " help " wouldn’t be so costly if they were just coming in to be there in that type of situation… your need to be away might be more than actual income & that’s okay… every parent deserves a break!!
Quick Question? Why would your husband need you during his work day??
I know he did not just become a Type 1 Diabetic. He should be able to care for himself. Now you have how many kids do.you have and ages and how many are diabetics? Reason for wanting to work is? 150 a day is a stretch for anyone but given the care I get it.
Stop running to your husband. He’s a grown man. If he needs help he should go to the urgent care. What “ help” are you supposed to give?
Find work evenings and weekends so he can watch the kids and save child care expenses.
You are not a horrible mom. Type 1 is one of the most unpredictable and life altering diseases. And for it to be so close to their diagnosis, you have rights to worry, but you also have to think of yourself a bit too. You want to work and that will benefit your family, but your concerns are also valid. My brother is Type 1 and is 19, hes has it for going on 4 years. He still has episodes where he either spikes really high and insulin just wont bring him down, or he has 50 something uncovered carbs and his sugar isn’t raised to a safe level. As for the husband situation, dont let anyone tell you to just stop going to him, thats not how it works. But you could make a kit for him to keep on him with low snacks and other supplies to lower the amount of times he does need you.
There are always going to be sacrifices in a mom’s life. Ditch the guilt. If you’re just working to pay the sitter well, no point to that is there? Try and find a side gig that lets you choose your hours or work from home
Sounds like your kids and husband need you more than a job outside the home, try to stay home with your kids and find something to make money at home, no amount of money replaces MOM!!
I feel that your husband is a part of the problem. Why do you have to stress and sacrifice the children WHEN your husband calls…he has grown up with diabetes so he shouls help you with the kids…be the solution, not the problem. Maybe he purposely puts you at his beck and call…because he doesnt want you to work…even jealous of attention for the kids. He is your first problem that you have to address.
First you are not a horrible mom. You just need to take care of yourself!!! I feel you should absolutely stay home!! Your children one day will be grown and out the door!! Also they have a medical condition!! I have been a nanny worked at several day cares and currently working with pre schoolers!! Yes I live kids:heart:. However no one takes care of your child like you do regardless of their education or experience . Children need their parents, so if you can maybe cut out some time for your self ( work out reading club hospital volunteer church ) I think you will find a happy balance!! Best of luck:heart:
I am so sorry you can’t see this issue yourself. YOU ALREADY HAVE A JOB. Caring for people who have life threatening diseases is a huge job and very important . Hope that helps. You need to be available for them. Try to find times when you can care for just you.
You are already have a full time job taking care of your family. Working outside the home would not help you financially if your pay went to day care providers. You would be working for nothing. You’re not a horrible mom, you’re a very loving mom.
I sorry that this has happened to your family. Try to find work you can do at home. Start an online business so you can do both. It wont be easy but have faith that things will work out