Retired teacher here. Stay home till all your kids are in school. Then you can get a job or volunteer at their school. You could start work on a teaching credential and teach where your kids are. Good Luck.
If you return to work sounds like you will need daycare or after school care. If you can’t afford someone to care for them now you aren’t going to be able should you return to work.
You may come out better financially staying home unless your husband stay home and care for himself and the children.
Maybe your husband should stay home with the children, since he also is diabetic. You and the sister wife decide which of you will work night and the other work day shift. That way one of you are available for any issues that may arise. The husband can assist both of you with the children and chores when he is not having any issues with his diabetes. No babysitters needed, everyone has a little “me time” and every one is taken care of. Plus now there are two incomes.
You will never regret the time you spent home with your kids.You don’t need two fancy cars and all of the latest things for the kids. You will be surprised that their friends will love to come to your house because you are there and meals are on the table. Do a little research and you can do day trips to free places and still have a good time.Being a stay at home mom IS a full time job.
I worked night shifts till kids went to school, husband needs to step up
You have the most important job in the world. Your family. Please stay with them. My granddaughter went through some terrible things at school. The kids said she waa contagious. The adults were just aa bad.
Wow! I am appalled at the attack on your husband that needs help. My mother was diabetic, and just like type I, she could hit a low out of nowhere that could kill her. When her sugar was that low, she would shake, sweat and couldn’t walk. I don’t give a crap how long you have been diabetic, sometimes you need help! I can’t imagine telling my mom just call an ambulance. I was probably the only call she could make, considering she could barely talk! Unsympathetic, unempathetic bunch of jerks with these comments.
I can imagine your husband sitting at work, head back as far as it can go, eyes closed and looking half dead. Because at that point he is! And my mom was the same way. God forbid any of you need help with a condition you find difficult to handle yourself.
For the person posting: personally I would not be comfortable going back to work unless I had found someone very familiar with my kids and their schedule. If the kids are usually even keel and don’t need much extra care, then I would consider going back to work. I don’t like being dependent on anyone-this post proves why. Your husband could possibly find a couple of coworker friends that he could look to for help. At least 2 in case 1 is not available. There is a rescue pen you can get from the endocrinologist that he could leave on his desk or get extra if he goes to meetings often. He should have that and some form of non chocolate candy or regular soda (or orange juice) in a mini fridge in his office. Candy in pocket at all times. Even with these precautions, he might need help but hopefully a coworker could help. Plus they would get to him much faster. Good luck!
I’ve been type 1 diabetic for over 50 yrs Managed well but sometimes you bottom out for no reason Dexcom has been a lifesaver It alarms when you start to get low so you can start to fix it And with a smart phone you can see when he’s starting to drop Also maybe a school job when kids are in school
Keeping children in your home would allow you too be with yours and earn money. That is what I did.
If your children are school aged, perhaps working at the school would be something? Then you could be there for them if need be.
Your husband is an adult…he should manage his own health…find a job for a few hours in the evening when he can care for the children
Have a meeting with your husband and let him know how you feel about going back to work and work together to get you there these are his children also remember that
Life is as such and ur kids are home with wen at school u have Tym alone so that’s were u focus on u can have a part Tym job during those hours and still be there wen the kids get back. Trust Your self. U can do the best for the situation and still be there
This is the first time I’ve actually seen his face he should show more if it, he is Gorgeous I mean Gorgeous why you hiding your Beautiful face with all your Beautiful hair just toe it back show your FACE omg your Handsome Gorgeous all of that dont hid it…
Dude has diabetes himself and can’t take care of his own kids? Maybe you’re enabling him?
Seems to me you really need to isolate the issues. Why do you want a job? Why does your husband need you to run to him? Then move, together, on to discussing how you can make it work…as a team. You don’t need to make this work on your own …you sort issues out together. I do not believe that you dividing your time working in shifts is good for family unity.
Happy Birthday Slash thank you for the years of Only The Greatest Guitarist of All Time your Awesome to just sit back and take in
Take care of a few children in your home. Then u can stay home w your children and bring in some cash.
I wished I hadn’t had to work when I had my first born many years ago. I missed his first words and his first steps. My mother-in-law took care of him. My hubby was away at the university about 150 miles away. He came home to us on the weekends. My MIL referred me as Miss Pat to our son one time, not momma. That hurt me so bad. I must say I appreciate that she was there to take care of him, but that remark cut me deep. I had 4 more children and was able to be a stay at home mother. Enjoy your time to be with your children if you can afford it. Time flies by quickly!!!
Wow! What a huge load you are dealing with. Right at this point, I doubt you are in headspace to think. You poor thing. You need to breathe. I’m sure you are currently going through grieving for your children’s dx. That is so very normal. I have to say, there is NO NEED for you to live like this. Break this down, deal with small pieces alone. Firstly, why is your husband not managing his type 1 independently day to day? Yes, things happen, but still, why does he not fight for independent management? Is he neely dx as an adult? Is he not committed to decent day to day management? Is he in denial, eating and not managing? Is he lazy when it comes to management? If so, then he needs to own that behaviour. YOU cannot manage this condition for him. HE needs to do that ,(with help) to avoid being buried by it. It’s bloody hard, but, YOU CANNOT DO IT FOR HIM! as for your kids - give yourself time to grieve, absorb and breathe. It’s important that you teach your kids that they can grow to do anything, be anything they want in life (with a few safety exceptions), they just need to plan ahead, make good choices, be responsible etc. As teens you will not be able to manage them, they need to be taught to do life for themselves. You can’t carry everyone. You will burn out. There are MANY thousands of kids sadly, in daycare, school, sports etc. Is there a way all of your t1’s can have access to CGM’s? I have no idea of the help available to you for this through your state/health insurance etc, but please explore that. This won’t be easy, but is an opportunity to change the family paradigm for everyone. But you will need some help, do some classes, join good, positive fb groups for Mum’s of young kids with T1, cut yourself some slack. Maybe give yourself the rest of this year to get sorted, put a plan in place for next year. You will need to compromise, like maybe work a job close to school, in case of emergency etc. But it is doable, though will be a tough road for a bit. Can you get access to a T1 Diabetes Educator? Get help from you Endo/team, put your hand up. Get onto good T1 fb groups and ask all your questions. Good luck, be kind to YOU, too.
“Bad moms don’t sit around worrying about if they’re bad moms.” Is there work you can do that would allow you freedom in terms of hours and let you work from home? (Or is part of the appeal of working to “get a break” from home? Cuz that’s ok, too! You need you time. I think it’s easy for good Moms to guilt themselves into denying their own needs. But your personal needs are valid and need to be met, as well. Life can be overwhelming… whether you’re “working at home”, “staying at home”, or you “get up and do the 9 to 5” every day. If working for you is to add income, then I’d recommend looking for something that gives you freedom to be the Mom, too. You may have to think “outside the box”. If it is to meet a personal need… I don’t know how to advise you to do that in your circumstances, but maybe a pastor or a counselor might give you some ideas. If you’re part of a church, there may be someone in the church who would benefit from time with your “littles”. A pastor may be able to point you toward someone. When my son was an infant and we lived away from family, we had a former RN in our church who was on Disability. She had grandchildren but didn’t have access to them, and she really just wanted a little one to love on. So, she approached us and said, “Can I babysit your son for you while you work? I just have one rule… You can’t pay me. Because I’m on Disability and it would mess up my income.” She came pre-trained and prepared for whatever he needed. She was a God-send for us. And she said the same about us to her. When I stopped working, she used to take our toddler on dates just to spend time with him. What I do believe is that you will be a better Mom if you are building the meeting of your personal needs into your daily life and, in doing so, teaching your children to know and understand their needs and how to meet them in healthy ways. Hope that’s helpful, and hope you find the right fit for you quickly.
What about going on disability for the kids and not work so you can tend to them?
You might want to check with the state if your kids have rights to an aide due to their conditions. Which might be covered by their insurance. Just a thought.
I can’t imagine how hard it is looking after children with type 1 diabetes!! And a partner… I have type 2 and struggle to manage my own even with a good diet, I’m guessing you are in the USA so you don’t have an option to take days off work while you have bad days.
Try selling something. Scentsy/ candles or something like that. When your husband comes home from work. Lock yourself away for a few hours. It will definitely make you feel better doing something for yourself. Good luck!
Try working hours when dad is home. You need a break and a change of scenery
People work all the time with Diabetes
Sounds to me like your husband needs to take control of his health issues and u need to let him. As for the children, their health issues can also b managed. Diabetes can b controlled.
$150 for three kids is $50 per kid for what is probably 9 hours per day, or $5.50 per kid per hour, so fairly reasonable.
Since it is expensive how about a career change to home day care?
Work a part time job on a different shift than your husband.
Not a bad mom. Can you get a job working from home? You’re needed at home right now
Diabetes for goodness sake isn’t a serious problem that correct diet cannot fix. And surely you other half is old enough to manage their own intake whether highs or lows. And children what you feed is what you get. Managing their intake and making sure they maintain their intake should see them leading a healthy lifestyle. I’d suggest if the children are that bad get on a carers pension for both that should give you the extra income you require. If you are needing a break away from your husbands demands n children then when hubby gets home you go to the gym or visit a girlfriend for coffee. Tell him you need a break he has to understand but I think you may be feeling a little overwhelmed by it all n need a break how about daycare, Kindergarten for the kids. Mind they eat what you give them and Kinda food is always healthy no lollies or treats that they can’t eat.
Check with the subsidy for daycare.It should beavaiable to you.Please ignore the nasty comments.There’s always some nasty ones in every crowd! Hope all works out for you and your family.
What state are u in? If California look into IHSS services… they pay you to stay home and take care of ur kids…
Your husband should know how to handle his own Diabetes.
Can you find a side hustle that your interested in that you can do on your own time??
I am a little confused about the the last sentence in the post
Sounds as if you have to much on you already to consider outside employment.
$150 a day seems a little steep. Is that the going rate these days?
I agree with Maureen B. You don’t need the 2 SUVS, the fancy vacations, the latest & newest cell phones.
You can work at night.You have a husband and a wife?? Spill the tea.
God made us for exactly that which you are doing. No one will do that better for your family than you.
Find some kind of work from home stuff…ur.much needed at home
You may be paid to take care of them all .search a sr care provider in your area and ask
Go back to work for sanity sake you deserve a break
You do what you feel is best for your family.
Find a job that you can do on line
That way you are there for everyone still and are making some money
No guilt! You are doing the right thing!
First you say your husband… then you say your wife… So I’m confused there. 2. Working opposite shifts are what most people do that cannot afford child care. He works full time and I work on his days off. My medically complex 3 year old will be starting school full time this coming year. He has a minimum of 5 Dr appointments each month. I am looking for work while he is at school. But with those Dr appointments we are all going to have to find ways to make compromises…
Go on a carer’s pension
Put a post up on your community site for someone that has or understands it.
Stay home. Raise your babies
Find something to do at home! Dog sitting, baby sitting, cleaning house when kids are at school!
Maybe find a stay at home job…do you can have flexibility to be with kids too.
Your husband is a diabetic n rings to say he needs you n you rush to his side …how would you hold down a job if hes got you on his beck n call …sometimes you have to put your needs aside till you can cover your basis n get things sorted…
Unless you can work at home I dont think you would get far with your desire to return to work …
What about your husband stay home with the kids you go to work n he can see if he can work from home …you need to look outside of the square now to see what can work for you all …good luck
Sounds like if at all possible you need to not go back to work as youre needed at home
Sounds like your family is your priority right now
Mama . Your super woman!!!
Could you work from home maybe ?
Either wait until they are in school or get a job opposite of your husbands shift
Tell your husband to grow up and manage his own diabetes
You do work. You work to provide your children with a mother who will be there for their medical needs. That’s work and your family needs you more right now than some outside business
Can you work at night or weekends so that either your husband is home or you are with the kids?
It is all about love, not money. Enjoy your family, take care of them and reward yourself for being a wonderful mom!!!
So she has a husband and a wife?
And I’m pretty sure number one cause for diabietes is diet. She needs to put them on a strict diet plan only eating healthy. Maybe bc they are young they will have a chance to become non diabetic? I duno can you become non diabetic if you improve your health?!
Your kids medical needs may earn you some chorework benefits. People do get paid to take care of business.
Maybe find a side gig or another child to care for.
Have you thought about watching children in your home. Only watch enough to be able to fit in your car safely in case your husband needs you.
Your husband needs to grow up . Diabetes is a life change, not life ending. I know many with it including kids. The kids go to school, sports and do what all kids do. Not sure why babysitters want more, makes no sense.
Part time job. A little to get out of your world into a wider area. For yourself. You matter too. Something that gives you interaction with new people for a few hours.
He calls u from work and says I need you? Go back to work let him stay with the kids.
How old are the kids?
Might be good to start a little business from home.
Can you bake? Or do crafts? Make soaps…
People will literally buy anything.
Apply for a work from home job. I have 5 children and work from home. You also try to hire a sitter to help for a couple of hours of you feel overwhelmed.
Try to find work from home with PC
Get creative. Start your own from home business. Start a shop on Ebay.
Look for a new job that is remote only
There are options to make $ from home. Maybe one will work for you.
Try working from home if possible.
Why not work from home?
Maybe look into work from home jobs.
Can’t you collect ssdi for the kids?
$150.00 per day??? That’s ridiculous!!!
Work a computer job and stay at home
Opt for online work. It is a thought, considering the situation…
Sounds like you have enough on your plate!
You have enough jobs without getting another
Can you get something on the computer and stay home
Have you considered doing childcare at home?
School instead-upgrade your skills around their schedule
Insulin pumps for the kids?
May state assists?
Need classes for diabetes children. As they age diabetes changes things. Tell them you need all kinds medical help, diets. Dr help.
See what they can give you. Don’t take “NO” for an ans.
- Be supportive but your husband needs to manage his own diabetes like a big boy. 2. As long as its in your home, have a meal plan including snacks set up for the babysitter. Diabetes is hard but not extruciatingly so.
As a diabetic I’m curious why you have to take care of ur husband? Are ur kids old enough for school? There’s many programs in the states to help families like urs with medical help . Ur doing a great job and if u want to work do it . A happy mom makes a happy life . No way are u a bad mom for wanting to work . U can do it
You could work from home. Sometimes daycare. Gas and clothes is not worth your salary
Now if this isn’t a Sad Sack of a Story.
You had me until you drop everything and run to give hubby his daily dose of TIT. LOL
I was diagnosed with type 1 when I was 5. My dad stayed home with me til I was in middle school. He would work odd jobs but that was it, nothing full time.
Get them dexcom sensors but as far as the pump, I wouldn’t recommend cause the amount has to be put in manually.
If you can’t afford it and can prove that, get day care vouchers from your local department of job and family services.
Ur husband is a grown man. He can look after himself . And as for ur kids, try to find a flexible stay at home job so u can be there for them.
I’d look for a telecommuting position (work from home). Or if you’re crafty or something, start an etsy business or something similar? Good luck momma!