I want to switch my childs class because his teacher has yellow hair...advice?

He’s going to see a lot more “weirdness” in his lifetime … might as well get him used to it now …


Hahahahahahaha hahahaha. Is this real?? Hahahahahahahaha

You should probably let someone else help raise your child. Your judgemental ass is probably offended by everything.

You don’t approach. You stfu and buy her supplies for her class for reteaching your tragic brain washed kid to be a real person.

Is this for real ? It can’t be

Then either homeschool or put in private school.
Cause wtf. This cannot be serious.

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Is this a joke…?? If not, this is a perfect opportunity to teach your child about individualism and how we all look different and have different tastes, AND THAT IS OK.


U will have something wrong with every teacher!!! It’s hair!!

I’m pretty sure this is a joke. Like just a post to get clicks and comments.

Only one distracted is you :joy:

Well what if her skin is another color , yes TAKE ACTION NOW before it reaches that point :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Quit being so judgmental :wink:
That’s how you go about dealing with this.


I guess you are one of them mothers who want to put your kids in a bubble also !! … I think you need to start homeschooling! There is more in this world to worry about then a teacher with yellow hair lady !! You need to get over yourself !! How did you ever make in this world ? You are one of the worlds problems …

Are you out of your god forsaken mind?!

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Is it your son or you thats the problem it sounds like its you

Lock him up for the rest of his life so he will never have to encounter anyone who’s different from you. Kids are more accepting than you think. Can’t say the same about you.


I bet you’re a fucking delight to be around. Lmao.

I bet your child wants to switch parents cause your ridiculous :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Hair color really? What happpens when he sees someone in the real world of all shades of color how about teach him about different people!

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Teach your child people are different and that’s ok!!! But don’t teach your child to be judgemental LIKE YOU!!

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Do the teacher a favor and remove your child :rofl: you’re the parent from hell lmfao


This is a joke right

You fix yourself babe that’s what you fix, leave your son where he is. This is a you problem not a her problem, not a him problem and coloured hair definitely doesn’t impair her teaching ability you egg :joy:


that’s absolutely rediculous and quite pathetic… she is not the last person your child will ever meet with a specific hair color. of your son has a problem with it then it’s because of you.


This has got to be a joke


Get over it. What are you teaching your child by this.

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I’m sorry but get over it; it’s just hair. It has nothing to do with how she teaches…you must be offended by tattoos.
Glad you posted this anonymously :roll_eyes:

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:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: no way this is real. Tell yr kid to pay attention and move on


You get over yourself, teach your kid to not be a judgemental jerk like his parent, and send him to school .


Sounds like you may need a mental health check up


Homeschool your fkn kid then!!! You’re stupid


Just because someone has colored hair doesn’t mean that they aren’t professional. Like if someone has tattoos doesn’t mean that they aren’t professional.


But if you dyed your kids hair a crazy color they wanted, would you be upset the school says no/sends your child home until they change it? I think the yellow hair is fine, and fun!

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Wow I really hope you arnt serious .

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I have 21 tattoos. I’m a teacher. Do they affect my ability to teach and do what I love? Nope. We are living in 2022 not the 1950s. Get over yourself. So judgemental.


:weary::weary::weary::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: this is a joke right?? Friday laughs right??

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Poor kid!! Jeez, this is insane… grow up an get over yourself, let people live their lives, how does it effect you? If this is your views, god help u if your kid grows up anything other than “normal”

If your child is That susceptible to not being able to do well at the slightest thing, he should learn to master it now.

I seriously would laugh if it was me you called and asked this.

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So she’s blonde? I think maybe I’m confused here :thinking::face_with_monocle:

People like you are allowed to breed?


This can’t be real lol

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Ma’am, you are the problem in this crazy world. You are the reason there’s so much hate in this world.


You dont. You leave it alone and let your child learn. Your kid will be interested in it for a whole 5 minutes and then itll be normal. If your husband was checking her out, just say that.


Just wait until they celebrate the gays!!

You really shouldn’t pass judgement, bullying starts at home and so does being a good person.


Only one who has a problem with it is you!

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Ciara Mooney :joy::joy::joy::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: this has to be a joke


You’re an idiot… sorry not sorry at all….


Wow I’m glad your not my mom judge much

Like how is her having yellow hair going to do anything to her ability to teach your child. You need to grow up… can’t believe this is a serious question. I feel for your son… this is life… coloured hair… piercings… tattoos… deal with it. Like if your son was ill (hyperthetical) and you went to hospital and your doc/nurse had coloured hair ect… are you saying you wouldn’t see them… ???because of it???


You need to grow up! Its very immature of you to not be teaching your child about diversity and everyone including teachers with yellow hair (because there is FAR WORSE WRONG IN OUR WORLD) being different and that is OK !! MAN people like you should not post this bs

How’s about teaching your child that people come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, and personalities. They are all beautiful, and all should be treated with respect.


:roll_eyes: maybe teach your child its okay for people to look different

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: this is absolutely retarded


So much wrong in this world and you’re worried about the color of someone’s hair???!!! You’re insane. My kids music teacher last year had tattoos and face piercings and she was amazing!!! Wow way too judge someone by their looks.


How petty are you? Boohoo she has colored hair. What does that have to do with how well she can teach? What if that’s that the best Damn teacher in the school?

Get a life the teacher hair colour has nothing to do with you. Nor does it affect her ability to teach maybe you should home school your child if you’re worried about what colour hair people have !

Just teach your kid not to be judgemental like yourself and everything should be good!!


Yo wtf :joy::joy: you scared the teacher is gonna have more personality than you? Way to just judge a book by its cover. Sad this is what your child is learning from you at such a young age


Maybe you should find a school with nuns in habits. Or homeschool so your child is not exposed to the real world, Karen!


She’s a person outside of the classroom with a life. How is someone’s yellow hair distracting. This is ridiculous. You need to grow up. She’s most likely a WONDERFUL teacher that shouldn’t have to put up with parents like you. Move on man.

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Sounds like you need to home school… peoples appearances doesn’t effect how they teach. Sounds like you need to have a talk with your child about how we’re all different.

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As a teacher your concern is ridiculous and bogus.


This is 100% a you problem. Grow the eff up.

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Get over it… you can’t shelter children :rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming:

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You approach this by not being such an uptight asshole

Weird. Lol who would’ve thought someone’s hair color would be an issue with your child’s learning…

Have you never seen The Magic Schoolbus?!? Gtfoh


Is this post for real?? Honestly, get over yourself.

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What hair color would you like his teacher to have? I mean… seriously? What color would be acceptable under your standards?

Would your child also be distracted by my son’s painted nails? Seems to me like he’s being purposely sheltered and made to believe that different is bad. Good luck though!


You don’t. This is probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I mean seriously, In the long run what the hell are u teaching him???


There is no way this is a serious question right? As a teacher, very many have colorful hair. I work with many women who have purple, pink, blue hair and it’s the same as everyone else. I see it, say oh that’s cool, then ur still in class and thats just what ur teacher looks like. Get over urself with this garbage. Hell, my hair is orange rn and none of my students even care lol. Sorry the profile pic doesn’t show that but it’s an old pic.

I seriously hope this is a joke/troll post. How can anyone think like this? Talk about ridiculous.

This has got to be a troll post

A hair color has nothing to do with how she will teach her child. Kind of like people with tattoos are bad? People with tattoos are going to hell? Makes no sense. I’ve seen nurses & doctors with dyed hair.


So you want to teach your child to based character off of appearance. I hope when you switch your child’s class room the “normal looking teacher” is an asshole. And the “yellow haired teacher” will probably end up on the most compassionate about teaching…

Wtf??? Are you serious? What is it to you what color hair another person has ? You must have a lot of damn time on your hands to worry about such tiny things :rofl::rofl::rofl: loosen up please

Wow !! Smh I can’t believe I just read this


You approach it by minding your business and letting her do her job


This is so ridiculous :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

The only thing you can do is either switch classes, switch schools or switch that fucked up mentally you got going on. Why don’t you color your own hair and see the response your kid gives. Tbh. That kid would want some colored hair too cause why tf not. Colored hair is the shit. Grow up. Act your age and realize this isn’t the 1970s anymore. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Get over it… if your child has never seen someone with a different color hair then your beyond sheltering him’

You approach it by not judging her or her teaching abilities by her personal expression of choosing to dye her hair however she chooses :roll_eyes: sounds like the child needs to have his world opened up and introduced to the many beautiful and not boring ways people choose to live their lives. Travel wide, see how others live, it’s not wrong, only different and different is BEAUTIFUL!! Unbelievably narrow minded and judgemental post, almost laughable

You can keep your mouth shut and stop judging people based on a dang hair color. :woman_facepalming:t2::woozy_face:


This has to be a joke….right?

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Mxxm build your own school woman. You do not contribute enough to sociaty for you to be this petty

U need to get a life for yourselve Karen and maybe a shagg


OR it’s fun and inviting to a child! It’s HAIR. Kids aren’t distracted by HAIR! This is the nuttiest most Karen thing I’ve read all day.

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You can’t be serious!! It’s 2022!! Her hair has nothing to do with you!:roll_eyes:

Wow way to teach your kid to be accepting? Have you been living under a rock?

Maybe you could start with some self reflection and working on your personal bias.


Are you serious?? You are teaching your child to judge others based on appearance. Let your child go learn from others, they might do better than you. :woman_shrugging:t2: Sorry not sorry


Yes please remove your child. Do that teacher a favor so she doesn’t have to deal with you all year round. :joy: :woman_facepalming:t2:


Imagine if she was handicapped.

Unless the color of her hair is effecting her teaching abilities then speak up. However. It’s time to start teaching your child that everyone is different and their hair color shouldn’t matter.

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You are judging a teacher by her hair color??? Seriously??

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Could be the best teacher your child will ever have. You concluded that since her hair is a different color than you think she automatically isn’t capable of teaching someone?

U teach yourself and your son that everybody is different and that is COMPLETELY normal