I wore a sexy dress up for my man and he rejected me!

Tell him to f off and call a lawyer! Time to move on!


Iā€™d do exactly what he does. Which Iā€™m assuming is dressing comfortably and appropriately whether at work, at home or going out and obviously no makeup. Maybe itā€™s time to ask him what it takes to order a dressed up man? :person_shrugging:


Honestly just carry on being you what does he expect u had 3 children it changes everything. If you wanna dress up and look nice and sexy do it for yourself you donā€™t need to prove anything to him . In sayn that u should notice the difference in him.if heā€™s just started giving you those comments itā€™s definitely saying something. If you are concern.get one of your family members to have the kids for the night and spend some togather and talk about what ever issues going on.then use can both agree or disagree on some certain things. If that not working then there something else in the way .all the best on your marriage.

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Sounds like he just likes to see you grovel and chase his affection but then when it comes to it- backs out.
I would leave- find someone who appreciates everything you do


A friend once said. Itā€™s what your willing to put up with in life. Choose your battles wisely. Know you are beautiful inside and out and dont let others riun your self eesteem. You dont need to ask others for advice. Listen to your heart. You have a busy life and dont have time hardly for yourself. Do something just to make you happy. Dont wait for others to bring you happiness.


Sounds like hes not interested.Go out with the girls and let him off the hook.lifes too short!!!


Next time he drops a snide remark, remind him that he ā€œwas too tiredā€ and laugh at him. Go and put your track suit and slippers on. Enjoy YOUR weekend.


Ummm im sure you can do better than him but if you really love him and you want to make it work then you need to have a talk with him and I donā€™t mean letting him put you down like that, your a mom a wife and you work a full time job, he needs to man up and appreciate what he hasā€¦


Happened to me, a lotā€¦
It hurt.
From my experience, this isnā€™t going to last much longer for you two. If it can be fixed, I wish the best for you.


Well, you tried and thatā€™s all you can do. He can no longer complain about you ā€œnot dressing upā€ :rofl:. Boo hoo to him.


if any man keeps making ā€œjokes about a wife comes with thatā€ is a loser who belongs in the trash bin, real man would never say something as stupid as that


Either buy a new dress or find a new man that appreciates your efforts. Sorry if that sounds harsh :grimacing:


From experience men like the chase. They like to diss but canā€™t handle it when given back. I got fed up and actually made the 'snide ā€™ comments back too ā€¦eventually he will get the hint. I have 3 kids as well and itā€™s very hectic to find time to dress up. Show your confidence momma, make remarks back. Show him you know youā€™re a catch and youā€™re beautiful without all that. One thing Iā€™ve learned in years of being in my relationship, is 1 men love to be wanted and chased and 2 the find a confident woman very sexy and 3 absolutely hate rejection lol. It donā€™t mean your marriage is over, heā€™s just being an ass as all men are, just act like it donā€™t phase you even though it does hurt.

That must really hurt :frowning: mine rejected me completely my whole pregnancy & then expected me to just get over it once Iā€™d had the baby & he decided he was interested again.


Throw the whole man tf away!! He sounds like a narcissistic ass who enjoys making others feel just as shitty as he does to try and make him feel a bit better!! Next time look at him and say thatā€™s fine I can get the job done for myself in half the time walk in the bathroom lock the door and take care of yourself.

Sounds like you buy you a toy and focus on yourself and stop entertaining the idea with him! Dismiss him


Send him a pic of a dildo and be like ā€¦ your loss goodnight

Be very careful he is playing with your mind girl and obviously itā€™s working


Thats why I dont anymore, when I did it he blew me off didnt even touch me so I said fuck it, I guess you dont deserve it anyways!!!

Haha he may actually be tired though? Especially if he has been at work all day in the sun?


You need a new outfit and a new man to appreciate that new outfit :slightly_smiling_face:


Thatā€™s awful! Iā€™d slap him. Lmao
First, your husband should not be making comments like that.
And then you try to make him happy and he shuts you down.
Remind him that, the next time he makes an asshole remark how ā€œhe was tiredā€.
Hope you called your friends and went out after that!

I think you need to talk with him and see what the deal is and try and get a schedule set up that way he wonā€™t be able to
Complain if that doesnā€™t work then nothing else can be done


WHAT A DOUCHE!! Put exlax in his drink and Nair in his shampoo !!!


Yeh move on most men would absolutely love the effort and attention you gave. His loss send someone else your pics you will get the attention you deserveā€‹:+1:t2: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Shove him a laxative and watch him run :foot::foot:


Making snide remarks is a show of disrespect, first of all. If he sincerely wants you to make a certain effort in the bedroom thereā€™s a way to discuss that in a loving respectful way, he doesnā€™t have to be an asshole about it, AND HE SHOULDNā€™T.

However, not taking the bait when you did what he asked suggest something different.

What he says to you is ā€œyou need to dress up in the bedroom for me so Iā€™ll enjoy myselfā€ but after rejecting you, it seems maybe there is something deeper going on.
Howā€™s his stamina? Is he going limp alot? Sometimes men externalize things like that because itā€™s easier than admitting they might have a real problem.

Test it out. See if he keeps rejecting you while dressing up.

Maybe he was really tired? Try it a few times.

You could try asking him if he would like that before hand so that you donā€™t waste your efforts.

I would also talk to him about expressing himself in a kinder way and let him know what youā€™re willing to do.

Talking about sex and intimacy can be really hard, and no one teaches us how to do it.

Honestly Iā€™d have dumped him instead of dressing up, if Iā€™m not enough as I am he can fuck off :woman_shrugging:

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He sounds like a loser tbh


My husband said heā€™s a f***ing idiot.


Iā€™m afraid to say you need a new man chick ! My ex did it to me !! Absolutely sole destroying ! Stray strong :muscle: your next man will love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Maybe Iā€™m wrong but it seems to me he already has a script of what he wants in his head. And when you didnā€™t conform to his script (nothing you did wrong), it turned him off from it.


Get yourself off , show him while you do itā€¦ you can get off other ways than just him :smiling_imp: show him what heā€™s missing :smirk:when or if he trys to join bc he will tell him to take a cold shower :shower:
Build that momentum back :clap::muscle: :sunglasses:


Try again another day.

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Donā€™t get upset, turn him on mentally
Stroke his ego ! :crossed_fingers::champagne::clinking_glasses:


Sorry but he sounds like an absolute tosser! Go find yourself a real man x

Maybe he wants more than a sexy little outfit. S&M or cosplay? JS but also maybe heā€™s just being a douche to see how you react.

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Idk mine has done this. :roll_eyes: he says its about timing ā€¦ but we females seem to handle long hours, dealing with kids,and then tryin to be sexy :roll_eyes:


What the hell is a ā€œdress up wifeā€?? Heā€™s giving you mixed messages and messing with your head! Sounds like he needs to learn how to romance you first instead of trying to make you feel bad about yourself!


You throw that shit in the trash and never dress up for that man again!

Keep trying sometimes he also tired of talking and now thinks u throwing him a pity party. So try it more often.and maybe get more fitting comfortable clothes not just sweat pants


I 100% understand that sometimes itā€™s hard to put that much thought into just setting the mood with an outfit at the end of a long day, esp with kids. Mine are still small and sometimes I literally collapse into bed haha So, much credit to you for putting so much extra time, effort and thought into trying to do it for him and make him happyā€¦. Youā€™re a rockstar and he should really appreciate you! 2nd, I may forgive 1 time of him doing/saying what he did. Maybe when he got home and explained the day he had or whatever, it made sense and took the wtf out of the situation. Iā€™d like to think I would be understanding, but truth is, if I put that much effort into pleasing him, I would prob be saying wtf too. My husband said he is an idiotā€¦ you donā€™t turn your wife down, esp with all of that mojo going on. But what does he know lol he literally thinks that itā€™s never a bad time for sex :slightly_smiling_face: just kidding but seriously the man wants me all the time, messy hair, first thing in am, after a shower late at night, on sat or sun afternoon when heā€™s off work and the kids are taking a nap, you name it. Thank goodness he understands that mommas are tired sometimes and with 2 small toddlers, life is exhausting and messy and there are times that the food in my hair that the baby threw at me, makes me feel I donā€™t knowā€¦ā€¦unattractive haha but girl he would prob have a wreck coming home from work if I sent that to him of me saying look whatā€™s waiting for you when you get here! And I feel like thatā€™s (well almost) the reaction you were expecting (maybe hoping for) basically bush to know he is pleased and surprised with something diff to spice it up with something newā€¦. And then rejected! I donā€™t know if I would be more pissed bc of all the time and work I put into it (both my body/self, kids, house, timing etc) or if my feelings would be hurt. I mean you finally did what heā€™s been wanting or throwing comments around about, did he have something particular in mind, like someone in particular and was too stupid to see how good he has it and how awesome you are to have done this for him, and you guys together. Iā€™m pretty sure it could have been a great night so wtf is his real problem lol without sounding like a total beeotch! Girl do you, if you want it tonight after your all done up, I guess you can have a party yourself and not need him. I personally think itā€™s more fun together, but my friend sitting here says, get yourself done, he will be jealous then :slightly_smiling_face: Either way girl, good luck and remember you are awesome and he misses out on recognizing this tonight!!!

I donā€™t know what exactly is a dress up wife lol but nobody wants to feel rejected or lied too


Sounds like he wants to keep you in your place, keep you down. Have you told him how you feel? If he knows how bad you feel and still does it it may be time to reassess your marriage. If he refuses to stop putting you down and making you feel like Shyte, suggest marriage counselling/therapy or walk. Know your worth and not what he thinks it is. :heartbeat:


Sometimes they just arenā€™t in the mood just like we are. Donā€™t take it personally unless it becomes a habit.


This is controlling behaviour. Hes made you feel bad, he got the reaction he wanted and now hes rejected you. Hes laughing at you. Are you going to accept being laughed at?


I had an ex bf who did this. I had never worn lingerie before and he was harping on for a while about how I should get some and how sexy it would be. So I ended up buying some (that were far more expensive than they were worth) and his reaction was to ask me ā€˜what the hell is that?ā€™ Sure they looked cheapish but to me it was big deal just buying some and wearing them to begin with. I had very low self esteem at the time and I felt disgusting afterwards. Iā€™m sorry your husband made you feel that way. No one deserves that.


Tell him go go hire a prostitute. The bloody cheek of him.

Just throw him away get with his dad


Please donā€™t end your relationship over this. A real relationship takes a lot of effort and not one is ever going to be without, at least, some flaws. If you love him, itā€™s worth the effort. After you have tried for a reasonable amount of time and if he still rejects you, then Iā€™d definitely say to walk away, so you can find someone that will appreciate you. There are things you can try. You should include him in your planning. If he is off on the weekends, plan for a Saturday night. The encounter can still be exciting even if itā€™s properly planned. I have lived through many life experiences and would be happy to be your sounding board or offer some suggestions and ideas. If you want you can PM me. I had a lengthy suggestion typed out but decided not to post it, as it may come off as weird, because it is unsolicited and itā€™s a public forum.


Bugger that get rid of him what a asshole

He sounds like an A$$.

Sorry sweetie but heā€™s cheatingā€¦ and Iā€™m guessing itā€™s been going on for awhile. Even the hint of that and hubby would drop whatever he was doing, thinking about literally mid sentence. You deserve better than being second best and someone talking down to you like that


Playing hard to get :joy: just continue what you started heā€™ll be in the mood in no time

Where do u live?lol.


Stuff him, Buy a vibrator :rofl:


He will never change just get worse. Narcissists evil Assā€¦

Honey, please donā€™t listen to all this negativity. It may be that he is actually tired. Also, instead of wearing something sexy to bed, occasionally wear short shorts and tight low cut shirts around the house, so things can just happen naturally. It probably wonā€™t end in hot sex every night, and Iā€™m good with that, but I guarantee it will get his attention, if the timing is right for him. Meaning he isnā€™t tired, stressed or not feeling well. I am a grandma and if I donā€™t feel up to having sex, I have to be careful what I wear, because it might peak my husbands attention.

If he canā€™t romance you when you look homely than he donā€™t need you dressed up.


You need to get out. It isnā€™t about what you do or donā€™t do. It is about him controlling you. This is destructive behaviors he has.


Itā€™s a control tactic heā€™s trying to tear down your self esteem


Make a snide remarkā€¦or wait i bet itā€™s only cute when he does it


I did the whole shebang with my EX but he still cheated, abused and used me and financially ruined me and the said no body by else was no t me for more than as one night stand bit when I said I faked it EVERY time he didnā€™t like that and said it was impossible lol guess there was some muscle working some where chink chink . Any way get yr sexy on day in day out all day every day see what he has to say bout that

So you man wants you to wear sexy clothes for him. Whenā€™s the last time he wore sexy clothes for you? Or ever dressed for you at allā€¦


Dress in his clothes and ask if thatā€™s sexy enough for him, dressing like an asshole. :joy:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I wore a sexy dress up for my man and he rejected me!

I mean if heā€™s tired heā€™s tired. Just have a talk with him about it.


Throw the whole damn man away. Thatā€™s what you do.


So if he asks you when youā€™re tired itā€™s ok .but if he is tired itā€™s reason to freak out ??.
Damn lol


Iā€™m sure youā€™ve had days where youā€™re too tired.
Donā€™t look too far into this.


Leave him he is emotionally abusing.


I would walk away n leave him right there he is being menally abuseing


Noā€¦nooope nope. Yes heā€™s tired, yes youā€™re tired but at and for no given circumstances are you or should you be toooo tired to show your someone any kind of affection after putting that much effort in. Do you people really not know the effects of adrenaline? Or testosterone? My man works 16 hour shifts 36 days straight NEVER IN A MILLION YESRS would he say no if I put in any kind of effort even if it was a spray bottle of whipped cream and a thongā€¦.talk to him, and be very honest about how you thought itā€™s what he wanted and how excited and confident in yourself you were and how crappy & (in my case) how unattractive it made you feel. And then just do your thing around the house. No more catering to him.


The fact that he makes those remarks out in public and to strangers :open_mouth: if my husband said that I would pop him in the mouth. That is so degrading and disrespectful especially since you are sitting right there.
I get the whole being tired, Iā€™m sure youā€™re tired sometimes but my man works 12hr shifts in the heat 5-7 days a week and unless he comes in and crashes, then he wonā€™t ever turn down sex.


Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t care how tired of man is and my whole lifetime I have never seen a man turn down some pussy unless theyā€™ve been busy hitting another pussy


If hes tired hes tired. Doesnā€™t mean hes cheating. Idk whatā€™s with the remarks but still. Lately Iā€™ve been so caught up with my 8 month old working me to death that Iā€™m too tired to. Just talk about it.


Even when my baby Daddy HATES MY guts from being being a BITCH or hormonal or nastyā€¦ I can ALWAYS go get some whenever I want.
IF your own man is turning down the opportunity to have you then Iā€™m sorry but heā€™s getting it elsewhere and he sounds like a controlling womanizing emotionally abusive asshole


Next time he makes a comment about dressing up say Just to be rejected, no thanks!


My biggest problem is with what he is saying about you. Not in a thousand years would I not smack someone in the face if they said that to someone about me.


Next time he makes a comment about you ā€œdressing upā€ remind him about the night he rejected you :woman_shrugging: say why bother if youā€™ll just say no when I do. Maybe then heā€™ll actually appreciate you when you do make the effort.


Throw the whole man away girl!


Wtf did u sayā€¦who gives him The right to Demand im sorry but if u put up wit that u shouldnā€™t askā€¦grow some balls please

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Thats awful and damaging. Sounds like yall both need counseling or vacation from work to save the relationshipā€¦ have a baby sitter


Watch sexlife n you will have an answer

I wouldnā€™t put effort into to it anymore. Tell him to dress up for you and see how it works out


Iā€™m sorry! That truly sucks. No advice but I feel for youšŸ’œ

Maybe it was a one off thing and you can try again next time. Have faith in yourself that you are a powerful beast and will capture him next time :heart:


Leave Him and give your attention too some REAL MAN THAT WILL APPRECIATE YOUR GOOD LOOKS. YOU GO GIRLšŸ˜š


Some men joke about things like that all the time. His brain may want sexy and spicy but his body may be just to exhausted. I wouldnt take it personal or take everything he says to heart. Doesnt mean he is cheating. You both lead a very busy lifestyle so he is probably just worn out and truly tired.


The day a man says shit like this to & about me, is the day he gets a fat effing lip & his @$$ beat by a female :rage: Iā€™m a proud tomboy & dress like one, but I still get compliments just about everyday from random guys & my guy friends. Iā€™m sorry but your man is a douche canoe.


Haha. Does anyone really believe these out landish stories

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The right man thinks ā€œdressing upā€ is bullshit wrapping paper


Heā€™s an asshole. Plain and simple

I could look like a homeless momma and my husband would still appreciate me. He should appreciate you no matter what you wear

He doesnā€™t respect you with those snooty comments. That behavior that he ended up not wanting you seems like heā€™s probably already giving someone else his energy. Tired or not your ready when you wanna be.

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Sounds like he doesnā€™t know what he wants. Maybe heā€™s not feeling it but trying to make it your fault not his that heā€™s not in the mood. Is this a one off tho and possibly he is actually exhausted or is this more of a regular thing with the turn downā€¦

He shouldnā€™t even expect u to dress up as u both work hard,plus he should accept u for who u are . something is definitely wrong find out what it isā€¦u both should talk address him on this itā€™s disrespectful,ask him what u want too and tell him how u feel and that he should get his act togetherā€¦u deserve better than this tho he can atleast express how he feels and why

I know exactly how you feel

He sounds like a real jerk to me.no one ever or will ever tell me what to doā€¦

Youā€™re not barbie dollā€¦

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