I wore a sexy dress up for my man and he rejected me!

I mean, think about it from a woman’s perspective, you’re man NEVER buys you flowers, then you say something about buying flowers and he goes and buys flowers…


I would’ve walked in with my outfit on, grabbed a toy and gone at it in front of him. Then, if he wanted to join, I’d be like nahhh go to sleep, I got this :ok_hand:


This broke my heart for you. :pleading_face::broken_heart:


Honestly this whole post sounds like there’s a huge lack of communication.

I think it would be really important for you to make some time to sit down and have a really good talk about what you both feel you’re lacking in your relationship and come to a compromise.

His approach to it isn’t very kind and digging at you is insensitive but his feelings are valid and so are yours :heartpulse:


Next time he expects something tell him youre too tired.

But on a real note, this is something you need to talk to HIM about. No matter how long you spend on here ranting about it, the only person who can make changes to your relationship are you and him. If he’s saying remarks like that then he’s gotta be looking at other women and it’s not right to make you feel like that.


Tell him to kick rocks!!!Every time he wants something tell him your to tired,he sounds like a complete Ass Hole🤑


Wow sounds like you have a dick for a man my husband works 16+ hrs daily and he would never treat me that and if he ever did I’d be long gone if hes tired I let him sleep because well you he did work 16+ hrs that day but we never treat each other like crap we compromise with each other we do everything 50/50 I have 4 kids I deal with I’m to lazy to even dress up for my husband but he doesn’t care if I don’t or not he’s not like that


Hate to say it but she’s right ^^^^…run…he sounds sooo toxic. It’s only going to get worse if he’s not already doing things he shouldn’t be doing…

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What a loser. Dont waste your time there are plenty of men who’d appreciate you and what you have to offer :wink:


Girl… you know how to wake him up AND put him in the mood and if he says no to that mouth, find someone that accepts you for you.


Tell him hes looking a little unattractive and he needs to wear a suit more often. Treat him the same way and make the same comments he does to you. :blue_heart:


Him putting pressure on you only (why doesn’t HE come up with a sexy idea?), he’s humiliating you when placing orders and asking for women (and showing that for him women are objects made his pleasure), plus rejecting you when you literally did what he asked for: I’m sorry but this is very toxic behavior.


Maybe he just wasn’t in the mood. How come it’s acceptable for women to not be in the mood, but men have to be “on” all the time.
You said you both work fulltime, maybe he’s having issues at work.
Maybe when you’re feeling a little less rejected, open up the lines of communication. Let him know he hurt you, and ask him what you could have done different?
Please remember that men are human as well.


24 years with my guy and he’s never once dismissed me. All I gotta do i say sex and he’s hard :rofl:.


He’s looking for a reason to stomp out of the house ……to his other lady ?


Robin-Mary Johnston is he remembering she’s also a human when throwing out the snide comments? The very same snide comments that she felt uncomfortable with (therefore hurting her feelings and being toxiccccccccc as fuuuuu****k to another human being in general, let alone his wife) but we’ll overlook that part shall weeee. Very interestiiiiiiiiiiing. Let’s remember that the wives of twats are also human too. That being human doesn’t give you the right to treat another human being that’s supposed to be of great importance to you… like crap. There were other ways he coulda gone about it, considering he pressured her into dressing up and taking pics by being rude and snarky until she did what he wanted. Thing is… most human’s can understand and empathize with this woman without needing to bring men being human into it. Human’s treat each other with respect. Where’s his then? Mars?!


Sorry to say it won’t get better only worse and you will get sick of everything eventually. Better sooner then later don’t forget that.


I would have stayed in the outfit when he got back and walked around all sexy and alluring …guarantee he would soon change his mind
Then when he decided he was now up for it , turns round and say actually nah I’m tired…get changed into you oldest unattractive pjs and give him a taste of his own medicine :rofl:


I’m sure his cheating


I say run baby run you don’t need aomeone

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He is making excuses. Maybe he has a side piece.


OK for others to say leave. She has children with this man! Obviously loves him, as she made the effort. I would give him some of his own back, tell him to dress up! Also not taking the put downs will help him realise it is not acceptable. Don’t jump to conclusions.


maybe hes getting it on with someone elses dressed up wife🤷‍♀️


He’d already sorted himself out :rofl::rofl::rofl:


If he then turned her down after what he asked for next time say u had an opportunity u didn’t want me so now I now will make effects when I want to if that ever happens again


well as a woman been cheated on it does not sound good but there are plenty of other fish out there for a good woman and faithful, I would sit him down and have plenty of time to be alone to talk and ask him if you have done anything to deserve his attitude towards you and you keep quiet while he talks then think over anything he says and then let him know your feelings on his attitude and whatever he may have said and go from there think on your self and know in advance what you really want also be very nice and firm but not mean, Good luck and best wishes


You talk to him. Tell him to stfu about it.

Throw the whole fuckin man away. Like what in the entire fuck. Listen, I weigh damn near 300lbs. My man weighs bout 150. I feel like I’m really pretty in the face, but my body resembles the got damn Michelin man. My man worships the ground I walk on! Even when I eat things ik I shouldn’t, he doesn’t belittle me. He might say we should eat at home or eat healthier options, but he won’t be a dick like that!!!


To me it sounds like its not about what you do or don’t do for him, its him intentionally wanting to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself.


I’m not joking when I say to look up the word “narcissist” and see if your husband fits the bill. If so, start doing your research (without telling him) on it and figure out your next move.


I’m so sorry to hear this but you have a tough decision to make I know you have kids with him and must love him but he may not be worth staying with any longer you see that action is a serious red flag first I would put your foot down and stand up to him and tell him straight out if he mistreats you again you will leave him ask him straight out if he’s seeing someone else watch his reaction because actions speak louder than words if your comfortable with his answer then in no uncertain terms tell him you will not stand for him to EVER do that to you again also I would make him apologize when ever he mistreats you talk to him about it and make him apologize but most of all please stand up for yourself do not let him belittle you ever you deserve and demand to be respected this pisses me off that men think they can do that to us and get away with it I never will let anyone man or anyone get away with it and I make them own up to their action. I wish you all the best


Been there, its a power play, its all about control, do yourself a huge favour and leave x


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I wore a sexy dress up for my man and he rejected me! - Mamas Uncut

Tell him to quit yanking your chain if he cant “bring it” after he’s been harping on what he wants! Plus when’s the last time he got all cleaned up…had a neat haircut…smelled sexy etc just for you?


Try dressing really sexy when you go out for friends. Make his head turn towards you instead of trying to get into his line of sight.


I just use a comfy sexy night dress every night to sleep. I have about 3-4 dresses that I rotate out each week. Even when I was pregnant I would wear them or wear nothing. On the night when we both wanted some I’d just bath and lotion up. Sometimes when I wanted to get intimate he didn’t want to and sometimes when he did I didn’t and that is ok. Just keep communication open so y’al know when it’s go time. Most important thing is to keep taking care of yourself: get rest, drink plenty of water, eat healthy, and make yourself feel cute (with whatever that entails nails, makeup/even if it’s just a cute lipstick, false lashes, hair cut/style, etc.) When your in the mood set the mood before he even gets to bed, low lights, scented candles or waxes, calming music. Either y’al going to have a relax night or a sexy night either way it will be good. Good luck on whatever you decide is good for you :heart:


Eekk I’d cry, I don’t do well with rejection. I’ve had a couple relationships that were like that and ended badly because of stuff like that. I’m now in a relationship where i look homeless 24/7 :sweat_smile: and all I have to do to get some is perk the girls up and show a little cleavage. You two definitely need to have a nice talk about this.


If he can’t provide something uplifting to say to you then he is not a man you want around. Spouses should talk positive and provide encouragement to each other. Nobody needs negative Nelly griping at them or bursting their bubble


Should’ve went out by yourself or with girlfriends

It’s different when he says something to you (even though I don’t think he should, men dressing up and women dressing up are totally different amounts of effort) but saying “does this meal come with a dressed up wife” to a server is beyond out of line. Next time reply with a “As long as it doesn’t come with an asshole of a man.”


Shiittt. My wife get dressed up she aint gotta say shit. I kmo the bizz. We bout to get down


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I wore a sexy dress up for my man and he rejected me! - Mamas Uncut

Usually that occurs when he’s giving attention to someone else and he’s just pushing himself away from you


A real man will love you and think you are beautiful dressed up or not. I’d run as fast as I could before it gets worse.


I would leave. If he needs you to dress up to be attracted to you then he doesn’t need you. Especially when you do put in the unnecessary effort and he blows you off……WTF?!
Screw him. When was the last time he even showered and got all nice for you? Does he ever trim himself, get himself looking all nice and sexy for you? Does he ever put on a sexy pair of boxer briefs for you? Odds are no. Especially once you have kids.
If he cannot be attracted to you or show his love to you unless YOU act or look a certain way then he does NOT deserve you! You deserve a thousand times better. A real man doesn’t need someone in a sexy dress or lingerie to give his affection to. Clearly he’s still in a frat boy, obsessed with porn mentality.


Everyone says cheating but I don’t think that’s the case. It sounds like he wants you to prioritize yourself more. Keep it up but do it for YOU!


Awww. That would’ve hurt. Nothing worse then putting yourself out there just to be rejected that way. He sounds like he does not know what he’s got. Teach him.


That’s just sad that he’s been treating you like that. You’re a tired mama to 3 kids! That’s just sad


Definitely leaning towards cheating. He’s using the “dress up/sex” thing as an excuse for when he leaves…I’m sure there is more he complains about but he will use all that as an excuse. After you made an effort and he rebuffed you, I’d go ahead and mentally detach and prepare for what’s coming. Hide money, keep notes of behavior, check his phone if you can, get proof. It’s always someone at their job so I’d look there first. Sorry to say all this but I’ve literally lived it.


Playing mind games. He shouldn’t say those things at all in the first place. And then to reject you when you do what he wants you to do for him. :rage:


Ask him to dress his ass up for you. And next time he says any of that shit send him the pictures again and be like it’s not appreciated.


:triangular_flag_on_post: I left my sons d a d for this and many other reasons. You know your worth. You are beautiful. You deserve to be loved.


Well maybe if he found the time to romance you and take you out on a date you’d get done up more often! The effort has to be mutual not just one sided. It sounds like he’s just unhappy with himself and is taking it out on you. I would sit down and try to have a calm serious honest talk about what the real issue is. I hope it all works out well💖


Soooo you have to make all the effort? Your man should think you’re sexy no matter what you’re wearing. I’m sorry


Dressing up for a xx should only happen when you feel like doing it not because you feel obligated to do so… your man should be into you regardless of what you wear (providing everything down there works normally)
I’d say you need to have very open discussions about this with him and ask for starters why dressing up at all?
Secondly give him same cold shower next time he tries anything in same area…
Also monitor other behaviours… like answering your phone calls messages … or how he’s acting in general.
Maybe he is depressed? Maybe tired? Maybe both?
Just talk it out.

Good luck


All these comments saying to get divorced :neutral_face: have you tried talking to him? Asking him why he is making the comments he makes, is it the dressing up he actually wants or is it more that he wants you to initiate it so he feels like you actually want him, maybe he is getting bored a bit? Are things getting routine? Maybe there is something you both can do. And good lord- him turning you down once doesn’t mean he is cheating. Have you never turned him down? Maybe he was exhausted, maybe stressed, maybe he didn’t feel well. Men are allowed to not be in the mood too. I would suggest try marriage counseling before throwing out your marriage with 3 kids at home. Best of luck :heart:


A real man will love you no matter what! I had a husband like what you are saying. I no longer have that husband. I now have a better man who when I wear lingerie and dress special he notices. Even when he is dead tired. The why because the look he gives me no matter what I am wearing is I am the most beautiful woman ever. My ex-husband cheated with multiple women and from what I understand from his new wife he hasn’t changed. Get you a man that knows your worth!


He sounds like a prick :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Next time he pipes up about dressing up for the bedroom, ask him to do the same :flushed: make sure you look after you….and hopefully he comes right :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Guess he should step up and be a dad and you will have more time and energy to look and feel your beautiful self!!


If it’s a regular occurrence when you do things like this, ok then fair enough I would take it as a red flag. However a lot of people can be quick to jump the gun, us women reject our partners A LOT due to being tired etc…aren’t they allowed to do so too without it meaning they’re cheating or anything? Maybe it just wasn’t a good time to try in terms for him. But please don’t think I don’t understand how you’re feeling now because I do, I’ve been there but I’ve had to stop myself overthinking. If you’re worried, have a chat with him…he’s your husband not a stranger. Is it better to try another night when you know he hasn’t got work the next day so can recuperate a little bit through the day? I’d also take this as him moaning about you not dressing up so much as he wants you to do it more for you, not just because he wants you to do it for the bedroom. I’m guilty of not dolling myself up much anymore, but when I do it my husband says things that will boost my confidence etc.
However, my husband is much more understanding about why I don’t get dolled up much anymore and he would never make comments like this to strangers.


my husband says eaither A he was really tired B hes about too break up or C he wants u too self care i say f him hes not worth it

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Its possible he really was just tired :woman_shrugging:t3: probably the minority answer here, but I would try again. Not because you have to, but when you want to. Obviously women hate rejection, but men do too. I’m sure you have told him you are too tired before. If you are happy in your relationship otherwise, try again. If it happens again have a talk with him and ask what the deal is.

Counciling. Ive never dressed sex and I can’t keep my husband off me.


Those are red flags and none you should put up with


Make an effort more often and he will too… But when u make an effort do it 4 urself… Not 4 him… So if u do get rejected it’s not a train smash… Make urself look good 4 u!

I would make comments back especially on pizza nights, don’t they send a male stripper with that… I would give him a taste of his own medicine. Two can dress up. Oh and don’t forget to make sure he has some good cute undies/thongs to dress into…

Who knows, maybe the take aways came with a “dressed up wife”. Or maybe he prefers a suit?


Check if he has depression that will make him feel shit and not want it :+1:


He really is tired :woman_shrugging:


He has erectile dysfunction and using you as a scape goat


Girl you are beautiful. Tell him to use his hand cause your p### don’t understand

Don’t know if he is cheating but he sounds like a narcissist. You can never please one. They will continue to gas light you, make you feel small and feel like shit. Make you feel like you have no self worth. Just remember. You are beautiful, your are worth more than his petty games. You have 3 children to take care and yourself. You don’t have time for his foolishness.


Hes obviously got one foot at the door

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I didn’t understand half of that.

Dump him…come over here with me. :thinking:

Sounds like he needs throwing in the bin

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If you’re really telling this woman to cheat you’re trash.talk to him like an adult.

I say that’s a BIG RED FLAG :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


He s just tired…next time lol forewarning

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Maybe he’s gay. Dress like a football player next time.

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Sounds like borderline personality disorder. Big time mind games. Either way, sounds too toxic for you to keep up your self worth intacted. Might want to move forward before your mind goes along with his destruction.

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Be a virtuous wife #proverb31

Leave him…I have no time for mistreatments.

You’re tired next time.


Cheating on u get out of this relationship


Just horrible timing on your end :woman_shrugging: that’s all. He’s allowed to be tired just like you are. And most men like the idea of us being dressed up. That’s about it.

Some of these comments… other then the side remarks women are walking hypocrites… we expect our partners to open up and tell us what they want in and out of the bedroom and then they do and we aren’t ok with the answer, I don’t think anyone expects u to dress up all the time if he does then I’d say that’s not realistic and he may be starting to have an actual problem that needs a dr and he’s embarrassed so he blames it on this, secondly so u have this master plan and u get dressed up and then expect him to just jump, so in a perfect world ok… but as women we don’t expect to have to jump when they say so but we do expect it from them… we get in a hissy if we feel pressured yet it hurts our feelings when we pressure them and get rejected. And I get that would hurt your feelings but he could have legit been really tired, or I go back to my previous topic.


Tell him bye Felicia :wave:

Dump his ass and tell him your looking for a real man. That’s bullshit. Don’t ever let a boy treat you like that.

Wear some cute lingerie to bed a few nights a week and reject him a couple times by saying he doesn’t appreciate you. Tell him he must show some affection even when you’re not dressed up.


My ex did that to me, first real relationship, had his kid, got dressed up once and he completely ignored me .
Ive never ever got dressed up in sexy lingerie since.

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Get dressed up more often and turn him down. Sau ur tired , got a headache etc.

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Why does a man have to be cheating if he doesnt want sex? He said he was tired I believe that men can be tired just like women are tired. I am not sure why we go to the extreme without proof? Tired is tired in my book until this becomes a habit I do not think you should think anything of it.


Don’t do it anymore and if he brings it up tell him you tried and he had his chance and made you feel stupid


I’d say “do they send sexy dressed up men that don’t tire out?” Serve it back. Lol


Next time he makes some smart ass comment about dressing up, come back with “well I’m tired” see how he likes it

Start making your own remarks oh can you send a real man who know how to makea women feel special


Maybe have a date night…ask him what nights good for him and possibly get a sitter or have ur date night after the kids go to bed…then if he rejects you I wouldnt try anymore…but that’s me…:woman_shrugging:


Girl, flip the script–you have the evidence that you tried. Save those pictures you sent him!! Use them to remind him EVERY time he says it again. Tell him that you DID dress up for him, and showed up for it (despite his being an asshole to you about it), but he didn’t want to participate. Also, you MUST follow up with ordering food and going, “Does it come with a husband who isn’t tired?”

Evidently he’s not that in to you…He’s putting you down letting his feelings out…Could he be interested in someone else?