I wore a sexy dress up for my man and he rejected me!

My husband keeps banging on about me dressing up etc in the bedroom, leaving snide remarks all the time mid conversation like if we order food he will say do they send dressed up wives with that!

We have 3 children and both work full time and I know that’s no excuse but come on every time he expects me to dress up!!
So tonight I though right sort kids out and do it so got my little sexy stuff out had a nice bath bit of tan so and so and I messaged him some pics and said you ready and in a short story he blew me out !! Said he’s tired!!! Wtf do I do I’m at a loss


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I wore a sexy dress up for my man and he rejected me!

Remind him of this next time he whinges.


You may have just tried on a bad day.


That’s awful. Next time he said something about it I’d be like yeah. Last time you asked and I did it you blew me off.


Find you a man who appreciates you :100::woman_shrugging:


Ask him what he wants …you’re not a mind reader :thinking:


Accept his rejection and move on like he does when you reject him


He’s allowed to reject you😐 if he wasn’t in the mood he wasn’t in the mood


When he makes those comments make your own about ungrateful husbands.


Do yourself and go to bed knowing you were appreciated by someone!! Next time he says something, ask him to take a shower and get all pampered for you then kindly have a headache!!!


Have you ever rejected him?

Go get him sis.
Grab his hand and guide him to the boom boom room!:rofl:


U might have waited to long to light that flame back or he cheating. Remember what u won’t do there Is always someone willing.


:woman_shrugging:t4: just like you don’t wanna get dressed up every day it is entirely likely that he also has days where he is tired or not in the mood. Just because it happened once doesn’t mean you can’t always try again in the future. It’s important to talk to your partner about these things. If he continues to turn you down then there’s clearly something else going on. Communication is key. It can be really upsetting when someone turns us down when we suddenly feel the motivation to do something. I would be bummed as well. But that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t be interested another time. It also doesn’t mean that you have to get dressed up all the time. Use this as a discussion point “see how when I got dressed up you weren’t in the mood? When I feel stressed I also don’t feel in the mood do to XYZ.”

When you’re stressed out your body literally goes into fight or flight which decreases sex drive and many other things. Maybe read up on sex drive and the central nervous system and fight or flight so you both have a better understanding

My husband literally thinks I am sexy in an old tshirts and oversized shorts. I would lose it if he made comments about dressing up.


Sooooooo u reject him


Like we have never rejected our partner, we accept it and move on.
We should not get rude or throw it in their face the next time they are in the mood. That’s just petty.
Communication and compmrise!
Work it out like adults.

Start making the same comments back, but about him :person_tipping_hand:t3:


Sorry but he sounds like he’s not attracted to you anymore or cheating. He not worth the energy an time sis​:disappointed::woman_shrugging:t3:


your timing was off try again next time, take you ego out of it.


What does your gut tell you.
Well listen to it and stop second guessing yourself


Know u look
Good and let him
Know u know u look and feel good!!! #Queen
We can’t expect validation from a man because they just don’t care. I think
Your beautiful


Just because you were “on” tonight doesnt mean he has to be, or that hes cheating or that he doesnt appreciate you dont listen to any of that
Especially if it’s the first time you did it for him maybe it wasnt what he expected *did you consider what you were deesss in jus wasnt for him?


Okay, so when a woman comes on here saying that she rejected her husband, all the women band with her and say he has no right to be upset. But the minute he rejects her he must be cheating. Y’all wild. She probably rejects him 99% of the time so he makes comments about not getting any and how to spruce things up, but he rejects her once and it’s a issue. If I were rejected all the time, I’d return the favor too.


If my husband commented regarding my lack of dressing up all the time, I’d point out his raggedy ass briefs with holes in them. When ya dressing up for me buddy?! :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl:

Try it another night or on a day he doesn’t work. He may just genuinely be tired. I have trust issues so I kinda get when the disappointment leads directly to cheating suspicions but I wouldn’t fret unless it keeps happening.


Kick him in the nuts and tell him to grow up lol


Honestly, if he has been “begging” you forever and once you dress up and pamper up he rejects you, I would be pissed and hurt. I would talk to him about it. Either he is rejecting you out of spite (did you make it seem like a chore or complain everytime he asked you to dress up or reject him a lot?) Or he isn’t interested. My husband and I have been married for 10 years have to kids and he always wants to when I dress up. Even if he has to get in the mood or warm up, he has never rejected me because he knows how much it takes for me to dress up and he likes knowing I want to please him. It honestly sounds to me he is holding a grudge especially since he talks about it all the time and makes comments.


It’s okay for you to reject him? But he can’t do the same to you?


Same girl I get rejected ALL the time


Next time he’s hitting you up - tell him there’s no point in firing up the whole grill for a little sausage


Sometimes is about the timing. Y’all to are way unbalance. Time to have a talk and make some sort of schedule if y’all have complicated job schedules.


Red flag . sorry hope all works out


Fine go do what you need to do for you right now but next time he makes the comment nail him to the wall with it.

remind him that you did all that for him and he didn’t want it so you won’t be doing it again if you want extra this time he can romance you and bring you into the mood or he can just be quiet about you dressing up for him period since you tied and it doesn’t matter


My husband straight laughed at me last time I got new lingerie. Lol. He didn’t even mean to, which probably makes it worse. Granted I was about 8 and a half months pregnant. It was funny. You clearly have turned him down before. Accept that he just wasn’t feeling it and move on. I just threw on his t shirt over the atrocity and that works every time. Learn to laugh at yourself a little. It’s OK.


Don’t send Picts March in there in your outfit confident as and take some control , you did this for him not yourself and if he still says no to your face while your putting it on a plate go in the room and make sure he can hear you finish yourself off :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Is he complaining that you don’t dress up or is he complaining that you don’t give it to him??

Just have an open conversation about it. Be honest about how you went out of your comfort zone and how hurt and rejected you felt. Soo many arguments stem from simple miscommunications bc we are all human!


This is disgusting and my heart breaks for you, since covid I’ve gained so much weight I don’t even recognise myself, I live in pjs, I don’t do make up, I don’t even do my hair. And my partner never ever puts me down, he compliments me more now than he he ever has.
No one who loves you should ever put you down!! They love you for who you are!!!


You said y’all got 3 kids, and both work full time.

Here’s a thought………

Maybe he’s actually tired. :woman_shrugging:t5::unamused:


Husband sounds like a dick head

I think men get their period too and can be so moody. They can be hot like fire begging for it and sexting all day and then you get your dress up on and all he wanted was pictures. Come on now. It’s either raining or drought :confused:


That mf cheatin. He tired Bc he already got his nut from the work secretary lol


Allow yourself to feel hurt for awhile and if he comes knockin without an apology send him through the self checkout line, but if it persists then you need to decide if its time to hang up your spurs or get a different horse


He’s an asshole and will always be a prick. Work with him on the kids and coparent but this man is what he is

Wow, so rude and hurtful!

throw the whole man out


Really, I find it odd. Not to many men turn down sex. He’s giving you mixed signals. Um

I’m ok with him being tired… I’m not ok with the jokes he been making…


The next time he says something tell him you did and he blew you off its not just when he wants it it needs to be when you both want it


Um sounds like he got tired of asking and moved on mentally and maybe even physically.


Nope. You deserve better


If he wants you to dress up then he can make an effort himself. He can find a babysitter, ask you out on a date and put himself out. Tell him this.


Dress up some time he isn’t tired? My luck is when I take the effort of shaving, my boyfriend is tired. It happens.
But him spending his time being a dick about it, yikes. Does he get clean and dressed up for you? Maybe plan a date night where you both put on the good clothes. But dudes who expect you to dress up and wear makeup and do your hair, and shave and all that, while they have on their holey undies and stained new balance… Uh nope. I’m not going to be the only one making an effort.

My X husband used to do that too me too & he was always cheating on me. Hopefully not your case but be cautious


You shouldn’t have to dress up to earn his approval. While he has the right to say “no”, you have the right to wear what the hell you want without him making you feel undesirable! It sounds like you should tell him how his comments make you feel and if he still doesn’t change, suggest therapy.


Ummm maybe he just actually tired?


From now on shoot him down every single damn time he makes a snide remark about dressed up wives. Remind him that he can’t even handle his own dressed up wife!

Tell him you only dress it up for First Class!!!

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You know what . Leave it alone . Tell him if you have to dress up so does he .
I mean go all out . Buy a strap on & a gag
See how he likes it !
Dudes an asshole

Maybe he wants someone else’s wife to dress up for him🤷‍♀️


Try again on a different day. If he rejects you again then maybe you guys should be having a talk. Communication is key. What I do is get all dolled up, take multiple pictures in multiple outfits and when I’m trying to make a move I’ll send one of those pictures right when he gets to work so he gets to think about me all day while working & even send some dirty texts through out the day to get him pumped up. I work night shift 8p-6a and he works all day. So right when I get off he’s going to work. We also have two toddlers. So we’re VERY tired but still make time for a great sex life. It’ll only work if effort is shown on both sides though.

Tell him to get dressed up then laugh


Have you encountered a man? You may be entitled to compensation.


Yeah you both are tired but if he’s asking you for something don’t use work or kids as an excuse. Sadly he’s not interested because you have blown him off too many times in the pass. See how that feels when you are rejected, not a good feeling is it. If you want to keep this marriage and the fire burning the 2 of you need to have a honest conversation and come to a meeting of the minds. Good luck.


His rude comments show his lack of respect for you. That’s rude as hell!

Why do women expect their husband’s to have sex with them whenever they want? Sound so entitled, when in reality you’re not. People get tired.

And then wonder why men act the same way. Shutup and maybe go to couples therapy instead


Get you someone better girl. Good luck hun


Ok you’ve done your bit. Tell him next time it’s his turn to dress up for you and arrange a kid free night!


Go through his phone!! Lol I know I know it’s shady BUT when a man starts complaining of little things and denying sex there’s usually more to the story

Ohhhhh helllllll NO HE WOULD BE OUT THE DOOR


If you have a vibrator, use it in bed beside him and if he tries to join in tell it’s a party of one.


You deserve better.If he turns down sex or naughty time as i call it then hes probly cheating on you.I hope thats not the case for you though.

Try another day he isn’t tired


Not being rude but you should not feel pressurised to dress up by him!! He’s basically guilted you into doing that because it’s what he wants and then when you’ve made the effort for him has rejected you, no doubt making you feel very hurt and upset, that is the behaviour of a narcissist hunni, dump his ass and don’t look back, you deserve way, way better than him!!

Some of y’all woman and your mean comments make me hate this world even more!!! Praying for your marriage!


He is just nasty. I would tell him if he doesn’t appreciate me, then maybe i will need to consider finding someone who does.

Definitely dont let him treat you this way, he will just slowly destroy your self worth


Sounds like he doesn’t respect you or your feelings. Sounds like he doesn’t deserve to have you.


It was wrong of him to blow you off. If he really wanted dress up, the appropriate thing to say to you was, I’m so happy to see you all sexy and bummed because I’m so tired. Then should have loved on you anyways. In my opinion, something else is going on with him. Dress up may be an excuse in his head. Seems he can’t really tell you what he is really thinking or feeling.


Lmao I agree with the vibrator comment. Dress up and let him find you in bed with a vibrator and tell him oh you thought he was too tired. Lol bet he wants to join :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Tell him to explain. You did your part. If he says he wanted to hurt you ask why. You don’t dress up because it’s exhausting. You can’t do everything. I honestly don’t understand why anyone would need to waste time dressing at all. Just jump in and get with it. All that other is just a waste of time. Go to bed in your birthday suit. If he rejects you then you’ll know for certain how he truly feels. The only thing left is a lawyer. Tell him that. Tell him what days are good for him to visit the kids. Thanks for the house. Bye. What have you got to lose. A mentally abusive husband. No loss there.


My issue is his chiding…“do they send dressed up wives with that?” Honestly, he is a jerk.


Off subject, do you two enjoy life together? No response necessary.

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Maybe he wants you to be put together when out in public. No man is ever too tired for sex!!! Try and ask

What a pig of a man saying that when he orders food. :nauseated_face:


A deep long talk is needed. Not Lingerie :hugs:

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He sounds like a prize himself. I would be sure to break out this situation in the future


Many of these sound fake


Maybe he was tired… ? :sweat_smile:

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Next time don’t dress up…tell him your too tired


If he cant appreciate the time you took then dont do it again.
I understand we all get tired ect but its a tough gig being a mumma and a partner. We all have needs and sometimes as a mum its hard to feel in the mood so take every opportunity.
Im sorry you didnt get the reaction you where looking for.

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Are you and him in a good place in your relationship.

Time him you will take care of your self & if he knows better he will get the hint!


Sounds like a complete jerk.


Sounds like your marriage is on the outs.


Dang. Start throwing rude comments out like oh do they said real men with that? Or men who are ready to perform, etc :woman_shrugging: id give him that same energy right back.

Throw out the whole husband and start over.


Ummmm what if he really is tired :woman_shrugging:t3: