I wore a sexy dress up for my man and he rejected me!

Get dressed up and go out without him x


Wear some sexy lingerie to bed

So he wants you to be sexy dress up for him but then wants to turn it down. OK hereā€™s the deal, Iā€™ve popped out three kids for you, you make snide comments all the time expect me to be sexy and all, then you turn me down. Why the hell am I gonna go out of my way to do some thing that you expect yet you turn me down. Whatā€™s the point of bothering, I may as well just lounge around in my comfy clothes and be comfortable then sit here and throw on something sexy only to hear snide comments. Tell him it works both ways. He canā€™t expect you to do something all the time and then do nothing in return. Why bother then, if heā€™s not willing to actually take that step, donā€™t waste your time getting sexy up for him. He clearly doesnā€™t appreciate you taking the time to do all of that but he expects it of you. Well, you expect him to reciprocate if heā€™s willing to make the comments to you all the time. If he canā€™t hold up his end to the bargain why should you.


Get a side piece! Iā€™m betting heā€™s got one already so join the team, boo!! His loss


I can imagine with him requesting this and then turning you down makes you feel confused and hurt but maybe it just wasnā€™t a good night for him. We are all human and like you said you two both work full time jobs and have. Children. Iā€™m not defending his ways because he went about it the wrong way but if it were meā€¦ Iā€™d start a new day with a clear mind. Maybe send naughty text and/or pictures through your the day? See if he will send some back and maybe itā€™ll lead up to some excitement at the end of the night?


Heā€™d regret saying that! Just sayin


Next time he makes a remark, remind him he was too tired.


Sounds like an asshat :woman_shrugging:t3:

I was married to a person like this and he will reject you til you never want to dress up or wear makeup again and if it was just he was tired, that outfit could have gotten him untired. This is how a man starts to break down a woman.


Iā€™d leave or qpuldnt speak to him for days

Hes an ass, hes putting forth nothing but belittling you. Sounds like hes cheating on you, it doesnā€™t matter how much you love him, hes not loving you back. If he stays he makes himself look like a decent person and staying allows him to take out his hatred of himself on you. Hes a coward, he cant man up. Iā€™d pack him up and move him out and fix yourself up, or not! I was in your shoes and thought standing beside my man, my commitment, for the kids, whateverā€¦I was wrong and I got played. Cost me self-esteem, anxiety, and almost the respect of my kids. Strong woman, flip the script. Dont question him, he will gaslight and switch it to you, you wonā€™t ever get truth. Catch him, show up to see him with no notice. Ignore him a bit. If I had it to do again, Iā€™d have listened to my intuition.

Tell him youā€™ll dress us when he does :woozy_face:


My guess is someone else already has his attention :pensive:


I would have called him out. Dont complain about me not dressing up and being sexy just to be ā€œtiredā€ when i do. Make sure he understands that it takes effort. You complain and make me feel bad so i make thr effort and take the time out to do what u ask for then all if a sudden u dont want it. Let him know girl!!


It sounds like heā€™s mentally checked out of the relationship possibly . No man should ever be making you feel bad for not dressing up. He should be happy with how you are.


Dump him, he doesnā€™t want you and is blaming your outfit. Clearly itā€™s not the clothes.


You need a side guy. That or when he lies down, straddle his face and ride the hell out of him. :man_shrugging:


My husband works his butt off & randomly falls asleep at times, but heā€™s NEVER too tired for that! He could be in a dead sleep & wake up for some lovinā€™s. That dont necessarily mean your husband is cheating, he may have just rubbed one out because you said no so much. Lol Itā€™s no big deal, let him know of your intentions ahead of time so he doesnā€™t self pleasure. :wink: My guess is that heā€™s self pleasuring to porn, that is why heā€™s asking you to dress up.

This is just to break you down. Please leave this wonā€™t change. It wasnā€™t a bad night like some have said. This is all intentional. He says those things to excuse himself of his own bad actions. I guarantee heā€™s cheating. This is the excuse he uses in his mind. Donā€™t bother trying to change for him. He had 3 of his children. Stack your money and leave.


Heā€™s comfortable. He has it made. N he knows he can say hurtful things (narcissist behavior) without any consequences. Iā€™m wondering if youā€™re trauma bonded at all? I would dig deep. I donā€™t think this is the only thing that he has done to hurt you. Little things everyday. Does he ever love bomb?


That is sad, no relationship will survive mind games, that crush the others feelings!

He is a piece of s*** he has no respect for you so donā€™t expect anything from him


Truthfully it sounds like he already checked out. But it canā€™t be bc of clothes or how you dress. That stuff doesnā€™t matter. You definitely need to put him in his place though!


If you havenā€™t caught it yet hes probably cheating on you already. Save those dresses for another man that will love for you to wear them for himā€¦leave the loser if you havenā€™t already.


Dress up go out with girls have funā€¦heā€™ll come around when he starts feeling like some other guy may be looking at youā€¦donā€™t let him no it bothers youā€¦go have fun without himā€¦who knows


With what sounds like a super busy schedule he should just be happy he gets any time with you . Sounds like you put some effort into getting ready and looking how he has asked you to look he should be all around you trying trust me when my wife takes the time to dress up and look extra good I am all about the pictures and showing off my beautiful wife but that is just me I think he should be proud to show off his wife


Do the same thing to him.

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Either his h as someone else or he has ED and canā€™t function so he is trying to blame it on you. Get him to the Dr. Either he is scum or has sick either way he needs a checkup

Dude sounds like a jerk


Well I know what I wouldnā€™t be doing again.


Dress up while doing house chores. Like they do on tiktokšŸ˜†


Okay soā€¦ hits home here a teensy bit.

I spent years trying to figure out why I wasnā€™t good enoughā€¦ one of our first arguments was about our sex lifeā€¦ there was always an excuseā€¦ too tired, not feeling great, blah blah, I felt so rejected and it totally screwed with me. (I love sex and am totally the ā€œdo it whenever as many timesā€ kinda chic) he even spun it that there was an issue with me and I needed help basically.

Tried to wear cute outfits, he was playing a game for one of them on his laptop and didnā€™t even look up. At that point I came to the decision I wasnā€™t gonna be rejected anymore and if he wanted it he could come to me. It went on for a yr like that, which he still denied lol

Found out a couple yrs later after that incident heā€™d been cheating for 4.5 yrs of our 7 yr relationship and recently had a kid on the side. Heā€™s an ex now obviously.

The comments saying ā€œhes checked outā€ and ā€œcould be cheatingā€ are totally valid.

Your worth more.
You are enough.
Hes the one with the issue, not you.

I canā€™t stress these 3 previous points enough.

Any man of their woman done that would be up for it so somethings upā€¦ Hes a prick

Throw the whole man away and start over lol someoneā€™s momma raised a piece of shit not a gentleman

He sounds like he took care of himself already and had no interest in having sex :weary:

Heā€™s doing to u as u have done to him.


Red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: I would be investigating his phone :calling:


Throw him out and start new lol


Just because you were in the mood, doesnā€™t mean that He wasā€¦


YOU are NOT the problem.


Sounds like a jerk. Turn the tables, Iā€™m sure he doesnā€™t always look great.

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Heā€™s playing you!!!


Yeah thatā€™s a little bit suspicious. Only because heā€™s been being a jerk and saying you should dress up. Then you do and heā€™s too tired? :face_with_monocle: odd.


All I know is these fan questions lately have had me FUCKED up. Geez. I an sending everyone GOOD vibes and strength to overcome these obstacles and walk away from these horrible people in our lives !!! We deserve to live a life we are happy to be in!

Dress up and donā€™t let him have you. Thatā€™ll teach him.


Never do it again šŸ¤· you gave him what he asked for and heā€™s not interested. Itā€™s probably not you he wants role playing with him in the bedroom anymore

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Are you looking for validation that you need to leave him? What would you yourself tell your best friend/sister/coworker in your exact situation? I think you know, but want confirmation.


tell him u heading out to let ya hair down dont wait upā€¦


He is pulling your chain. He just likes to keep you on edge. He will continue to do it as long as you let him.


Get rid ASAP without a doubt


Seems like he wants to be the one to demand itā€¦control freak or he has someone else or heā€™s keeping you down draining your self confidence. Bin him ā€¦


If he canā€™t appreciate you, then dress up, and post your pics on Instagram lol I promise, heā€™ll think otherwisešŸ™‚


He has control issues!


Narcissist red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: with this man.


Throw the whole man away


Shut up and let him rest , heā€™s tired.

Time to close that door :door: and open a new window


Unpopular opinionā€¦ but why is it she can turn him but he canā€™t turn her down unless heā€™s a cheater? Men can be tired too. . Although him being an ass with his rude comments arenā€™t right . Everyone comments red flag, cheater, ectā€¦ just because he didnā€™t respond as she hoped doesnā€™t always mean itā€™s a red flag.

I say do it a few more times without telling him and see what he does. Donā€™t send him pics just dress up looking really good and maybe even go out once like that and see what he does.


Just cut his penis off

Dress up and do normal things. Pleasure yourself next to him in bed and reject him. Reject him hard.


Haaahaa either stay or split or dress real sluty ever day c what happens hell he will jump it or not then youā€™ll know


Get rid of that first degree loser!


If I go through the effort of doing all that and still get rejectedā€¦ I will NEVER do it again. Lesson learned.


Heā€™s just mad he has nothing to bitch aboutā€¦

Soooo sorry, heā€™s gone

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Either he has control issues or heā€™s done left mentally and emotionally and is with someone else. You deserve someone that will put you up on a pedestal!


He must have been talking about someone elseā€™s dressed up wife


I think we need to see pictures before we can issue a ruling (LOL)


Lot of good responses . Go yourself.

If heā€™s not making an effort why does he expect you to :woman_shrugging:t3:


When he walks in the door tonite flip him the bird!


You throw the whole man away.


Best way to get over 1 is to get under another :woman_shrugging::100:


Yall realize if this were reversed yall would have a whole different energy lolā€¦ if heā€™s not in the mood he is not obligated to perform.


Maybe he really is just tired. Men are humans right?


Get sexy as fuck and donā€™t let him touch you one day. Just strut around the house.

Dress up more oftenā€¦not for him but for YOU!!!


Sounds like a douche.

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He totally lost value of you and thatā€™s within him not you.


Sounds like heā€™s a narcissistic pig and as long as he can make it seem like your failing at something heā€™s still the golden person in the relationship my advice is to find a new man to dress up or not dress up for and kick your husband to the curb

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Heā€™s been watching a porn and thinks youā€™re one of them.
Tell him that those woman dress up like that to work, they are getting paid for this, they are actresses, they donā€™t even have a sex in real live because most hate it, so he should came out from his shoe box and stop living like a delusional.

Now does he dress up for you? :thinking: Is he the one who pours you that nice bath? Or makes you that drink when you get home after a long day? Does he give you that fantastic foot rub when you watch a movie together? :thinking:
If yes, he was probably just tired! If not, heā€™s not a keeper!

Leave, he is trying to use power over you, he wants you to do things on his time. I would leave, you deserve better. I know itā€™s hard with kidsā€¦but they need to see you happy and see you treated better


My ex husband used to put me down. Say I never tried to look pretty or anything and I would try and he wouldnā€™t even bother to notice me no matter what I did. So, I definitely wouldnā€™t try as much. He used to suck the life out of me and it was so miserable. He is a narcissist. Iā€™m not saying your husband is and I definitely hope heā€™s not but I am sorry he didnā€™t bother to at least appreciate what you did cause you did it just for him. If it continues like that I hope you know you deserve to be and feel loved no matter what. You are good, beautiful, kind, and loving and deserve to be treated with love and appreciation and nothing less but surely more. Donā€™t let what he does cause you to stop loving yourself and never believe youā€™re not good enough just the way you are because you are more than good enough.


Maybe he just was tiredā€¦life can be alot sometimes with 3 kids and work during a pandemic. Maybe it was bad timing? Dont jump to conclusions over one situation. If this kept happening like every day for 10 yrs then yeah ok somethingā€™s up.
Try again its worth it for your marriage for your family.


Talk to him about it.there could be a million reasons why he said no. Maybe he really was tired, maybe he did not feel good, maybe something happened at work to upset him or maybe like everyone else assumed he is cheating but they only way find out whats going g on is to talk to him. Also is this first time its happened or does he do it often?

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He has a problemā€¦blaming you so he doesnā€™t have to admit it to himself, or you.


Men can be so clueless. He went about this all wrong. If he wanted you to dress up he could have said ā€œhey, Iā€™m planning a nice dinner/and or a night out WE should get dressed up.ā€ He does sound a little emotionally abusive. Donā€™t feel bad about not dressing up. You work and have 3 kids. But if he had an issue with it he could of went about it differently without making you feel bad about it.

Throw the whole man away, sis.


Stand up to him and ask him why does he want you to dress up all the time when your tired as well and then when you do how come he blew you off like that? And see what he says then and see his face and how he reacts to your nicely asked questions and never let anyone put you down for doing your best hun it is not okay!!!


Have you tried couples counseling


Donā€™t tell him ahead of time. Make it a surprise.

Throw him in the garbage

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Get yourself a WHOLE NEW MAN


He is a narcissist
Read about narcissist and compare if they have similar characteristics as your husband. If so he wonā€™t change sadly. You will end up broken losing your self esteem and everything.

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He has someone else. Thatā€™s why he makes the comments.


Women, stop letting men mind f%^k you at every turn.


Iā€™d flip out. Itā€™s so hard being a mother and being a wife!! For you to put all that effort in (especially after his remarks) and then for him to blow you off. Iā€™d freaking snap. Youā€™re worth more than that. You should feel sexy and important.


You make the next take out order. Call McDonaldā€™s. Say does the happy meal come with a new husband because your seems to be broken. LMFAO