I wrote in a non bio father on my kids birth certificate and need to change it

If you don’t have her birth certificate you can reapply to vital records and leave the father spot blank

Start by getting applying for her birth certificate . Then check with family court system, set up a court date, go before a judge, with documents proving why you want the change. The judge will then either grant you the change or not. You will more then likely be responsible for court fees and the cost to change the name which here in MN. Is $200. to $400. Those cost may be able to be reduced or waved completely if you are a single mother receiving government benefits and /or are not working and have no other income.

That’s dirty as hell, but you will have to petition the state for a paternity 9n the bio dad or petition the state to get him off. My fiances baby mama did this and now he is barely able to speak to him. We have spent thousands trying to rectify this.

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Okay you need to go to the county courthouse of the county she was born in , normally the clerks office and get her birth certificate. You will have to file child support and request dna to prove he isn’t the father. Never ever do this for anyone reading. It may seem like a good idea but don’t.

I had a dna test done on my son and they changed his birth certificate and added his bio fathers name to it. He had/has my last name but they offered to allow me to change it due to the test results.

If you never sent out the paper work, there is no birth certificate and there’s nothing to change. Just go get new ones and don’t put someone else’s name on ANYTHING unless you’ve been with them for years and years and actually know them.

Through the courts. They’ll have him take a paternity test to determine whether he is the father or not. This will take months and it really sucks.

It’s a crappy situation. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it. All you’ve got is me, myself, and I. Goodluck

Call local family attorneys for a free consultation on what you have to do for your state, and do a Google search on how to obtain a birth certificate in your county. After entering the adult world, excuses like “I don’t have it because he won’t give me the paperwork” are just lazy. I know it’s scary and these are uncharted waters for you, but you are your own advocate as well as your child’s.

If you can get the guy to deny being father and you saying he’s not and a DNA test done they (in most states) will remove the guy from BC. However you need to have as much info on bio dad for them to track and get DNA from as well and you’ll have to pay for the DNA tests. Also child support would be pushed by the state as well.

Not sure why you decided to put someone who wasn’t the father on there instead of leaving it blank… at this point you have two options. File for child support and let him take responsibility for the child because he chose to be on the birth certificate or file for paternity and remove him completely from both your lives. I hope you learned a lesson for your child’s sake.

Once you deem someone the father whether bio or not that’s that! you might have to hire a family lawyer to reverse it , seek legal advice from a professional

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Call an attorney, do a free consult… If he was listed at hospital whether bio or not and on bc info he has legal rights now. He is financially responsible for child as well. You will have to do a DNA test and determine non bio status. Then you can get info changed. Best of luck!

If she hasn’t had her birth certificate filed yet you go can file it and it will ask if her name as been changed since birth

If her bio dad will step up, you can either get your ex to sign over paternity or you can make the dude who’s not her dad pay child support. If he’s on the birth certificate he’s financially responsible even if he can prove shes not his. In the future, don’t give your baby some stray dudes last name.

Depending on what state your in even though he signed it at the hospital. At the health department if y’all are not married and he didn’t go there and sign an PA that baby should still have your last name. In Ga they give the baby the mom’s last name no matter what the dad signs. The baby father then goes to the Health Dept. and signs a PA that’s how the name is changed to his

Order the birth certificate online or go to health department and pick up a copy. Get an attorney involved unless the dad wants nothing to do with her and will sign rights and name over. Bio or not you made him dad putting him on there. Her real dad needs to be listed on there for future medical purposes and her knowledge.

Well if he doesn’t take away his last name. He will be responsible for child support. Especially if she called him daddy. So he has no choice. If you’re here in California it applies but if you’re not then I’m not too sure

Paternity test/dna… Then going to the court house and filing paperwork for custody. Then you can go about changing name. My sister did this same thing… Ya live and learn

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Not sure what state you are in but I’m FL knowingly putting someone down on the birth certificate that is not the bio father is a felony. You will have to go to court for the name change, but you can go to your states vital records office to get a birth certificate, or apply for one online. You can go after child support since he’s on the birth certificate.

If you’re in contact with bio dad, and he may want to be in her life then get him to go to court and file for a dna test. Because if he can prove he’s bio dad it makes everything easier afterwards as they’ll want to get that fixed for government papers. If not I’d advise you go to the record place where she was born and get a copy of her birth certificate. (Or online if you’re Canadian as we just need one parent on birth certificate to apply online for it) after you do that go to the family Court building and see if they have subsidised family lawyers. Explain your situation and see what they can do, they should be able to do a dna test on the guy on her birth certificate. He will need to show up or you will need bio dad there as if he doesn’t show up he’s automatically determined as dad. In Canada if he’s not dad you pay for the test if he is he pays though so I’d test bio dad and make a deal to pay half each at that point so you’re not out 200 for the test and 150 for the legal name change

Simple. You get a birth certificate from your state.

I changed my sons last name and it took about a year and a half.

First Probate court, you file a motion for a minor name change. You meet with the magistrate they ask you a bunch of questions. Next he has to legally be notified if he doesn’t accept the certified mail it will be published in the local paper and after a week the courts will grant the name change.

Vital and statistics is where you pick up a copy of the birth certificate.

Once you change the name you will need to file a change with the social security office and the babies health insurance. Vitals is automatically notified and the birth certificate is update once the courts grant the change.

If he signed papers at the hospital thats pretty much iron clad… he has to pretty much give up his fatherly rights i think… has he ever paid child support? Or court ordered too pay child support?? I think you better talk to an attorney about this?? And if hes never paid support nor ordered to pay support. It should be easier. Your gonna have to talk to a attorney…

So U don’t have the birth certificate? What did he sign if there is no birth certificate. My son’s birth certificate just says ‘not stated’ in the father’s info.

Birth certificate, social security office. Call them for the best info. But these are the places you need see

Depends on the state so you’ll have to look into it, but here even if an unmarried father is on the birth certificate he has to confirm paternity to have legal rights. You could get a paternity test to eliminate him as the biological father, then it’ll probably be easier to change any documentation you want to.

Getting a birth certificate doesn’t require any paper work that you wouldn’t really have access to. I just ordered my daughter’s online last week. Its super easy. Who ever is on the birth certificate will also have to sign off on a name change though

Jokes on him tho he will have child support. Ull have to have a hearing and he will have to do a paternity test you’ll have to order they the court to prove who is and isnt the dad

It was never submitted, then do new ones. Her name doesnt exist if the papers were never submitted. And guess why they werent? Because the guy who claimed he wanted to be her dad eas full of shit and he purposely didnt submit them.
Call the hospital where she was born and ask for the office info if where the papers get submitted. Then call them to see if they have a record of her birth…

It can be changed as I’m sure other commenters have mentioned. Go to your county offices or health department where you would get a copy of a birth certificate and they should be able to direct you.

Ask a Lawyer
However if you never filed the paper work just refile without a father information being present.
That’s what I did 13 yrs ago. And it’s worked out well for us

My dad had legal rights to me because he was on the ertificate and my mom couldn’t remove him. He chose to stand in as the dad this was considered my legal parent.

It would be done through the courts and I’m not too sure on this part but they may want you to have somebody listed as the father before they will take the other guy off. And on the birth certificate part you can file for a new one

The only way to get it changed if he won’t sign over his rights is to petition for paternity. They will test him and the baby but there could be consequences for you lying on a federal document :neutral_face: depending on the state your in. When you signed that paperwork unfortunately your signing it stating everything is truthful. That’s a hell of a situation. They could deny your request and force you two to coparent and make him pay child support. It’s really up to a judge now. But I’d start there if your serious about it

Wait if he didn’t give you the papers to get her birth certificate, then what papers at the hospital did he sign? The hospital should have sent it off to the state…that’s how it works where I am anyway. We signed the papers and they sent the papers in after the doctor signed them.

You are probably going to have to have him sign off in the courts. Otherwise his name stays. If that happens take him for child support. He may want his name removed.

So if he refused to give you the papers to send off, is her birth even registered? If it’s not, go ahead and register her birth now without him on the papers

Best route is to get BIO dad to petition the court for a paternity test.
Amending a vital record is a hard , but not impossible , process.

You have to file with the court to push the bio dad to do a test. If the bio dad WANTS to do the test and assume responsibility then it’s easier.

If he DOESNT WANT to assume responsibility. You’re about to have a hard road ahead of you. With no real support because you don’t want to charge the non-bio child support. You’ll owe that money back as far as I’m aware.

Regardless, it’s best to just not put a name down. If the bio Dad doesn’t want responsibilities. Once you file for state assistance and the state makes the bio dad. That’s on him at that point.

Contact someone in a family law practice. But it would had been easier to put your child’s name with your last name to avoid all this.

You can go to any vital statistics office in the state the child was born and get a copy of the birth certificate !!!

Hope you’re not changing her last name and switching it to another guys last name that you’re “dating”

In WA state, you have to petition for a name change. You don’t have to get his permission, but it does make it easier. Having a name change doesn’t necessarily have to be a parental termination like others have said. That’s something entirely different, but same thing applies, you have to petition the courts.

You will have to get a lawyer and go to family court. I believe you have to wait until there has been no attempt of seeing her for a year though.

have ton petition the court to change it. plus, you need to get ahold of your state and make sure she HAS a birth certificate

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DNA test will take the name off. :see_no_evil: That’s pretty much the only way. Once someone is listed as father that’s their legal father until you establish DNA saying other wise.

My brother went thru this. His ex put his name on the birth certificate. He had to have a DNA test on the boy to get his name removed.

You need an attorney at this point likely… or at least go to the family court and see if someone can help you as to what you need to fill out to prove paternity.

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It starts with family court and establishing paternity

I don’t recall needing to send off paperwork to get a copy of a birth certificate.

I simply walk into vital statistics/county clerks office and get one.

This is why I say give baby your last name no matter what!

Idk if its the same for all states but in washington yoy can ask the real father to file for paternity or if y file for state assistance medical theyll go after the fake dad for child support at which point he will probably deny paternity and then y can get it fixed

Wow. A lot of people putting the laugh reaction on this. I don’t see how this is at all funny.

All states are different with this.

Some states you need the other ‘parents’ permission; essentially they’re reminiscing their parental rights.

Some states you have to take an ad out in a news paper that’s bigger publication (not a small local town paper).

Contacting a lawyer to find out what the process for your state is will be your best option.

Go for high child support… he’ll demand paternity… and he’ll be paying for the test and to get his name off.

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Gonna have to have him do a dna test and prove he’s not actually the father. Also I wouldn’t recommend doing that again.

i would just get a dna test done if the guy who is actually the dad.

I would think you’d have to petition the court for dna testing for both men if they won’t willingly go to be tested. Then the birth certificate should be able to be changed.

I don’t quite know about a man who isn’t on the birth certificate. No judgement there just honestly don’t know.
However here is my experience in Indiana.

At birth the birth father was there. We both signed the birth certificate and my son got his last name.
However they asked to do a blood screening that costs $300 out of pocket since we were not married. This would officially declare him the father. Since he didn’t want to do the blood screening and we weren’t married he was never “officially” declared the father, in the states eyes. If we ever go to court he will have to do the blood test to prove paternity no matter the fact he’s on the birth certificate or if I verify he’s the father. Thankfully everything worked out and my son now has 4 very loving parents and we all get along around him.

For the name change until that blood test or marriage occurs, you technically have full custody of your child. In Indiana if you have full custody you have to petition the courts for the name change. This includes putting it into the county’s newspaper for a certain period of time, after that period of time ends you go into the court room and I’m sure I’m missing a couple of steps. However the newspaper gives the birth father a chance to come forward and take a stand on the court to protest. If during that time no one comes forward you can petition the court and within good reasoning you can get it changed. However you will have to have a birth certificate and once it’s all said and done you’re going to need to keep all the new paperwork on file because it is very hard and expensive, atleast in my lower class eyes, to buy copies.
However since it is such a hard and long process I would personally suggest giving it a few more months to see what truly happens. It is a long length process and I don’t know how many times you can legally do it. In the future I wouldn’t change it to any boyfriends name. Only yours or the birth fathers but as I said that’s my personal opinion.

WOW she asked how to change it not a lecture on how she should have done it!!! Did anyone of these lecturers actually read the post?? Your comment is not helpful in the least.

You can change her last name through court. File a motion and he will have to be served and informed on this matter. If he doesn’t show up (judging by his actions he probably wont) then they will grant you the right to change it. Now, as far as the paternity goes, you can not just remove him from the birth certificate just by saying “he’s not the real father”. If you both signed the Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgment (the documents you signed at the hospital) he is legally the father and nothing can change. Even if you request DNA, they will not allow it. Unless!! The bio dad steps in and says “Hey I reason to believe this is my child and I want rights to him/her if it is and would like to request DNA in the court of law” that is literally the only way around it. My sister went through the same exact thing.

If you never turned the papers into the hospital there’s no names on the certificate


First step is to do a paternity test to prove that he isn’t the father


What the hell did I just read?!
Good god

So you didn’t turn on the paper work? Go get another application from the hospital and put only your name on it. At this point it’s lost

OMG wow … you need to go to court for a name change…. and get a simple paternity test

Wow… you DONT just put anyone as the father no matter what… either the real father or nothing at all…

Why would u do that to ur child!?!?!?!

It cost $10-$25 at the vital statistics office to get the birth certificate. Go to an attorney. A DNA test will take care of this…

Tell him he needs to start paying child support or sign over rights?

Why would even do that? Like leave the father blank don’t write in some rando

If you haven’t sent off the paperwork for her birth certificate I would just send in one he hasn’t signed and don’t list the father

I’m not sure where you go to change last names but you should be able to do that online too

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But Jesus Christ she ASKED FOR ADVICE FOR A MISTAKE SHE MADE AND YALL ARE ALL AWFUL!! SHE ASKED FOR HELP NOT YOUR GROSS ASS NEGATIVITY!!! KEEP YOUR JUDGMENT (and I secretly hope you all get pregnant with your sneaky links)

ANYWAYS! Just request he take a paternity test! And when it comes back negative, go from there! Do you want the biological father to be in her life? If so since you already slipped up once I would reach out to him and also have him take a paternity test so those two steps are handled at once!

Wishing you the best of luck! :two_hearts::sparkles:

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You don’t need him for the birth certificate. If he signed the parental Acknowledgement forms he’d be her legal father. You’d need his permission to change the last name. The best way to do it is probably find the real dad and have him fight the paternity to get the legal dad off the hook. But then bio dad would be accepting responsibility. Maybe try putting legal dad on child support until he signs his rights over

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You should just call the courthouse or go by there.I am sure they will point you in the right direction. Goodluck with everything sweetheart.

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Go after him for child support. He will as for a paternity test. You’re in for a long process because of your decision. Not a smart move

Unfortunately he’ll have to be involved for that process. By allowing him to be on the birth certificate you gave him just as many rights as you have.

First of all that was a big ass mustang if you were not married and you were not with the biological father the smartest thing to do is put them in your last name now you go hire a lawyer you just can’t go up there and change the name because you want to and just hope that the judge don’t get pissed off and find you cuz there is a law against this in the state of Alabama why do people do stuff like this I’ll never know. I was young when I had my first child I was 17 and the dad to my baby knew I was pregnant we were not married and I don’t care about his damn feelings my baby with my maiden name grow up out there people they’re not puppies but they’re your children

Well prepare to probably be fined if you go try to get him taken off the birth certificate and such. It’s a legal matter now if you’d of read the paperwork before signing that you can actually get jail time for knowingly putting someone down as the father who is not the father. As well as for changing the child’s name you’d have to ask the courts and petition for a name change then they will set a date for both you and her “father” that you put down on the paperwork and both of you will have to show up to the hearing and if there’s any issues it will need to be settled in court but half the time iv heard is if the one parent disagrees on name change they won’t change it.

Advice never put down a man’s name you don’t 100%, sure is the father. Lying on those sorts of legal paper work is usually a federal offense and it states it right there in the paperwork to not lie on it or consequences can and will happen if the truth comes to light.

Well that wasn’t very smart. You don’t knowingly lie on legal documents. Now you’re going to need a lawyer and petition a court for a dna test to have him removed and a new certificate and social security card issued.

You young girls do the dumbest crap

paternity test will provide proof hes not the father. the bio dad might have to be added but can still have your lastname

Back when my 1st child was born, 1993… so it may be different now… they told me I could leave it blank and give my child my last name, which is exactly what I did. Since my dad had 3 girls, my son will carry on HIS name. Not that it helps you now, but maybe will help someone else avoid the same mistake.

Just FYI, I’ll block anyone who comes at me sideways because I’m not here for advice (and don’t validate snarky internet therapists) … just giving my experience.

First: I truly hope you learned a lesson from this and other women reading this did too. Our flings in life effect our kids in monumental ways.
Second: easiest way would be if you can find actual bio father. If he is willing to stake his legal parental claim. It can be changed.
As for the birth certificate, papers or not you can get a new copy or have one registered if you haven’t actually registered it.
Lastly, if he is the bio dad and you think this is a way to take away his parental rights that can have serious legal consequences. So I hope the facts as you laid them out are truthful

Lesson learned I hope. Don’t lie. Especially about something as huge as the fathers of your child.

Not to be mean, But, you should’ve left it blank. Most kids don’t no their dads anyway.
I had a dad NOT. js


This is so impulsive and destructive. You need to stop and think before doing things & not wait until after. Talk to a professional.

If he signed it you will have a much harder time. You’ll need to go to court and petition a name change and they will subpoena him to court. If he shows up, he can fight it but he may have a hard time if paternity wasnt established via DNA test. Or he doesnt show up and the judge grants you the name change. Been there done that, 5 years ago . Except in my situation, I put her biological father on the birth certificate. I decided I wanted to change her last name from his to mine as he was addicted to drugs and not involved. Went to court, they asked me his last known address. He wasnt there when they sent the subpoena, so I was granted name change. Later on, he established his own paternity. Then I filed child support against him. He was ordered to pay $300 a month. I was lucky to see 1/4 of that if anything. He got so far behind he was facing a felony for Flagrant Non-Support. This year, my daughter is 6 almost 7. He proved his sobriety and continues to offer sobriety tests, which are also court ordered if I feel he needs to take one. I still have sole custody but he has his daughter back in his life. I chose to drop the felony child support charges so he had a chance to be a part of her life. So far so good.

Lmao sorry but why would you put someone else’s name that isn’t yours or the biological father. :woman_facepalming: this is real dumb of you, don’t mean to be an a hole but yoy put yourself in this mess. Make some phone calls to see what you can do to change it.

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You might need to do a paternity test in order to change it.

Yikes, you may get charged with perjury. You will have to take the biological father to court and have paternity proven or they will not take him off of the birth certificate.

File for child support. The situation will quickly solve itself.

Do not collect child support from the man that signed it that will get you in trouble and is where paternity fraud will be enforced. Contact an attorney every state is different. In my state there is nothing anyone can do if the child is 2 years or older it becomes the man on the birth certificates child period. If you going to do it do it quickly if you take a DNA test you have 90 days to file or it does no good in Indiana. For any mothers out there in a situation like this I would highly advise them not to have anyone sign.

Be kind and supportive! it’s done.

:woman_facepalming:t2: why didn’t you just put your last name? This is crazy, never heard of such thing. And the guy who isn’t even the child’s father has the birth certificate and won’t give it back? Go to town hall and just get another one.
**just reread this, so there’s no birth certificate at all? Thought that has to be turned in at the hospital before leaving, perhaps you can speak to someone at the hospital at the registration office and do the paperwork over with your last name :woman_shrugging:t2:


Why would you do this to begin with!? :woman_facepalming:t4:


I’d start with a DNA test. Then call the hospital and find out what they suggest and if they can’t help I’d call the r cords department in the county clerks office of your town. See what they have to say about your entire situation. Be sure to tell them every detail so they’ll know how to help you in full.

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All the more reason to not lay down and spread your legs with just anyone. Sad for all these kids y’all have.

Don’t reproduce with douche bags.


Request paternity testing through the court. Then you can have it legally changed.

my advice - call a lawyers office and see if the do free consultations- don’t do anything without consulting a lawyer Good luck to you and I hope you get this straightened out,