If I add my childs father to her birth certificate will they go after child support?

Here, if your on government assistance they go after the dad for child support doesn’t matter if he is on the birth certificate or not, my oldest sons dad isn’t on his and they tried but Csru couldn’t find him


So you’re on government assistance & don’t want child support? Sounds like you need to look into other options. More than he helps “in other ways”. So sad how girls accept this. DO BETTER!!


I’m surprised being on government assistance they didn’t make you. In illinois when I filed for government assistance because he isn’t on the birth certificate they made me chase him down for child support in order to be approved for assistance 🤦🏼‍♀


You can tell them no. That you don’t want him on child support. It’s your decision. Also you don’t need him on the birth certificate. Don’t let anyone push you into doing something you don’t really want to do.

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The amount of negativity and judgement here is absolutely disgusting. Some of you should honestly be ashamed. If you don’t know everything, you can’t really assume.


My grandson’s father refused to take a DNA. It was court ordered about 4 times. He was in prison at the time. Still refused. Came out of prison oct. 18th 2020. Died of an overdose Oct. 22nd. So now I can’t collect even his social security for the child. But the family finally acknowledged him when they set up a go fund me page. He was mentioned as one of his 8 kids. But that isn’t going to do
Me any good


you and your child’s father should come up with your own child support agreement outside of the courts. If he is already giving you money they won’t take him for more money.


Where I’m from they dont. They never went after for child support my oldest son. They asked if I wanted to but once I said no they didn’t push the issue. :woman_shrugging: Its nice to hear dads back in the picture and helping in whatever way he can! I personally understand not wanting to go through child support…its sad to see so many saying the gov shouldn’t be paying the father should be…gov. assistance doesn’t always mean for the child only and even with child support which sounds like your getting without dealing with court bs some still need the help. People are so quick to be nasty without having all the facts…:woman_facepalming:


Parents should support their children. It is not the taxpayers job. Every one needs help sometimes but don’t make it a way of life.


No you do not. Tell them he helps when he can. Do not listen to negative Nancy’s. Their opinion bla bla bla. Why don’t you people just answer the question. THE ANSWER IS NO. Good luck to you and your children. Also have you people ever filled out paperwork for help at these places. Its hard enough to feed your family and survive. This is no joke be nice its free.


Ummm… if you’re on Government Assistance, then your childs father needs to be paying child support. It’s not us TAX PAYERS responsibility to support your child because you don’t want your childs father doing so. You and your childs father need to be responsible adults and get a job to support your own child. I’ll give you this much though, you’re awful brave to ask such a question.


Government is paying his child support


They always do for anyone receiving government assistance. If u read the small print on the papers u signed you gave them permission to do that when u signed up


I have 3 kids by 3 diff men and i am on govt assistance. My oldests father passed away and my dauhters fathers rights were terminated due to domestic violence. And my 3rd. Is on the BC and they didnt make me go after him for CS … I am in Texas.


If you put him on child support you wouldn’t need government assistance why should the government assist you in raising a child when it has a father that’s able to


Depends on the state. However why let the state pay for your child if the father is helping. You can tell them you already have an agreement in place for support however the state usually will make the father pay health coverage


Depending on the state here in califotnia If you have cash aid they will go after child support whether or not you want them to but if you are only on food aid they won’t.


Sounds like dependency syndrome…father is quite possibly a deadbeat. She didn’t say what other ways he helps however.


If you are already getting “state assistance for other things”, as you, mentioned. You are supposed to tell the state that someone else, especially the father of your child is contributing to their care. I dont want to pay for your child. I’m Not trying to be mean. Just trying to be real.


Why should taxpayers pay for your child when the father is in the picture?


This is like not getting married because you qualify for food stamps or welfare or any other assistance but wouldn’t if married because then you have to report the other income you get from the other person in the household that assistance is also helping.


It depends on what state you live in. My kids father isn’t on their birth certificates bc we aren’t married and I have never had him added. That has been a personal choice of mine. I can go after him for support any time I want but I choose not to, again for my own personal reasons. Its been this way since they were born. He is in their lives and does what he can for them. All I want from him is to be a father to them and we figure everything else out as it comes. Its worked for 10 years since he decided to be a participating member of his kids lives (he came into our daughter’s life when she was 2, she is 12 now and we have a 7 year old now the rest is all history) as long as you two have a mutual agreement between you and a plan that works for you thats all that matters. I would do some research within the state you live in and find out if you add his name to the birth certificate if it changes anything you for you and if the state will pursue child support. Its easy info to find out.


In Michigan if you are on government assistance they will make him pay for that. Otherwise you have to take him to court to get “child” support.


Tennessee tried to go after my daughter’s bio father’s family for child support since he died when I was 8 months preggo and didnt have a death certificate

You can actually tell them he helps other ways and prefer not to go after child support
However, most states will make him pay his 50%of the birthing exoenses of you jad the child on state assistance. The state can tske away your payments, food stamps, etc for not cooperating with child support…they prefer daddy support them kids over the state lol


In illinios they may require a child support agreement be started, I dont think they will go for back support though

I had to sign a paper stating that i did not want to go after my husband for child support when we were separated…he was still supporting him in other ways when he was starting with him two days a week and we had agreed that if he did that, i wouldnt persue it

In most states if you’re getting assistance they’ll go after the parent that isn’t so they can give you less support.


Are you married? If not, it’s not so easy to get someone’s name added to a birth certificate, for that reason. If you are married, they will add it at your request. If not, He either has to agree to it, in writing or you will need other proof

I mean if he’s been supporting in other ways then why need to make him pay child support if he’s support the child just not through the system

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They only go after him if you apply for cash from the dta. If you get food stamps or daycare you can tell them that he helps and they put that down as extra income for you. My sons father was on the birth certificate and I’ve been receiving only food stamps and a daycare voucher for my son which is enough. Oh and after six years on the section 8 list I finally got a letter.

I believe if your on assistance they will make him pay support, you can do a “mutual” agreement by signing papers or go to court- That’s if he has a job. They will also lower your income.

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In Texas the state came after my brother, He had to do a paternity test of just prove it wasn’t his, or he would have had to pay child support for 18 years Because the mother was on government assistance

I know in Texas if you’re on any type of government assistance they will automatically go after the dad for child support. Even if you tell them you don’t want it. The health and human services will report it anyways and open up a case. They did it to me even though I told them I didnt want it several times. Because we were together at the time but we just weren’t living together. And the only way the attorney general would close the case was to prove that we were together by taking them our marriage license. Just a heads up. They most likely will report it. Depends on the caseworker you get.

I know in my state (ohio) if the father is on the birth certificate they will go after him for child support ONLY IF you apply for CASH ASSISTANCE. But if you just have medical and EBT through the state they wont open a case. May be different for other states. Idk… Hope this helps!

I don’t think they’ll go after child support but idk. I put my daughters dad on the bc & they never tried to get cs. But then again I’m not in assistance so tbh idk. But maybe they will. O had medicaid & in order for me to keep it after pregnancy i would’ve had to put him on cs & i was never going to do that lol he’s my husband now. I lost the medicaid but i didn’t care cuz she kept hers.

They will only go for child support if you bring it to court with a lawyer. Even if you add his name to the birth certificate

Child support does not work that way. It actually starts from the time you file for child support, not adding a name to the birth certificate.

Find out what the rules are in ur state. Can you all reach a financial agreement that won’t hurt your household? Does he plan on staying in her life? Most states like IL require that they have the fathers info to get any assistance. I hope it all works out

Last I knew if you applied for any type of assistance, they will inquire about the father…if at any time he does pay child support and you don’t want it, you can go to the child support unit and request to put a stop on the payments. Or from them counting against him and going into arrears. Because he doesn’t pay them anyway…

In Texas, if you ever file for public assistance, they will go after him for support. If he isn’t on the birth certificate, they’ll demand a DNA test to determine who is responsible.

If her father can give u support but u choose to not take it but take government $ , this is wrong, don’t use tax $ to support your family if your family has the abity to pay your own way in life.

Sad for everyone. Did he know he fathered this child? If he did, they will go for back child support once it’s determined he’s the father. It will affect his credit because he’ll be in arrears of child support, unless he can pay 3years of the amount that is owed.

If you add him, it’s a requirement to file for child support if you’re on assistance.


I know this isn’t your question but also, why not have everything on paper? If he ever takes said child and is feeling vendetta towards you… Good luck getting child back until they finally get you a court date. That birth certificate means nothing if he’s the father.

If you put her on Medicaid through WIC Medicaid will come after him to pay child support, with or without you wanting it.

From my experience, they only go after them for child support if you start the process. It does not start automatically.

Why take from the state if he’s now involved. Leave it to people who actually have an absent family member and no means. That is selfish and fraud and you should be ashamed. The system is for the needs of living and sometimes surviving, not the needs of the lazy and untruthful who cheat the system

If the government have to pay for them to eat, than he will have too pay too. They will need to see him helping provide for them. I learnt this. myself

Child support is for the child, not you. That is what the courts will tell you.

In PA you only have to file for child support if you are receiving cash assistance (TANF), not food stamps or Medicaid. We have exemptions for domestic violence issues, but otherwise if you don’t fine your cash gets cut by 25% and the state files on your support anyway. Source: am a TANF caseworker.

They won’t go after him unless you take him to court. Well depending on the state you live in possibly I’m not sure on that. But they never went after my ex on child support until I filed it when he left me, he has been on the birth certificate since she was born, but I do know if they do go after him for child support, you can deny it so he doesn’t have to pay.

Why open a can of worms just leave it as it is. Its not to important as long as hes helping now with bringing your child up why bother now.

I’m pretty sure they can only do that if you file for child support at all

If he dies, and is not on the birth certificate, they might not be eligible for social security survivors benefits. Get him on the birth certificate.

No. He needs to help so won’t need the assistance.
Are you also telling them you don’t know who’s the father?
Because otherwise they MAKE you file for child support.

If you’re in Florida you will lose any assistance if you don’t file child support including unemployment

In ohio, they usually do go after child support if you have government assistance, depending on how they wanna handle the case

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My dad is paying back cs for me and my siblings, because my mom drew assistance on us…and I’m almost 40🤣 He isn’t on my bc either, the state finds out eventually🤷‍♀️

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Yes, in most states, if you are on cash or child care assistance they will go after child support. Much depends on the state.

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Both parents should always be on the birth certificate

I believe they will if you are on assistance but they may require a paternity test and they don’t always retroactive they can start from the day it’s confirmed he’s the father. That’s how it happened with my oldest he wasn’t in the state when I had her and met her finally a few years ago

They say u can make other arrangements but both party’s should be working my partner use to pay child support for his kid plus b buying food clothes shoes and uniform for his child he was paying 250 for child support each week as well now roles have changed mother only pays like 20 bucks a week and does fcuck all for her kid

No…you would have to go through court for child support. Him being on the birth certificate wouldn’t change anything.

Regardless if he’s on the birth certificate or not he’s got to pay child support and back support. In Missouri anyway.

So dad is helping out financially and so on without government forces child support that’s awesome that daddy is daddy. Get a notary stating what and how he is helping and keep doing what you are.

In Texas, no. That’s even with government medical and food assistance. You have to let them know you and him have an agreement other than money, ie he provides clothes and etc for his child.

“Back” child support only goes back to the date you file.

I’m in Ohio, I filed for child support last summer after my husband and I split and he was paying “whenever he could” (he was giving me 60 every 2 weeks for 2 kids and would withhold it when he was mad and tell me he’d pay once a month and just figure it out) When I filed my case worker told me since I was on government assistance they would’ve eventually made him pay, I just got it going sooner. So yeah, probably they will make him pay child support. But they also will ask if he’d been helping out, the financial amount and took that away from any back support owed.
Most states have a policy that you have to disclose the father’s information to receive help, domestic violence cases excluded. So if you didn’t include it to start with you probably should add it to cover yourself.
Also, if there’s no father listed on the birth certificate and, god forbid, something happens to you your child would go to your closest family member. If there’s no one available the child may end up in foster care. It also means he has absolutely no legal rights concerning your child. He can’t even consent to medical care. If he’s a decent guy then I’d list him.

If you’re on medicaid or any government assistance they will go after him for it.

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If you are on government assistance then they will push the issue for support. For instance if you are receiving assistance and he is paying you X amount of money then that can change the status for you. It is considered income and it could potentially put you over the amount to make you eligible for assistance. Receiving money under the table from him and not reporting it could land you with a hefty fine. As it should be because my tax dollars along with everyone else’s could go to a family who needs it.

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I live in Michigan and they made my ex pay for her medical support and at the same hearing I asked for child support too so they did it all in one and you can’t get it taken off unless you get off medicaid

In aus If hes put on the certificate and u dont make attempt to claim child support u will just recieve the minimum amout of Family assistance Untill u do so… thats if u update all this with centrelink.

It depends on the state you’re in. In NJ if you’re on government assistance, they will go after the father for support. And they will keep the support while you’re on the assistance. I’m not 100% sure about back support, though. It may depend on how long you’ve been on assistance, they may try to get their money back for back assistance given.

Are you on some sort of government assistance apparently to be asking? Of course they will, “why” you be on assistance then let any father get away with providing for your child!:woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:

In Australia they only back date it to the day you contact them… seems the system may be different in America :grimacing:

You can change her last name to his without putting him on there.

In Tennessee they won’t go after him unless you apply for child support

If you get assistance the state you live in can or will go after the father for their money that they spent supporting that child.

What do the government can carry on supporting the child rather than her own dad? Heard it all now!

If on government assistance, yes they will go after the father when you make it known who the father is

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In alabama they don’t unless you sign to go after for child support

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I dont think they would go after for back child support if you never filed, but some states require the father to be put on child support if the mother is on cash assistance, but they might just have him pay what he already pays.

Yes in Canada and he will have just as much rights to her as you do

Depending on what state you are in , if you are on government assistance they will put him on child support regardless if you want to or not.

Whether you add him or not. You can make your own support agreement as long as you both agree to it.

I live in Pennsylvania and they will not add the fathers name to the birth certificate unless you were married at the time of birth.

If you are on certain types of government assistance I would say yes at least that’s how it is in Wisconsin

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Ppl are so rude and ignorant! They wont go after him if u recieve fs or medical .if you recieve cash assistance they will make you put him on child support or you will lose your cash assistance only nothing else

In some states, acknowledging who tge father is will trigger support. If you don’t want that, then it’s better to wait.

In Washington state, they told me to get assistance they were required to go after support. And that if I interfered I would lose benefits

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Depends on the state. For me, they went after him when we received state medical


If you’re on government assistance, they’ll automatically go after the other parent for child support. Basically if you’re asking for government help, they expect the other parent to contribute.

If they find out who the father is they will go after him to payback the assistance
But he should pay it back anyway it’s part of the requirement of being on itn

Only when paternity has been established and an order for child support has been made by the court.

In MA the only way you can get government cash assistance, when you have kids, is to either say you know you the father is and they go after him for cs, that you know who he is but you feel it would be too dangerous to go after support, or that you don’t know who the father is. Idk what state this is in but…if you are receiving help from the state in MA and also get money/help from the child’s father and don’t claim it as income or inform the state of the amount you are getting then you are committing fraud

I’m not ashamed to say so, everyone needs to pay something, don’t use the tax $ if you can support yourself

Ur government assistance with stop if it’s parenting payment etc. they won’t pay unless u have an agreement set up with child support.

In the state of Texas if your on government asst and the fathers not in the picture they will go after him for child support but not sure about the back child support. That would be a question to ask someone who works there

So instead of getting support from the other party responsible for your child, our tax dollars should do it instead?