I know in Wisconsin they will go after him if you’re on assistance.
Its just a piece of paper trust me keep him off. If anything ever went south you will wish u hadn’t, not to mention any travel you would need a written letter from him and if you are on assistance yes they will make you provide info and go after him because that is less income they would have to give. If and when you get on your feet then add him. Does he need it that bad?
Yes they will try to recoup unless he takes care of both of you guys from now on
No they don’t back date anything is what they keep telling my non paying (which is supposed to pay -parent)
I’m glad non of the nasty women are related to me in these comments. I’d question who and how were you raised. Just disappointing.
-To the fan question.
I believe what you’re trying to say is you two need to have a sit down TOGETHER and weigh the pros and cons of this subject.
I have no experience in child support or assistance so i won’t be protruding MY OPINION like many have.
I hope you and your kids stay healthy and the baby happy.
No, you have to take him to court and do the online child support stuff to file and then there’s no turning back. They will forever!
Why put him on it now why wasn’t he there to help you with her when she was a baby?
Every state is different. In indiana if ur on government a st n u dont go for child support the state will get get back what ur getting in asst
Yes. They will go after child support, mostly to recover any assistance you get if you receive cash assistance that is. Idk why people just can stick to topic and move on but I hope everything works out for you
If you’re getting government assistance the state will go after him to pay for it. They did it to my son’s dad.
If you are on government assistants they will go after back support
They won’t go for back pay, if that’s what you’re asking. You only get child support from the date you file for it.
If you never filed for child support then you shouldnt have any issues. Although you will need to take a paternity test to add him to the birth certificate for proof. For the father to be in the birth certificate, he needs to sign it once the baby is born before you leave the hospital. If not then he has to take a paternity test and then you present the papers for the birth certificate
Hello Fan. The answer to your question is no. The don’t have time to be checking people amended BC!!! If you receiving something that requires dad’s info and you didn’t give it, then you possibly will be cut off if it comes to their attention.
I feel you. We were in a similar position and needed the help. We used gov assistance as long as we could. But once y’all start really living together and he plans to claim them on taxes etc yeah you’ll lose the assistance but you’ll make it work. I think I’m one of the few that has actually been in that kind of position that can understand. Sorry you’re getting so much slack I hope you understand. Its just a lot of people do take advantage of it so I get that too.
Depends on the stage. I’d check the laws within your state or talk to the county clerk. Sometimes you tell them you don’t want CS and sometimes they do it anyway.
Does he work and have steady income? Not asking to respond negatively true question with and answer depending on the response.
Her father should be financially responsible for her, not us taxpayers.
Only if you make a claim for csa otherwise no , so the answer to your question is if you add him to the certificate is no they won’t
Not unless you file for back support.
Yes if he isn’t working or you make more money then him but there are other factor ask a lawyer
Only if you file for it. The government doesn’t do anything in your behalf. You have to to request the back support if you ever want it
Here if you get government assistance the father has to pay it back sooo ya
Idk maybe it’s just me maybe the dad isn’t helping out financially she did say hes helping out in other ways 2 you can still work your ass off and not make enough and be on assistance 3 I didn’t read anywhere where it said she didn’t wanna lose her benefits. I’m not on assistance and me and my husband work our butts off to barely make ends meet. So I couldn’t imagine being a single mom. Just because someone is on assistance doesn’t mean they are milking the system. Some people really need the help even after all they have done and are doing to get by Maybe she just wants the child’s father in her life and doesn’t want them to go after him for whatever reason. I just think some of these comments are little harsh not knowing the full situation careful b4 you judge someone you could be in the same situation and need help.
I think the only time they go after it is if you order it or if you get cash benefits or temporary assistance.
You are on government assistance- either you or him or the child are going to have to pay that back eventually- government assistance does not = free money it’s more like a loan-
If you’re getting food stamps, Medicaid or daycare assistance, the state will take it upon theirselves to go after him. In Missouri anyway
Does he get a check or cash at his job
Not unless you’re receiving cash assistance
If you receive cash they will go after him if you live in Cali
Yeah they will as centerlink will require it. You will then possibly owe them money. Even if you tell CSA its a privite agreement.
Ask a local attorney, dss or the state child support office. Not Facebook.
The government will go after him for child support because the government assistance that you are receiving has to come from somewhere besides tax payers dollars
Yes they will hell they made me apply when I tried to get food stamps last year
If they do, you can have the back pay waived.
In Arkansas they will.
I believe they would but not backdate it x
You need to look on your states attorney generals website and it will tell you. But he needs to be paying cs so he can pay some of the Medicaid back
it’s just wild bc I coulda sworn she asked for general legal ADVICE… not opinions but uh go off?
If you refuse child support they will kick you off assistance.
Social worker here. It’s his job to support the child. Especially if you’re on government assistance. They will go after him if/when he’s named as the father.
Maybe us tax payers wants the father to pay child support! This may be the most selfish thing I’ve read.
I’m in Texas but when I added mine because I’m on government system they did try to pursue child support when I went in for child support review they asked me if I wanted back child support and I said no and then they asked me if I wanted to pursue current child support and I said no so you do get the decision but they were they will try to pursue it because you are on government assistance
If u put him on the birth certificate they will tell u to apply for cs. If u don’t u may not qualify for certain benefits depending on what u get. If u get any benefits from it, u will loose urs for sure. Also depends on the state
Yep from when she was born
He should be supporting this child not the government.
I receive assistance my daughters donor is on the birth certificate and he does not pay child support. I don’t want it and I’m fine with it. He’s not in her life and I prefer it that way.
Pretty sure they dont go after it unless you ask them to.
Alot of you all are one sided when it comes to perspective of things. You all are clueless to the way things work. Talkin bout are taxes pay this and that, well guess what a single mom who works pays her own fkn taxes on the stuff she’s getting help with. Also just bc 2 people are not fkn toghether does not mean that the dad automatically has to be taken to court for money. Only shady and vindictive females do that, if you have a good relationship and a good person you had a kid with then there’s no reason for my taxes to have to pay for unessessary court costs. Don’t be so bitter and stop shaming people it does not make you look better
They go for child support because you receive state assistance JS
You can’t sign his name…he had to be there…and in signing his name to the certificate, he is agreeing to be responsible for the child…that includes financially
In ky they wont. When me and my husband got divorced they asked me about child support and I told them no amd the judge real cocky said why I told him bc he helps me with my kids do why would I do that and waist time and money and paper work. Shit I save trees. Lol I didn’t say that last part but still. Anyways he’s never had any issue with them coming after him
Government assistance will go after him for back support
Well if the government is supporting the child then yes they’ll go after him for child support because he has a child with you the government didn’t long story short
My daughter’s father isnt on her birth certificate…but I sure the fuck took him for paternity and make his ass pay child support!! Smh!!
If you are on government support they will.
They will as soon as dna proves he is her father
If you are on assistance and add him into the picture officially then I believe thry will make you go after him for child support whether you want to or not. Thats how it worked in NJ when I lived there and PA is also the same.
Only if you can take him to maintenance court
It all depends on what state you live in.
No they shouldn’t I’d assume you would after apply for it
If you are on Govt assistance they will go after child support.
They don’t go after him unless u take him for it
So youre cool with letting him be a bum and get government assistance…you want him acknowledged as the father but not have to be financially obligated…smh
No girl only if you request
Yes. But only if u want to get services like foodstamps medicaid or a tanf check…i told them i dont know who my son dad is coz i aint want him to suffer…he has nothing to offer our son
Most states now will yes especially if you get goverment asst
Depends on your state love. Call your local court house
There’s alot that depends on that!
You can’t just add him on. He has to sign off on it. If you get cash from the state, they will probably try to find him. Not for food stamps.
Hopefully he should pay for her
He’d have to sign it, regardless.
Just wondering…but why are there emojis??? aint nothing wrong with this post or her decision.
Yes they will if you are on Medicaid. He should have no issue paying it since he’s been MIA for a minute
If you get any kind of public aid the county will open a case whether you want them to or not
Tire of people using the system!!!
Only if you file for it.
Just cancel the government assistance though
Not knowing your full story and why you are on assistance we can’t judge on that nor should we anyway. If he is helping pay for things for the kid then that’s between the two of them. Honestly it might vary by state so id contact an attorney.
U can private collect through the CSA
And he sbould be paying financially…not the government
Ct pursues regardless if you want them to or not
To answer your question: yes they will go him for child support.
As a mother with two (now grown) daughters. I here to tell you I worked fifty hours a week. I received food stamps and child care assistance, but not child support. I filed, but they couldn’t get him on paper. After paying my own rent, electric bill, my portion of the day care, $30 a week needed towards food (because food stamps weren’t enough, but they damn sure helped) gas every week for my 20yo car, car insurance I had nothing left. I could barely provide for my children when it came to clothes, shoes, school supplies, etc.
After 3 years of filing court papers I got the notice my daughter will be getting $50 a week for child support. I was so relieved. I thought wow… thats going to make things balance out. No more worries about having to choose what clothes you take to the laundry mat because you can’t afford to wash them all. Finally no more deciding what hygiene products am I going to buy because I can’t afford them all. No more telling my daughters they can’t have a cat because I can’t even afford to feed them. Finally maybe I can take my daughter’s to dinner and a movie because I don’t get to spend any fun time with them. I’m too busy working, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, checking in with their teachers and staying on top of them and their responsibilities. This is going to be so much better. Then you get the letter that says that $50 a week took away your $180 a month in food stamps and increased your child care subsidy by $12 a week. If you do the math, by me receiving $50 a week in child support I lost $228 a month in help and I’m in worse shape now. I’m down by $30 a month. What made it worse was the payments were so incredibly inconsistent. I’d go 6 weeks without receiving child support. Which made things HORRIBLE!!! Food banks, donations, feeding my kids cheap, unhealthy food so they could eat. Fuck child support. So I hustled the system. Damn right I did. Because I had to. I had to in order to survive and provide for my kids and for that I am not ashamed. If I could, I would of hid my child support and stayed in the system because the system is designed for failure.
The government will require a paternity test…then they will go after him for support…the states are not responsible for support…parents are and they want their money back…in Florida
All these comments bashing this woman are disgusting. “Leaching off the system” THATS WHAT THE SYSTEM IS FOR. “Other taxpayers have to pay for you” Id rather my tax money go to a mother taking care of her children any day. You people are a product of the “system” manipulating you into think you just feed into it without getting anything good out of it. God forbid a mother get medicaid or wic, then she LEACHING OFF THE SYSTEM. Good grief. Get a life. Maybe she doesn’t wanna put her baby’s father on child support because if he goes through a hard time and can’t pay guess what can happen? He can lose his license or even go to jail, making it impossible for him to take care of his kids. Its really no ones business why. She asked a simple question. Yall are miserable I swear.
People like you are one reason why the system can’t truely help those in need…
People who think state assistance and child support are the same thing. Smdh. One is depending on other people to take care of your kid and one is depending on the other parent. To leave a parent off court filed documents is considered fraud. Fact. And they will find out about it. Especially when you go posting it on a public forum. Yes, I have worked for child support office. Now, I work at the hospital filing birth certificates and sending them to child support offices. You learn a lot. It’s called frauding the state. Research it yourself.
Um, they will ask if you are on any assistance. Or they themselves will send the new info to the support office. But, they won’t seek back child support. If you want him not to pay, just take all evidence to court and show what he does so support might be waved. And if they find out the child’s father is in her life, his name does not have to be on BC for them to seek support. They can also demand a paternity test at anytime. And he has to do it or he and you will be held in contempt. You are playing a game that might come back on you and lose all your assistance. By law, if you are single parent and on any assistance, you have to tell them who the other parent is or you yourself can get in trouble let with the state. They consider it fraud. I’m in Michigan. It’s the father’s job to support his child. Not the state and definitely not the taxpayers job. Do it right please. Dont take advantage of the system.
I’m sorry to be an asshole…but what an idiot! Assistance is there for people who truly need help. You and your childs father should be supporting the child, not the government. In most states if you are getting cash assistance they will go after the father with or without your permission. It seems to me that you are leaching off the government and you want to reap the benefits of government assistance and him handing you cash without it going against your case. It’s called fraud honey…good luck with that…
In Ohio they would only go after for child support if you file or if the child is on state assistance of any kind like medical insurance or something. I am sure this varies by state. Maybe look up your state child support laws to get more accurate information on it.
I read this like his bk in ure life to and thats why ure not wanting the child suport so it benfits him and u which in my eyes is rong many woman eould dream for the father of there kids to helo or pay towards anything and they dont and getbaway with it for instance just say someone filed for them to pay because they disnt pay for 10 years that money got written of so the man didnt have to pay a oenny which is rong and most cases if the man is working should be paying alot but some cases the man dont work and is supose to pay a fiver a week just abfiver a week and some men dont even manage that and to me its so so rong and unfair on the child the child should be entitled to the best
In California if your on cash assistance they will go after BD. But for food they will not. I am raising my neice since she was 2mo and while I never ever wanted to go after my sister for CS, the state of California did. Now its to the point where she is asking to sign her rights over, so they stop. And personally I’m okay with that as she has decided not to be in her daughters life.
Well here in California if you were on government assistance while pregnant they will go after him for the medical bills they paid for you to have the baby. They also will ask him to pay half of the assistance that you are collecting back
I hope u understand government assistance isn’t free. The people who work have to pay for it. So personally, I hope he does have to pay and you should too. Why should other people have to support you and your child when he is a capable person?!
If u receive pa yes they will make him pay support unless u r a DV. Either way. If he is on or not at some point they will make u go to court unless u prove he is giving u money an then they cut some of ur services any way
Hmmm what will say is it’s sounds like he dipped back in for a little while not long while.
Three years you say and. Now he’s interested
Put your daughter first and get him gain her trust first.
Also why would you no go after what’s rightfully hers
And can be taken out your hands.
I suffered a domestic relationship got I juntion baby is 18
But they filed him charges so next 18 years he still there anyway
If he’s on birth certificate the State will go after him for child support.
If he paid child support could you get off government assistance?