If I add my childs father to her birth certificate will they go after child support?

Mothers like this are part of the reason our taxes are so damn high smh

Depends on your state/local laws

That’s a big YES!
If you get government assistance the gov. Will want their money back.

I think it depends on the State you live in.

No. Unless you file for support, they wont pursue it.

On government assistance, at least in my state, they will go after the absentee party for support if you receive cash or medicaid

Wow so different in Canada :flushed:

Where I live, when I fell on hard times and needed help from the government assistance all i had to do was write a letter stating that my child’s father bought all the things he needed and my child was covered under his work insurance. because he did he has a great paying job and bought all our sons needs plus helped me pay a couple bills now and then because he worked a lot more then I did at the time and I never wanted them to take child support and the lady told me the letter with his signature and contact info/address would be fine.

In Kentucky they will automatically go after him.

How are you on government assistance with no child support order?

What you are doing is actually totally against the agreement you signed inorder to receiving benefits from the government. They demand you disclose information so they can seek child support for your child so you do not require the assistance from the government,which takes away from those who truly need it.


Not if u don’t file it or ask for it. But on the other hand putting him on birth cert does give him legal rights to have his child when he pleases. If u think it’s right go ahead, but be careful, like u said he’s only come back into her life recently. Why now? Just saying from experience


But where are you…different countries, states and provinces have different rules.

Why wouldn’t you want him to support his child?

So I’m paying your bills while baby daddy gets a free ride? Gtfoh

Put him on the birth certificate and see what happens.

Depends on the state

The furthest they will go back is 3 months. Not all the way back until the kid was born. You should have the dad on child support. If he’s not making anything. The order could be like $10/week. It would help you out. So you’re not struggling so badly. That’s if he pays it but don’t worry about them coming after him if he doesn’t pay it. My daughter’s father got behind over $6,000 and they still didn’t go after him. It goes off how much he makes on how much he’ll pay. Just check it out at least for your child. Kids are expensive no matter what age they are.

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They only make you take him to court if you receive public assistance and I know this for a fact. Otherwise you have to take him to court if you want support AND HE DOES NOT have to be on the birth certificate. And I know that for a fact as well. I’ve been through it

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In Michigan if your childern are on medicaid & you do not go thru Friend of the Court (child support) you will lose your benefits. Went thru this with my divorce 10 years ago

I know in CT if the custodial parent is on any kind of government assistance the non custodial parent has to pay support for the kids AND separately to pay back the state, and it doesn’t matter if he’s on the BC or not.

It depends what assistance you are on. They do require you to open a ors case but you can tell ors that he pays for her stuff and you don’t want child support.

No they can’t force you to put him on child support. Now that does mean if you are getting government assistance you will have to share how much he is giving you and that y’all have an arrangement out of court.

They go from date of filing. There’s no need to have him on the bc.

It depends on where you live and what type assistance you receive. In my area, yes they would make you file for child support OR lose assistance if you don’t comply. I’m not sure how things are in other areas, but I know in my county, unless you are married to the child’s father it does not matter if you’re together (dating wise and living together) or not, they are considered an absent parent. You would be considered a single parent so you would be required to file. This applies to both food stamps and Medicaid in my area. Also. Yes if you received assistance at any point during your child’s life, back pay would be required. Again this is how it is where I am. I know not everywhere is the same way.

If you’re in VA and are receiving or need childcare assistance they will require you to go for child support

I could be wrong but I believe you have to file for child support. Putting him on the birth certificate shouldn’t be an automatic child support case.

If u have state medical they automatically go after for child support in my case.

Not sure about other states but in Massachusetts if your on government benefits and fail to cooperate with child support enforcement rules without good cause you are inelible for cash benefits. Think of it this way - the government is supporting you and your child - it should be the child’s father and you to support that child.

If you are on assistance I’m surprised they have not already gone after him for support

If in uk, if both parties come to a mutual arrangement there is no need for any interference from anyone.

Bc of government assistance they will go after him. Not your decision

You don’t need to add him. If you want child support they’ll do a paternity test.

If you are receiving assistance from the government and you add him on the birth certificate then they will go after him for support. If you get support from the government for the child you have with him the government will try to get their money back by ordering him to pay child support and may reduce your assistance amount. Is it necessary to add him right now? If you can wait until you are no longer getting assistance would be a better option. Once you name him as the father he will be responsible for half of the child’s care. You don’t have to file, but the state will more then likely do so in the end. Check with your state. Even if he does support the child without and order the courts will ask for proof from him and will deduct that amount from whatever amount they will make him pay. I am not sure how far back they will look in regards to support. Good luck.

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Not sure why you would refuse , that money is your daughters not yours , get it and put it away in a savings for her for later if you don’t want or need it

Nope. My son is 11 and His father is involved. I do not get child support. He owes me thousands and thousands of dollars. They cannot force someone to pay. He could go to jail or have money withheld from him, but he can’t be forced to pay you.

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