If I go on vacation with the family I nanny for, would I need to watch their kids 24/7?

I’m a nanny for three kids. Today the parents asked me if I wanted to go to South Carolina with them for a week. I would love to go, but however, I am concerned about if I will be responsible for the kids 24/7 or just my regular timings of 9-5. Please, no bashing!


I’m sure they will be considerate it is a vacation

Ask them. If it’s a 24/7 job, then I’d ask for more money. People on here can’t really say what someone else is thinking.

Just ask them its a logical question


Best thing to do is ask them.
Something along the lines of " oh I was just wondering what my responsibilities are during this trip? "


Ask them- Quickest way to get an answer is to ask your employer directly- hard for random people to speculate


I would thank them for the invite and just ask them what they expect of you.


You need to ask them

I agree with above answers. Just ask

Ask them this question. Not us


You need to ask them

I agree. Before accepting ask what they expect your responsibilities to be for the trip then you can make the decision on whether or not you want to go


You should just ask them. If not, you are being paid to watch the kids for whatever time you are now, the after hour for that is whatever agreement you have. I’m sure they want you there to care for the kids while they vacay, but you need to be forward in your expectations and be paid accordingly.


You need to ask them

I would assume they are asking you to come so you would still be responsible for the children . I don’t think you would be still on the 9-5 as it’s a vacation . So there would probably be more night time responsibilities … If I had a nanny and asked them to come on vacation it would because I wanted them there so me and my partner could do this on different days and times together without the kids … But I’m not your family so as others suggested I would ask them

Ask them but over night is a different amount

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They are the ones you should be asking…

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Why not just ask them???


I think you already know what is expected of you. You need to have the courage to be up front and ask them what your hours and duties will be.


Umm… got here for nails also why would anyone ask a nail page to post personal questions…? So random


We aren’t the parents so asking us is a bit pointless. You should be asking the parents. Random people on Facebook can’t answer this for you. I swear some of these advice posts are redundant, attention seeking and completely pointless. :woman_facepalming::joy::joy:


You can set the boundaries and the hours.

Why don’t you ask them instead of posting on Facebook :woman_facepalming:


Why would u ask that here? And why wouldn’t u just ask them


Ask them… it can’t hurt to ask


Why ask us? We’re not your employer.

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Its their vacay, they are just basically asking u to baby sit without really asking. IMO

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Ask em. Some are cool and include you in everything, then just ask you to watch the kids during the evening so they can go out.

You should only be responsible your regular hours, and maybe a couple evening hours, however I would ask them before you accept and let them know you want paid accordingly


Some people are so rude or sound rude she just asked for advice :flushed:


The only thing I can say is ask them. Get your concerns out there and let them know you want to go. But make sure you say what you are willing to do (and what hours your willing to work.) I think just asking is always the best bet. I hope you have a great time and have a safe trip.

9-5 is working hrs
Beyond that is OT
Sooo just ask and set some boundaries… on hrs, times…

Take the vaca.

Wouldn’t it just be easier to ask them?


You have to approach them about that

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Since they’re inviting you, I would think it would be a vacation for you as well, with probably some nanny responsibilities but I doubt 24/7…if they had required you to go as part of your job, that would be different. Do you have a contract? Read it again if so…I’m sure it lays this sort of thing out…

Are you going to be painting their nails on vacation


I don’t think you would be responsible for them 24/7. Maybe like date nights or activities that they want to do with out the kids would be my guess.

Also you guys don’t need to be so rude. If people are going to have nothing but jerk comments. Just keep scrolling. There is no need for people to act like a**holes all the time for no reason. Grow up.

You would most definitely still b in position in my eyes! I’d ask up front so u don’t go with other things in mind…and u don’t lose out on pay!

Ask them if its a vacation or working for them. Take your own vacation.

Brittany Lyn Johnson didn’t you go on vacation with your nanny jobs before? Do you have a good answer for her?

Just ask them…:woman_shrugging:


So that is a question that needs to be asked of the folks you are nannning for

Some people are just silly. Why be a smart ass?

Why not just ask them :person_facepalming: noone on here is gonna know
Honestly are u not smart enough to know to ask them abt it instead of facebook bc how tf is anyone else but them suppose to know what they expect from u in this situation


Ask them it’s between you and them not us on Facebook


Is this still a nail page?


Just politely decline

You already know what’s gonna happen.

I personally would decline. Its family vaca. Let them be together as such n give ur self a break too… Or if u really want to go then ASK them not us!


I’ve heard you will get extra pay plus everything provided if you go and you would not be staying with them in a room or whatever, but have your own space. They may want extra mommy and daddy time, but that would be the same if they asked you for a date night at home.

No matter what, you will have to ask them because you will have to find out about the terms. For example, will you be getting paid to watch them for the full 189 hours?? That’ll be a lot of money and May not be worth it for them. Or are they paying for your part of the vacation and expect you to volunteer watching the kids for free?? I say to not go and take the time off for yourself. Like a vacation for you without kids

That would be a question you ask them… :expressionless:

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Seriously just ASK THE PARENTS.

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Ok guess this isn’t about nails anymore


Ask the parents. This is not an opinion answer fb can give it’s a job description your employer would have to clarify for you. I would assume they are asking you there so they can have some alone time at night to go out and do things. If it was me personally I’ll simply ask what the schedule would be on this trip but I’d also be assuming I would be watching the kids when they wanted some alone time and not watching them when they wanted family time. It’s a vacation so I’m sure they are probably expecting some sort of flexibility on your end but again something you should clarify with your boss. Make sure to ask and not just say yes assuming it’s going to be the 9-5 and then get upset when it’s not.

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Ask them the conditions be honest with them.

Is this still a nail page?


Girl if they invited u, it’s to help them. U would be working

Maybe ask the people you work for?


You should ask them. No one works 24/7

Both its holiday pay

Also, as someone who lives in SC, depending on where you go, ain’t shit to do here. Charleston and the beach areas are great, but not much going on inland. But ask them.

That’s a great question. For this person to ask their employer.


Expectations…u probably will do 24/7…

I’m noticing more and more stuff from this page/nail site that have nothing to do with nails. Over it and removing myself.


Theyre not allowed to make u look after them 24/7 i think. Unless u signed a contract or anything but i think u could just talk with them about the hours

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Just ask;the parents. What duties;they’re expecting from you together on holiday.

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Im guessing You should probably expect it. That may be the intent of why they asked

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Ask them. If they expect you to do more hours then make sure they pay you for it x

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Why don’t you ask them

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When I have gone away with the family I nannied for they paid for everything, and I did have the kids all the time and I still got my normal weeks wage.


If they are paying your way then yes

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What the heck… what happened to this being a nail page. I’m out.

Only way to find out is to ask the employer. Why even ask anywhere else.

You would have asked them

Talk to your boss about what they would expect from you


So before you say yes, sit down and ask the parents what the expectations are. See if you will have down time at night, ect. You should be able to have your own space for sleeping and quite time. Just find out all the facts before you says yes.


Ask them? :woman_shrugging:
I would say your regular hours unless they specifically ask for 24/7 care. Nobody knows the answer to that question.


I would clarify before I agreed to go. Communication is key, and if they want you to work 24/7, then you will need to be compensated for this. Some add a daily bonus of $50 to $100 to compensate the nanny for being away from home, or they may come up with a 24-hour rate.

Smart thing to do would be ask the ppl you work for :woman_facepalming:t3:


I would think regular working hours.

I would definitely just ask them what their expectations are. Typically, I’d assume that you’d be responsible for the children your typical hours, but I’d for sure check with the parents.
Also, if you do go, have fun!!

Um…why you asking us. You don’t work for us. Ask the people you work for what they are going to expect.


How about they take their kids on vacation and spend time with them and take care of them. Pretty simple.


I dont think they would expect you to do more than u already do…If they treat u like family they maybe just inviting u as a family member

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Don’t go , its their Vacation of course you’ll be needed 24/7

Well before you say yes. Sit down with them and say you love go but what hours are you gotta do etc then you can decide say yes or no if its too much for you x


You have a lot of good advice here. The main theme being ASK THEM. I hope you take it!

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I would definitely ask them. I would assume you would be on kid duty whenever they want to do something alone which would probably be doing the evening shift but that is just an assumption.


I would ask them first to see what is expected of you and hopefully you have time to yourself

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Why didn’t u ask ur employers?


Ask the parents what their expectations are and go from there hun


I’d sit down and ask what the expectations are. You aren’t going to know if you don’t ask

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Ask them what they expect.

It’s better to ask them instead of us. I’d be curious about the pay situation as well


I would ask a d make sure of what your duties will and will not be. I would assume that they want you to watch the kids, but I would also hope they give you YOUR own time as well.

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If you don’t go who would take care of the children? I would definitely think it would be in the evenings if the parents wanted to go out … but what do I know I never had a nanny :thinking:

It’s ok to ask and it’s ok to decline if it’s not what you can handle.


Does it matter? Why not just go? If it was 24/7 you’d stay home with the kids. Come on. Don’t be difficult.


How did this question get across three different pages that literally have nothing to with each other?
But yeah I would expect to be watching the kids 24/7 why else bring a nanny?

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