When I nannied and traveled, the families and I always discussed what expectations were. I usually ended up working 8 am-6/7 pm—I was free once the kids were getting ready to go to bed, and every so often there’d be a full night off or a night I’d watch the kids when the parents went out. I would ask or look at your contract and see what’s specified under the travel section (if you have a contract). I hope you have fun when you go. That was always a favorite part of the experience for me!
Talk to them about the details and get a separate contract written up that includes your pay, your hours, expectations, what expenses are they covering for example will they be paying for your food and lodging? All of this needs to be discussed prior to the trip and ideally it should all be in writing.
They would probably know better than we do.
You need to ask them! See what their explanations are of you on the trip.
Why are you asking the internet? You need to speak with THEM.
Ask them set a schedule or ask them how much time their looking for
That’s a question for your employer.
Talk to them about it.
I’m sure they will want some free time to themselves but not 24/7
I no when my friend travels with her nanny kids she has a vacation contract they will write up. Agreed upon times, pay, time off etc. She works it so she has a few nights free, and at least one full day free to explore. If they are paying for everything including 3 meals a day, she will work a lump sum for time worked etc.
How would strangers on the internet know the times they want you to watch their kids? ask them.
Just Talk with them about Details You WON’T Know UntiL YOU Do !
My mom did that and she was responsible for them 24/7
What is with these pages? Or fans… asking 3 different pages and two of the pages dont even revolve around parent topics or kid topics.
Personally if I asked someone to come with us to help with the kids, it wouldn’t be 24/7. The hours may be a little different, but if the parents want to go have a night out together you’d be there. If someone doesn’t feel good and needs to go back to the room, you’d help out. They’re going to want to have time together as a family. Before you make a decision ask them, what’s expected if you go, what will you have to cover or if you’ll have too. Get all your facts and then give them an answer. I’m maybe as simple as wanting an extra set of hands near by.
When I worked for special needs patients I was asked to go a vacation. I had nights free (although I did help, hard not too) I was to work “regular hours” all meals where paid for. I mean you really got to go into it looking as your going on a job. I didn’t expect to be taking a “vacation” although this family was wonderful so the whole experience was great. All you can do is ask lol if you don’t like what they offering just decline to go.
You need to inquire about the details and what they would expect from you.
Set up rules, like if they pay for everything you’ll come watch them from Idk 10-6pm with the same pay rate as usual and if they want to go out for the night that it’ll cost more
To be blunt… ask what the pay is, hours are, and what is exactly expected of you. I assume from your post that this will be a working gig. Just make sure it is outlined and ask for some time for yourself as if you were leaving their home at the end of your daily shift.
Also, track your hours and have them sign off on it at the end of the day. Just don’t allow yourself to be taken granted or work without sufficient pay.
Uh no one but them can give you an answer…
Specify before going. They employ you and you should know what compensation you get for your time. It may be a vacation but they should still expect you to work the usual hours unless they intend on overtime pay.
How are we supposed to know? Ask them.
Ask, set boundaries before you go. If it’s not going to be worth it, don’t go.
Are they going on vacation or for work? I would assume if it’s vacation they won’t want u to watch the kids all the time since it’s a family vacation and they want to spend time with the kids so it would probably be less then regular work hours. If it’s for work idk. Probably still not 24/7 just regular work hours would be my best guess. I’d definitely ask just to clarify but that’s what I would think
I would imagine the hours would vary , more evenings probably, possible a few mornings or mid day off periods ect . I would ask abt the schedule.
Clarify with them. If you do it 24/4 they may need to pay you more. You did not ask to go, they wanted you to go so it should ne obvious that the expenses for your travel will not be taken from your pay.
Sounds like you have earned their trust but will probably have some responsibility as well. I would ask them if you would be able to have some “you” time on this trip and that you are honored with the invite.
Then gauge whether this something you want to do.
Sounds like you have earned their respect and trust but also have to know if your involvement is strictly professional, a reward or something in between.
Ask them. We don’t know. Lol
Let me and ask them for you since I’m the assistant now.
I think you guys should discuss it before you go
I just read their minds and they said it will be at least 12 hours a day .
Give me the phone number, ill call them real quick. Just say im your cousin
Taking you with them could be their way of showing appreciation as well as wanting help with the kids… don’t be scared to ask
Discuss with the family. It should be like you normal working hours I guess. You deserve downtime from your job too
Communication is key in this situation. Have a clear idea of what your ideal situation would be before you go to the parents and ask them what their expectations are.
You should ask them what their expectations are.
Depends how much money your asking for. Is it overtime included or just the 9-5? Or maybe it’s a holiday for your good work and you won’t have to look after the kids
That needs to be discussed with your employers
My husband and I have taken people to watch the kid on vacations. We played musical babysitter and each had time alone.
If they are paying for you to go I’d assume you’d be going to take care of the kids. Id ask them and ask them all the details.
That would be something you would need to ask them, not Facebook
Ask them. And enjoy
You’re asking the wrong group
Why not just ask them
You need to talk to them about what they expect. I would assume that you would be primarily expected to take care of the kids. You are the nanny. But I’d think they would want time with them as well. Only your employers can tell you what they’d expect.
Id just ask what they expect and go from therw
The family you work for should be able to answer this for you.
Ask but assume theyll want a few adult dinners.
I mean, ask the parents. They’re the only ones who know what they expect of you while on a paid vacation.
Regular schedule should be maintained with parents also helping during that time, you on vacation too
That’s something you need to ask them dear!
I just want to know why we’re all of a sudden posting dumb ass questions on a nail page I want to see some nails
Ok…how old are the people asking these questions?? Im honestly getting irritated. I joined this page for nail designs haha
But what’s this have to do with nails? Dont think I’ve seen a nail related post on this page in a LONG time. Byyyye.
Normally you will watch them 24/7. That’s y they asked. If they wanted to invite you as a guest they would have clarify immediately.
Ask the family what they expect.
I was a nanny through college, and went on vacations with the family our agreement was usually that I had the kids the same amount of hours, but it was different than work hour times because clearly no one was going to work. If it was a 7 day vacation I would also keep the kids for around 3 of the evening/nights for the parents to go out. But honestly no one kept track of anything and we all just hung out together the whole time except for the parents taking a couple times at the beach for themselves, and a couple date nights. But we may have been different in that they always
treated me as part of their family instead of an employee.
That a question for parents, I’m a caregiver for a older lady, I was asked same for this coming summer already talked about hours and pay on vacation.
Ask the parents definitely.If there are extra hours there should be extra pay
Instead of typing it on the damn internet, open your mouth and talk to them.
Well that is a question you ask them. No one reads minds and you be specific to them of your needs.
COMMUNICATION is the key to successful relationships.
I agree, ask them nicely if you are expected to babysit - if so then it’s no holiday for you. However they may genuinely want to thank you for all the babysitting by treating you to a holiday.
I thought this was a nail page…not a parenting page…
If your being paid same wage from 9 to 5? Than you enjoy your time off in S.C. in the evenings to do what ever.
Not a Facebook question.
You need to be an adult have a conversation with your employer and set up what your comfortable with
Insist on boundaries ! If they agree go!
Clearly its a working vacation, but clarify the details. And make sure you clarify your down time away from the family, as you are not a robot !
Honestly just ask. Make your decision when they tell you. Truth always rules:rose:!
Depending on how old the if you babysit you an the kids go explore as long as they are paying you why you got there kids then it is what it is
I was a nanny and I did not to watch them all the time.
Ask so that you have the information before going
It sounds like a bunch of perverts in this group. My kids were never allowed to sleep in our bed. Never. And I would never be ok with my female child in bed with a man, even if he is her father. Some things you just dont do and this is one.
Ask them. Then you can decide to go or not!
Ask so there won’t ne no surprises
How we supposed to know? Lol ask them
Speak with them. No one is going to know what their plans are but them. Please, please speak to them before you go so you know what to expect.
I don’t wanna go to holiday with my bosses and my ‘work’
I would think they would give you some free time however get the details straight before you go. I travel with my boss frequently and I charge for my travel time hourly because in essence it is still my time being taken out of my schedule for her purposes. Then I ask what my working hours are to be and my off days are on our trips as well as whether room service is allowable in terms of being charged to my room.
Considering no one knows their plans except them…you should be asking them.
Ask them…how would we know?
What a stupid question. Ask
Don’t go, have yourself a week off and enjoy while they are gone to Costa Rica, they can find another nanny for the time being .
This is the worst place to ask anyone anything, complete ASKholes is what I call them. Don’t be afraid to ask your boss. I know sometimes it can feel a bit rude but the clarity will ease your mind. I’m going to assume they’ve asked you so they can go out and enjoy themselves at some points alone. If they expect you to be on duty 24/7 you should be paid accordingly. Make sure you lay out your pay requirements for babysitting and time requirements if that is your wish.
If you don’t tell them your terms, then the answer is:
Yes, 24/7 nanny duty.
Speak!!! Don’t allow others to speak for you. Remember they are asking you - so tell them your terms and conditions upfront. Or tell them “no thanks”. You’re in control of what you want to do.
Simple answer no y’all go on vacation with y’all babies and enjoy your time with them.
I definitely wouldn’t go. Take that week and enjoy it elsewhere
Pretty sure it won’t be 24/7 but also not a 9-5. Since they are on vacation they will probably have an itinerary of things they want to do morning and night. Id talk to the parents and get a feel of what your schedule will be like. Just ask, “is it possible to know your itinerary in advance so I could better organize myself for the job?”
Why ask here this would be a conversation you should have with them on expectations
Ask them what you will be doing and what the hours will be.
Ask hon… Be open and honest that you would appreciate some personal time to play tourist too!!! But since they are paying your way, expect to spend most of it working for them and are you getting paid for hours outside the 9-5 as at home… The extra money may be worth the family dedication and maybe they will do things you want to do anyway!!!
It looks like you’d be on vacation too!
The easiest way to find out is to ask!
Work out a compromise before you agree. Hours, possibly some daytime some evening, who pays for meals , expectations they have.
I’m sure they want you there for help but it’s a vacation so I’m assuming they would want their kids to have fun
Ask them in advance.
Also ask what will be paid for and what wont so there’s no miscommunication
Hahahaaa. Ask your employer. Not Facebook
Just ask, the parents might consider this trip a gift, and use it as leverage to take care of the kids 24/7. Or not, that’s why you have to ask.
Just ask them. Simple
Yeah, social media is paying your salary dumm&