If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

If your kids are at school all day why wouldn’t you want to work to bring more money into the home? Look into a job you can do from home maybe? Also, I say keep your job but go for a CS review, you may get increase with his salary increase, but you guys are divorced, child support is to support the children and their needs, not yours.

Coming from a stay at home mom… stay working. As much as I love being home with my kids i am dying for adult interaction and am honestly not looking forward to when our youngest goes to school this fall because then I’ll be home by myself and itll get lonely after a while. But also I dont see it working in your favor to get more child support. You’d be choosing to stay home and the support is supposed to strictly be for the kids not to take care of you.

I’m pretty sure its solely based on his pay and how much time he spends with them plus a few other factors that can lower his percentage like health insurance and helping to pay daycare.
I wouldn’t quit until after you have cs review.
Keep in mind he can lose that better pay as easily as he got it. I would never depend on someone else to support me and my kid.:woman_shrugging:

What a crock.
Money hungry are we ?
Keep your job.

He’s responsible for his children not you and he’s doing that. If,it’s not enough money you can always ask him for more help but your being a bit greedy in my opinion.

Why do u need to be a stay at home mom for school aged kids? And if u want to sit at home alone all day and not work then that’s on you, hes not responsible to pay u more money cause u dont wana work. What a joke

Just get a reevaluation of the child support if you feel the guidelines are not being met due to his increase in income (for instance, in Texas its 20% of income for one kid, 25% for 2 kids, etc not to exceed $7500 a month) but voluntarily leaving your job in hopes of getting more child support will most definitely backfire. If you were struggling to make ends meet due to “insufficient” child support, child care costs, increasing cost of supporting children, medical issues/bills with the kids, etc… being a stay at home mom to handle medical issues and help with child care expenses may seem reasonable to some judges, but if you were riding the poverty level you might qualify for daycare assistance, SNAP, WIC or other programs if your kids were younger in most cases… but a 12 year old could legally stay home alone unless they have some condition that does not allow them to or their maturity level has not reached a level where its safe for them…and a 7 year old can be in part time daycare after school or after school programs and neither should be too expensive.
A judge would look very poorly on voluntarily leaving a job if there were no extenuating circumstances leading to the dismissal of your job opportunity or the voluntary resignation of your position.
Wanting more child support is not a good reason to quit your job, and in some cases may reduce your benefits & cause some hindrances in reevaluation of support payments.
For instance, in Texas- child support is calculated based on MANY things, but even parents with 50/50 custody can end up being required to pay child support if one makes substantially more than the other… also whomever is responsible for paying child support is automatically calculated at 7.25×160×20% for one child because that is their POTENTIAL earnings unless they are permanently disabled and unable to work according to medical evaluation.
Obviously other states are different, but the bottom line is - you more than likely will NOT get more support so I wouldn’t even advise trying it. There are so many work at home opportunities, if you really wanted to just stay home - look into those.

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It’s definitely unnecessary for you to be home when your kids are at school most of the day, especially on some one else’s dime. That just sounds lazy and selfish to be honest :see_no_evil:

Wow, what is with you lazy moms these days… Normally, I really do try to keep my negative and rude comments to myself, and to not post them on Facebook, and I usually always try to just keep scrolling, but this whole post is trifling… They are your kids to, it is not just the ex-husbands responsibility to take care of the kids you both made….

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Ummm I am going to stop :stop_sign: you right here with are you asking for trouble? I f you try this plan he could decide he wants full custody and take you back to court because you are not his responsibility only the kids and he can afford child care before and after school where a jobless you could not and if the judge grants him full custody the judge can make you get a job and pay him Child support. Plus with so many people needing jobs you need to keep the one you got because you might have trouble finding a new one because there are so many people hunting work. And the is especially of note if your job is not a minimum wage job or in a certain job field where employers can’t find people willing to work so there a plenty of jobs open. If the judge doesn’t give him full custody you still are screwed because of the lawyer bill you will have to pay to keep custody of your kids.

This is a joke right?? With that kind of thinking maybe he should have the kids. Absurd. I hope he files for custody. Period.

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Just plain messed up to be honest. Be happy with what you get gosh dang. Some of us out here doing it without any child support at all.

if you can’t financially take care of your own responsibilities on your own money then you shouldn’t even consider being a SAHM . you shouldn’t have to want him to pay more for you . this just is so wrong

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Family Law Paralegal here (NC). You can ask for a review to up his child support but how I’ve witnessed judges here do is they calculate what you have the potential to make according to last job worked and put that down so it would not benefit you at all to quit your job. And it is correct that it could also hurt you in court as it is obviously an intentional attempt to get more money from him in an unethical way. Child Support is to make sure the children have the same quality of life at both parents homes, it has nothing to do with you being supported. If that is what you wanted, you should have asked for spousal support/alimony during the divorce.

Child support is for the child, obviously it can be used for other things, if you’ve already spent your money on the child. it’s definitely not his responsibility to support you to sit at home, if your kids are in school there’s no reason to stay home besides laziness.

No. Its based off what he makes because its his contribution for his child. Has nothing to do with the mother.

Me nor any of these people know your full story but if you are trying to work from home or start a new business then there is nothing wrong with being a single SAHM. I am one. It is wrong to think you can be a SAHM and expect your ex to be your main income but like I said, no one on here has any idea of your plans or situation. My sons father tried to take me to court and actually ended up doubling his CS because of his increase in income. No idea what state you’re in or the laws.

With children of that age you really shouldn’t need to be a stay at home mum. They are in school all day so why wouldn’t you go out and work to provide for them… That is your job. Your ex and you both have to provide… You can’t use him to cover your cost of staying home out of choice for no real reason.

And don’t be surprised if the judge grants him custody because he does work and has stability. Careful what you ask for. If he’s already paying child support and being a present dad, your best bet is to leave it alone and find a at home job. There’s plenty hiring.

Wow!!! You’re so wrong for this. It’s not his responsibility to support you. Your kids will be in school so no point in staying home. I feel bad for your baby daddy and your kids. Smh.

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Ok so you can request a review and they’ll take into consideration his new salary. I’m fairly certain CS isn’t based on your income to begin with. I could be wrong about that part though.

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I could understand spousal support if y’all were together and divorced, but only until you got on your feet. And you may can just get a CS review and get more money but still keep your job.

You’re not a stay at home mom if your kids aren’t home all day🥴

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I don’t think you should quit your job. If something happens to him then what? You have no c.s and no job. Besides that as a single mother working to take care of your kids is just what should be done in my opinion. Having your ex take care of you just isn’t the right route…

ARE YOU SERIOUS. Child support is suppose to be “supplemental” not a complete wage or salary or to take care of your family completely.

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I know in NC, after the the baby turns 3 the one receiving child support has to make at least minimum wage, so I doubt you’ll get anything for quitting except a laugh from the judge. The only thing you could do is go in and have it adjusted to his current salary, but even then the money is for his kids, not you to be lazy and not support your own kids :woman_shrugging:

Only means he has more money to support his kids but then u have no income so I would watch what you do … also why not save the extra money if u get any and you still work …

Child support they will look at your income and his income and they have this thing that calculates what he pays but if he has a new job you should definitely get it recalculated. Everyone’s situations are different and can make a judgement different because there’s so many details that happens that can change the allocation.

If you CAN work then you SHOULD work. You need to teach your kids that women are capable of everything that men are and that they shouldn’t take advantage and should be willing to work for what they want in life.

I can’t believe this is a serious question. He is doing good in life so you want to slack off and try and get more?


In SC you can request a review to see if the amount paid is accurate based on updated income. However, that money is supposed to be for your children’s well-being. Not your own financial gain.

Why should he pay more Bc he makes more anyway? Aside from the absurdity of him paying more Bc you want to stay at home, his success shouldn’t be a financial punishment. The way men are treated just for being men is ridiculous. Child support is meant to help the parent that has custody pay for the expenses of the children. It doesn’t dismiss the person receiving support from their obligations. Ridiculous

NO. JUST. NO. You and your (ex) partner may no longer be together…BUT YOU BOTH have a responsibility to the children that you made TOGETHER. Which means that you DO NOT get to sit at home and do whatever while your ex supports you. That’s not how CS works.

Is this even a serious question? You found out that he’s EARNING more money so you thought you would cash in? And then stay home all day doing what exactly while your kids go to school? Sounds like laziness and you want someone else to pay your way through life. Living off child support would also make things really tight im sure so it’s not like you and your kids would be comfortable.

Child support is based on the income of the paying parent. You deciding not to work will not increase the amount of child support that you receive.

Child Support is meant to be used to support your Children. Not to support you while you sit at home being a “SAHM” to kids who are in school.

That sounds vindictive and not in the children’s best interest. Just sayin.

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Why not try working part time (while your kids are in school)? It’s possible the judge could award you more money but also maybe not. I would not count on CS as long term income because eventually it will be gone (when kids turn 18). Also at any point your ex could lose his job.

Question… I was a stay at home mom for the duration of our marriage 18 years. He pays CS for the 2 of the 3 kids that kids that live w me. Ages 10, 6 and doesn’t pay for the 17 year old. I subbed at our school and will continue to do so, he’s refusing to let the little kids stay w me on his days we have 2/2/5 split and saying I have to get a job. Anyone have experience w this? No need for rude comments

So how are you going to pay all of your bills if you quit your job? Are you remarried? Have you discussed this with your new partner if you are married? No, you shouldn’t quit your job just because now you can get more money from your ex. Work to support YOURSELF. Unless you have someone else supporting you and he is ok with you staying home.

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Build your life based off of your income only, not child support. The goal is to be in a position of financial stability independently. If he were to lose his job, you would not be financially stable.

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Yeah, I wouldn’t suggest that. Go back to court with your normal income and his new income and do a review, but what gives you the right to just stay at home and live off of him. Pull your weight. You had those two kids. You share responsibility.

I hope u read this too urself after awhile and realized how wrong this is. About as wrong as a judge will see it. Unless u got some kind of medical condition, u should do some soul searching.

Child support is for the child not for a mother’s own personal expenses.

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Why would you not want to work so YOU can help provide for YOUR kids?! This is so messed up.

Idk about all the rest…but Definitely go for a review! It’s every 6 months in my state. I declined for 8 years to “not rock the boat” while I was struggling working 2 jobs. only to find out he went from making $11 and hour to $43 an hour in that time frame.

Uhh it’s BOTH your responsibility to provide for the kids lmao he’s not with you, he does not have to support you too. Jesus take the wheel :woman_facepalming:

Ewwww who are you?? He is your EX…he does NOT need to take care of YOU! So get off your lazy ass and work, if anything, work for your kids. They say there are dead beat dads out there…people don’t talk about dead beat MOMS out there…you are prime example

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Quit your job and live off someone else. Way to raise your kids. You my dear is whats wrong with the world today. Don’t want to do a dam thing but have everything given to them.

No, child support is not figured like that….it split by percentages (each state varies). One parents may contribute more but there is a whole process to figure it out, plus each state has a number of years they set where you can request a review and ask for an increase, go to your family court and ask questions, you don’t necessarily need an attorney in family court

Instead of thinking he should take care of you let him keep paying the amount he has been dont change it show your kids both of yall care enough to work for them dont show them they have to rely on a man to take care of them it took 2 to tango now it’s time for 2 to do the work

Child support is for the CHILD 50% of the time NOT for you to sit on your ass and do nothing. Cause let’s be real that’s probably what you wanna do since your children are in SCHOOL. That’s lazy, immature and disrespectful as fuck. It’s not HIS job to take care of you. It never will be again unless y’all get back together. So get over yourself and go to work. Idfc if I get hate for this comment. This question does not seem at all like you should have even 50% custody it seems greedy and lazy.

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No, a judge will see your income potential and if you’re quitting to do nothing, then you’re not doing your part to support your children. Get a CS review, but do not quit your job. You’re doing a disservice to yourself AND your kids.

And then there’s moms like me who don’t need the child support but a few dollars a month would help. Why would u put all ur eggs in one basket? What are u gunna do when he loses his job and now ur household is screwed too!. Why would he have to support two homes for u to sit ur ass in one of them for no good reason? Maybe he should he custody and u paying to support him and the kids…
So sad these gold diggers these days with no self respect or pride!

I would hope that the judge would see you as an able-bodied adult who is choosing not to hold a job. Maybe they’ll see him as the more fit parent since he can provide financial stability for your children when you can’t.

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If your kids are in school most of the day why do you need to be a stay at home mum? This is embarrassing, have a good look at yourself

There isn’t a reason why you should be at home! It isn’t like they are daycare age. You said it yourself they are in school! Seriously I am trying to bust my ass to get RID of CS and you are wanting to stick it to ur ex?? How is that ok!?!?!?

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I was a clerk for both a family court judge and a support magistrate. There is a limit to how much more you could get regardless of the difference in income. It definitely will not be enough to supplement the income you’d be losing by not working. I’ve seen both the judge and support magistrate tell parents they need to get a job when they are seeking more support in order to stay at home. With the kids being in school, I imagine they would tell you the same especially if you have a college degree. Basically they will figure if you could work and care for your children before, then you’re more than capable of continuing to do so.

Your best bet is to go to court for a modification/review. If he’s making that much more than before, then you should see some sort of an increase in support anyway.

Your “he recently got a job that doubled his pay” said EVERYTHING. SMH, you want him to pay for you to be a stay at home mom? Good luck bringing that to the courts.

Centrelink for one would expect you to work, find a job or study as both your kids are at school. CS is NOT to finance your lifestyle as you’re not a child, just because you’re his kid’s mother doesn’t mean you’re automatically entitled to his money. Honestly how would you feel if he did that to you?

Stay at home mothers are only manageable with a proper income and partnership these days. Goodluck :joy:

That is completely irresponsible. If you quit your job just to spitefully ask for
more child support a good judge would literally kick you out of the courtroom, court order you to get a job and make you pay the court fees. Leaving you with less money to support the kids. Kids aren’t a paycheck…

my bfs baby mama is a stay at home mom and she legits lives off all 3 of her baby daddies child support and her oldest son SSI checks. She was getting more child support from my bf before she took it to court and now gets less bc she told the judge that she needs more money like her other kids dads give her bc she needs to survive and not have to work and the judge told her to get a job and help financially bc it’s not her kids dads job to support her.

I’m hoping this entire original post is an actual joke. Because no way in heck can this woman be legit. I’m a single mum with 2 boys and get nothing. And I work. I would never quit my job, especially with school aged children. What the actual fuck.

Pretty sure your question is well answered. It’s pretty much an overall no, absolutely not! I agree with them. There may be a chance you just want to be with your kids, but still, no. They need all the money they can get.

Your kids are not a source of income! Gosh you sound a little money hungry there. You support your damn self the child support is literally CHILD SUPPORT!!! You don’t sound like you deserve the money. Stay at home mom is not a ticket to just be lazy :unamused::roll_eyes:

It’s his duty to take care of his kids…not you…those kids will probably be soon taking care of themselves at that age…

If his income doubled then the cs should be increased. I see these cs issues come up all the time. My opinion…I wouldn’t care how I felt about my ex. Even if he had sole custody, I will NEVER live better off than my children. As ridiculous as this woman that posted this is, I’d never double my salary and continue paying child support as though I didn’t. If he’s ok with that then I can see why he was with this woman in the first place. As far as the job questions…I don’t think that deserves an actual response.

The whole point of child support is to SUPPORT your child, not for him to be the only one financially responsible for your child(ren). This is coming from a Mama who is currently going through a child support case with a POS man who has had zero contact with our daughter in two years. There is no logical reason for you to quit your job so someone else can financially support a child you both made. I’m sorry if this came off as rude but literally, there is no reason to give him any more power than he already has over you and your situation (if he has any to begin with). Find another job if you don’t like the one you’re at or if it doesn’t pay enough but don’t quit. It makes you look worse in the judge’s eyes- it appears as if you’re being lazy on purpose to get a free handout. Good luck :+1:t2:

All you need to do is file a modification for more child support if he got a raise. You can do that every year!!!But you can’t quit your job as an able bodied person.

So you want to go after him because he made himself better, just so you can sit on your ass while the kids are at school all day? Lmao if I were the judge I would make the payments less if I heard that

Most judges will tell you to find a job. I’m sorry but that sounds selfish. You wouldn’t even be with your kids. They’d be in school. It’s not his responsibility to take care of all of you. Just half of what the kids needs are. Not yours.

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You may get more because he makes more, but not because you stay home. We often require custodial parents to seek work too.

If you can work, work. Why in the world would you be a “stay at home mom” when you have the means to work while your kids are at school? you’re making yourself look bad. I wish my husband didn’t have to pay $500 a month for his sons mother to stay at home with Kids that are in school. Mind you, that’s just for one kid. Our rent is $600 a month. He’s paying damn near the same amount of our rent to take care of his ONE child. Do better for yourself. If you are able to work, do it.you just sound lazy and selfish at this point. Do better.

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If your child support was calculated while your kids were in daycare and you take him back now that your kids are in school is definitely getting decreased not increased because they will not be accounting for a cost of childcare

Courts may readjust his child support but he isn’t responsible to pay your expenses

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I’m currently a stay at home mom because I have a breastfeeding 9 month old. Also With a 14 and 5 yr old Other then that I’d have my ass working. If you work and his cs increases then that just makes it easier to provide for your kids Tf

It is my understanding, that child support is based on the needs of the child (children). There’s a formula that is used to determine how much money is required by each parent …… you should probably consult an attorney before you make any moves…. (This is for the state of Florida….)

You could get it adjusted but there is no reason for you to quit just to get more of his money that’s just being greedy. And the judge should laugh at you and tell you to go back to work its not his responsibility to financially support you

You’re the reason single moms get shit on so much. Because of posts like this. Work for a living, if you are medically able. You aren’t your ex’s responsibility. Be a grown ass woman and do your part in raising/supporting your kids.

I might get shit for this comment and all I have to say is ask your doctor if dying mad about it is right for you :tipping_hand_woman:


You shouldn’t count on that for a way of life you should be trying to make a better life for you and your kids and put that aside for them later in life or for things they need

I wouldn’t reccomd quitting your job so your kids dad can support you. Dad’s also have their own bills and stuff to pay for than support 2 households when you are fully capable of working. I personally wouldn’t quit and rely on my ex especially when the kids are in school. I don’t see the need to just stay home when they’re in school.

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How about you support yourself instead of relying on child support! That’s not fair to him that he’s working hard and paying for you to stay at home.

Tbh, I kind of want you to go back to support court and ask the judge this question! Let us know how much your support is decreased!

Most definitely unnecessary and if you chose to stay at home why would you get more child support? What would you do at home all day while they are at school? Not in a mean way genuinely just wondering because I would love to quit my job and stay at home alone all day lol

Go to court and ask for a review. It sounds like you’re being selfish though. Why be a stay at home mom if the kids aren’t even there most of the day? None of my business but you are going about it the wrong way. It sounds like you just want to be paid to sit on your butt. If you have a legit medical reason, file for disability. Otherwise you just sound selfish and lazy.

Some of y’all are making so many assumptions about this woman based on this one post. Smh. If she wants to be a SAHM then that’s her business. She was literally just asking about the most likely outcome of the situation would be if she takes it to court to reevaluate the CS. Society has convinced us that we have to be supermom, do it all with no help, suffer with a smile on our faces and wear that s*** like a badge of honor. This post lacks so much context, yet, instead of focusing on the question asked and offering advice, y’all make assumptions (the absolute worst assumptions at that) and start defending a man who y’all know absolutely nothing about. Yikes on bikes. I’m not saying I’m agreeing with her, however, if you can’t offer advice I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want your judgement either. :ok_hand:t4:

My comment pay come off rude but I’m gonna say it any way. Why would you want your kids father to pay for your bills. And then on top of that quit your job that’s making you income. Your ex husband should not have to support you as well. Your not married to him anymore. My husbands ex took his children away because of a situation like this. Just because your ex husband makes more money he had bills too that he has to pay. Thumbs up to your husband for getting a better paying job and thumbs done and a shame on you for wanting to quit your job for just so he will have to pay more money in child support

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I can’t even stand my ex and I would never expect him to completely support me if I voluntarily decided to stay home. Just like it is his financial responsibility to support his children it is also YOUR responsibility as well. He is not responsible to pay ALL the bills. It’s 50/50. It’s women like you who make us women look bad who actually NEED the child support. Your children are not a meal ticket. Be an example for them, keep your job and work so you can provide for them. Your kids father could die tomorrow. Then what? How would you support your kids? You don’t have 2 little babies at home, they’re both in school, you don’t need to be home not working, sorry.

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Dont be stupid and I mean that in the nicest way possible


Wow just wow. Yes you can probably get more if you take him to court but it’s not his responsibility to support you at all. CHILD SUPPORT is for the kids not you.

You are able bodied. Support. Your. Children. It is not his job to support you. A judge can also still base support off of what you could be making as you are choosing to become voluntarily underemployed.

At that age it’s absolutely unnecessary for you to be a stay at home mom! Why the hell should childsupport go up to support your choice to not go to work?!?!

It’s absolutely unnecessary for you to be a “stay at home mom” I don’t know what you do for work but quitting just to put the screws to your ex is bullshit…he still needs to be able to pay his own bills and still pay support for HIS KIDS…the child support is for THE KIDS support not yours

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Wowwwww just wow!!
Your husband has a life of his own. I don’t think women should be entitled to a man’s money after they have been separated or divorced obviously excluding child support but even then just because he knows how to move up on life Doesn’t mean his cs should be adjusted.

This has to be a joke. Or she just wants a free ride and not have to work. Child support is for kids not for you . And kids are definitely more than child support. You need to do your part to .

That money is not YOURS!! It’s your children’s! You still need to do your part to support your children, the child support is supposed to make up for him not being in your household!! Why would you want to try to milk that man dry? How could you even think like this? That’s so insanely petty. Do better!!

If he got a job making more, and feel as if he should pay more child support FOR THE KIDS, Then petition for a review. But unless you’re medically unable to work, they won’t grant you more just because you quit your job. They’ll look it is as you’re trying to use the system… you can work from home, if that’s what the issue is, but they won’t grant you more if you quit your job. Sorry.

My jaw dropped when I read this… the father of your children is already supporting his kids… it isn’t his job to support you and his children… at least he’s paying his cs and not years behind like other dads… if you went through with all this is, it would really be selfish in my opinion. He probably worked really hard to get that pay raise and now you want to take it so you don’t have to work? How would you feel if it was him asking advice on this and you were working your ass off to be better? I don’t think you’d appreciate it…

And people trash dad’s at not doing enough… Sorry but this is just gross in my opinion. A man who is taking care of his kids and you want to take advantage of that? If the kids are in school, work when their in school. Why take advantage of him?

Why would you quit your job? It is absolutely such a bliss away from mommying all day!! If there is an option to ask for flexibility, definitely do that. Also, ex’s pay increase is not your concern at all. Updated CS payments are. Focus on the right things, ignore the unwanted things. May peace be with you.

Just because you quit, does not mean the cs will be raised on. They don’t care if you’re employed or not… In Oklahoma, if you don’t have a job…they base it off minimum wage… Please do not do that to your kids…( quitting your job) what happens when he just quits paying…you will be in a whole of mess… You can’t depend on Cs.

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