If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

Child support is…child…support. Not all of moms bills and extra stuff support. If he’s working hard to better improve his living situation, wouldn’t you want to as well, to give your children the best you could?


This is what spousal support/alimony is for, and should only be utilized if you were a stay at home mom while y’all were together and had no training/etc. with your kids being in school I don’t think it’s fair to ask him to pay for you to be a stay at home mom. He clearly earned his increase in pay and shouldn’t have to pay more than his half of however much it costs to raise the kiddos.
On another note, if he is a very absent father, consistently late on payments, things of that nature, then an increase would maybe be called for the help pay for additional child care that is having to pick up his slack.
Overall though, he should pay his half of the financial responsibility for the kids and you should pay yours. If you’re capable of working, then set a good example for your kids and do that.

You can do a review for the kids, but he doesn’t have to support you at all. Just the kids.

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Pretty messed up to try and do Your Ex like That ! Shame on You ! You’re just as Responsible as He is Financially for Your Children .

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Whoever this is asking such a question just set the independent and free thinking women’s movement back about 50 years. Support yourself…And your kids! This kind of thinking from a mother is appalling to me.

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You can get child support increased it doesn’t matter if your working or not. Child support is based on his income 20%. With that said I’ll tell you this never depend on child support. He could stop paying. I know my ex didn’t pay for ten years and he’s paying now but idk for how long. Child support is help to raise your children.

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It’s people like this that really disgust me …
Why does any person think just b/c they have children the other has to support them also… as it is the fathers responsibility to support his children it is also the mothers to support the kids. What makes you think you don’t have to help and support them kids also… Let alone think your entitled to more money to set at home from the ex!!!
That money should only be used to support - feed and clothe and shelter your children and NOT your ass!

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I think you could get higher child support due to his job changing. But your kids are in school and child support is to support the kids . Help you provide clothing and things to your child. Not to support you.

Gross, imagine asking for ways for you not to support your own kids. But please, try it. Most judges would rip you a new one and sounds like you need it.

Idk your situation, but this sounds highly unethical. Your ex husband is only responsible for supporting the children, not you. You are responsible for supporting yourself and your children. Some of both of your incomes should go to supporting yourselves independently. You’re asking to live off of child support, which is not for you, but for the children.
If you’re unhappy with your job, maybe you can change something about that. But to have 2 school age children and stay at home seems unnecessary.

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This really makes me so sad! He is not there to support you and if you willingly quit your job to try and get more money you are not doing it right!


Meanwhile, theres women out there to who work bust their ass everyday to support their child/children with not getting any child support.

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Imagine if you did a child support review so he pays alittle more AND YOU CONTINUE to work… your kids and you won’t just be surviving YOU COULD BE THRIVING! Saving for the futures and yours! Don’t depend on a man!

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Is this even a serious question??? In no way is it the fathers responsibility to take care of you. Your children YES but not you. Thisnis why its so hard for women to get child support. Because this is exactly how most men feel. Ive seen BOTH my brothers go through it. If you cant survive comfortably without his child support you ahouldnt be quitting your job

Not his job to pay your wages and let you stay home, to support your kids you have to work… We would all love to stay at home with our babies bit your kids are in school so dont see why you would need to be at home when there not??? Get a job that work around your kids schooling hours and dont take the piss out of your ex hes paying you cs be grateful for that alot of men dont!

Why would you need to be a stay at home mom while your kids are in school? That’s just greedy and lazy. You both made the kids so you both should financially provide for them.

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Ugh I’m not gonna these types of women get on my nerves. First off if you are getting child support be grateful & also do your part financially to care for your kids. He got a raise to better his life not yours. Need more income then go get a raise or better paying job. My ex & I agreed to not do child support we share 50/50 & my attorney said I would get it, but I just felt that’s not fair he supports them on his time & I support on mine. I found a career I love & every year I get a raise. When my kids are adults I know they will be proud I did it on my own.

Wow… Just… Wow!! Your kids are in school work. He got a raise and you want to sit at home? That makes you look lazy. They are both your kids not his job to support YOU! Get a review but don’t make that your income. Could back fire and he could take you to court that he can provide better since he would be if you lived off child support. He could get full custody

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Aside from the fact you two are no longer together, who says he doesn’t switch jobs in the future and takes a 50% or better yet a 75% pay cut… then what? Child support is typically calculated by BOTH parents income so hypothetically, you’d still be dropping the % of child support even in the event hell froze over and the judge didn’t urge you to work.

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If they are at school during the day, you’re not a stay at home mom. Keep your job & ask for a review of child support.

Just because y’all have kids together doesn’t mean he needs to pay your way to live. I understand you want to be home with your kids but you’ve got to support them yourself too.

Child support is just support, both parents should support the children. You sound like a gold digger and what’s wrong with Americans who only want to collect from whoever will support them

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This makes me sad. I would think that a woman would want to be more independent instead of codependent on the father of her children. Do the right thing and keep your job.

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No they’re both your responsibility it’s not his job to support you too . Most Mom’s would love to stay home with their kids but that’s not the way things work unless you’re independently wealthy

Last I knew it takes 2 to make a child. Regardless if his wages have doubled you’re just making yourself sound selfish and greedy considering your children are in school, there is no need to be a “stay at home mom”. At this point it makes it sound like you’re using your kids to get a free ride and that’s just so wrong.

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… it’s this a real question? Because if it is I hate to be rude and say that it shouldn’t be.
You’re a single parent. With school aged kids. Not working makes literally no sense at all. It’s no one’s job to take care of you but YOU. Depending on, or expecting someone else to do it, is ridiculous.


This is exactly why there’s a stereotype about women who do receive child support. :woozy_face: lazy and entitled. Probably a good thing this was posted anonymously because you should be embarrassed. :nauseated_face:

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Why in the hell would you want to be a “stay at home mom” while your kids are in school? Why not stay working, save money and work towards giving you and your children a better life. Why should YOU be able to live off of child support??? It’s not for you, it’s for the kids. I never understood ow parents think they can live off of child support. Get off your lazy ass do something with yourself. Period!!!

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I don’t get why you would voluntarily quit your job just to get more child support that seems extensive. If it’s because you are working a lot and you want to spend more time with your kids then find a job that’s part time or even just hours that are flexible to when your children are in school. I am a young single mom to a 2 year old and I don’t get any child support and I make it work, don’t take the help you get for granted.


As a mom it is your job to teach your kids how to survive. How are they going to learn to do anything besides live off the state or someone else. This is pathetic and irresponsible. As a single mom myself i choose to teach my kids to work for what they want.

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As a single mama working 2 jobs and getting $11.07/month in child support I am literally appalled by this question. Not sure what state y’all reside in, but support goes off many factors. Both y’all’s wages, who pays health insurance, daycare costs paid if any, the number of overnights y’all have, etc. If both your kids are in school most the day there is no need for you to stay home. Guess I don’t understand why you as a mother wouldn’t want to work and support your kiddos. This makes me literally sick.

Never dealt with personally, but I’ve seen where a lot of judges ask the mom if they can physically work, and if the answer is yes, they tell them to get a job and they shouldn’t have to worry about more child support. If you are responsible enough to have custody of the children, you should be responsible enough to care for those children. Not saying the father shouldn’t be responsible for their children, but he’s not paying for you too. That’s not his job.

This one is honestly disturbing… How about you set a better example for your kids than being your ex’s 3rd dependent… Fuckin yikes!!


Wow you really want to set that as an example to your kids? If there is no need for you to stay home then go to work and support them as much as you can! If it’s time for a review then by all means do a CS review, but no way should you quit your job just so you can try and get more child support!!!

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Goes both ways! We all want to be home with our kids…can’t depend on the other when you can clearly work, the mother pays her side and the father pays his and hopefully love from both sides! But if you CHOOSE to stay home, it’s not fair to “depend” on someone else to pay your way :woman_shrugging:

So your ex got a new job, to better himself, better your kids lives and you wanna be dodgey and quit your job and take his money when it doesnt need to be that way! Well no wonder he is your ex, be thankful your ex has a job and you get child support. Its women like you who screw their ex over like that, that give women such a bad name when it comes to child support!

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I wish this wasn’t anonymous so I could send it to your ex so he could use it against you because this is sickening.


You need to BE the example for your children. Be a productive member of society and work when your kids are in school! Have some respect for yourself.

Wow. Sounds like this mom thinks she’s found a meal ticket and an excuse not to have to work for herself. :roll_eyes:

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Honestly this is wrong. This shouldn’t even be a thought. My baby daddy hasn’t made any real attempt to see or talk to my kids in almost a year. He pays the bare minimum ($190/month total for two kids which he rarely pays) and even though he got a job that pays more, I don’t even bother with it. I take care of my kids on my own. I found a decent paying job, I have my own place, my own car… I provide 98% on my own. If he’s not caring for his kids physically, you need to get a lawyer and talk about your options

That only works if the mom was a stay at home mom before/when they split and wanted to continue that. Even so, you can’t survive off CS for two kids even at full. It would be alimony and CS. So, no… you can’t just quit and have him pay everything.

The child support is for your children not for you to stay at home and him pay your way…and yes a judge will wonder what has happened that you need to stay home when both kids are in school

Go to work. Find a job/career that you love & you won’t “work” a day in your life :100::100: If they’re in school use this time to find your passion. I think you’d get bored sitting at home if they’re in school all day.

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That just sounds greedy as hell.
They are your children as well you should be paying for them too, not just him.

In my opinion, people like you are the reason moms get so much shit for receiving child support.

Technically she answers her own question. If you can’t afford to stay home, why would you? Even if she had children at home and she chose to quit her job, he shouldn’t have to support her financially because she doesn’t want to work. It’s not his job alone to be financially stable for their kids.

Ummm. Why would you quit your job just to get more child support??? And no a judge will not grant you more cs because you CHOSE to be a stay at home mom. You are more than able to work. Child support is supposed to help you with providing for your children. Alimony is given to you if the judge feels he needs to support you.

Ummmmm are you kidding me why do you feel the need to be a stay at home mum with children aged 7 and 12 and they are at full time school??? I’m a single mother with 4 kids my youngest is 3 and I get zero child support and even with a 3yr I still manage to work part time and once he starts full time school I will be working more.
Be greatful for what you get from your ex it’s not his job to support you because you don’t feel like working he pays to support his children
People like you make my blood boil

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So you want him to fully support the kid as well as you, while you don’t support them financially? I’m all for men having to pay support, but it should be fair and the other person should not be taking advantage of them. This is what gives women a bad name!

I can tell you exactly how the judge is going to see this you being money hungry child support is for the children not for you to be able to sit at home all day on your butt.


UNLESS YOU HAVE A PLAN TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME APART FROM THE FATHERS CONTRIBUTIONS THEN YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR JOB BUT IF YOU DONT HAVE A PLAN LIKE STARTING A BUSINESS then pls don’t it’s not easy raising kids without income and it will strain your relation with the father

In VA where I am from they have a formula they use to determine child support it holds both parents responsible for supporting the kids. It determines the amount of support. In my case it was usually 60/40 and I was always the 60 because my ex was to sorry to carry them on his insurance. Quitting your job will not get you more money. The judge will tell you its his job to support the kids if you wanted him to support you you had 2 choices keep him or get alimony.

Child support is not for you or your benefit it’s for your child . And it’s also not just the other parents responsibility it’s yours too. Voluntarily quitting your job just to try to get your child’s other parent to pay you more in support is not fair in anyway shape or form . Grow up and take care of your children and do your part instead of depending on someone else to do it all .

This is absurd. If you want you kids to have a good life and you’re able to work, you should. Why would you want to depend on someone else 100%? Sounds lazy to me. Way to reach your kids about using someone else rather than working hard for what they need. Do a review if he got a significant income change.

Anddddd it’s people like you who just totally abuse the system and make it more difficult for the moms like me to get the CS we need and deserve. If he got a new job he has to report it to CSS anyway.

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If the time is split half and half, theres no reason you would need to do this. I can kind of understand if you have the kids full time and he only gets them every other weekend. If that’s the case, Im sure it could be hard keeping up with everything, ex. housework, job, shopping, homework, summer time. Etc. I don’t think you need to fully quit your job because you still need to be able to support yourself and 50% of the kids needs. If you are looking to have more time with your kids, plus being able to get done everything the dad doesn’t have to do, then consider going to part time. If he makes more money there’s no reason the kids shouldn’t be entitled to it but that doesn’t mean you are. So ask yourself is this move so you can be a better mom to them so they can grow more successfully or for more selfish reasons.

This is exactly the reason some dudes don’t ever excel in life. Get wrapped up with one lazy girl and they’re on paper for twenty years. Always waiting for another shoe to drop. Ridiculous.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

It depends on the State and how they do the calculations. In MD they add both parents income together and use a formula based on the custody arrangement/days with each parent, and then a percentage of total combined income. (Plus who pays additional expenses like healthcare, daycare, etc.) But a 12 year old doesn’t need a stay at home parent, so this plan would probably be frowned upon in court.

They probably will give him custody if you do that… not smart and you sound like a shit ass mom… sorry not sorry.


Most judges require both parents to work. It’s not the ex’s place to support the primary residential parent. They’re responsible for helping take care of the children. I don’t think any judge would rule in your favor just because you want to sit at home and not work. It’s not fair to your children and it’s very selfish . Their needs come first.

Wowza! :flushed: Is this a REAL QUESTION!?! Both parents should be working ESPECIALLY IF BOTH YOUR KIDS ARE IN SCHOOL! I know I’d feel like a lazy POS if I was ever considered quitting my job for my baby daddy to support me as well as our kids! No judge would support that! Omfg! :woman_facepalming:t2: FAR FROM Motherhood

So if both your kids are at school FT what’s the justification for you to quit? You just don’t feel like working?! I bet 99% of feel the same way but we as parents need to set a good example for our children and that is not one of them. I can tell you right now that any decent judge will NOT approve you quitting “just because” he’s making more. If you do go to court, please ensure you video tape this as I’m sure we would would all love to watch it!

I realize being a mom is a 24/7 job, but in my opinion from your posting information, you would be quitting your job to stay home while alone or to run errands, whatever it may be while your kids are in school. If they weren’t school aged or if you were homeschooling them, then i could maybe see it, otherwise your not quitting to be home with your kids, your quitting to stay home while their in school. Sounds like an idea or excuse to get more child support from your ex to me anyway. From what i have heard in my state, if you quit working and go for more child support they do take into consideration that you are capable and able of making X amount of money which means you may get a little more child support but it will go off his pay and what your capable of making yourself from the job you quit. I dont know this from personal experience just what i have heard from others, and im in pa so may differ in your area.

No you will not. Because child support payments go base off his income and wages. And whatever his weekly or biweekly pay is,a certain percentage is taken from it and paid to you. So you working or not,makes no difference in child support.

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I know that there is a lot that goes into the child support calculator… but my thing is, do you really want to rely on the child support to support your family? What if he gets let go? There is too many uncertain situations in life right now… I know I dont get my cbild support sometimes months on end at one point it was a whole year… what if something happened to him?? I think it would be wise to not rely on his payments …

A stay at home mum? Doesn’t that mean you stay home and take care of the kids? If they’re in school why the hell would you stay at home? Did I read that right, she wants her ex to fit the bill for her to give up work and stay at home?
Dam woman, I’m sure child support is exactly that, not lazy ass woman support🤔 Surely this woman is just taking the piss🤷‍♀️

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I’m a firm believer in “if you can’t say something nice…don’t say anything at all”…so I’m going to just keep my mouth (halfway) shut. What a terrible thing to even THINK about! You’re not setting a good example for your children! :rage:

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It’s not his job to support you, child support gets looked at both finances not just the one who’s paying. You can stick to working.

Don’t let yourself be dependent upon his money. Keep working and taking care of your household yourself and put that money up (at least some of it) for your kids future. Don’t be dependent on a man or anyone else to provide for you. Handle your business yourself.

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Why do you need to stay home if your children are in school? If they were younger and it made more sense to stay home than pay daycare I mean that’s different. But your children are in school work hours….

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I’m a stay at home mom…i have 4 children and my husband works but I don’t and I get child support for my 2 oldest children but my younger 2, with my husband, are the reason I’m a stay at home mom…one just started school and the other isn’t in school yet…well when they did my child support a few months ago since there isn’t in there words “an actual reason” I have to be a stay at home mom like a physical or mental illness that causes me not to be able to work they put me at making minimum wage even though I don’t make anything so it turned out that my oldest 2’s dad had to pay less so my advice is if you actually have a job and make money KEEP IT bc I get less than 400$ a month for 2 children since they put me at making minimum wage 40 hours a week! Shit I wish I actually had the income that they claim I do instead of the child support, then I’d have more money so no don’t quit your job it won’t help!

Child support may increase with his new job but its not guaranteed but why do you need to be a stay at home mum. With children that age .?Don’t you want to do your bit towards your children’s upkeep?.The other thought is what if his finances change say he has another child with someone else he could ask for a reviewing get your payments reduced so he can support his new family.

This is asinine!! So quit your job and stay home so your ex can more in child support. Wth!! How does that even make sense! Are you able to work? Do your children need full time care? If not…don’t be lazy. Work, make more money and ask for an increase in child support so your kids can have more not so you can have more free time

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I think what you’re asking is wildly unreasonable. It’s not your ex-husbands responsibility to provide for you. That’s your job as an adult. If both of your kids are in school all day there is no reason why you can work or go back to school. I know single mothers who do both.

I think this is insane. Why, when you are very capable of working and providing for your kids would you stop just to get more child support? You sound like my kids dad who works bare minimum to pay the bare minimum!! Smh show your kids that a you have to work to get nice things and not to rely on others.

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Why would you be a stay at home mom if your kids aren’t there? Seems like you’re trying to milk whatever you can from your baby daddy and that’s not right. Should you get money to take care of your kid, sure if you aren’t working but to leave the workforce to make him pay for you is wrong. Posts like this make me realize how lucky my kid is. We don’t do child support. We both just take care of her when she’s with us and split the cost of medical bills

You actually need to go to court to have a child support review and then after IF they raise the child support you can consider to quit your job.

I wouldn’t recommend it but if you’re going to take a route to do so that would be the smartest bet.

I was a single mom of 3…their dad only paid support when the courts caught up with him and then it was just long enough for him to find other work and vamp…”child support” is to help support your children and help to make sure they have their needs met…mine never truly needed their dads money nor did I…BUT when it came I used it to pay up bills and put some away for times when they may want to do something and I didn’t have the cash…or if they needed anything for school…their needs were met because I worked…I never felt the need to take all his money nor to make him pay more then what was needed to help out some…if he didn’t pay I always had my job and maintained things on my own… I just find it kinda greedy to say “he is making more money now so I’m thinking about quitting my job to be a stay at home mom”…naw, that’s just something I personally ouldve never done…

Maybe they will give custody to the dad since he can financially support them , girl your greedy

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I’m a single mom and work a full time job AND part time job while my ex owes over $50k in child support because he doesn’t pay. I also get no assistance from the government/state. The father also hasn’t seen our 11 year old daughter since she was 1 1/2 years old. This post makes me disgusted. Do I like working a full time AND part time job, giving up time with my daughter, especially when father is MIA? No, but you know what? I do it because it’s the damn adult thing to do. I could go on and on but I’ll just leave it as child support is for the CHILD not so YOU can sit on your lazy ass. It takes 2 to make a child and it should take 2 to support them.


Wow. Why rely on anyone but yourself. Find the strength lady. Be your own crutch. Do what it takes to better your life not rely on your EX. Just WOW

They will want to know why you quit. If you can make it on what he pays its not right to kill him

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It would probably go up since he makes more but I have seen judges tear moms apart for willingly not working when the kids aren’t even home. If you had to take a job where your only gone during school hours that would be more understandable. Even separate its a partnership to take care of the children. I honestly can’t wait until my youngest goes to school so I can go back to work. Yes things at home need done too but with your children being old enough to be gone all day an empty house is easy to care for. Just show your kids that no matter what working hard pays off and they don’t have to grow up to rely on someone else.

I’m pretty sure they impute minimum wage at 40 hours even if you don’t have a job. It may raise support a bit but not enough to stay home off of & it probably would make you not look so great.

Okay, so real talk for a minute girl. They calculate CS off of both peoples incomes. So when I was going through a divorce my attorney straight up told me, if you don’t have a job your CS will be less. Not that mine is very much anyways, but it’s was going to be even worse… even tho I have two children that are under four years old, my son is autistic, and I have primary physical custody of them. Next you don’t wanna live off your ex… that’s just eewww. Go out there, continue to work, kick ass, love your babies the best you can, and show them that hard work is the best way to go. They will understand that you worked the hardest to provide for them. They will look up to you so much, you’ll be the hero.

Wow you’re words have just completely disgusted me. It isn’t his job too support you AT ALL!!! Just his kids just like it ain’t your job too support him just your kids!!! You wouldn’t want this done too you that’s just a disgusting thing to do. :face_vomiting:

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The only way I think would be reasonable to ask is if you are working a job where you need childcare. In that case since he is making double you may have a case to ask for more in order to physically care for your children instead of paying someone else. But you should still be working while they are at school. Just because he makes more money doesnt mean he should fully financially support them PLUS you if you are capable of earning money and taking care of your children. Be grateful for what you get because alot focus women out here dont see much. Hell I consider myself lucky my ex sends $50-100 a month most months without an order in place bc it’s still in the process. He lives at home with his mom rent free and has ALOT more disposable income then me however I make sure my kids needs are met. Would I like more money yes! Am I hoping eventually child support will kick in and I’ll get more yes but that’s because I pay for 99% of her needs AND have her full time. You go just so you can stay home while the kids are away that unacceptable.

I don’t agree with what you are doing.you should also support those kids but I also don’t know the situation as to why you would want to.but if you haven’t had it looked at for awhile you can and still keep your job.it may go up since prices are going up.if that’s what you are looking at maybe?kids are expensive .so you can have them do that.call your case worker and ask.with mine I think it’s every 3 years.so ask them these questions but definitely keep your job.you shouldn’t depend on it in case he stops working.how would you know that also.but that’s my advice.

I think OP needs to reevaluate what she is asking. IMO, if you were a 2 parent household and dependent upon each other to run that household then maybe being a SAHM wouldn’t be a bad idea. Just because he got a pay raise doesn’t entitle OP to a free ride. When a couple separated, each is responsible for his/her own bills and 50% of support for the children (clothes, shoes, food, school supplies, etc). If the children are in school and OP needs help with childcare in order to continue working F/T, then I would ask for the help from NC, if that isn’t possible and there is no communication in coparenting, then ask the courts to intervene. But in no way is he responsible for all of his and her bills. That’s just lazy and inconsiderate.

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This is why so many moms who really need support are turned away. I was a single mom for a long time with minimal support from my ex and the when I provided for my daughter it was the best feeling ever. My daughter now understands that being independent has a huge amount if perks. Don’t give up your job, remember what he has today could be gone tomorrow and then what will your babies have. Do your best to give those kids a good head start in life and when they’re all grown and don’t need you, then you take the break you deserve. For now those kids are your responsibility

Soooo basically you see he’s making more money, so you want HIM to pay for you to sit at home while your kids are at school most of the time? Sounds like you’re trying to do him dirty

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You need to let cs know he has a new job so they can review your payments
But if you quit your job just so you get more money it won’t work because he is an ex they don’t support you the money is for your children
And your children alone
I’m sorry if this last part sounds harsh
But stop being a selfish person grow up

While I hope its not your intent, the way the post is written really comes off as you want to be a SAHM because you want your ex to continue to take care of you kind of like a stick it to the man type of thing :woman_shrugging:t2:

I believe quitting your job will actually work against your request for more child support because it is YOUR CHOICE just because. Your ex may be able to prove you had job security and chose to quit just for an increase of CS.
While being a working parent is hard, it’s not your ex’s responsibility to take care of you; his responsibilities are the kids which it seems he’s handling his responsibilities.

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This is disgusting. I can’t believe it’s even a question. It’s just pure laziness that your trying to gain off of someone else’s success and using your kids in the process. This just shows it was never even about the kids. I hope she’s reading every comment on this. PAY :clap:t3: YOUR :clap:t3: OWN :clap:t3: BILLS. ITS NOT HIS JOB TO SUPPORT YOU. the nerve of some people :woman_facepalming:t4:

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That’s not right at all! You’re choosing to quit your job, you’re choosing to sit at home while your kids are at school(except summer vacation…etc) he shouldn’t have to provide for your needs and wants, he should only be providing for y’all’s kids.:woman_facepalming:t3: no judge will grant more child support and if they do, then they’re in the wrong! You need to keep your job instead of expecting the father of your kids to pay your way through life!

It’s child support. To help you raise and support your child. Not to raise or support yourself. Maybe let the children live with his father if money is the real issue.

Im working 72 hours a week right now to handle my business and take care of my two kids. His CS is just a bonus. Make something out of yourself… You’re setting an example for your children.

Seriously, this has to be a joke?! He pays child support to help support the children y’all have together. Not take care of you, not his job. That’s shitty as hell.

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Funny thing is if you go on solo parent benefit you won’t be receiving that child support money the crown does. Your better off working and claiming ‘in work tax credits’ and your ‘child support’…Are you serious or just pointing some people out that are on the benefit?

Idk what kind of ex you have but when I had my ex on child support, every time I was jobless for whatever reason, he held it over my head like I wasn’t pulling my weight as a parent. I canceled all of cs and it took a huge weight off my shoulders. My son’s father literally hasn’t spoken a word to me or him since I canceled cs.

Child support is just that CHILD SUPPORT! It’s not to support your ex that doesn’t feel like working. You can get a modification for support but not just because you don’t want to work. Don’t be that type of bitter ex, better yourself so your kids can see that you did everything you could for them…smh