What??? Your kids are in school… You should be at work providing for them also… That is not fair to the father or really anyone involved.
Yea, that’s a big no no. So if he loses his job then what are you gonna do? Child support is just that…CHILD SUPPORT!! not ex support. Get your life together honey…
If he is making more and you do a review his support will increase either way unless your income has increased just as much as his. That being said, unless you work outside of school hours an can not afford after school care then you are right the judge may think there is no need for you to be a stay at home mom because there isn’t. Unless you are disabled there is no reason to quit to be a stay at home mom.
How selfish and lazy. I don’t generally judge people but seriously? If the majority of the time you spend at work is while they are in school as this post seems to suggest that is just ridiculous! There is no reason he should pay for you to sit on your butt while the kids are at school.
In my state they use a child support calculator to determine what the parent pays. You might want to google the state you live in and child support calculator to see if there is one available where you live.
Ms Lady, you are not that mans responsibility anymore & furthermore what would you be staying home to do if both babies go to school. If YOU CHOOSE to stay home, get a job that allows you to do so.
His child support is based off of a percentage of his income. It’s not based on yours. Or lack there of.
Absolutely a judge will see it as unnecessary. I’ve even seen it with some family members where the judge ordered them to go back to work or no CS at all will be paid out.
Is it big enough to take the risk & find out? Stuff like this, u gotta try to plan as best u can… Now my personal thoughts aside… This is kind of risky to do. I wouldnt. But weigh the risks & benefits.
They base it on your “potential” earnings. So no you won’t get more money.
It’s also designed to help you give them close to the life they would have had if you were still together not to be your only income.
Take ur ass to work while they are in school…smh is this even a question? So your ex should pay your needs and his kids simply because you don’t want to work anymore:rofl: your needs are the problem of your new man not your ex… If your lucky you’ll get maybe $200 more a month it’s based of a percentage not what mommy thinks she’s entitled to… females like this kill me stop worrying about what that man does or makes seems like he does his part and your still the bitter ex hun
No! I’ve heard of judges actually ordering the parent to get a second job…
So basically you want to live off your ex and not work? You have 6 hours a day to yourself to work, I have 2 hours a day to myself and I only wish I had that much time to myself to get a full time job to provide for my kids. They don’t base CS on your income, they base it on his so they may increase it anyway, but still why should your ex practically pay your wages so you can sit at home while your kids are at school?
So you quit a job and can’t afford to live on child support alone I’d be careful how greedy you get or he could push as unfit because of your financial situation…
The fact that this is even a question explains enough. It’s not his job to support you, seriously!!
Maybe he should file for custody and then you get to pay child support.
Just NO … this is honestly sad, you don’t need to quit your job unless something happened to where you couldn’t work and NEEDED to be home… like your kids aren’t even there during the day… that’s insane!
The judge is going to look at you and laugh. That’s just selfish. No reason he should pay for you to be at home.
So I’m just gonna be blunt and honest, for one if you can’t support your kids don’t have them, get off your butt and work to support them, there is no reason for you to be at home without a medical reason, just because your ex got a new job does not mean he should have to pay extra because you want to be lazy, actually in general if your able to work and the dad is there for the kids and in there lives he shouldn’t have to be paying any child support! Stop relying on other people to take care of you it’s sickening
As a mom myself , what makes u think your kids father should increase the child support payments so u can sit at home??? If your capable of working then there’s no reason to why you should quit your job, let alone u stated ur kids are at school most of the day so why wouldn’t u work while they are at school??? No judge is going to give u more child support when u voluntarily quit your job! Not only is it not the fathers job to support ur life but it’s not right to expect the father of your kids to support u! Parenting is 50/50 not let’s expect more child support because u don’t feel like working!
Best for you to keep working to support your children. I’m sure he will be paying enough in the future. CS is to support his children, not you and your whole house. What CS you get will depend on his earned income written on his tax returns. No, you will not get more CS if you don’t work.
Take him back to court. Not for sure where you are located but where I’m from CS is 14% of their paycheck. Don’t quit your job and live off CS. There isn’t a reason for you to quit. Not saying you are but you sound like you want their father to pay for literally everything. Don’t do that. It’ll come back on you harder then ever and there is a chance that if you do willingly quit your job he can possibly claim them on his taxes and you get nothing. But all in all don’t quit your job!!! That would be the worst mistake you can make.
Im going to screen shoot this and prays he finds it and sees this. Shame on you. Is he a good dad? Do he do his part?
He is suppose to support HIS kids not you…. It’s that simple isn’t it?? If he’s paid more than yeah maybe he should be giving more for HIS kids but not so you can stay home. This is just a messed up question. Wow…
You can ask for a raise if he makes more money but don’t quit your job
I can’t believe this is even a question. Me and my ex husband have 4 kids together. I survive taking care of ALL FOUR OF THEM and myself, because I have a job that I go to 6 days a week and no help from the state. He helps watch them while I work and that’s it. Get a job. I hope he fights this in court.
If that’s the kind of example you want to set, go for it— my suggestion is next time, don’t post anonymously. Let everyone see who you really are. I mean, since you’re not ashamed, there’s nothing to hide?
Keep your job and pay for yourself.
Women like you are what’s wrong. Why should he pay more? No. Keep your job! It’s not his job to support you!
You need to work to provide for your children just like he does… so no, you will not get more just because you choose to not work.
Ew why would you do that? Women before us have worked so hard for us to be treated equally and work in the same fields as men and women still have to work twice as hard to be considered a valuable asset, and here you are just trying to sit on your ass and have a man, I’m sry your EX take care of you?! Is that what you want to be teaching your children? I’m sorry I have 3 daughters 12-1 and I’ve worked my whole life, as has my husband and I never want them to believe it’s ok to rely on a man! Married or not, you have no idea what can happen in life. Teach your kids better…
So basically you just wanna be lazy and live off your ex husband forever?? I see why he divorced your ass!!!
You’d be taking from your kids… That’s not ok. Child support is for them. Not you.
CHILD support, not ex support. Why do you feel the need to quit your job when your kids are in school? Your reasoning is because he got a raise? He works harder and that means you shouldn’t work at all? Makes absolutely no sense SMH
I’m a stay at home Mum to a 15 month old but honestly as soon as she turns 2, I’m going to work. I don’t know how or why you would want to stay home, I would love to work and I’m going to, don’t you worry.
Good luck with being a stay at home Mum because I actually hate it. Being stuck between my 4 walls.
No. Thats not what child support is for. It’s 50/50! Smh. How sickeningly selfish. Women like you give the one’s who truly need it a bad name. Don’t be lazy!
As a mother you need to work and do your part! Why would you want to depend on child support to support your self when you are capable of working maybe the father needs the children…
Well congratulations on making this the most selfish post I’ve seen all day! I mean damn… you want more money because he got a better paying job go get cs order re evaluated quiting your job and trying to live off CHILD support is petty…it ain’t to support you it’s to HELP provide for the KIDS
The point of CS is for it to gonorrhea children and what they need/want not you. Be an adult and pay your own shit. Kids aren’t just a check. Do you realize how gold digging this question sounds. No offense nor disrespect.
I don’t support your approach here. And while I will say most jurisdictions are different, even most judges can interpret differently, an ex coworker of mine quit his good paying job very shortly after separating with his ex wife (suspected done in hopes of lowering his support/spousal payments). He was doing well in his position, his job wasn’t at risk, and there was not a market here for the very loosey goosey job idea he had. The judge was having none of it and basically told him he was willfully putting his children’s welfare at risk by giving up his income, and ordered his support payments based on the income he was making before he decided to try and start up his own shop with no solid business plan and no guarantee of income.
Most people can smell bs, especially when their job is to make determinations and decisions that consider the best interests of the children, which, (apologies for my assumptions, but only going on what you shared) it doesn’t sound like you’re doing with the question about quitting your job simply in order to get more CS.
Stay at home does not get you more child support as far as I know. But him getting and having a better paying job will get you more support. It is based on what he makes
If you are really struggling and need assistance then ask for and in crease but to just want one so you don’t have to work no judge will go for that they expect both parents to be doing their part it shouldn’t be his responsibility to pay for his ex especially if he also see the kids and and doing his part as a father
Why would you quit your job so your ex can take care of you? His responsibility/child support is to take care of his children not so you can quit your job & live off of the money you recieve from him. It’s disgusting that you actually think this way & I feel terrible for your ex!
Why would you expect your ex to support you? That seems to be pretty extreme. Why should he have to pay extra just because you don’t want to work? It’s one thing to be laid off and have no option, quite another to foist that on him by choice.
Don’t you have a desire to provide for your own kids? even if got an increase in support, don’t you want to provide more than the bare minimum yourself?
I’m sorry but are you SERIOUS!?! I am definitely not trying to be hateful but unless your child is severely disabled and has to have around the clock care, then you need to take your a** to work! Those are your children too! It is not fair for just 1 parent to solely take care of the children. Maybe if you guys were still together and decided as a couple that you should be a SAHM that would be different… IMO…
I wouldnt quit your job, HOWEVER, if he did get a job that dbld his salary, you are entitled to the increase in CS. You will need to gi back to court. Regardless of your job, he still should be reporting his new wages to the courts so its up to date.
No, child support is based off both parents ability to earn wages at a full time job, whether they have a job or not.
It’s not his job to pay your bills. It’s his job to assist you in supporting his children. It’s called CHILD support ma’am.
You chose to do that and if they’re at school you do not deserve more money or need to stay home.
Get a job at the school or during school hours.
I hate to sound harsh but you sound like you feel like your babies are a paycheck hun.
There are women out there that get no help and work more than 1 job and make it.
You have to be grateful you have help.
Good luck
Child Support is not supposed to be income for you. It’s intended to help support the children you both have shared. If his income has changed go to the courthouse and ask for a reevaluation of the income the courts can decide if they want to of the child support. My question to you is why would you want to struggle and have your kids struggle if you’re able to work?
That’s messed up. It’s not your ex’s job to support you. You both need to be supporting the children.
Or perhaps have a goal in mind of supporting yourself instead of using a potential child support increase from your ex as an excuse to leave your job. Gross Child support iss for the kids, not to support you too
You’re not his responsibility to support, only the children are…wtf kind of example are you trying to set for the children
Umm. Yikes. Sorry, but this was what my husband’s ex wife tried to do until the kids aged out of receiving support. You answered your own question. You can’t afford to be at SAHM, and it isn’t your ex-husband’s job to be forced to pay more because you don’t feel like working.
U shouldn’t quit your job because he makes more smdh he shouldn’t be the only one providing …their are your children tok
You will lose custody for not having a job. He’s not there to support you, he’s there to support his children, as you are responsible for half.
You will get LESS. Also, I get wanting to stay home but… if HE is paying for all child expenses- why not just let him have the child (children) so you can do what you want…
try to look for stay at home job if you want to quit your current job. your ex is not obliged to give you support, just for the kids but not you.
I can’t even believe this is a question. It is “child support” not “mom can be lazy support”. The kids can get increases every few years if salary has increased, but you quitting your job won’t change his obligation.
It’s not his responsibility to take care of your household. He is responsible for the kids…
You should work while they are in school as there is no reason not to but since he is making more money submit the paperwork for a review they will more than likely increase your CS
His meant to support your kids not you and it’s meant to be 50/50 not you 20 and him 80! Be greatful he even pays!
What’s the purpose of being a SAHM now at 7 & 12? If it’s because it’s a struggle finding someone to take them to and from school or look after them in the holidays then I get it because I got a term time only job when I came off maternity leave and took a 10k paycut for my troubles. I doubt you’d get extra financial support from your ex. I’m literally working to put my kid in nursery but I was worried I wouldn’t get a job once he’s in school and I’d been out of work for so long. Could you 2 work together to get more support with looking after them in the holidays etc
That’s crazy lol you are not your exes responsibility… just your kids. Stay at work smh that’s just you trying to be lazy and sponge off of your ex smh. Your child support is supposed to be spent for needs for your children. Not for you to sit on your ass all day while they are at school with no worries
You should never rely on child support. He could just decide to stop paying and in that case youd be screwed. .
Wow. Disgusting. I divorced when my girls were 12 & 2. I’ve worked two and three jobs in the past ten years and was thankful for the cs I got. Just wow. If you have a son I hope no one ever tries to do this to him. Shameful.
Why do you want to quit your job? And why would that mean bio Dad has to account for you doing such when the 2 of you are no longer together? You both have a financial responsibility to the children you share.
Why shouldn’t you work? Why is it your EX husbands responsibility to support you so you can sit at home? smh
This is an awful idea. Morally wrong but if you attempt it, as mentioned above, im pretty sure it will backfire on you.
Is this seriously a question? Why would your ex support you when he is not living with you? Don’t be greedy. Your kids go to school and you can go to work. It’s not a stay at home mom if your just staying at home to be lazy while the kids aren’t even home.
why would you want to rely on something that he can take away in a heartbeat… all with a letter of resignation. This is one thing I am so glad that my dad instilled in me… never rely on a man for support… even child support. yes, it’s for the kids… but at any moment he can walk away from his job and you’d be without money until the OAG catches up with him to restart that payment…why would anyone want to do that? that’s letting your independence go…
This is a horrible post! Why would quit your job for him to support you?? If you can work, then do it! He’s supposed to be supporting his children, which he is doing! This post is exactly what’s wrong with America right now!!! #greedy
You are the reason why men talk shit about women
I feel you get more if ya both work. It is based off BOTH incomes and then day care cost and all that is divided. Why would you quit your job, just because it may give you more child support???
I hope your ex husband sees this so he can show it to the judge. Your kids are in school all day, go to work ya leech.
I feel sorry for their dad. It’s not his job to support you financially. It’s called CHILD support. Not ex support.
You can have them reevaluate how much support he pays… Because he is making more. But you can’t quit your job & live off your child’s support money.
But it’s kind of selfish to think you can just do it & quit your job. It’s BOTH parents responsibility to support their children. His support is to SUPPORT the child… NOT sustain your life…
And… Once your child ages out, you LOSE ALL of that money!!
I’m sorry but child support is to assist with the child’s need not allow you to stay home while he supports you too.
Can you transition to a part-time job during the day while kids are in school? That way you can still work but also prioritize being home with your kids while they’re not at school, and keep yourself in the workforce for when CS (eventually) will end.
Wtf is wrong with people??? Why live off your EX using your kids for money people make me sick. Why did you quit your job if you couldn’t afford it? Just to ask for a raise in CS. Get a 1st shift job while they are in school and help support the kids you helped make
Wow… just wow… I have never received child support… I work way more than Full time, and guess what I own my own home, put food on the table, and have my own transportation that I pay for all of with guess what… my paycheck… quit being lazy.
The court will likely impute income on you since you are capable of working and have been able to work in the past. It’s not his responsibility to pay for you to stay home.
Makes absolutely no sense to want to put off the financial responsibility of children you created together off on 1 party to pay for. How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? I can tell you if it takes two to create those babies then it takes two to financially raise them.
This is shitty… you want a man to support you then find a sugar daddy … your ex only has to support your kids
You and your bills aren’t his problem. Hes taking care of his kids by paying CS. Even entertaining the idea is disgraceful. You need to work to provide for them too.
The kids are at school , just keep your job , maybe ask to work the hrs while your kids are at school.
Not a good option to rely on CS… it won’t cover rent , bills , groceries ,clothes and any other necessities.
Remember you’re the #1 carer , you need to be on top of things and don’t rely on CS.
I would be grateful he pays at all! Many single moms n single dads have to fight for any support! And sadly u sound ungrateful n not to be harsh but sound like ur gold digging
What a waste of space. You’re ex husband should have custody of those kids. It’s not his responsibility to take care of you.
He’s not your caretaker and the money is called “Child Support” not “Ex Spousal Support.” I hope if you even attempt it the Courts sniff ya out and they make you pay him more and he pay you less. Makes me so mad, no wonder there is no trust in new relationships, always wondering if this new partner is gonna be the one that screws you out of everything you have and have worked hard for because people are lazy a**holes with no desire to work hard for anything and do shady shiz like this behind each other’s backs.
Just ask yourself, if he found out your salary had doubled and decided he wants a piece of that pie and to stay home so he can get as much of it as possible, how would that make you feel?
You should find it unnecessary to take more of his money… its not his job to pay for you to sit at home and do nothing… keep your job and provide for your kids like you should be… smgdh…
I’m not certain why you think quitting your job to stay home is the answer particularly when the kids are in school full time. Have you tried sitting down with the dad and explaining how your costs have increased (inflation, Covid, etc?) and have the receipts to actually back it up? Just because his financial situation has changed, does not mean that mom is entitled to more because of it. Y’all are broken up and live different lives and he’s not responsible for mom, just his kids. If it’s that much of a struggle to work for your kids and add to what the other parent already contributes, maybe a more suitable option for the time being would be 50/50 split or dad gets them until mom is better to financially provide her share for them.
Don’t worry about how much money he’s making . That has nothing to do with you. Let him do his life n you do yours
It’s not his job to support you. By all means if your due for a review then ask for one. But to ask for an increase in CS so you can stay home when your kids are at school all day is wrong.
Support yourself what the hell even is this? You know how entitled you sound? Grow up. Youll be doing your kids a favor.
I quit my job to be a SAHM and dropped my exes CS by half. Why do you need more from him? Jealousy is the root of all evil.
You can just quit your job because you found out hes getting paid more. It’s things like this why we get put down from getting support… sounds more like you just wanna quit, especially if the kids are in school most of the day… no offense but they are both of your responsibilities
You are the reason guys hate paying child support. If he stays home with the kids, should you have to pay child support- and increase it?
I think a judge will see it as you trying to make your ex pay for everything. You might get an increase with his new salary. Quitting your job is not going to raise it. The judge will consider you capable of making the amount you were making, and count it as if that was still coming in. My ex quit his job to avoid paying an increase. It did not go well for him in court.
If his income is higher you are entitled to more money but you won’t get more money for voluntarily quitting your job
There are a lot of unanswered variables here. Everyone is jumping to the conclusion that the OP is “lazy” and “entitled”. Before you grab your torches and pitchforks, maybe consider that her situation isn’t fully explained and it’s no one’s job to judge her here. She didn’t ask if you thought it was morally acceptable, she asked if voluntarily leaving her job would affect a CS review. Just answer the question.
You are not together anymore. He could leave your ass sitting on the side of the road as long as the kids are taken care of!