This is why it’s difficult for women who actually need the child support for their KIDS to get the help they need. Unbelievable
While I see where you’re coming from, keep your job for your own self worth. And get your kids dad to help with childcare, he made them too
Nope. Just keep your job and do the stuff needed for the modification. I need to add, if you have child care expenses include the amounts and such. Anything that pertains to them in the modifications.
My ex got an increase iin pay they found out and raised the amount themselves …however i worked a full time job as well the money he paid me went to the kids to support them i paid my own bills with the money i earned …
You voluntarily leaving your job does not translate to higher CS. They will credit you for what you could be making.
Your poor ex, works harder for money after CS and you take that as a sign that you don’t have to do your part? If you won’t be bringing any money home to the kids, then why the heck do you think you can expect more? It is unnecessary for you to be home.
No you won’t. ( though you never mentioned state) it’s a number game with his income only. Any why would you risk it. It does happen over night. What if he stops paying or pulled the same game you want to play? Your bills aren’t going on hold until things get worked out? But regardless the answer is no without knowing what state you’re referring to
Please tell me this isn’t a real question. If you take him back to court for this I hope he files for residential custody and gets to stop paying support.
You’re the reason men work under the table
Why are you staying home if your kids are in school alp day. He’s supporting his kids not you.
CS is based on his pay not ur bills and what you want. The judge isnt gonna raise his CS bc u wonna stay home
Are you serious? Your entire livelihood to house, feed, and care for your children is in the hands of your EX? What happens when he quits his job and decides to be a stay at home dad??? Gets fired?? Laid off? Downsized?
I wouldn’t put that much trust in an EX.
You sound ungrateful. Be thankfully that you get CS. Time to stand on your OWN two feet and quit depending on him.
What kinda bs? You ain’t his child he don’t need to pay for you, this has got to be the dumbest ish I read in the last 15 minutes. He don’t owe you a damn thing!
It’s child support not you support… why would you quit your job if they’re already in school? This makes 0 sense. Make your own money…
Is this for real tho? No you don’t get to be at stay at home mom when your kids aren’t even there to live off their father who you aren’t in a relationship with anymore… why would you think you deserve money to be a mother?! Blah. Crazy.
Wow, what a terrible example for your kids that you are considering. Are you really trying to teach them that they don’t need to work hard to care for their families so long as somebody else will pay for them while they sit around and do nothing?
This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read . Let that man take care of his children like he’s been doing-and you do the same-there’s obvious signs why you’re his ex
What if he gets behind and can’t pay or choose not to pay and say screw it …. Don’t ever count on his child support.
It’s not worth it. He can quit working just to be spiteful and screw your royally. My ex did that and stopped paying over a year ago. I work full time and go to school and barely make ends meet but it works
Keep your job, you can ask for a review on CS but I don’t think you should quit. If you do they might give the kids to him.
Wow. Try taking care of your own kids instead of sitting on your ass and collecting money. I see why he’s an ex.
Not to be mean but your the type that gives the rest a bad name … mine stopped paying because I have a husband and he says I’m money hungry? Like I would appreciate what ya got ! And leave him alone
In most cases if you say what you just posted the judge would hear…I’m wanting a break in life and heard my ex whom I might be bitter and have hatred towards got a raise and makes double his pay so I should be entitled to double my pay in C.S…he’s not your sugar daddy he’s not your paycheck and its definitely not fair to make him work his ass off to just pay you more because you choose go stay home without a actual reason that qualifies you to just stay at home while your kid sdcc are at school and you live life without having to worry how yo pay your bills when he struggles to pay his!! Does he get to see his kids since he pays C.S. …ifso he needs to be able to pay his Bill’s to also see his kids after a weeks worth of work …its a 50/50 deal when raising kids and most of the time the judge will take in both incomes and both necessary Bills to determine what he pays and what you’re left to pay depending upon your area for the month also if you claim them as dependents they’ll figure that into it too…you need to think of how if you were the one paying the c.s. how would you want to be done and they do raise it from time to time to fit the economy etc…me bing me I’d say keep you job while your kids are at school do things equally and although it sucks to not be able to sit at home all day when we choose to have kids it’s no longer about us and what we want we’ve gotta be adults and make sure that our kids are great with or without c.s. what if he loses his job …what would you do then? So no keep your income leave his alone and raise your babies together if you need a bit more help ask him if he can do it willing without the courts and if not then there’s programs that help when needed if they find the help necessary!! Good luck
It depends on where you live I know in Ontario when I went after child support for my one daughter it goes by his income and they do a Child Support Review every so often you will not get more if you stay home because of the ages of the kids there in school
I can’t see any valid reason you should quit your job other than what I read as your suggested thing of maybe receiving more child support which isn’t going to happen. Don’t be silly. Stay in your job!
What about taking best care of your kids yourself instead of trying to milk your ex husband for more?
He’s taking care of his kids…not YOU. You should still work…
By law, children are entitled to live at the same standards as the highest earning parent. You most likely would get an increase in child support if his income has increased. Why not go through that process and see what the increase is and then decide if you can quit your job to better raise your children.
You can go back to court to get more money since he makes more now. I wouldn’t quit your job but more money the better to support yourself and the kids or find a job accommodating the hours the kids are in school
Yes it’s unnecessary since your kids are in school and it’s not cool to expect your ex to basically pay your life because you just want to quit your job and his life is flourishing!!!
Why would you want to quit your job for child support? Its child support…you know for the children…not you.
U need to worry less about his check and worry about yours
I was a single mom
Worked full time
And homeschooled
This question is awful
His check to you is for THEM
Not to support you and your bills
But the kids part
He’s a baby daddy
Not an ex supporter lol
Why in the hell would u get more CS… u quit ur job u can afford how it is… it not your ex job to take care of you while u wanna sit on your ass… he take care of his child/children… its moms like you that make us all look greedy!
It’s 50/50, he is to help you support them NOT to support you also.
Probably not. And if there is no medical reason to be home then you should be able to work and pay your bills and his CS will take care of the kids!!!
its not his job to provide a life for you … lmfao your not that special babe . keep your job and do what your supposed to . provide your 50% just like he obviously is . feeling entitled to more of his money just because hes making more money makes you look bad . js i just dont get your mindset on this at alll
Are you quitting to stay home and babysit or something? If the kids are already in school why are you staying home? Did you know if you are a stay at home mom and become disabled you don’t get disability you only get ssi and that’s income based
They might actually cut your support if it’s voluntary I had to prove my son had a medical condition that required me to stay home
No, it will be based of off your earning POTENTIAL.
Unless you have a disability or illness you will be expected to work.
You can ask for an increase based on his raise, but if time spent hasn’t changed support prob won’t either.
No that’s not how it works. It’s just based off his wages and amount of children, nvm that you aren’t his child it’s not for you to live off of
Child support is for the children–not you. It’s CHILD support. It’s literally in the name.
I’m struggling with this but my kids are way younger. 1 and 3. I can’t find decent work that is more than the cost of daycare or there I have childcare for and he keeps saying he will watch them but doesn’t show up.
But he’s not paying anything at all.
Sooo… you want someone to not only support your kids but yourself to just so you don’t have to work? How is that fair to him? If you can’t afford to stay home, then don’t. Men try to find better paying jobs while paying child support so they can afford to support themselves too while supporting their kids…
How would you feel if the tables were turned and you were the one paying child support and your ex was demanding more just because they wanted to sit at home instead of working?
Whether you work or not the courts put it as I’d you make min wage. It is his job to support his kids, not you.
This right here is why some men have a hell of a time on child support.smh
If you have joint custody it might back fire on you since you’ll be “unfit” to care for your child and he’ll probably get full custody. that might be a good thing for your kid tho
why would you want to quit your job for him to pay more . that’s not how child support works . and i personally think it’s wrong that you would want to even do that . yes he should be paying CS to provide for his children but he shouldn’t have to pay more for you to be a stay at home mom …
What if he wanted to quit his job and be a stay at home parent? Would u b o.k. with being asked to pay more support so he could stay home?
You have a legal obligation once you choose to have children to earn as much money as you can in order to support your children. In BC Your child support should be reviewed yearly and if the person who is paying Cs has an increase in pay then child support goes up it has nothing to do with if you work or not. It is a government formula and is based upon the persons income that is paying cs.
Get a CS review and keep a job… u always want to stand on your own two feet. Stay at home at night when the kids are at home.
Is this a serious post or just one to get responses and controversy?
Maybe the Mom should have sought alimony. Child support is just child support, right? Should the Mom and Dad not be contributing 50/50 on this?
That money is the help raise both of your children. You need to not be lazy and stay at your job. Who tf quits a job wants to mooch off their ex???
Wow, really ? I never got any C.S for my 2 daughters, I work for mine while they were in school & had someone ok them up. I rather work than to. E at home🤷♀️C.S is for the kids not personal money for mom.
This post is enough to make me leave this group. Get a job dropkick, the CS is for your kids, NOT for you to live off and sit around on your arse
He’s bettering himself if he’s making more. Maybe you should do the same instead of trying to live off of his ambitions.
This is the best example of a baby momma using her baby daddy and an example of people not wanting to work at the will of others
Typical lazy ass woman. Staying at home when children are at school all day is for you. It doesn’t benefit your kids at all. I hope he sees this and shows the judge.
Wow, some of us actually struggle to get our kid’s Dad to do ANYTHING, and you’re wanting to quit your job, because he makes more money and you think you should get a cut!? Gross.
Or you could work and support your own family and not use him for his hard working money. Not trying to be rude but what’s the point of being home if kids are in school anyways
You sound like you just want his money. That’s not the example I want to set my kids but guess that’s just me.
And this is why most men are salty about paying child support. It’s called CHILD SUPPORT for a reason. It’s for covering the costs of the child/children he has. Not for letting the parents like off of it free.
If you volunteer to leave your job no! If you get fired or can prove he has had an increase you can request a review.
Yea if u choose to stay home… u won’t get nothing. There is nothing limiting u from working. So nice try but no u can’t!
Its people like this that make me feel bad a out there few hundred a month a get.
No because the judge can look at your “earning potential” and take that into account. Meaning whatever your annual income is now, they can look at that as your current income.
Wow - I have 3 kids to a scumbag of a man that pays $100/ mth for all 3 and gets away with it. I have continually worked… Some people have shitty attitudes! We all have to work!!!
People like you are why women who pursue child support get a bad name.
Hahaha what? Sounds like U want Ur cake n eat it too.
Ur actually asking ppl to justify U quitting wrk to do Woteva U want during the day and getting Ur ex to foot the bill for Ur extra perks.
Maintenance is for Ur kids, U ending employment is Ur problem if U can’t pay Ur share not his.
If you can’t afford to care for your children then give them to their dad! Sounds like he left you because you’re crazy anyway
Its not his job to pay your bills and take care of you.
…….child support is for your children. Not you
I think this is a little unfair, if you can’t afford to be a SAHM don’t be? If your children are in school there shouldn’t be a need for you to be home all day? especially if you CAN work. The judge would realize if you had a NB, but kids in school? They will see it as pure laziness. no offence
Why do you think your ex should pay your bills? His job is to provide for the kids not you. He’s not responsible for you.
Whose raising these women like this… bruh really you wanna have him not only support his kids but you too that’s not his job or his responsibility grow up and raise your kids better than that
So essentially you want him to pamper you all while taking full financial responsibility for BOTH yours and his kids, so they are in school and you can do what? Sit on your ass? Don’t be lazy.
If there In school why up and quit? He is to provide for only half not you. CHILD SUPPORT not ex support
I’m pretty sure this is a troll post but on the slim chance it isn’t.
No. Continue working and supporting your damn self. Your ex is not an ATM and child support isn’t an income.
It’s definitely not his job to take care of you. Keep your job!
Of course not … the state goes by the absent parents income and goes off a percentage of that, not your lack of income
Child Support lmao story of my life really I have a 7 year old and her father was court ordered 50 bucks in 2015 all I have seen is 78.49 total from him … he never goes to jail he never works and my
Case worker says he’s off there radar . Sooo I bust my but to make ends meet . Crock of poo really I’m in NC about the post don’t quit your job it makes moms so like us look bad .
Keep working and review the case. No reason to let go of your self respect for a few dollars more.
No it doesn’t get raised bc you lose an income, you can however get a lawyer and have it reviewed and amended if he is making more.
Screw everyone on here saying no. All my mother’s kids were IN SCHOOL and when you have children who need a all the time by the phone because we all have a disability that is called anger and use to be the kid to just lash out badly because why are people just so fucking stupid in reality. So you know what who gives a shit what these people have to say do you boo. Quit YOUR job and make the man that helped knock you up do something about it. Dead ass. Men sticking there dicks I’m women with no protection and yes maybe some of us have a different opinion THIS IS MINE AND I AM ALOUD TO HAVE MY OWN OPINION. so if you come at me sideways I will tell you fuck off. I was a stay at home mom for 3 damn years talking car of my baby. And I have no fucking shame because she doesn’t have all the issues I did. And THAT is what mattered to me! Ya okay they go to school. But sometimes you also need a break and what does he do? Does he take them cause if not then fuck yeah he made you a mother and just fucking dipped like that? It really all matters about what you yourself wants to do. I have seen way worse with the females not even having the children and there always with other people but still collect CS, food stamps, shit they prob even get cash assistance. In reality though… it’s there for the help if needed. Idc what anyone says with the way the fucking world is now half of everyone isn’t working anyways and are just being lazy sitting on there asses waiting for another stimmy or something. But no one is gonna talk about that . Rude ass people I see on here. Mamas NEED BREAKS TO. Dad’s can take on but the mom’s can’t? Nah fuck that. I don’t agree.
Its women like this that make men hate all of us
Keycword is EX.
You are not your EX’s responsibility or problem.
Its not about how much time they are at home, its about the fact that you wanna “freeload” when u r capable and unwilling.
If you are able and have or did work while married, and after. Your EX husband is not liable. Especially if it is your choice.
Your only way out of this is talk nicely to your EX and see if he is willing to pay for you as well as the kids. Coz that is essentially what you are asking for. No judge will tell your EX husband to pay more because you “feel like” something.
You are responsible for what “you want” Your EX and yourself are equally responsible for your kids.
I hope the judge kicks your ass
Is…is this a joke? Did she really just ask a group of moms for help with some shit like this? I’m being punkd right?
Why would you even think this was an option? It’s child support … they aren’t going to give you more money cause you don’t want to work
So you don’t want to work to provide for your child? Just give your child to the father if that’s the case. Sounds like you don’t want to be a mother and want to make it as easy as possibly on yourself. Pathetic
Uhm. I think that’s the wrong approach… Why would you want to be a stay at home mom if your children are in school any ways?
This is the most f’up post I’ve seen on here. Go to work while your kids work and let their father support THEM not you.
Go for it. Maybe that judge will decide to take away primary custody because you’re too damn lazy and greedy.
I think this is lazy lazy! Plus, a judge will more than likely see right through you and not grant you the increase!
It doesn’t work like that, it’s based off his income not yours. And what will you do if the payments stop?? It’s only meant to help supplement your income, not for you to live off of.
He should not be supporting you staying at home. What the hell is going on with the way ppl are thinking. This is so wrong. He probably worked his butt off to get where he is.
No it doesn’t go up if your not working c’s should be reviewed every tax time and payments are based on his income eg… His pay goes up c’s goes up if his pay goes down c’s goes down
I’m shocked by most of the women’s comments (in the good column). Men’s rights do matter and not having full access to ones children is the most abhorrent punishment that the courts generally pass down against men. There is nothing more painful than feeling like you rent your children when they visit.
That money should be going to the kids needs not for you to live off. Do your part as a mother. If it was that easy I’m sure a lot of people would quit their job and stay home but it’s not loss unless you have some sort of disability that is medically approved for you to stay home and then you would get disability. So unless there’s a disability for being lazy chances are you will be sol. You are their mother you need to pay 50% and the father pays his part 50%.
Wow! Sounds like he should have them kids since your only worried about how much more money you can get for them. Smh.
Who the fu*k thinks this would be ok, it shouldn’t have even been considered TBH!
All I wanna say is I hope the person who submitted the question reads the comments and hopefully gets some common sense put back into her money hungry mind:roll_eyes:
You are the problem with family law! Go ahead show your kids men are a meal ticket and they shouldn’t strive to take care of themselves when the going gets tough.