If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

:speaking_head:Well shit I see why he left you that’s some selfish and shady shit you must be single too because that’s “ I’m lonely” tendencies… damn shame :man_facepalming:t3::speaking_head:

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Child support isn’t for you it’s for your children you greedy hag!! Keep your damn job and quit trying to make him pay it all!!!

He’s not supporting YOU! He’s supporting your kids!

Hopefully the judge will laugh in your face and tell you to get off your ass. :roll_eyes:

I am truly shocked someone would think this and then actually ask it!

:thinking: Ummm really?!? You’ll have more money if you go to work too. Get a job & help support your kids :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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No. Just no. If I say how I really feel ill end up in Facebook jail.


Go to damm work and quit being a damm lazy scandalous scavenger.

Get a job and take care of yourself dont expect your ex to do it you are just lazy and dont want to work

This is one of the reasons why people look down on the ones that get child support. It’s meant to help out with the care of the children not so that you can stay at home. You wanna stay home? Marry someone with money that will let you be a stay at home wife. Otherwise keep your damn job and do your part in supporting your children. They are not a freaking paycheck :unamused:


The fuck? Why teach your kids hard work isn’t shit? That poor ex of yours

You’re so selfish… There are so many women out there WISHING they could get their childs father to pay attention to the kids after separating let alone child support. Not cool little momma Not cool!!

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You can probably see unfit, if you cannot provide your end of their care.

It’s not his job to support you. It’s his job to help take care of his kids. I don’t understand how you just want to stay at home unless you have a medical reason. I have a special needs child with 11 different medical issues and I work full time. I don’t want my child to think everything is just a handout. You have to work hard in life for things.


I paid child support every month the years my ex had my child… once my child moved in with me… nothing from him… I could have taken him to court… he’ll she’s still in university so he should still have to pay child support…
not worth it to me… I work my ass off every day for my children and wouldn’t want a dime of help…
support yourself… support your children… don’t expect hand outs… do it yourself


Your ex is there to help support his kids not you. :joy::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:

If that’s the example you want to set for your children…:woman_facepalming::thinking:

Not a chance he has to live aswell not just to pay u so u can stay at home

Tell me you’re about the money without telling me you’re about the money… goodness.


Have some dignity and self respect.

Dad has to make a living too. Be grateful for wat u get smh

Oh and Motherhood. Get a clue. Let’s hope nobody here knows your ex, #yourecaught

This has got to be a joke. His job is to take care of his kids not you

You’re not a stay at home mom if there isn’t a working parent in the household. You are unemployed. Who will pay your house bills and utilities? I’m assuming child support wouldn’t cover all that. Go work like every other single parent so that the childsupport helps benefit your children and yourself. That’s what’s it’s meant for


He pays cs to support his kids NOT you.

Child support is for the child. Not to take care of you. And why would you want to take more money from him. He has a life too. He’s paying child support , so be happy about that. Also keep your job. Some people are so greedy

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You should be ashamed :woman_facepalming:t4: unless you can’t work by all means take care of your damn kids​:bangbang: It’s both of your responsibilities to provide financial assistance. The audacity :roll_eyes: while a lot of us mothers would like to be stay at home mothers the reality is we can’t afford to. It’s not his responsibility to take care of you. Child support reviews are conducted every 3 years. You’re being greedy smh


Even trying to carefully state this sounds ridiculous… :roll_eyes: I really hope this mother isn’t serious

No wonder he is your ex-husband! Id leave your arse too, with that attitude. Support yourself! :roll_eyes::see_no_evil:

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Your mindset is ridiculous. Hope they take away the cs you’re already getting.

It’s child SUPPORT, not a free ride for you.

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Well now I see why you guys aren’t together.

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Wow! Nothing like giving Mums a bad name :woman_facepalming:

The judge might just say he needs the kids since he’s supporting them

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That about the most fucked up question I’ve ever seen man :rofl:

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What a joke! Why do you need to stay at home? It’s not his responsibility to let you be lazy. If you can’t afford to stay home without his money then the answer is simple…you need to work.


What kind of person would try to use the system like this :roll_eyes: You are the kind of person that makes moms look bad. It is not his job to support you and not his job alone to support the kids … It’s one thing to stay at home for your kids but it’s another to stay home for a damn paycheck. Wow!

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Go to work. shit your kids are in school.

I was hoping this was a joke. You give other single moms a bad rep. :rage:

Let me know when u find a solution… cuz I been working my ass off since 2011… raised 7 kids without CS… I need a vacay… :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

Wow. How lazy of you. Your kids should go to him then

Child support goes according to tax records. Sure you could quit your job but in the end you only look selfish. My ex used to make 90k/year and only has to pay $600/mo for two kids at 50/50 custody and the last two years I have had sole custody as he is now a drug addict. Personal yes but mabie it will help answer your questions. Child support also takes into consideration how many over nights per week one person gets, the more overnights a parent has the one who has the kids less pays child support.

This doesn’t make sense. Your kids are in school all day. You can work. Their father is only responsible for HELPING care for the children not completely support their mom. Is there a medical reason? This is just resdiculous

TRASHHHH👎🏻 child support is for absent fathers, not failed relationships. Stop being bitter and pay your own bills like wtf

This is a joke right? Hes not responsible for YOUR income. Hes only responsible for the kids. Its women like this that make the child custody system a complete joke. Its YOUR responsibility to pay YOUR HALF of raising your children. He didnt make these kids alone therefore YOU my friend are also financially responsible for your end. Why not show your children what a bad ass single mother u are instead of a money hungry woman scorned looking for a handout at the expense of someone else. your teaching your kids they dont have to EARN a living because they’re entitled to one smh. Sad world we live in when a woman can literally milk her ex after he already contributes and does his fair share. How would you feel if the tables were reversed and you had to 100% support him?


How about you just let your ex take the kids? That way he can be responsible 100% for them since that’s what you want anyways :woman_shrugging:t3:


You’ve lost your damn mind, that man doesnt owe you anything, sounds like you’ve got a case of the lazy entitled brat syndrome and I hope the judge laughs in your face and lessens it.

P.S. it’s not called stay at home mom when your kids arent even home. It’s called LAZY

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No. Get the review. If you arent working, he will get the kids.

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You are what’s wrong with this broken system. Your children are not a paycheck and you are just as financially responsible for them as he is. How dare you try to punish him for working hard and increasing his salary. You are fully capable of working. If you want better, then be better for yourself and your children.

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You have a duty by the court to contribute to their care

His job is to support the kids, not you :smirk:

Stop being lazy and just stick with a part time

Waiting on mailbox money :joy:
You joking right?


Why would you quit your job if they are in school most of the day? Seems selfish to assume your ex needs to support you stay home to care for the children, if you aren’t caring for the children…

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I’m pretty sure this way of thinking is why alot of men despise child support.

Man get your lazy ass to work….and stop minding that mans business

Why would you wanna give up your source of money and rely on your baby daddy? If their at school most the day, then it seems to be a shitty reason to not wanna work and live off CS. CS can’t support your family and your bills unless your soaking up the state assistance. Sorry not sorry! Keep your job and be the mom you should be!

Just wow. Lazy vibes all I get. Work for them kids. Not his responsibility to pay for you to be lazy.

I work my ass off :unamused: with 3 kids and my son’s father doesn’t help at all be thankful you get help and keep your job what if he looses his and then your getting nothing and you put yourself in that position. If your having depression issues and need a break take some pto and get seen by a medical professional burn out in any job is real but this just seems unfair to expect him to pay for you to stay home for kids who are in school all day . Fuck you should want to work to show your kids it’s worth it make a savings account for them and save and make something for them when they turn 18 to buy them their first car and such .

No, your not his problem. Keep your job.

And this is why hes your ex!! Money hungry!!

I can’t even with this question


I’m so proud of the women on here, y’all are the good ones. There are so many like this woman out there, it’s sickening . It’s great to see proof that were not all that way, thanks ladies​:blush::metal:

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Why do you need to be a stay at home mom when your kids are home most of the day?
In Maine if children are of school age support is dropped . There’s no reason to increase support when the children don’t need the extra support .
Gonna go on a limb here and say whoever asked this is trying to be lazy .
Get a job. Go to school . Maybe don’t focus on what you can squeeze from your ex to gain for your own personal reasons and focus on what you can do to better support the children you have equally.

It sounds like he should have custody and you should be paying child support. Imagine if the roles are reverse.

You need to be pay your own bills, he’s only responsible for helping with the children. He shouldn’t have to pay more so you can sit on you ass while the kids are in school! And yes, I’m a divorced mom of 4 who receives support…and I work 2 jobs to afford my own bills!

The judge will look at your in a brighter light the more independent you are. Maybe if you wanna work less, I guess that’d be fine, but to just stop completely? Fucked up. The man has and needs a life still and that is HIS hard earned pay that should be there to HELP you with the CHILD, not you. Fuq.

Yes he will see it as inappropriate.

Do not do that! You will lose and be out of a job.

don’t take this the wrong way but why would you voluntarily leave your job to be a stay at home mom when your kids are in school the majority of the day?! Why should your ex have to support that? The only ones he should be supporting is his children, not you. I find this incredibly infuriating to be honest. The judge may lessen your CS amount if you do this. They generally don’t go for people trying to cheat the system or those trying to get a free ride to sit on their butt all day.

& They’re 7 and 12 & able to do hella shit for themselves at that age, girl​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Mmmm keep your job. His salary tbh isn’t in the question at all

Stay at home mom takes away the need for (very expensive) childcare. This same (very expensive) childcare is taken into consideration when the CS is factored to begin with. SO you, willingly (and purposefully) quitting your job eliminates this (very expensive) need so what judge in their right mind would raise as opposed to lower a CS payment when you, yourself WILLINGLY quit your job?? If you can’t afford to quit your job without higher child support the answer is simple…DONT QUIT YOUR JOB

Maybe he should get the kids since you wanna be lazy!! SMH

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Wow just wow like I’m just trying to take it all In . Why do you think your ex should fully support you and the children 100%. If that was the case that would be a marriage.:woman_facepalming:t3:

But more importantly why wouldn’t you work show the children that’s what they’re going to school for to become educated adults and to have a career .

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ABSOLUTELY NO. His income increasing could be eligible for review but that support is for 50% of what is necessary for the children. You quitting your job is going against supporting your children. Every parent must offer support financially for the children. Otherwise it will be the state caring for your children which would then require his CS payments to be sent to the state for reimbursement as opposed to being dispersed to you.

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The child support is supposed to be for the kids, not you. You really need to get another job and not rely on child support. There’s only so much you can actually use and it has to be for the kids. Not sure where you’re from but here in Texas they’re strict on it.

Where I live in NSW the amount of child support you get for your children is based on his income, not whether you work and can afford to support yourself. His responsibility is to his children, not to you, so no, it is your responsibility to support your children as well. If they are at school and you can financially afford to not work and support your family, then lucky you, otherwise you will need to work like most mothers do. It is not his job to provide for you just because u don’t want to work. We all would love to stay at home but as parents it’s our responsibility to support our family

I don’t think so but I think of he makes more now you can review that part next time you go to court but if your not together he shouldn’t have to complete support you
Yes he needs to help with the kids but not completely pay your way

Yikes… I was widowed at 35 very suddenly and unfortunately I still had to work to provide. While his payments should probably be adjusted if hes making that much more now it doesnt mean that you’re off the hook to provide for the kids that you obviously helped him make. I believe stay at home Moms are worth their weight in gold (I used to be one myself) but no, I don’t think this is the way. Just ask the court for an increase, it won’t be a good look for you to just up and quit your job.

i am pretty sure the judge will look down on you not working but you can file for a review of child support don’t say oh he’s making more money make it about the kids… kids need more as they get older

First off, do not do this for legal & moral reasons.
A judge WILL look at your ability to work & put that into consideration when making a decision.
While your ex should have informed you of the change in income, that’s no reason to try to get one over on him so you can not work. You’re not his wife & he should not be supporting you. That is NOT the meaning of Child Support :woman_facepalming:
You should redo CS calculator with his new income for the KIDS. Not for you to sit home. CS is for the kids expenses. Remember that!

Your kids are not a paycheck. Yall are no longer together, so you are no longer his responsibility. The responsibility is of the kids that you share. Therefore shared responsibilities. This is just pure greed and really sad that you even have this sense of entitlement

Never depend on child support to pay the bills. In a blink things can change and that security blanket you think you have will be gone.

being school children to depending where you are located, here in Australia once your child turns a certain age they will have you job searching either way to keep getting a supported payment, Just because you’re ex’s payment has increased doesnt mean you should quit to get more money. Money does some crazy shit to some though

Child support is to help pay to support the child/children not support the parent. It took two people to make the kids it should take two people to support them financially. You aren’t with him anymore and the kids are in school he shouldn’t pay for you to sit at home smdh. Be grateful you are getting what you get. I didn’t receive child support for years and years and probably never will.

Im going to have to stop following this site real soon if these ridiculous questions keep getting posted. Smh.

WTF. It is literally child support, if you only wanna quit your job on the off chance that his CS will increase you need to grow up, maybe let him have the kids. Just WOW

THIS is what is wrong in this world. He is not ordered to support you. It is a 50/50 split so don’t give up the day job. Teach your children the right thing to do … don’t screw over their father because you want to be lazy. You take this crap to court and you might end up losing more than child support. Be a role model!!!

That’s not called motherhood that’s called #cunthood. You literally just said both your kids are in school all day. So why tf can’t you go to work like a normal person? You do realize there is a thing called “potential income”. For his sake I hope the judge maxes that figure out to not only lower his payments but to where it might counterbalance to where you owe him.

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I wish I could say something constructive or decent here, but I’m gonna have to pass and go with you’re a money grubbing dirtbag and you should be embarrassed

Why the hell would you quit your job to be a “stay at home mom” when your kids are in school? That literally defeats the purpose


It’s not only his fucking job to take care of BOTH YALLS kids…

Tf. Your kids are school age.

So you’d rather take more of his money instead of adding to the family wealth?

And what will you do if he stops making payments? Tons of people have thousands in back child support

Why don’t you just give custody to the father? Let him have full custody of the children since he makes more money and you don’t want to work? Then you could just stay at home and not have to support anybody

You want someone to support you financially, go remarry!

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This made me laugh out loud, literally. Disgusting

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Yes. The judge will see that as unnecessary, because it is. He’s not your spouse any longer. He’s upholding his end of caring for the children, you need to do the same.
Try this stunt and risk losing custody, for real. You’re showing that you want custody for financial gain, nothing else.

Do u expect him to come over and clean and cook also while you sit around and NOT watch your kids that are at school and he pays you for HIS work

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I wouldnt do that, 2 things could happen you could end up with no CS or your ex could be granted full custody because you get deemed unfit for refusing to pull your weight and doing your part by providing financial support and keeping a roof and utilities on for them, also no offense it isnt his job to provide for you just your children