If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

Its called child support, not “stay at home” support :tipping_hand_woman::woman_facepalming:

His double his salary and you want to double his CS too, girl bye :wave:t3: his providing support for his kids not you…

I’m hoping this is not a real question​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Child support isn’t for YOUR bills!

That’s not how it works it’s child support not to support your ass!!!

Omg lol if life was that easy but I don’t think I could sleep at night if I quit my job for my ex to not only pay child support but for myself, as well :woman_facepalming:t2:

WOW…your situation has nothing to do with his responsibility…sounds like you just want to be lazy smh

Women like you are who I don’t want to be friends with & who I warn my 12 year old son about. :unamused:
Just wow.


I’ve never seen so many people agree on something

Is this a real question? Wow.

No it goes off what your able to make

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Um no that’s so irresponsible and a greedy move. That money is for your kids not you wow smh

Umm no, just no. He pays for things for the kids not you

Is this a joke?:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:

Thats being greedy and it turn around and bite you in the long run

He supports his children, not your for being lazy.

:woman_in_lotus_position: not today satan…i will not engage in this shit show!lol chics like this man, is why i have to teach my son theres bad ones!lol :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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your not gonna be a stay at home mom if your kids are not at home. your going to be an unemployed woman

If you dont want your babies, I’m sure he does. So go ahead and try it. :woman_shrugging:

I Just can’t even say anything nice so. Gonna keep my mouth shut but shame on you!

Woooooow, is literally all I can say. Broads like you are what make real women look bad. :joy:

Common sense tells me you won’t get anything lmao

Ew this is so gross to even ask. This kind of babymom is everything wrong with the world

Check with your state’s attorney general.

I don’t think this went the way you wanted it to, sis. You should probably ask for this to be deleted. :woman_facepalming:t4:

No wonder he isn’t with you your money hungry :grimacing:

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Sounds like you’re a little confused what “child support” actually means?


Reason 1001 why he divorced you !!

Sounds like it IS unnecessary.

Tbh, it is unnecessary for you to be a SAHM…

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I see why you guys are no longer together :roll_eyes::face_with_monocle:. You apparently think it’s his sole responsibility to support not only the children but you as well when your not even together. Ughhh pathetic and lazy right there.

Lol… Wth??? You can’t be serious?

Kinda pathetic someone would even ask this imo smh

Are you kidding me? :woman_facepalming:

cs is not for you to live on…

Are you kidding me😂 he paying to support his kids not your lazy ass.

If you can work then it’s better for you to keep in a job but if for unfortunate reasons you are unable to work or keep a job then yes you are still entitled to child support from the children’s father and the rate is based off what he earns and what you earn and you may also be entitled to government payments. For years now I have not been in a job because I have been caring for my young children that are not in school and tbh I cannot wait until I can return to work part or full time but for now I am the main caregiver of my kids and because I cannot afford childcare fees I will continue to be at home with them until they can go to school. But in all honesty please don’t quit your job just because he earns more please if you are able to work stay in your job so many mothers would be so grateful to be able to work it really is better for your mental health too. It’s been very hard for me not having my own steady income and every penny I did get from my ex husband and from Centrelink literally goes to food rent and bills to care for my kids. I wish I had a secure job earning a wage every week I remember how I use to feel so independent working and making a living and one day I will be able to do that again soon.

Never be dependent on any man.

Keep u big pants on and work woman

Wait…this is a joke isn’t it?!?

This has to be a joke…

#motherhood “ should be #Extortion :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

It’s CHILD support not EX-PARTNER support. How ridiculous are you.

This question has got to be a joke

Wth did I just read?

Sounds lazy as fuck to me.

These comments did not disappoint! :heart::heart:

Uuummm no sis that’s not right.

Ya ur shot lady its not his job to support ur ass! I pray if u do it gets lowered

Its based off his income not yours

If the kids are at school you aren’t being a stay at home mum you’re being a bum trying to extort their father … Why should he fund you quitting your job?

Your kidding me right? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The audacity of some women. Girl, hes supposed to support his kids. Not support your lazy ass.

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Giiiirl this one should’ve stayed in the drafts. You’re literally asking for advice about exploiting the system and taking advantage of your childrens’ father. Your plan will backfire btw … a judge would look at you and laugh. Your children aren’t infants, they aren’t homeschooled, and you don’t need to be at home. Literally human garbage dude … be an adult. Your childrens’ father is not your ATM.


OP you’re a crappy person. Keep your job and let him pay the amount set. Chances are if you go to court you’ll end up getting less

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Or just get off your ass and get a job.

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Do you need him to wipe your butt and change your diaper too since you want to be a dependent? You’re pathetic lol

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The whole point of child support is to HELP SUPPORT CHILDREN not support you sitting home and doing nothing for no reason if your kids aren’t even there during the day. No judge in their right mind is gonna help you do that smh. Lazy ass!!!

Girl stop gold digging. Hang that shovel up.

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Your advertising that you are a “GOLD DIGGER”

That just means you are a bum. You better take your tail to work and make your own check. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Don’t teach ur kids to be lazy adults who live off a man’s money! Teach then independence :clap: teach them to provide and be successful do not set them up for failure because to me it sounds like ya want ur ex to support ya and its disgusting :100: :triumph: if anything he prolly could get full custody for u being so ignorant

Seriously :unamused:. Is there a reason you can’t work or you just expect everyone else to support you and your kids? Absolutely disgusting :nauseated_face:

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This lady needs slapped. This is what is wrong with society. It’s called CHILD SUPPORT…not support me because I want to be lazy and make him up for me. Hell your kids are in school !! They aren’t little…get off your lazy ass and go to work…

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Keep your job. He supports his CHILDREN. NOT YOU!


Ummm if i was the judge id give the ex the kids and make u pay child support. Just for being stupid…

Child support is based on his income and how many children he has. Nothing to do with your income.


Women like you disgust me.
Your ex isn’t required to keep you up. Child support is for the kids. If you voluntarily leave your job then he should take you back to court to get custody of the kids since you feel its unnecessary for you to pull your weight.


This post is what’s wrong with the world these days. Get a job. Keep a job and take care of your damn self. Millions of other parents men and women have custody of their kids and work including myself I have 50-50 with my ex we agreed that no child support I didn’t want his money he takes care of my son just as much as I do. Some people amaze me as to how they even manage to breath on their own.


When you have a review on child support, they also review custody. And if you’re listed as unemployed they might award custody to your ex since you’d be unable to provide support for them yourself. And then you’d be the one required to pay child support. Like how you think this would be a good idea blows my mind.


Ok so how are you a “stay-at-home” mom if your kids are in school?? Just asking lol because the judge will probably ask you the same thing.


Girl what? I’ve never heard of such, you really think because you quit work your ex owes you more for your home :flushed: you can do cs review or whatever and decide if you can afford from there but dont go before a judge with that thinking.

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There is absolutely no reason for you to be a stay at home mom just for pure laziness, awesome example you are setting for those kids. My ex has had his salary tripled since we split and I haven’t raised his child support so I can sit my fat lazy ass at home and that’s with a recent spinal surgery. It’s not his responsibility to support you, it’s his job to pay 50% for the children. Don’t use them, like the scumbag you are trying to be. I think you may be too stupid to actually understand how much it sucks being a stay at home mom. The depression, isolation, loneliness, it’s crippling. Grow up

If you quit your job willingly no judge in their right mind will raise your child support. However, you are allowed to go every 3 years for a review. You could get more that way. But honestly you sound kinda greedy.

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Is there medical reasons you need to be a stay at home mom? If I was the dad I would make sure to let that judge know you willingly quit your job and see if I could pay the bare minimum
I’m a stay at home mom bc my kids are special needs and have way to many appointments but I still pay my own bills and never rely on my kids child support when they actually get a payment I actually hand them the money so they can spend it on whatever they want that I couldn’t afford.

I hope he takes you back to court and gets primary custody because honestly you’re a piece of shit and you don’t deserve to have your kids the majority of the time. This post spoke volumes on your integrity and character-you have none.

Quit being lazy and trying to live off your baby daddy. Women like you are exactly why stay at home moms are talked down on. You sound ignorant as all hell. :unamused: I hope your baby daddy gets this and the tables get turned to you having to pay him just because you’re this stupid. :roll_eyes: what a joke.

The responsibility to support the children should come from both parents. Father is trying to better himself and hopefully in turn better his children. Mother should do the same, but not off of the hard work of the father. Children are not little nor dependent of parent during day, so no need to be a stay are home mom at this point.

I think you trying to take advantage of him. My advice is, rely on yourself first and not on someone else’s money. Yes he needs to help with the kids which he is doing. How much he is making isn’t your business

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What is wrong with you? That is not right. It’s not his job to pay for you. It’s his job to help support his children! Stay working and stay classy.

Get a job if you cannot afford to be a stay at home mom. Not your ex responsibility to take care of YOU. child support is for the children. Not so you can be at home living off of money that is meant for your children. You’re honestly a pos and hope the judge doesn’t help you in getting more money and sees you for the leech you are .

Why would you stay at home just to get more child support? Why? Because he makes a little more money now and you feel entitled? He needs money to live on too, what if it was the other way around? Could you afford to pay him what he’s paying you?

You can’t be serious??? Child support is not meant to fully support you. If your kids are in school all day you need to go to work.

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Shes prob one of those people who were collecting the raise in unemployment and it got cut off and now she has to actually work and just doesn’t want to smh try setting an example for your kids!!! It’s people like you that give people not working that actually have a GOOD reason and not just cuz “I can live off someone else” a bad name and get their benefits take. Smh

Its called child support, He’s supposed to help support the kids not you. Guess your kids are more of a check for you than anything, do you use them as a pawn? Get real!

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The OP apparently took down the post on the forum :sweat_smile: BUT it’s women like this that make moms who actually benefit from CS look like gold digging hoe bags. :roll_eyes:

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It’s completely ridiculous for you to even consider this… child support isn’t to support you not wanting to work with school aged children that aren’t even home… if you’re financially stable on your own and want to be a sahm, more power to you! But taking your children’s father for money because you don’t want to… my dear, you are scum… grow the fuck up and get a job and take care of yourself… use that child support to spoil your kids, not to be a lazy entiled piece of crap… he owes you nothing

I would say to work a part time when kids are in school. You can’t sit home and live off of child support. It goes by how much he makes, not you

Not only that but child support is reimbursement for what you your self spend on the children and their care from your own paycheck, if you’re not working, the child support amount will be reduced!

What the EFF did I just read?!? :woozy_face::woozy_face: this is why some men hate their baby mamas lol. I could never… greed at its finest :+1:


Poor guy, your an awful person . Take care of yourself you lazy bag . His only responsibility is to take care of his kids . Not You . You are not his child . If you wanted him to take care of you you should of stayed with him .

That’s honestly the most selfish thing i have ever heard so because you don’t want to work he should have to pay for your bills? When you are perfectly capable of helping support your own kids? Life is not free handouts period and a father pays child support for clothes and food not to pay all that plus your bills. Plus he has to pay his bills and food, car insurance, life insurance, if he has other children he needs to make sure that they’re taken cate of as well and for the other expensive things as well. Grow up lady you can work to support your children. You sound like a bitter baby mama, weather he’s making double his salary or not, he worked hard for that clearly. If you cannot or really don’t want to help take care of your children equally then you absolutely should not have them in the first place. I’m not sorry for sounding so harsh either and if I were a judge I’d absolutely lower the child support to prove a point, your children’s father is not your bank and its highly ignorant to act like it. Its women like this that make good mothers look like trash. You need to be told the truth and this is the truth.


They put you as making minimum wage whether you work or not unless you’re disabled as a reason for not working. Why do you think it would be okay for just one parent to take of their children unless you two are together and that is talked about? Your child support will go up if his pay doubled but that doesn’t mean you should just quit because you will get more.

Hun… This is a big no.
Not work? Like that’s not only a bad idea it’s setting a very bad example to your children. Honestly… You can have his cs reviewed and that’s all good but no you will not get more just bc you decided you didn’t want to be a functioning member of society. And yes a judge will look at you poorly for this.

Are you for real right now…… soooo you wanna live off your ex Bc you found out he makes more money when it’s completely unnecessary?! That’s ridiculous and disgusting

Taking advantage of him isn’t exactly the best solution. It sounds like you’re being lazy

Child support IS NOT a pay check for you to use to quit your job with! Child support is to support the child NOT you.

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If they are in school you can work school hours. His responsibility is to help provide for those kids not you. Yes it takes a roof, water, lights, food, etc but only part of the kids portion. Your kids are also your responsibility financially not just his

Sounds like you’re misusing child support. You clearly got an equitable amount of support when you divorced based on his income while you were married. His career advancement has nothing to do with you and was not accomplished during your time together. Will you get an increase, probably and it should be quite modest. Does he have an obligation to support you, pay your mortgage, buy your groceries, pay your car? Essentially that’s what you’re asking for, the answer is absolutely not!