If you are a stay at home mom, does your husband help around the house?

Hiii! I’m just genuinely curious… For those moms who stay home with baby or babies, does your partner help with the house chores at all or is it always you doing it all, the laundry, dishes, bathroom, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc all day 7 days a week?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. If you are a stay at home mom, does your husband help around the house?

Yes he helps when I ask him to and doesn’t mind because he knows it is his house too not just mine

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Stay at home mom with a part time job I do absolutely everything at home.

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My ex husband did absolutely nothing to help. My husband now does help, even though he doesn’t have to.

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Just me, whether I’m also working or not. But if I need help for whatever reason, we have a cleaning lady come over. And she’ll be over about once a month to deep clean anyway. So it’s just me, but I’m not the only one cleaning, does that makes sense? :sweat_smile::heart:


I stay home & my husband works a physically demanding job. But his day doesn’t end when he clocks out, both our jobs are 24/7/365 he just happens to be out of the house for 10hrs a day


He shouldn’t “help”, he should do his part as a homeowner, dad and partner. Good luck. :heart:

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He helps out a lot! Cooks, cleans up the kitchen, and does the laundry most of the time.

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SAHM here and I do just about everything. Cooking, cleaning, Laundry, grocery shopping and handle the garden outside ect but my husband does all the vehicle maintenance, mowing, weedwacking and helps with animal care while working from dark to dark and handling any major house projects and repairs.


Stay at home mom with a part time job. I do everything. Everyyyything.

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Yes he does. We all put in to make the house operate. I have older kids too so they do chores


Yes … I’m a stay a home mom. Mom to 5 kiddos and homeschool. My husband is all hands on when he gets home from work :heart:

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If you stay at home caring for children then CHILD CARE IS YOUR JOB. Everyone is responsible for maintaining the home they live in. So no, my husband doesn’t “help” me; he is responsible for his fair share of housework in his own house.


Yes! SAHM of 6, he helps where ever he can, without asking​:smiling_face::clap:

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I stay at home, my husband and I have a thing where I do the inside and he does outside work. Now with that being said if I need help with dinner or something and if he needs help we help each other out but we split the work bc it’s pretty much the same work load for inside and outside for us. He also works night shift so it’s a little harder for me to get stuff done through the day. But our system works

I do most of the household work , animal care , finances and childcare (appts. School, shopping. Etc). However, he doesn’t complain when things aren’t done before he gets home. He’ll help get the kids rdy for bed. He walks the dog before bed. And will help tidy back up before bed on days he works. Weekends I have a list of things that need to be done and we usually tackle that together so I don’t get overwhelmed and miserable. If I get overwhelmed nothing will get done at all and it’ll set my anxiety off. So we try to avoid that. Usually if I ask him to do something during the week he will but I usually have to ask bc that’s a sign I’m getting emotional burnt out with it all being on me.

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My husband works so I can stay home with our daughter and gives me anything I ask for and need to provide for her and I. He doesn’t have to life a finger. But he also doesn’t work the typical 9-5 he owns his own farm labor business he’s up when the sun is up and doesn’t get a break unless it’s bad weather.


He will help if I ask. Our rule any time is I’m responsible for the inside him the outside. When it comes to the kid I just plan my me time like I’m doing x at y and your watching the kid. He will put her to bed and do all the things when I’m in school or meetings and things as well. As I am just going back to full time away from home work tomorrow after several months off and several months working while my daughter was in school I

He will help out sometimes with the dishes or other things the less I ask the more he helps lol :joy:. His schedule is also not steady so I have learned to manage days at a time without him home as he was just coming home to sleep

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No. My husband’s job was always outside the home making money and my job is everything inside the house, including finances.

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During the day I do it all but he doesn’t expect it done when he gets home. He always said the kids and I come first, he will help when he’s home. However we run a business together and a housekeeper that comes and cleans and does laundry. We’ve got five kids, 3 3 and under and a huge farm. Always a long list to di

Umm yes and we have a cleaning lady.

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He helps out when I ask him too, otherwise no , cause he knows I like doing stuff myself even with a 11 month old on my hip

Yes. My husband helps around the house because he also lives here, he works 10-13 hours a day as a construction worker . I’m not his mother and he can pick up after himself, he knows how to do all the chores and cook as well. We split chores and deep clean once a week or every other week.
He also pulls his fair share of parenting every day.
I refuse to be a parent to a grown man. We both chose to have kids, we both chose to have me be the stay at home parent. My husband knows my “job” technically never ends unless he is willing to step up and help me.


I do everything 99.9% of the time. I also work 50-60 plus hours a week. Yay.


It was me . He mopped once a month and would occasionally fold a basket of clothes.

When he can. If he can…certain he prefers over others.

So, I maintain house cleaning throughout the week days, he comes home to swept house, cleaned tables, and clean dishes/sink daily. On Saturday is our Family cleaning day, he does living room and hall way, kids clean their bedrooms I clean the kitchen fully, he will sweep the entire house and vacuum the bedrooms, and I will mop the entire house after he sweeps. And we switch turns on cleaning the bathrooms, except i will do the tub cleaning and the toilets because he misses the important parts of toilets. Lol That is our routine every single Saturday.
And then Sundays we don’t clean or do anything like that it is my day off and his. We just relax.


I do it all, everyday!!

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They should!!! But the majority should be done by the one staying home .

Seems like your man likes to fight

I am very lucky and am a full time stay at home mama! Got very lucky and married a very clean man! He cleans all the time regardlessregardless whether he’s been home all day off work or whether he’s worked his ass off all day and came home. He don’t help cook (not great at it but would if he could) but he does wash n clean up after wards. I do do laundry by my self but thats more because im pick with it, he cleans bathrooms most the time helps pick up all our 3 year old toy messes lol and vacuums. Also helps with things with the kids.

Everything in my house is split 50:50 once my husband gets home. He will do dishes, laundry help with anything I need help with. I have a 1.5yr old and it’s damn near impossible for me to get any cleaning done with her destroying everything behind me. My first wasn’t as bad, my second is a hurricane on feet

My partner always helps, I don’t have to ask. I stay home with two toddlers and try to do as much cleaning/washing etc as possible but on the odd days that I don’t manage to get a lot done, my partner definitely steps in to help.

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Yep. He sees what needs done and does it.

Yes. I have the kids all day then run to practices, gymnastics etc after school, cook dinner. When he gets home it’s routine for him to give the younger kids showers before bed. The days he’s off he’ll do dishes, pick up, things outside, grill whatever the case may be.

When I was at home for over a year with my last baby my husband always helped. Cleaning, laundry, cooking, looking after kids everything. He still does. We have wonderful teamwork :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My husband empties the dishwasher when I ask, occasionally on weekends he will empty and load the dishes, he washes all of his own laundry and switches the laundry over if I ask him to (I can’t reach the bottom of the washer being 34 weeks pregnant. :joy::joy:) he also does the cat box and takes out all of the trash. He works 50+ hours a week and I stay home with our two soon to be 3 kids.

Yes I was a SAHM and yes, my husband helped with laundry, vacuuming, cooking and helping with our children.

He worked a full time job and sometimes a part time job but he always made time for our home and our family.

I never worked outside the home.

Been married to this same man for 35 years.

I know what I have is rare and that I am blessed.

I hope this to all people out there.

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Mainly I do the house. There are times my husband will help, Put the laundry away, dishes away, pick up our little ones toys. But I do the majority of the house chores.

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My wife won’t let me help because she doesn’toke the way I do things. I work 60+ hrs a week over nights so when I get home I spend with my youngest and older girls if they are not in school then I go in to bed and sleep. Now when and if I have a day I still don’t do housework as I am spending the day running around town getting groceries as I am the only one with a license right now.

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No … only takes out the trash and does the yard work. On Sunday I only cook dinner. He works 50-60hrs a week so I don’t ask him to do more

I stayed home with the kids for 2 years because my husband had a job that needed him a lot. He still helped me with whatever I didn’t get done at the end of the day and I never have to ask he just picks up where I left off. Even now that we are both working he comes home and helps me knock out the laundry and daily cleaning.

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Yes he helps, always has, always will. It’s not my job to take care of the house and kids 24/7. It’s teamwork. We are partners in life. We both take care of our home and kids.

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Absolutely. I just had a year off on maternity leave and whilst I tried to do most of the household chores through the day when my partner got home he would still help with the dinner dishes, hanging the washing etc.
We typically do chores together but when one of us is sick or knackered the other one will do it all and let the other person rest.


He never did! To late now!!

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I usually do mostly everything. I make him out his clothes away and take the trash out. But that’s about it xD he does take the kids for an hour or so every night unless he works late so I can have a break which is amazing but.

Nope! We used to alternate bath nights, he folded and put away laundry, and clean up and dishes after dinner. It’s a team effort. We both worked hard every day. So it’s important to support one another!

Does he work 7 days a week ? 24 hours a day ? 365 days a year ?
No ? Then why should a SAHM ?


My husband works away from home so he’s gone for 2 weeks and then home for 6 days and his days off he does basically everything. I still of course do my part when he’s home but his time home is my time for a small break (his words)

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I’m very fortunate to have a partner that helps out with every chore around the house. There’s time where he will stay up later then me to make sure the laundry is all done and the kitchen is all cleaned before he even goes to bed. Normally we always do house chores together and he finds no issues with at all


My husband cooks and helps clean when I ask but I do the rest usually. he works 80+ hours a week so I don’t expect much

No. I literally do everything and all he does is work. We have 3 kids.

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I get help. I go to school full time and homeschool our children, he works and he can help

Mine helps w everything

All year long! He will take them places here and there. He provides for the house 100%

But I do the cleaning. Tending to the kids.

But imo they should help with some basic chores… its not like hes paying you a salary to stay at home

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Yes and yes. Our daughter has 2 parents not just 1. We all live here and all do household chores.

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My husband is a big help when he wants to be.

Yes, having a job outside of the home does not absolve him from cooking, cleaning, spending time with the family. Our boys are 12 & 13 now but he would stay up some nights when they were babies as well. I needed rest too as I was with them 24/7.

Mine did when it was needed. I tried to have it done before he got home from work so we could both relax.

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I am the only one working, AND the only one that does anything around the house. We have 4 daughters, my youngest is disabled and that’s the only reason he’s still here. I need him to be with her while I work


My kids are in school. I provide child care. My children and husband all help with the house.

I’m brand new to being a stay at home mom so I’m hoping this doesn’t change but my husband is very good about helping out around the house. When we were both working full time he honestly did most of the housework. I do my best to have the house clean before he even comes home but some days it’s a mess and he will come in and start cleaning without me even asking.


I work full time. So does my husband. I still have to come home and do everything myself becuase he is a lazy piece of :poop: no amount of arguing changes it


Nope mine will only help if I’m to sick to do anything or I’m not at home for a while (like hospital or I recently went to visit family) but for most of it. I do everything from cooking to cleaning and taking care of 4 kids.

I’m a SAHM and my husband works and still helps me around the house even though sometimes I tell him I got it. He still helps.


Mine did not. Two different relationships. Did not lift a finger and expected me to do everything. They are “Exes” now.


Omg people :woman_facepalming: it’s not “helping” you BOTH live there then you both have household responsibility stop accepting less from the boys and get men


Yes, my husband helps with laundry, and dishes, he always takes the trash out, takes care of the lawn, helps with the animal’s. My girls are 11 and 15. We all do our part together because we all live in the home.

My husband cooks dinner every night and helps out on wkends during the week I do most other things

Nope mine helps sometimes :slightly_smiling_face:

When I was a stay at home mom my husband gave me 2 days a week off. All I had to do those days was cook dinner unless he wanted to cook. My days off where his days off so he could do the things I normally did while I “had the day off”


My husband works 60 to 65 hours a week I do it all cleaning cooking plus I make his lunch every day , and laundry i do every mondays one I hate a dirty anything second laundry needs to be done he at work and dinner hes home at 7pm every night except sunday hell make breakfast on sundays and one of I’m at home all day why wait for help when I’m home all day


He cleans up behind himself. He takes out the trash. And on the weekends he works on his “honey-do” list.
But the day to day cooking, dishes, laundry and general cleaning is all me

Those are his kids too! He doesn’t get to not be a father because he works lol. He’s a grown ass man who lives in the same house. He can definitely cook and clean just like you. If your husband doesn’t help you with his children or help around the house he is not a man. Yes you have the luxury of staying home raising your kids because he works hard. But the whole point of marriage is to have a partner. Someone who WANTS to help you who WANTS to be an active parent. Stop settling and letting men get away with this. You will resent him eventually because that load isn’t yours to carry alone.

On my own with everything related to cooking, cleaning and getting the kids where they need to be. It. Never. Stops. God forbid I get sick.

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I have to do everything inside…I did working 40 hrs a week with 3 kids and now as I am home with 2 grandkids… gets old real fast trying to keep up to everyone and everything.

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You are a wife and a mother…NOT a live in housekeeper
They are HIS kids too and it’s HIS house too so he needs to chip in too


My husband does everything once he gets home

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He will clean the kitchen or just load the dishwasher… That’s it.

When I was a SAHM I did it all as far as housework he did the yard work. And always helped and was involved and interactive with me the kids dinner etc. once he was home and cleaned up from work. Weekends we tag teamed whatever household chores needed done etc.


My husband helps with EVERYTHING. He’s been home since February due to a Work related injury. Even in recovery from surgery he helps as much as he can. Obviously I had to set up near the couch or bed things for him to help with like laundry etc. He reads to the kids and does activity books, watch movies, does puzzles etc. Prior to the injury he worked 16 hrs days plus driving time, 5 days a week. He still helped. His 2 days off were dedicated to help and we ran all errands together with kids unless someone was sick. I mean the man doesn’t make excuses. I know he was dog tired and so was I but we both pulled our weight and do what needs to be done.


He helps with everything except bathroom and vacuuming

My husband helps around the house and puts the kids to sleep every night. Team work makes the dream work!


Just me. Sometimes I go to work in the night time after everyone is asleep and I’m a bit tired in the mornings and my partner will take my daughter to school for me so I can just stay home with the baby on his days off. Sometimes I can get him to put his clothes away after I’ve washed, dried and folded them. Sometimes he’ll cook for me, like once a month? Because on his days off I say “You can cook dinner tonight” so he’ll get us takeaway or we’ll go out for dinner

Stay at home or working full time I always did all the domestic duties. He would even call me at work on the weekends to ask when I’d be home to feed the children. Talk to him and if he doesn’t want to help cause it’s your job or your house or whatever. Throw him away and start over.

Mine helps…I don’t get paid to do all this shit all day and night….he gets paid out there, so when he gets home he don’t complain about doing anything I ask. I wish this mfr would. :joy::smiling_face:

I would say majority of the time he should help with chores on his days off and help with kids whenever home. There are always exceptions, going both ways. In return you cook and clean the remainder of the time, with days off as needed (just like he should with his job .

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My husband is OCD, which is nice benches he like things clean. He helps me out a lot around the house, especially if he knows I’ve done 4 loads of laundry Ava put them away (6 people). Speaking of husbands helping, He actually did the dishes, cleaned and swept the kitchen and organized the pantry, took out the trash and I didn’t even ask him too and he didn’t complain. I’m very thankful to have a husband that helps me. Not all husbands do or will which is sad, especially if the mom has done other chores and not just sitting around doing nothing. But yes the husband can help with something. Especially when he is off.

On my own. Cant even get him to take out trash or mow grass…

Of course he helps were a team and I’m not a maid!


I take care of everything while he works. Once he’s home I check out. We both take care of the kids once he’s home. I will take “my time” at night after kids go to bed and he will clean up the house do the floors and dishes, do laundry. He will sometimes pack the kids lunches unless they ask specifically for me to make it. I’m not a maid nor his mother. We both live in this house and those are his kids too.


Im a sahm and he works out of town monday to thursday, so i have no choice to do things on my own those days. I do expect him to help on his 3 days off a week he doesnt need to mop the whole house but he is expected to play/interact with his kid, help feed the baby, vaccum if he sees it needs to be done, the outside work ect… he lives here too and even though he does work very hard and brings in the money its not the only thing that keeps this family, his family together ans running smoothly.

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If he doesn’t, he should. Just because we’re home does not mean we’re responsible for everything.


I always have everything finished before he gets home. He wants to help, but I don’t want him to. He helps with the kids, does outside work and anything that requires heavy lifting or getting dirty. If I’m sick, I let him help with everything.


Yes …he ALWAYS helps…we both have jobs…mine just happens to be at home with the child we adopted (our granddaughter) since she was 21 days old…he got up with me at night for feedings and diaper changes and anything else…why? Because we are PARTNERS!!!


Ima SAHM and my husband helps with kids sometimes but most of the time i do everything kid and house related. My husband works 60 plus hours a week as a kitchen manager and head chef so i dont expect him to come home and do more chores when his jobs entails alot of cleaning. Usually by the time he gets home at night the kids are already fed and bathed and hell play with them for a little while and then he helps me gets them changed and ready for bed. Then we spend some time together. i leave whatever cleaning needs to be done for the next day so we can have that time together. And his days off are my days off too, we help each other with the kids and i only do minimal cleaning on those days.

I WILL SAY…This OUR balance and what balances us may not balance ever couple. Do what works best for yall, and take in consideration each other’s work load.


No…just like I don’t go to his work and and help with his job. But…when the kids were little, he jumped right in with caring for them when he got home.

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My husband did not help. I worked from home, took care of the kids, and was expected to take care of the house, cooking, cleaning etc on my own. And I should say he is my EX husband for a reason! :joy: