For those who are not doing the traditional Trick or Treating, can you share what kind of fun things you are planning to do with your little ones? We will be staying home, and I am trying to come up with ideas of fun things to do throughout the day.
Look at ideas on Pinterest
I’m doing a Halloween party for my son. Mostly baking throughout the day. And that night watching Halloween movies. I do plan on making him a Halloween basket with his favorite candies and maybe a blanket some toys.
I want to take to them to the store and have them pick out a few bags of candy (all the stuff they like without having to sift through what they don’t like!) and then hide it around the house, turn the lights out, light some candles, give them flashlights and play silly halloween music while they look for it. Then watch “spooky” movies when they are done while they eat the candy. When I was a kid, we weren’t allowed to “celebrate” Halloween - so we would cover all the windows and eat popcorn and play board games all night.
We’re going to make pinatas!
Last year we bought one since it rained ALL day! We still enjoyed ourselves!
We are doing a non contact trunk or treat for family and close friends
We turned our house into a haunted house. The kids peeled grapes for eye balls, spaghetti for intestines, played haunting music then invited our neighbor (1) person to come over. The fun was all in the prep!
We are still attending a party Friday, and trick or treating and having a party Saturday. We are proceeding just like normal. No reason not to
I saw someone on my Facebook said they are going to do a trick or treat hunt at night fill up candy bags with glowsticks for there kids to find thought that was cute
A haunted Halloween hunt.
It was already a tradition to watch a spooky movie for us (usually after trick or treating while they are their candy.) But I plan on carving pumpkins, roasting marshmallows, and I was thinking of replacing the full on costume with face paint (maybe like sugar skulls). We also build a Day of the Dead altar, and on the day after Halloween we go visit gravesites of family member, bring them flowers, clean the area around the grave, ect. Can’t decide if I’ll buy a bunch of candy or bake a bunch of sweets together.
My in-law and I decided to get our girls together (maximum 5 people there and we’re always together) to have a little halloween party for them
We are going to Six Flags.
I am going to do a Halloween scavenger hunt for candy. Then we are all going to watch Halloween movies in costumes!
Use orange and black candy filled eggs or pumpkins and have a Halloween egg hunt.
We atr doing a trunk or treat setting up food in the drive way games through the side and around back to the other side of the house where a ghost walk to zombieland aka the front yard where it will be set up as a cemetary with chairs for candy… im inviting peolle we know and foklowing cdc guidlines took me about a month to plan n iron things out no permits no public announcemenys just word of mouth all food will have wrappers for minimal touching hand sanitizer n gloves provided masks recommended etc games will b hosted by the the parents 1 family per game at a time or be asked to leave sort of thing
Bbq, party, outdoor movie and leaving out candy on our fence with a big sign for kids that still show up.
Scavenger candy hunt. The Halloween tree by ray brabury themed Halloween party including turning our tree into A Halloween tree. Making Halloween crafts and treats. Halloween games. pumpkin carving. making Gravestones for our Haunted graveyard Halloween movies
just a few things we are doing
We are doing a piñata and dressing up. Scary movies, hot chocolate, smore. Board games ect.
I’m trying to come up with an alternative for if beggars night gets cancelled like I’m pretty sure it’s going to. I know we are going to get costumes and dress up regardless. Depending on the weather that day we might go out and walk the neighborhood anyways just to walk and we’re going to buy candy but other than that I’m not sure.
Scavenger hunt for Halloween candy in tjebyard, ghost glo balloons, candied apples, dry ice punch , mummy wrap game , haunted house by the trampoline
i baught magic fire powder for the fire pit to change colors, halloween pinata, outdoor scary movie, pumpkin carving and smores
If there isn’t Halloween, it’s my sons fav holiday, I’m going to decorate the house, hide candy inside and turn all the lights off and play spooky music and give him a flashlight to find the candy.
A halloween hunt…candy…and prizes hid with glow sticks( going to color coordinate per child so no fighting) inside and ourside( weather permitting) with there costumes…and buckets…some scary stuff and then finish with some s’mores and hotdogs on the fire again of weather allows…if not we will use all of indoors and the fireplace and have a big sleepover in the living room with a blanket for and Halloween movies
Halloween movies.
Possibly cotton candy cause we have a maker.
Maybe bake some Halloween cookies.
Glow sticks.
Just a fun night of being indoors
Taking my daughter to her grandparents (still dressing up) then home to bake halloween cookies, eat candy & watch family halloween movies & possibly make a craft or two​:smiling_face:
We’re decorating pumpkins, masks, making popcorn balls, watching Halloween movies on Disney+, and I want to do pinatas.
We have a halloween party at my granddaughters, last year I had some old wine glasses and I decorated them ,some was mummies,some was witches,ect.i then filled them with candy and and hid them, had everyone look around until they found one.i just used construction paper,cotton balls and things from the house .they loved it
We’re doing a scavenger hunt this year
We are trick or treating
During the day we will do crafts & make treats. At night I’m turning off all the lights except for Halloween lights (like Christmas lights), playing spooky music while we play games, watch a movie & eat our treats.
We’re doing an Easter egg hunt type thing with candy instead of eggs, dressing up and doing fun photos at home, carving pumpkins, and doing fun crafts/baking
We are doing a Halloween basket (kinda like easter) and then playing fun board games and watching scary movies.
Candy and scary movies
Before my state’s governor said he wasnt canceling Halloween this year, my husband and I decided we were going to set up an entire day of fun activities where they got to earn “surprise” candy, help me bake some cupcakes, have a goodie bag and then my mom and sister were going to help us and be behind every door in our apartment and let them knock on the door to Trick or Treat. We’re still going to do some activities but bake after we go Trick or Treating early now.
Pumpkin shaped eggs for him to find around outside and then decorating cookies or cupcakes
Going to eat popcorn and watch a movie in our Halloween pajamas
My son is going he will have gloves and a full face mask. I will lysol all his candy before he gets to try anything. He has been looking forward to this all year and im not once again telling him no.
Decorating the house and we’re wearing Matching pj’s and watching Halloween movies all night. We’re all sleeping in the living room and eating snacks and candy to our hearts content.
I am doing a treasure hunt for candy in the house for my little dinosaur and put up decorations
A scary movie! Carve
pumpkins! Popcorn and candy! Roast smores!
Probably Easter egg hunt style indoors. Gotta figure out what twist I can add to it though. Maybe in the dark with glow sticks.
Our alternative plan this year is a “horror” movie marathon (halloween town, hocus pocus, other kid friendly scary movies) with popcorn and possibly and friend over, in costumes with a fall/halloween photo shoot. Heck we might even do both
Have a treasure hunt for treats,build a fort with sheets and enjoy each other,have fun
Glow in the dark Candy Hunt
The local cheering group will come and decorate your house Halloween weekend with candy for a donation to their group. Gonna do that, and one of the local businesses is doing a trunk or treat with contact free candy. Im gonna sit at the end of my driveway with snack size bars and use my alligator grip to hand candy to those who drive by.
I’m do a Treasure hunt for my kids. They will still gey to dress up in costume and be given the first clue that will lead them to the next clue , each clue will be small easy to solve riddles or puzzles that uncover the next clue until they finally find the booty (a chest filled with candy). I think they are going to love it
We are planning a party for the kids and play games and face painting and giving treat bags. Safer that way i think because the kids mostly likes the treats they get.
Mostly going to make a fun bag at home (like an Easter Basket) and luckily she is still small enough to not fully know what is happening even though she knows what is happening with the pandemic we will stay inside
I am going too let my kids picked out bag of candy make popcorn rent movies on TV and have a night in
My nephew has CF so we will not be trick or treating. We decided we’ll have grandparents, aunts, and uncles over. We are going to dress the kids up, and adults will stand in different rooms (hopefully ones that close) bedrooms laundry rooms, and kids are going to go around and trick or treat in the house. Then we’re going to have an adult vs kids Halloween scavenger hunt outside
My daughter is only 10 weeks but if she were old enough we would dress up, have a candy hunt on our property, (like an Easter egg hunt) then make “spooky” snacks (pinterest!) and watch Halloween movies.
All day Halloween movie marathon. Bags of their favorite candy. Sundae bar and pizza party. All you can eat! 10 kids, all mine ages 21 to 3. They are happy with the arrangement.
My grandson turns 15 on Halloween. I have booked a paintball zombie hunting slot for us.
Have a Harvest Festival Party: dunking for apples, costumes, pie eating contest, pumpkin carving, baking pumpkin bread, and pumpkin pies, pin the tail on the donkey…
We are throwing a small Halloween party for them and their cousins.
We are doing a spooky movie marathon. With special treats made by me.
Halloween is my wedding anniversary, and a little over a week after my daughters birthday so we’re having her bday party on Halloween (just close family and it’ll be outside)
We’re gonna have a bon fire, food, drinks, and goodie bags.
We are doing a candy hunt for grands.
Spooky treats and a scavenger hunt!
We going trick or treating
True Christians should not be celebrating Halloween for the devil .