I got the money but we both agreed to put his part of the two stimulus’ in our child’s savings account.
We switch claiming our child every other year.
We have split each stimulus payment. (One paid to us and one paid to them, each split between parties as soon as it was dispersed)
The money should go into an account for the needs of the child. To cover expenses like clothes, toys, school supplies etc not the parents pocket for drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, new tv, nails, hair etc.
Well…he only takes 1 of our 2 kids, and that is eow…so, yeah, I keep it!
I have two kids with 50/50 custody. We each claim one until our oldest turns 18, then we switch off every year until our youngest is 18, starting with me claiming her first (I get an extra year of claiming her that way) We each get our own stimulus check for one of the kids so we don’t have to spilt anything.
Each of us has kept the stimulus we’ve received. I didnt get the $600 one, but was able to get it back on my taxes.
I just got my taxes done in my ex got all of the stimulus has because he claimed him the year of 2019. When I got my taxes done the tax guy said that people who have shared parenting that the stimulus allows for the other person to get 1100 on their taxes! That way both sides get the stimulus. So when I did my taxes this year I got the 1100 added to my return.
I got the stimulus money but I claim the kids since they’re with me every day minus two weekends a month.
We’ve split the kids portion evenly every time
I split it with my ex
My ex and I don’t have any agreements and he doesn’t pay support but he claims our daughter and splits it with me I guess I technically have full custody but he sees her whenever he wants
My ex claimed both kids last year (we didn’t have court/tax details worked out in writing yet). He got all stimulus money for both kids in 2020 and refused to split it with me. We have 50/50 custody.
He doesn’t pay child support and I’m covering everything plus some (insurance included) so there will be no talk of splitting anything with anybody but between her bank account and mine.
He cant claim on rhe taxes if he hasnt paid child support for 6 consecutive months. He hasnt in 5 years so there is no question Ill continue to provide
I spend her money on her. Even when dad and I were together. Whether it’s clothes, diapers, special snacks, redecorating her room, whatever.
I swore I read somewhere if it’s a fifty fifty custody both parents should be able to clame for a stimulus. Worth doing some research
I claim her. So I put it in savings for her needs so it goes to her and only her. Regardless of our situation. It goes to her. If there is left over. It goes to her own savings. He has not filed in years. So since he is not getting anything it is mine to give to her and take care of her. Period.
My daughter lives with me; my mom claims her on her taxes until I can find a job. My daughters dad can not claim her on anything because there is no way in hell ima let my kid live with her dad 6 months out of a year. We do have 50/50 however, nothing is court ordered except child support. There’s a lot of reasons he will never be able to claim my kid. One of them being…he’s an alcoholic even after a year of rehab.
Edit to add; because my kid lives with me, her dad will never see a dime from me out of that stimulus check. I don’t care how much he is struggling, he made his bed… now he has to suffer the way my daughter and I suffered being around him. Just being honest.
i claim 1 kid, he claims the other
I claim one and he claims the other and for my baby well i have her and claim her so i get it and well her dad doesn’t care anyways
The courts should have already split that up and if they didn’t everything should be half and half🤷🏻♀️
He got all the previous stimulus money bc he claimed him last year on taxes, and didn’t offer to split with me, so since I claimed our son this time, I am keeping his 1400 portion and not offering to split.
My ex got the first one. Put it in a savings account for when my daughter will need a car. The next one, regardless of whomever gets it for her, we decided it’s going towards her braces for her teeth. That money is for our daughter. Not for us to fight over.
We go and cash it and split it how its supposed to be.
Split and spent on our daughter.
I was able to claim it on my taxes since the 1st rounds went straight to him even though she lives full time with me and he only sees her maybe once a month. He claims her odd years and I on even. Doing this for 14yrs now. I promised myself from the beginning when it came to her I would not argue or fight over her. He pays his child support and sees her when he can.
Since my son has zero contact with his dad, that money stays with me. I put most of it aside for our vacation this summer, and since my son has decided to grow like 3 inches this year already… he needed clothes
I’m taking it for my damn self. I’m over here getting financially crushed because I’ve bought everything for our son. The stimmy is going to be either be used towards rent or something else my son needs.
I am still waiting on my check for my kids when and if I get it. They wild get some much needed clothes and the rest will be used on them for other stuff
I have 99% custody (he can see his son whenever he wants, it’s usually like once every two or three months) and I am NOT splitting any with him. Haven’t split the first two, won’t be splitting the new one either. I’m honestly surprised he didn’t ask but I think he knows better than that.
Here’s an interesting scenario: parent A claims child in 2019 and received both stimulus checks. Parent B then claims child in 2020 and files in time to get the 2021 stimulus. Parent A doesn’t file their taxes before the 3rd stimulus so it would be calculated based on 2019. Does each parent then get the child credit for the 3rd stimulus?
I have four children and in our divorce we split 2 and 2. So he has received a stimulus as well but the children all live with me… He hasn’t even bothered to offer me any of that money to buy the children anything. But has bought himself a Harley, redone his garage into a bar/lounge and redone his kitchen in the mean time. But continues to tell me he is tight on money and can’t help at the time.
We split right down the middle. For taxes and stimulus.
I have full custody of my 3 so I claim them on my taxes.
It’s in my divorce papers that I always get to claim our son on taxes. So he can’t claim our son as a dependent for the stimulus.
Depends on situation … I have full custody and he only sees a handful of times for the year… so It’s my kids and I let them have some fun and put the rest away
I’m keeping all of it because their father doesn’t take his father duties seriously and he’s not responsible.
My ex husband got the first two stimulus checks since it was based off 2019 tax info. I’ll get the 3rd one because it’s based on 2020 tax info (if you filed).
Nothing we can do that I’m aware of. My husband’s ex claims their son every year on everything even though we have him sporadically through the week after school, vacations, days off, and weekends.
If the parents are split, double dipping for one child is possible. I claimed both my children in 2019 therefore I got the checks. But when both of my children’s fathers claimed them this year, they were both eligible to claim the past 2 stimulus on their taxes as well. So they each are getting 1,100$. Same amount I got per kid.
My kids dad says he is involved but he really isn’t he has seen them all of 5 min in the past 9 months or so. I am not sharing it with him he isn’t sharing the responsibility of being a parent. For awhile we split kids on taxs but he stopped filing and I have them 24/7 365 so now o claim them
Depends on how it’s split custody. Primary should, but in this case it would go to the parent that claims the child(ren) in taxes. You can make an agreement after it lands to split if you choose, but it’ll end up in the account of the person that claims.
He gets to claim 1 kid on taxes and I claim the other. So he gets 1 stimulus and I get for the other.
My ex has my son 1 night every weekend, so 1.5 days a week. I buy all the clothes that stay at his house, shoes, pull ups, etc. We do not split the stimulus, but he doesn’t expect that. We talk over what to do with it though.
Whoever gets it should spend the whole thing on the kids. Or start the kids a savings account.
It is based on taxes, so who claims who? If you alternate years and the checks are based only on 2019 taxes then split to be fair.
We have 50/50 6 kids we split in half for the last two. With this new one. We filed separate he claimed 3 kids and I claimed 3. He got his 5400 already I am still waiting on mine.
Stimulus isn’t for the kids. It’s for bills and rent.
It goes to everyone so if you get his half you should be giving it to him.
Don’t split your money with him. It’s yours for rent and to help with getting by.
My husband and ex each claim one child, so they each get a check. Nothing is shared/split with the other.
Actually I’ve been screwed outa all of them all have went to him and I’ve raised these kids alone for almost two years since he left us. Sad part is he has nothing to do with them. But it’s not court order that he can claim them it just happen to be the year they kept using that he was here so he claimed them then few weeks later up and left us all. So now with these stimulus going off 2019 it’s screwed me outa them all. I’ve tried getting them from him but it’s nothing but the run around. But I filed a form when I done mine this year claiming I didn’t receive any of them. So I’m not sure what will happen. I wouldn’t mind if we shared the kids but we don’t I do it all alone and have for almost two years this summer.
We have two girls…I get one and ge gets the other. We split everything. Luckily my girls have an amazing father and is one of my best friends. It all works pretty easily.
I get the stimulus for my daughter cuz im the primary parent
Some orders require to file the children on taxes every other year. Which would mean the stimulus last year would go to one parent based on 2019 taxes, and this stimulus this year would go to the other parent based on 2020 taxes.
Or whoever is primary custodian gets it all. They could choose to share, or not.
My exhusband claims our girls every year and we are splitting everything evenly.
Who ever claims them in their taxes should let the other get the stimulus
We have 4
Kids so he always claims 2 and I always claim2 th
I spent the stimulus checks on things my two children needed, clothes, school stuff 1 toy each and the rest went into saving for when they need something else
My jerkoff ex claimed my kid behind my back which screwed me … he didn’t even offer to give me half , which I have the kids majority of the time … he should get them everyother weekend but that don’t happen to much
My sons dad year to claim son on taxes so he gets the stimulus
I don’t understand the confusion it’s for the kids so ?? Spend it on them reguardlees
Whoever has the kid the majority of the time gets the check…
Depends who has physical custody. Like who the child is with more if it’s split 50/50 time then claiming your child on taxes would be flip flopped each year.
All stimulus checks went right into sons bank account…
I know it’s very hard for the other spouse
I don’t have to give ex squat but I give her a portion
She you could ride with her
I call you when i get back
If you have a good Co parenting relationship with your child’s father, and you both take care of the kids, I’d split it. Because, if they do what they are supposed to, they’ll spend it on the kids too. Maybe they’ll do something fun with them.
I’m not. My son gets all his money in his bank account. It’s not our money it’s my sons.
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I claim my kids every year & every year tax refunds/stimulus $ goes into their college savings plans.
I share custody and he received the stimulus checks last year. When i filed taxes for 2020 my tax person said since we both own houses and are head of household I was able to get that money also. I ended up getting both stimulus’ that where given out last year. I would talk with whoever prepares your taxes
Sadly the system is flawed. We have to alternate claiming years. Which means even though she lives with me, he will get the money for her
Depends on the situation. I claim my daughter, he isn’t around, hardly get help. I’m putting her money away for her lateral teeth implants when she turns 21. I feel like that is fair. We have shared custody but he never sees her. So it just depends on the situation
Custodial parent should be claiming the kid on their taxes and getting the stimulus money for them because they have primary custody. Even on joint custody one of the parents usually has residential for school.
My husband has two boys from a previous relationship. We let her claim the boys every year, since my husband and I have more children together than her.
However, we wish it was being spent on the children/their needs. It’s not worth the hassle, so we just let it go.
I get it because I don’t get child support from him he usually “let’s” me claim her every year cuz his taxes get taken for child support for all his other kids…
My fiance has a son with an ex. She claims him every year but does pay us child support as we have him about 75% of the time. We have not seen a dime of any stimulus she has recieved. If the money was spent on him fine but she is out blowing it on clothes, alcohol and vacations(which do not include the child).
I got mine for me and my two kids & tossed him $500 for bills.
That’s MY money to catch up on all the shit COVID has taken.
Mine pays basic child support he doesn’t do anything extra… i pay heavy amounts of money for sports and other things you can imagine a teen whats or needs. So No split here
I have to share custody but he hasn’t seen them in almost 10 years.( he doesn’t know what shared means I guess) so I don’t give him anything.
I only recently split from my husband. I have primary custody. My ex gets his part of the stimulus (1400) and I am keeping the rest as I have the kids nearly all the time. I am using my half to get my stuff and my kids halves will be split in to their savings accts and then I will be using the rest for their needs like clothes, groceries, activities, in etc
I have our son the majority of the time, so I get the payments as I’m the only one who can legally claim him on my taxes.
Since he has been hiding for the past 7 years and back owes on record 20k he gets nothing. Idk how much will be tacked on after I get the dependant he is illegally claiming on our case removed.
Sooo what if my ex claimed her, but I recently got primary custody and she lives with me except every other weekend?
My ex husband can’t claim our daughter so I have been claiming her. I also have primary physical custody of and he has visitation because he chose to move and live out of state. So I actually have her 100% of the time.
We have 50/50 custody, I pay my ex child support, because of income. I claim our son on taxes and pay for sports, etc. I got the stimulus, no split here.
I have her 87% of the time so these stimulus payments stay with me.
We do 50/50 parenting and Split the kids portion. No child support. We both handle what they need at our homes. Both buy clothes etc. Same with taxes, we split. I claim them and give him a portion of their share or we put it in their savings account.
Same as the taxes. I get for 2 kids and myself he gets himself and 1 kids.
My son’s dad and I are not together. I got the tax money and will be getting the stimulus money for my son. We have agreed to split it but only for nessicary things FOR OUR SON ONLY. He is very bad with money so he does need my approval to spend it. I also go with him to make sure that is really what he’s getting because he would spend extra money on weed or cigs.
I think that really depends on your specific custody arrangement. My son’s father and I have equal time and we split tax money and stimulus money that we receive for him.
My son lived with his grandparents until September of last so they will got the 1st two & will get this one even though he wasn’t with them the second time or this time. Lil because their income is 10×mine as a single parent but they just like that.
When my husband went thru this according to tax dept. It is based on the # of overnight stay as who has the child or children over 1/2 of the calendar days. Unless it is stated on court papers you claims them on taxes. If no court papers a d no record of overnight stays it is who ever claims them first & files first.
I have majority custody but split it 50-50, I do think it should be calculated based on the actual parenting time split, but the father complained and it was easier to just give half and move on
We split it down the middle raising our son in two different household
Whoever has primary residential custody and whoever claims the child that year should get the stimulus check. If it’s 50/50 then split the check 50/50
I think this thread points out that not everyone is lucky enough to have a good co-parenting relationship with their ex. More power to you if you do, but it’s just not up to one person.
We have 50/50 and we split the checks 50/50 too