I'm being accused of cheating

Guess we now know who is cheating :woman_shrugging:t5:

When people accuse others of cheating for no reason, they are either HIGHLY insecure or, more than likely, they are cheating. Dont trust this dude.

He’s cheating, been cheating, will continue to cheat… and definitely will gaslight you about any of it because taking accountability or stopping means he would have to change and he clearly doesn’t want to. Him talking to you like that is enough for you to know how you should feel in this situation. I suggest couples counseling. :woman_shrugging:

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Is this how you want to spend the rest of your life? You really wanna MARRY this guy? Really? Are you SURE?!

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If ur fed up with being accused…be fed up with this guy all together…Don’t trust this guy at all

Always listen to your little voice. There is a reason you feel like you do. Listen to yourself.

The only reason someone in a relationship wouldn’t want you to look at their phone is bc they are OBVIOUSLY doing something wrong.


Im just gonna say red flag on the secret photo taken while sleeping

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Okay, so photos from before you were dating, not an issue. Should’ve probably deleted them when he asked you to marry him though lol. He has a picture of you that you didn’t know he had, a drunk, passed out picture… thats not an awesome thing I’d probably ask him why he has it and why he took it to begin with. Anything from when you guys started dating, is a problem. I’d ask who sent them and if they’re still still his phone. Ask him to delete the women he’s been with and not to msg them again

My ex did this, when I finally kicked him out. Right as he was dragging his shit out the door he turned and yelled “btw I’ve been fucking your best friend for years because you’re a piece of shit”… so yeah girl it’s him.

Get out of that relationship. You deserve better…don t ever settle for anything. Respect yourself…

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Dump his ass once a cheater always a cheater it’s a cheater hes saying that you do just to make himself sound better that he hes probably doing it himself

Most times the accuser is the abuser

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Get out?! Why did she get pregnant again with this man. This is not an issue that just happened over night… She seems just as sick as the guy she is talking about. Poor kids, hope CS steps in, fuck.

Think of your children witnessing his behaviour :poop:

Him yanking his phone like that prouves he had even more to hide. Do your self a favour and leave .

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He is cheating on you! It will be hard because you’re pregnant but one year from now you’ll tell your self not was the best decision I made

Run :running_woman:t2: don’t look back

He’s the cheater and toxic get out.