I'm concerned about mine and my fiancée relationship

She has been talking to someone behind my back on and off. They have dated before and I’m not sure when or how long. Last year they talked and she said that she had wished they worked things out and got back together. About a month ago she added him on snapchat and they have been talking on and off. Just recently he was trying to convince her to send him pictures of her in the shower. She said she would have to work on it because something happened in the past and came back to haunt her. To me it sounds like she is willing to do it over time. She is willing to cuddle him also apparently. She says there just friends but I feel like there is more to it then there really is. I don’t even have my own fiancée on snapchat and it hurts. There is some other things as well I don’t feel like bringing up. I just know what to do or say let alone react. I do everything I can to make her happy. I know some times my anxiety gets the best of me and I feel like it takes a toll on her. I work so hard to keep her happy and to try and do things with her. But lately it doesn’t seem likes it’s good enough for her anymore. I don’t go out and do much myself either because I feel like it’s a burden on her. It’s bringing me down and not helping my anxiety and depression at all. I don’t know what to do. I love her with all my heart I’m just at cross road and don’t know what path to take.


Honestly I would leave. If you have seen yourself that she’s saying these things to him then go. She’s lying to your face saying it’s just her friend & that’s another blow. Go on your own, & find someone who loves you, truthfully

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm concerned about mine and my fiancée relationship

this makes me sad :slightly_frowning_face: Leave while you’re ahead.


She doesn’t have you on Snapchat but has others? No way. That’s beyond sus. Leave now.


Doesn’t sound like a promising relationship. Trust and love go hand in hand.


Definitely leave you don’t deserve that

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She does not deserve you and you need to prioritize yourself and your mental health… love does not hurt. And she is hurting you so she does not love you or respect you… leave!!!
As a a woman I’m telling you she does not love you and I’m very sorry but you deserve better.

So many red flags! You may love her but completely red flags. Leave while you can

She’s not that into the relationship anymore by the sounds of it

Leave she is isn’t committed.
Before you blame depression and anxiety look at how this person treats you. Sending you love and strength

As If your getting opinions on this and not acting on it yourself ? Leave man :unamused: she can go back to what haunted her.

Better to leave now, than to marry her and find out later…

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Disrespectful AF :-1:… there’s better.

Leave. Sounds like you are her back up plan.

Nope. Nope.
Bye girl!!! :x::x:

Cut bait! Thus has terrible outcome written all over it


No trust, no relationship. Time to go

You’re too good for her buddy, just let her go. She doesn’t deserve you. And PLEASE if you do dump her DO NOT get back with her once she comes back crying saying she’ll stop talking to him. THEY NEVER DO. And if you cave she’ll always know that she has you wrapped around her finger. There’s plenty of woman that know how to value them selves and their significant other. Tell her bye that she can be with him and breathe ! You don’t need that stress !! Take care, much love :two_hearts::sparkles:


In all honestly! believe her but the fact that you don’t have your fiancé on Snapchat is weird red flag! & if you are together and engaged to be married going out should not be a burden on either of you seems like there are some trust issues. Communication is key don’t leave she maybe being honest with you anxiety is not a nice feeling and depression sucks but do whatever you feel is right I suppose what is meant to be will be.

Communication trust and honesty is a relationship & the Communication needs to start now…

As a women and also have depression and anxiety,you need to move forward.I know it hurts but,what would you tell your daughter if she was in this position?You don’t deserve this at all.You deserve someone who’s going to show you the love and respect you deserve.Im so sorry she’s doing this to you.


Don’t walk. RUN! She’s already told you in no uncertain terms, that YOU are circling HER drain, and she’s actively twiddling the handle. It’s only a matter of time and convenience, at this point my Dude. Take the remains of your self respect, and move on with your life. :love_you_gesture:t4::cowboy_hat_face:


Why she still your fiancé? It’s obvious that she is up to something and you want to ignore the red flags. At this point don’t blame her for whatever she do. You have a choice.


Just re-read your post that should tell you the answer run as fast as you can he’s giving you every red flag that you need

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This sounds like a one sided relationship. This person will never give you the time of day or make you a priority. You deserve someone that treats you like an equal and makes you the priority over anyone else. No one else (other than your (future) kids) should be a priority over you. The fact she’s hiding stuff means she has something to hide and feels guilty for something and that’s on her.

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You’ve read there conversations and she told her ex she wished they had gotten back together? That’s terrible. She’s sleeping in your bed but thinking about he ex. You can do everything right and be the perfect fiancé, but if he heart is somewhere else, there’s nothing you can do to change that. Don’t marry this woman. It’s time to leave. Have you confronted her about this inappropriate behavior? She would probably lie and make it look like your crazy. Leave man.


You need to leave her.


She’s just not to that into you…anymore…find relief that you are not connected by life (marriage) and run away as fast as you can…better days are ahead for you when you do.


You dump her! Work on yourself and be single for awhile!


I agree with all the responses. She is shady as they come and I have no idea why she is even dragging you along. You are only hurting your self by staying for a one sided love. That is t the love you want in return is it? You need to love your self more so you will leave and give an open door for a better fit love style and respect. Take care.


Well, suck it up she doesn’t love you… because if she did then she would never have made friends in the first place. Best to rip the bandage off fast, its your energy and time wasted get out there and find someone who can reciprocate that. All the best.

If she’s talking to an ex she still cares about and says she’s okay with cuddling and wishes she’d worked it out in the past that means she’s trying to work it out now! You need to run baby, and run as fast as you can… she’s betraying your trust and if you feel like you need to ask strangers on the internet what to do then that means it’s not a good relationship and not very loving. You should just take the loss and find someone who will you the way you deserve it


To be honest? Fuck that girl. You’ll get better. Someone who appreciates you. If she’s not cheating now, she will be.

I think letting her go is the choice. She will either want to stay and work through it or leave. Then you know for sure how she feels about the situation.


Why haven’t you left yet? So many :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:! Time to go.


Move on she sounds like your wasting your time.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling defeated with her, I really do…
But has to be straight up, “girl Bye”:bangbang:There isn’t any of her actions that you should even condone & wonder what you can do!! Seriously, get out of that relationship, not really a relationship!!:ok_hand:t3:


Oh sweetheart…please call it off. At least for now. What im going to say, you don’t want to hear…what universe is wanting to cuddle someone else okay? I get zero urges to cuddle any other man besides the one I have. Its actually repulsive to think about someone being that close to me like that. I have 4 kids with him. Not engaged or married to him but have been together 7 years.
Tell her you feel uncomfortable about him and their relationship together. How she takes and handles that information will SHOW you how she feels and thinks about your future marriage together


Read this back to yourself… But pretend it’s your brother or your best mate saying it: what would your response be to them???

Cause that’s what you should do. :ok_hand:t4:


Id leave, my self worth and my dignity wouldn’t be able except being 2nd best


She is adding to your mental stress, she is disrespectful and you or anyone should not be treated this way . There maybe a hundred valid reasons for her to not be happy with you but going behyour back is 100% the wrong way to handle it . If she cant be upfront and honest you should be .


He’s making himself an “option” that’s the part that tells you to run

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Don’t ever let someone put u down like that especially your so called future wife. She’s not respecting your relationship at all! You need to cut her out. Let her go with that guy I mean she went outta her way to get his snapchat and ur not on hers?! Tf is that all about? Girl bye :wave: u deserve better than that she’s gonna be sneaking around because ur not putting a stop to it instead ur blaming yourself- u have every right to feel some type of way and deserve a girl to give u that much attention too.


You need to let her go and work on yourself and make yourself happy and she will regret what she did to you. I promise it will work out and if it’s meant to be with you two. She will be begging you back. I did this to my husband when we were dating and I left him for 4 mos. Then he realized he had a good thing. And this happened to us about 10 yrs ago. And now are married almost 5 yrs.

Wait, she doesnt have you added on snap?! Nope, hard pass. That’s so sus! Especially if you know she’s talking to someone else. Get out now! You deserve better


So she is basically cheating on you by what you have wrote. Leave her. You don’t deserve that. What a bitch to be honest… what kind of fiancee would do that to you.

Dump that cheap brod n find someone loyal

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I think you know what you need to do. She’s playing his game so let her be or you’ll never trust her anyway.That isn’t a future wife that’s very much a cheat


Leave her alone. You’re in for alot of heartache. You care too much and if she is doing this, she don’t care for you. Life too short. Find someone who makes you happy and you don’t have to worry about. That’s no way to live. If you gotta be asking us you already know what she’s doing isn’t right.


She’s being,so shady and disrespectful. You being used . Put her out …better yet kick her out.

Leave her please! That’s just toxic & you sound like a decent person!
No one needs to put up with that shit

You a probably a convenience to her house cars money and she is working up the courage to disrupt the household and move on but she is scared to take it fast with the ex because she can’t quite trust him yet.


She may not be cheating sexually but emotional affairs are just as damaging. As span as she stopped being invested in your relationship ship and started investing in this guy it was over. Sorry but move on and save yourself the trouble.

Sounds like she not the 1 for you

Sounds like she is playing games & you need to run :running_woman: get as far away from her as you can ’ she is soo unhealthy for your mental health ’ just do it run :man_running: "& good luck in the future ’


You’re the 3rd wheel in their relationship. Take your dignity and leave now or be crushed later.


If u feel like you need someone to talk too feel free to message me…… But what u allow is what will continue!!! Please know your worth and u seem to deserve so much more

I think, it’s better to end it now, than you getting married and see her with someone else.
If she respected you enough, she should stop contact with the other person. It looks like you are in a 3 wheel situation looking for when the cheating is going to happen.

I think she needs to be alone for a while and you need to work on yourself as well. I know you love her, but you need to let her go.


She’s already disrespecting you and showing you that she doesn’t love you the same. Save yourself the heartache and leave.


She’s not ready for your relationship, she will break your heart :heart:

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Leave. Plain & simple - she obviously still has strong feelings for him & doesn’t deserve you.


Cut your losses. She doesn’t deserve you. She’s playing you


This is sad. It would be a breaker for me the fact she said she wished she had fixed things with that guy, and then on about sending him naked pics?!


The fact that shes shared all that with you and thinks it’s ok. Is wrong. I think shes moved on emotionally.

No offense but you sound like a total p*ssy and she knows she can walk all over you! Pull your head out of her butt! She’s using you! You already know the answer to your questions, it’s time to LEAVE! You do not deserve to be used and abused! No one does! She’s not in love with you. She is completely disrespecting you and your whole relationship and won’t stop because she’s gotten away with it the entire time!

While she may not be the cause of all of your anxiety and depression, she is certainly contributing. A partner should really help to alleviate stressors not make things worse for you. There will be someone who loves and cares about you. This woman does not.

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Seriously. If you can’t figure this out your self you shouldn’t be in this relationship in the first place.
Honestly how many of these stories are real .

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Run. U deserve better :pray::pray:

You should leave and find someone who you deserve.

You deserve better. Leave

Her heart belongs to another. Cut your ties now with her. I’m sorry…


They’re just friends thing is bs, sounds like she’s into him, just a matter of time before she’s in his arms.

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Sounds like she checked out of your relationship a long time ago. Leave, you deserve so much more than this. Remember there is a difference between being in love with someone & loving someone. I hope you find some happiness :heart:

She’s having an emotional affair still cheating giving someone else an emotional connection get rid you deserve better :broken_heart:

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You have some issues you need to work on as well .Not taking time out for yourself puts a strain on relationships. I would take a time out and see if the two of you can work things out or move on . The most miserable thing in the world is unresolved relationships. Good luck.

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Id leave her to it shes not respecting ur feelings and thinks it ok nah leave her to it

Cuddle him? Pics in the shower🙄

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Leave she’s not the one for you.

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Her behavior is so not ok… I’m sorry you’re going through this.

You deserve someone who is fully committed to you. Show her to the door.

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:flushed: that’s cheating. I’m sorry


Get your ring back and leave her. Go find a deserving woman and give her your ring. That is cheating and she doesn’t deserve you! Don’t let her make excuses and drag you along. Life is too short to settle. You can fall in love again next time with the right person! It will hurt but you will realize what real love is and be glad you didn’t stay.


You already know what is going on. You just don’t want to face it. I’d cut myself loose from her and move on.


read what you wrote & run & run very fast. If you two live together, leave, And don’t forget the ring. If it’s your house/place, pack her shit up put it outside & change the locks & leave for a few days. If she is willing to send a old boyfriend a picture of herself in the shower, there is something wrong here

Leave her, happiness comes from within, you can’t make someone else happy.

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Time to part ways. She’s already left you for her ex :roll_eyes::pensive: you deserve better

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I think she is totally out of line. If she hasn’t cheated physically she is emotionally. It is only a matter of time that she crosses that line. I would get your ring back and leave. You will one day realize you dodged a bullet. I am afraid the only future you have with her will include more heartache


If this was a woman posting everyone would say leave him, so my advice is LEAVE HER, she’s making plans with another male behind your back, photos in the shower? Cuddles? She wishes they worked out? She dosent deserve you! imagine what else she’s saying to this “friend”… leave.


What she is doing is wrong! You deserve so much better. Time to move on to a better person for you.

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:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: leave before you get even more hurt …she has little or no respect for u


She doesn’t love u man… MAKE ROOM FOR THE GIRL WHO WILL SHES IN YOUR WAY :purple_heart:


It seems like she has already mentally checked out of your relationship. At that point there’s not much you can do. Let her go and find someone that only wants you!


Go find someone worthy of your time and attention. She’s already checked out, just biding her time. Pack her bags, and show her the way out the door.


Shes not for you. Dont allow her to trash your emotional wellbeing. She wants him. Walk away.

You deserve someone to love you and just you. Good luck go find happiness.

Talk to her and give her the chance to leave and see if she takes it. It will save you both more pain in the long run. Ultimatum time sorry.

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Run. Fast. And hard. Don’t look back.

If someone really loves you and cares for you they wouldn’t be entertaining other people . Especially an ex . Huge :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: how serious are they about the relationship if they are doing that ?!

You should have walked away when she said a year ago she wish they could have just worked it out. She has already mentally and emotionally left you. Save yourself more heartache and walk away before she does it first
If you are asking people what to do you already know you don’t need people to tell you