I'm conficted on my feelings for my ex: Please help

I see no end to the abuse if you stay! Get on birth control, get a job, move on! Do not let him play on your sympathy, don’t believe his lies and stand on your own two feet!

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Run and never look back


He WILL NOT get better. He will ONLY get worse. Please stay the heck away from him.

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You should have dumped him in the very beginning. You are better than that!

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Take your baby and go. That baby of yours is a million times more important than his abusive father. If he yells at your baby, that in itself should be a sign to leave.

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Trust me fr experience this dosnt change. Get away and stay away

It’s not going to change, you are seeing the REAL person he is, you will find the right love you deserve for you and your son. He is emotionally abusing you and by you letting him gives him more control over you and it won’t be much longer it will turn into physical abuse. Be strong and get out of the relationship.

“But hes starting to fall back into old patterns, should I trust that hes going to change?”… read that again and again until you get it.


Really you’re in love with that how can you be in love and abusive bastard and face that way to you he will be that way to your baby you need to run run as fast as far as you can what are you thinking do yourself a favor stay away you deserve so much more your baby deserves more find some love find some true love it’s there don’t be taken advantage of and abused

Girl! Boys like him will never change so I suggest you LEAVE FOR GOOD! :speaking_head:

Wake up wake up and smell the real him can you not see it in front of you

Girl GET OUT FOR GOOD! it will never change! Trust me, NEVER! He might “love” you both which sounds like the narcissist in him but his actions show otherwise.

How can u love someone that treats u like that??,LOVE yourself more and ur baby… there is better out there!. He will NEVER change

Its all an act. Dont go back, it’ll be a huge waste of time.

RUN away as fast as you can they never ever change. I was with a narcissistic psychopath for 12 years. After being away from him for 12 years he still tries to beg me to come back, that he has changed. RUN, your children will thank you later.


Its never gonna change. You know it, i know ot, he knows he has no intentions of changing. Sounds like YOU have no intentions of ever changing. Just get out before you get stupid enough to have more innocent children to punish.

Don’t look back .run .get away from the prick !!!

People don’t change.

Stay out of that mess and find someone who will take care of you as you do them. He is never gonna change and if you go back and something bad should happen then what? Go your own way.

The way he treated you is NOT love. Sounds more like imprisonment. I would DARE a man to tell me what I can I cannot wear or do. Is that how you want your child to think a man is supposed to treat the woman he’s with. If the answer is no, then there’s your answer. Personally, I wouldn’t think twice about a POS excuse of a man like that. He’s not a man. He’s a manchild. Don’t mean to sound so bitter, but I’ve had a man who thought he was gonna treat me that way. He thought wrong. Sent him on his way. Found my amazing husband two years ago. We have a partnership. No one tells the other what to do and we show each other respect. There is someone out there that will treat you like the queen you deserve to be treated as. Don’t ever accept less. There’s a difference between being alone n being lonely. Don’t settle for a piece of crap, selfish, abusive wanna be excuse of a man because you’re momentarily feeling lonely. Find a new group of people to hang out with. People who will build you up, not break you down. Celebrate Recovery is an amazing group to join. It’s not just for recovering from substances but for recovering from abuse, divorce, broken homes, etc.

Do not go back. He has already showed you his true colors. He will keep mistreating you and your baby. He does not love either one of you. He is a controller and an abuser. He is also a liar. You will find someone that truly loves you and your child.

Dégage c’est une nullité

Mope nope…dont go.back with him

He will make your life miserable as it already has! So like you said he fall back into his old habits! Just do you and the baby!

Yells at a 5 month old?

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RUN its not going to change. Keep that baby safe & yourself. Good Luck :pray:

It won’t get better. Leave asap and dont look back.

They never change, believe me!

Is this the life you want for your son?

It takes a split second for him to lose his temper and do something that can’t be undone.


Nope kick him to the curb, and there is no such thing as a spoilt baby they cry because they need something

Do NOT GO BACK! This is a pattern of abuse, he is just pulling the wool over your eyes because he isn’t in control anymore. Don’t allow yourself to go back and don’t allow your child to be subjected to his mother being verbally abused everyday, RUN!!
Get yourself help, whatever that looks like and live your life far away from him, If not for yourself do it for the sake of your child.

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Been in a similar situation myself, don’t let him back you deserve better!

Keep your knees together until you have a man worthy of you that puts marriage first 2


Situations like these only escalate. No matter how many promises. I grew up watching my bio dad treat my mom like this. He treated me like this. My own father. He got away with the names and shit so much, she kept going back after he’d beg. Then it went right back to the usual bullshit. And then it got physical.
I’ve been in relationships like this. My friends have been in relationships like this.
The only changes they will make is that they will get worse and worse. It will eventually become dangerous for you and your child to be around this person. It’s not a risk you should even think about taking. Burn that bridge. Like, douse it in the most flammable substance ever. And then burn it again to make sure.
Much love your way, you have all of us for support! :heart:

If you dont do it for yourself, do it for your son and move on. He’s only gonna get worse.

No! Stay away from him. Please for your child and yourself! Please it will not get better!

Don’t walk away from this guy, RUN. He will never change. He is only pandering to get you back, then he will go back to his old ways. You and your son deserve better. RUN!!!

I’m 41 years old, and if I was on your shoes, I would walk away, Fir one how old is he, if he still acts like a child, and treats you this way, hes not grown yo ti change, do reverse, psychology, Act like he dint

I had to stop reading… my question to you is WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?? why are you allowing someone to be so cruel to you??? You can love yourself by taking that first step to leave … know your worth

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Dont bealive anything he say! Run!!!

That isn’t love. That’s insecurity and an abusive control freak. Emotional abuse. Get him angry enough and it will get worse. Plenty of good men out there. Don’t take shit from anyone. You and your baby are your priority.

He is showing you exactly who he is. Get away, get a parenting plan, and make him pay support for his child.

Leave for good and dont look back

Marrying him is a trap to hell life

That’s Islam for ye😂

Leave him he want change, move on for your sons sake

No way girl! I know people can change but they rarely do! Please find a better life for you and your son!

Leave and take your son while you still can. He will eventually end up murdering you and maybe your son also. It does no good to Love someone when they do not love you. It will not be easy, but the alternative of staying in an abusive relationship is much much worse.

Run as fast as you can and dont look back you wont find mr right when you are with mr wrong

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Do you love him?
Or does he got your mind twisted up - having you believe you need him, having you believe your are worthless?
Are you lonely? It’s a hard time being a new mom - let alone a new mom who’s gone thru emotional abuse - and yes sis - you’ve been
Are those small snatches of affection worth it?
I’ve been where you are
Unless he’s getting hardcore therapy - he won’t change - he’s already shown you he hasn’t
Don’t let your child grow thinking that’s how men act
Fuck him
You’re strong & don’t need him

He isn’t going to change. Get out whole you can. Don’t listen it doesn’t work.

When in doubt don’t he probly won’t change

You are right… things will not change… except to get worse. Take your baby and go.

Run like fuck & don’t look back .

Run stay gone ,after a while the abuse won’t just be towards you he will start on your child,I’ve been in a toxic relationship like that with my first husband it started out verbal like that until he ended up beating me daily,messed me up in my mind for years ,it took me several years to finally fully escape him ,thank my kids and I made it out alive,I don’t know you but I’ll pray for you

Ask your self why you love him n he treats you sooooooo horribly. He will not change. He want to marry you to have whole control of you. You’ll go back to the same misery… Love is patient and love is kind. :purple_heart:

PLEASE PLEASE run away & never look back.

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A happy marriage doesn’t start with a toxic beginning :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: listen to your conscience. :heart:

Hell no run with your baby now he is abusive and toxic for you

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Get out while the goings good fuck him for a joke

Leave that guy in the dust. He’s toxic. Do you really want your son to grow up looking to that guy as a role model for how to treat others, and women in particular? You have nothing to feel conflicted about. He will not change. Ever. Period.

He won’t change…been there done that. Stay away from him!

Read this back to yourself and tell us you actually believe he’s going to change! You are out and you and son should stay out.


run away like your hair is on fire!!!

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Omg. Leave! For the sake of your child. Fucking muscle up butter cup n get both your asses as far away as possible! You’re a mother now, it’s not about what you want or if YOU love him n can put up with his bullshit. It’s about your baby n their needs. They come first n need to be protected. Seriously get the fuck away from him before it’s too late. You know that’s the answer otherwise you wouldn’t be asking. You just told us all the ‘bad’ and ‘wrong’ things he does and that he’s starting to do again. We support you. There is support out there. Stay strong

He wont change!! I dealt with all that for many years and it was hard to leave but looking back the best thing i could have done for myself and my kids!

Don’t even hang on weekends, you’re trapping yourself.

He yells at him when he cried. Run. Far. Now.

Get the H out now before he snaps and hurts that baby, He’s never going to change, What ever you do leave this piece of trash now

He won’t change. Think of your child… If that the role model you want for him

You just said “he’s starting to fall back into old patterns”… flipping Run!

You must be completely out of your childish mind.
What is there to love?
If you are even entertaining the thought of getting back with it you are not adult enough to be making decisions on behalf of your child.
You are extremely immature if you think just a few I’m sorry and magically he changed. Other than his words… nothing has changed.
You must have a very short memory. What about all of the horrible things he did to you and let his friends humiliate, disrespect and punished you??

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Your instincts were right when you left the first time. Dont wait for things to chang they only get worse

It is a cycle, he’ll promise to be good, change for as long as is necessary then treat you like crap. He is a narcissist! Be prepared that when you ditch him for good he will tell people all sorts of BS. It will be rough, but it’s better than teaching your baby that is how a relationship works

Run…to a lawyer and get a DVO or AVO or whatever is appropriate. Hopefully you can access Legal Aid.

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read your post and that should set the light bulb off on what you SHOULD do

Hey moms!!! Just made a Facebook group you’re all more than welcomed to join :heart: hope to see you there :cupid::cupid:

You better get away from him! How can you love anyone that treats that way? He will not change !

He. Will. Never. Change.
Leave & don’t look back…it’s difficult at first…but you will be able to see in a few months how much better off, healthier, & happier you & your child are.

You need therapy and to run :running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4:

Run and dont look back

You need to run as fast as you can. Don’t look back.

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From a mom watching one of her kids to through this same thing And as a daughter that grew up with an abusive father. Please please please stay gone. The day my mom left was the best day of my life. I wish I could get mine to leave, but I have to wait for her to be ready.

This is an abusive relationship and you should get out and far away now.

“Run like the wind Bullseye.”
Don’t look back, get out of that toxic relationship

Run. And do not look back.

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Don’t do it he won’t change if he mistreated you at the beginning of the relationship he will do it all the time…he knows you still have feelings for him so he will work on you and make lots of promises. But I promise you he won’t keep any of them . For your own and baby sake walk away . He isn’t interested he is a spiteful person …take care of yourself and baby …you are worth so much and your baby is the blessing you will love so much

What are you conflicted about get out of that sick relationship If you love your & yourself GET OUT

And he will not change once a hitter always a hitter. Run and don’t look back

Don’t get a rock and then hit your head with it. Go and do things on your own now.

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I lost a daughter to that kind of lies


I would get as far away as you can. If you stay it will eventually get worse. Be smart! Save your child from mimicking him!

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Walk away yes you have his son go to court get custody and give him visits and as for yourself go find someone who is gonna love respect and knows your worth and treats you like a lady thinks off you all day and sends you little messages to see how you are doing and let’s you no what you mean to him good luck momma take care of you and the baby

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I think you know the answer to this…

Runnnnnnn sis runnnnn. Gotta put the love for the child before the love for the abusive ex. Probably hard but the kid is here, gotta protect him.

Girl wtf. No. Leave. Dont put your child or yourself in that. He wontchange.

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He is 100 a narcissist!!! Please educate yourself on them, they never change they get FAR worse with emotional and mental abuse and can lead to physical abuse in most cases, they are cruel, they will cry and beg and promise the world and will change to lure you back then they will go back to the abusive behavior each time it will get worse… RUN AND NEVER EVER LOOK BACK!!!

You know what he’s like. That type of person very seldom ever changes. It’s always I’m sorry I wont ever do it again (until the next time). Just imagine if he’s already yelling at the baby for crying what’s he going to do when the baby becomes mobile and gets into things. Better thing really hard before going back

He will either kill you mentally or physically. Either way that’s 99.9% of what your future for you and your child would be like. Gotta be smarter than that girl. Your a power woman. Don’t let him take your power!

Get out. Your baby is more important then lowering your standards. I wouldnt have stuck around as long as you did in the first place. He will never change, don’t fall for it. It’s just his way of trying to continue his power trip, control freak and will only get worse