I'm conficted on my feelings for my ex: Please help

Coming from experience, he will NEVER change. Do NOT fall back into it with him. Protect your heart, and your son. DO NOT GO BACK, PLEASE.


When can I get to meet him straighten him out.

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Been there…done that. It never changes. Save yourself and your child and make a new life.

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PLEASE value yourself and your son and cut this toxic man out of your life. He doesn’t deserve either of you and you will never be truly happy as long as you are still in contact with him. PLEASE get away from him, if not for yourself then do it for your son.

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Not only do you deserve better but your SON deserves better. If you want your son to be healthy mentally, physically and emotionally DONT go back. Try just being friends and co parenting.

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You KNOW what you need to do. An ex is an ex for a reason!!!


You just answered your own question hes falling back in to old patterns run for the hills being a single mum ain’t bad I’m single 3 kids sometimes it’s tough but you get through it

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He’s only saying those things to get you back where he wants you. He’s treating you like an animal being locked up at home. You should be able to see your friends and family as you please, just like he is. He lets his friends disrespect you, HE disrespects you, YOU deserve better than that. Your son deserves better than that!

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Let’s his friends insult you? Just nope.


Leave for good. He’s never going to change. He’s only saying those things to make you come back and then he will go back to treating you the same. You deserve better and so does your son.

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he wont change. been there, done that. dont waste your time. the I’ll change shit is the oldest line in the book with men like that.

He will not change unless you want to be abused forever LEAVE NOW AND DON’T LOOK BACK!!!


Someone who treats you like that while your carrying his child,should never get another chance. Do you want your baby thinking that’s what love is?


No conflict. This man loves nothing but himself. Leave, don’t look back.


You are the mother you nor your son needs this type of father good luck

My story is scary similar to yours and it went on for 7 years. I just found my strength after he almost took my life from me. I was blue, I’m not supposed to be here but I am but my son has suffored more than I ever could imagine I thought I did. My name is Celsi Rudder on Facebook PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME ON FACEBOOK. I may not be able to help or I may but I will listen without judgement and I will be honest with my opinion and past if asked. God bless you both.

Get away from the jerk. Show’s no respect for you

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You would be stupid to get back with him!

Are you being serious right now? Girl, what the fuck? You see that he’s not changing! What is the question here? “I hate myself and want the worst possible life for me and my child, do you think I can accomplish that by marrying this man?” :thinking:
Please don’t marry that fucking dirt bag.

Leave immediately. Do not look back. I know!!


Noooooooyou need to get away from him and don’t look back do what’s best for you and the baby…dont waste your life being in a abusive toxic relationship…take some advice from me it will never get better…i was in it for 12 years…ive been away for 9 months…he also wanted me to Mary him…but not in the 12 years we were together…now my son is 9 and he thinks he. Can treat me bad hit me call me names…so he was so use to hearing him treat me bad…so my son thinks that’s his in sapose to be treated…my son is in counseling now…and we’re do ok by 50 50 parenting…with a restraining order on me…trust me it never gets better…till your away from him…so you learn to heal…

Put your big girl pants on and run!!! Are you going to wait until he hurts you or the baby??? He will NEVER change.

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You’re answering your own question. Open your eyes!


IT. WILL. NOT. CHANGE! Get far away and get to a lawyer.

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It kinda sounds like you are a dog locked in a kennel while he is out of the house! You want your child to be treated like a dog too? F that shiz run darlin!

Seriously! Run as fast as you can and think about your child. Growing up in a hostile home is not very healthy for a child!

Remove him from your life now. It only gets worse and him marrying you or being with you is only to avoid child support. He doesn’t love you

What EXACTLY do you love about him??? Love is a behavior…not just a feeling. He does not feel love toward you or love you. People SHOW you how they feel about you. Believe him when he’s degrading you.
Would you allow your daughter to be treated like he treats you??? Wake up…he is a perpetrator; you are in an abusive and dangerous relationship.

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Run as fast as you can. He is toxic

So what are you confused about? You need to reread what you wrote over & over until in sinks in… things will only get worse…


There ain’t no way in hell

Do not fall back into this again! Move on find a real man!

Run it could become physical if he’s yelling at baby. Been there been abused

Wait what do you mean your stuck in a room while he’s at work? Like your locked in there or he gets mad if you leave? Either way, nobody deserves that.

You’re looking back why ? Of course he wants you back , he has no -one else to control ! Straighten your crown n walk away unless you are okay with your son to be treating someone’s daughter the way you are being treated

ALL TO FAMILIAR THIS IS… Take your son and move far away. He wont change!!! Hes just telling you everything you want to hear, marriage is the trap. Trust ur gut instincts man.

No way he’s ready to be a dad when he treats you like crap. He tells at a baby for crying? Wow… Fun away. You deserve more.

It will never change. Run!

Run…As Fast As You Can!!!

Keep your baby safe from this waster!

Leave it will be the best thing for you


If you had to take the list you just gave us and make a pros and cons list, you would have your answer. I know it is hard to step away from someone you care about, but this type of love is damaging to a person. Also, imagine your son seeing him treat you this way. Stay strong. Be friends with him, but let him move on with his life. You need to let go. continue to coparent with him but don’t continue to let him control you

You have had a good display of what kind of man he is or will be later. If his buddies are more important then you and your baby, tells you his values!

You left for a reason. Now that you are hanging out with him again he is reminding you why you left. You have a child now and that child is your priority. He needs positive role models in his life. If he doesn’t see that he will be just like his father and have no respect for women. With that he will lose respect for you as his mother due to the fact that you allowed the disrespect and never commanded or demanded respect from his father.

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Leave!!! He will not change !!

What is it you love about him?

If you cared about your kid you would leave and not look back.

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Its take a lot for someone to change suga. Not saying it won’t happen. But don’t hold your breath. If he isn’t seeking counselling and, truly working on himself … Gotta take every thing he says for face value. What he is doing is emotional and mental abuse. You can love someone but know your better off without them. Don’t put your son through that nonsense if he is still acting like he was before. Manipulation is a powerful thing, stay strong.

This of your child and run. Is this what you want your child raised around? Is this how you want your child to treat his partner? Just run and as fast as you can away from this POS.

Leave for good he Won’t change

He’s toxic and abusive. You made the right choice to leave and if he’s already starting to go back to how he was, he has no intentions on truly changing himself. Don’t let him manipulate you into marriage

Jesus. I feel sorry that your this weak. Pull yourself up and together, because you need to move on. He will never change, BUT you can. You have the power to move on and find happiness. So do it!

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They dont change all lies and bs some men are good at telling you what you want to here so they can get there way and only there way

Best advice… stay gone

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All the other crap aside even though that makes him nothing more than a shit stain…If my husband yelled at a 5 month older crying I wouldn’t consider him anything but a piece of garbage douche bag that didn’t deserve the priviledge of fathering at least until he got some intensive therapy/anger management or some shit :thinking:

Don’t go back he WILL NOT change

Think about what you would tell a best friend if they were in your shoes; it’s always harder doing it in your own situation and it’s easier said than done.
You left. He is showing “similar patterns” because his apologies are all just a part of an act. He misses the control over you. Dont fall for it youre smarter than that or you wouldn’t have left in the first place!

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Oo hell no do u have family or friends that can help u if not go to the Popo u need help big time

That Guy will NEVER EVER CHANGE! Please leave please NEVER GO BACK!!!

Nothing will change.

Dont !!! I fell for it and regretting it to the fullest rn !!! Dont do it !!!

Run never look back he will never change

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Id only coparent with him dont go back to him!!

Dont go back, you and your son are not safe, he will start beating on you and your son it is the next step for an abuser

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He is abusive do not go back! Leave and never look back your are worth so much morw then that and your baby deserves better, he will only get worse he will start to hit you and that will also be your fault to him, do not put yourself through that pain and isolation

Read what you’ve written!!!, if a friend came to you with the same scenario what would your advice be??.

Narcissist plain and simple. If you go back to him, it will get worse…eventually he will put hands on you, maybe even your child. I’m sorry but this guy is a piece of shit and I would bet my absolute life on it that he will not change, he will get worse. If you go back to him you are showing him that he can treat you like dog shit and you are dumb enough to let him. Please don’t be that girl. You have a baby to think about and this dude isn’t worth a fucking thing.

It won’t change. Best to stay gone.

RUN! No one deserves to be treated like that first of all, and, he doesn’t respect you. He’s acting how you want him to act, and, if you do marry him, you’re even more trapped! You said it yourself, he’s falling back into the same pattern…that should tell you right there! Think of your son as well, it doesn’t sound like he’s patient with him what so ever, he already yells at him and it will only get worse when he gets to be older, either verbally or physically! RUN and DON’T LOOK BACK!

Run! Please do yourself a favor you do not deserve this

Every nine seconds a woman is being abused in America. Many are killed after they leave the abusive relationship and go back. Do you want to be one of the Many? Let these words sink in. :purple_heart:

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Walk away. If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for your son.

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You’re really conflicted on whether you should leave him or not? READ YOUR OWN POST!

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don’t be STUPID you know he is toxic…get out before it.s too late

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I believe in you story you answered your own question. He is falling back in the old pattern. Stay away. Here is an even bigger thing to think about…take your feelings out of it. Do you want your child to see that everyday and grow to be just like that? Break that cycle.

Dont. Biggest mistake ever

God no! And now it’s not only you it’s a child aswell. Do not put a child through that, you get the choice not them

You have a choice. That precious baby depends on you. Do not let that baby be subjected to so much cruelty. If he already yells at him it will escaplate into violence.

He will not change. Let him go

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Run and dont look back


Please whatever you do, don’t go back!


He is never gonna change! You should have run when you were pregnant and he denied that baby was his

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How are you conflicted, he treats u like crap and the baby for that matter why would u want to be with someone like that …you have to be smarter than that… nobody changes… ever

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Run run as fast as you can in the opposite direction from him


Girl :running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman:


I think you already know the answer sweets. Stay away from him. If not for your sake then for the sake of your baby. He is dangerous and toxic.

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He is not going to change. Stay away from him.

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He won’t change! They will pretend they will and everything will seem ok for awhile but then he will go straight back to the way he was


Run leave you are in a abusive relationship he will not change!!


Girl he WONT CHANGE. He will manipulate you more and more. Plz dont go back


That is not love…it is Toxic!! You.and your son deserve better. RUN!!!


You said it yourself, “but I can’t live like that again.”. He wants you back so he can control you and your baby. Don’t do it. It’s a trap.


They DO NOT CHANGE, it is a cycle

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Sweetheart that is abuse and he sounds like a narcissist and reminds me of my daughters father and let me tell you, they will never change and over time it will go from the mental and psychological abuse to physical abuse. Get the fuck out, get everything documented and recorded. And go to court and get custody of your child. FULL custody! If not it will be a never ending and frustrating battle and once you wake the fuck up and realize how horrible and abusive his behavior is, you will never want to deal with him. I unfortunately gave my ex benefit of the doubt that he would be a good father to our daughter and tried to be civil about all the custody shit. I ended up not seeing my daughter for over a month when I left him, he constantly made me out to be the abusive horrible person, he manipulates everyone he talks to about me. He does everything he can to try to grasp some kind of control of me and my life. It is an everyday struggle dealing with him. And you do NOT want that. He has refused to seek medical attention for my daughter when she got into weed and was unresponsive for hours. When she was given wine in her bottle instead of juice. He wanted his persona of being a good father to stand so instead of seeking medical attention he did NOTHING. HE does not care about our daughter he is a puppet he tries to control to control me. Leave ASAP unless you want 18yrs of torture

You already kniw the answer so why ask? Nobody will tell you he will change

Keep away mental ohycial verbal abuse only gets worse scram away as fast as you can agency in all cities church lawyers

Walk away, you and your son deserve so much better. He doesn’t even respect you. Build a new life and move on.

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No no no the best and strongest thing you did was walk away. children would rather see you happy and single then with someone who makes you miserable they see that & that stresses them as well you. You cannot be a good mom if you’re not happy yourself. my fav quote “life goes on” … he’s comfortable abusing you he doesn’t want a new routine and someone else new he has train to conform to his ways & to badger f that!!! show him your a strong female momma bear and do what YOU know you should do for your child! I wish you strength and great new beginnings with good health & positive growth on your journey!!!

Should of never went back. No-one can change a man.