I'm feeling out of depth with my 7 year old, help?

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I’m sorry sweetie she’s getting at that age

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a kick in the but will do it

Take the ipad off her to she learns some respect

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She wouldn’t be gettin no damn iPad after that,instead shed be sittin stupid for a week

Put her in a dammm Conner for 5 min .If she screams let she stay longer .When she stops you take a chair and have a conversation with her .When it happen again .take her iPad. And send her early to her room .you are the parent not she .dont scream at her just ignore her till she finish.If u don’t handle her now you will be in trouble when u go on the road with her .Or by 9 you will be the child and she the parent .start now before it is too late.


Oh honey. You need to be a parent. There need to be consequences for bad behaviour. Like some of the other people that have commented, I come from a generation where we got slaps and spanks; and even though that works, it isn’t necessary as there are other ways to discipline children.
Take control.
Stay focussed and consequent in your behaviour towards her.
Try to find a group and a councillor to help you first, in order to help her.
This isn’t the right forum to find help.
Too many different opinions (mine included).
Good luck with it all.


It’s the iPad they get obsessed. My grandson is 6 and is the same. We limit his time and it is so much better. He has to earn his time with good behavior and then my daughter puts a timer on it.


:woman_shrugging:t3: if I went and got the iPad, I’d be revoking the privilege of said ipad.

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I would take her ipad away for starters, for a few days. Make her stand in the corner for 10 mins, get her to do a chore or two. You need to be consistent with discipline and going through with punishments don’t give in. Let her know why its not okay to be demanding, rude and that she has no business to even be talking like that to you. Put your foot down.

You live near the woods/forest? Do like our parents told and tell her to go and pick out her own switch and bring it back to you.

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Guaranteed behavior modification, not to mention instant respect.

Amen Bethany D Purcell beth

Take that iPad away and then take other things from her.
You’re the parent not her.
I have custody of my 7yr old granddaughter.
When she gets sassy, demanding or rude she gets a spanking, put in the corner and no electronics (including tv).
If their not taught young they’ll end up running over you and disrespecting everyone else.

Take the iPad away. I know my middle daughter, if she’s on hers too much her attitude is awful! She rarely gets it now and is so much easier to deal with. She’s back to being her happy, respectful self. While electronics may make things easier in the moment, it makes it worse in reality.


If that happened with my kid they’d be grounded from the iPad.

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Step 1. Put down the electronics and watch how fast you get your daughter back.

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Take all of her extra things away. You’re allowing this behavior simply by having even a tiny bit of debate with her. You will only make things worse if you continue to handle things this way and allow her to handle things this way.

I would have whopped her ass

My son started doing similar things when he was a little younger. I finally had enough of the arguing, uncontrolled behavior, and complete disrespect. He was completely irrational and extremely emotional. For us, it was not bad parenting or any of the like. He was diagnosed with ODD, DMDD, and ADHD. Not sure if your daughter is relatable to unnecessary defiance, odd triggers, etc. but I finally brought him in and he is medicated and doing much better. Just a little thought, since all I’m seeing on here is everyone saying “better parenting, taking things away…etc” the thing is if she has any of those diagnoses, taking away her things and punishment will not make it better.


So before she even escalates you grab her iPad and take it away. You don’t get it back before you show some respect.

Get her iPad and keep it until she learns to behave!

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Time to take that ipad away n stop letting her do what she wants

I tell my 4 yr if she can’t behave , listen and be nice she has no tablet period .she wouldn’t be getting the tablet the first. Time she decided not to listen having a tablet is a privilege and I’m the boss not her it works for us . I’ve taken it for up to a month .

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Good old fashioned butt whoopin’ after you take the iPad…

Don’t argue. Say, “I have told you no, if you keep asking, you will go to your room.” Then follow up. Say what you mean, mean what you say.:sparkling_heart::+1::sparkling_heart:

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Take it off her until she behaves

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You need to start “parenting” before this gets out of hand. Your child should know what is acceptable behavior and what is crossing the line, and the consequences for both. Tough love, discipline, mutual respect, accountability, communication, teaching etc…it’s hard and exhausting at times, but the alternative could have terrible outcomes. Parenting is still a work in progress for every parent. Im sending you love & light and wishing you the best of luck!

She sounds just like my 4 year old. I let him have run with the iPad too much this month because my husband was sick with covid, and he sounded just like this every time I told him to put it away or if he wanted something to get it.
Time to take privileges away until she earns them back one by one. Doing chores, helping mom with errands, those type of things. I’m not sure how you approach her when she’s like this, and I know it’s impossible sometimes, but try to stay cool and collected. Showing her the attitude doesn’t phase you lowers it’s effectiveness to her. She’s testing you mama, make sure your walls are fortified.

At that point I would have thrown the damn iPad in the trash. And the smacked the shit out of her for talking to me like that. Thank god I never had an issue with my kids, all I ever had to do was give them the look and they learned that real fast. They also know if I say no don’t ask again bec no is no.
I feel for you. You have to find a way real fast to put her in her right place now or this will only get worse for you.
Rooting for you.

Here in Africa, our kids don’t act like that. Guess it’s because of the use of a rod. I’ll still use a rod on my kid. It isn’t old fashioned.

Tell her if u get it, u keep it for a week :woman_shrugging: And if she argues, u keep it for a week. Its a priviledge, not a right…especially at 7.
Explain to her when u are both calm, that isnt how u speak to people, and words can hurt.

For starters take her iPad away. Your child should under no circumstances talk to you like that and secondly maybe consider disiplining her ex timeouts 7 Mins. Until she learns she is not the boss and cannot talk to you like that you will have these issues

Does anyone else in your home talk to you that way? Maybe your mate?

I suggest you check into parenting with love and logic. It has been a God-send for us with our 4 kiddos

I wouldn’t have even let her have it after that!

Following bc the struggle with my 10yo is VERY real

I’d strip her room down to a bed and books only. Nothing electronic! It will stay that way until her little attitude changed up completely. If the bad behavior continued, I will take her to a shelter and donate all of her things to less fortunate kids. Seat some boundaries for her. Let her know who is in charge. Sounds like she needs a couple of months of punishment from anything fun should do it.

I grounded my kid for 4 weeks. I put it on the calendar. No electronics or tv. If she wants to act like an over privileged brat then she gets entertainment taken away. Every day that she is nice and not aggressive etc you give her 2 points. These 2 points add up to 10 points take 1 day off of her grounding time. It’ll seem like you’re compromising with her.

Make her eat a jalepeno🤷‍♀️

Do you see what she is watching/doing on the iPad?? Some terrible videos on kids YouTube! Little girls being naughty etc I blocked so many things on the kids YouTube! She might be copying!

Summer Jones I agree

I pad gone
for a week

My daughter was like that when she was younger and as a single parent I found it so hard to be consistent. I really struggled, so I went to Tough Love, not sure whether they still do this, but it taught me some great strategies.


I would have put the iPad on the floor and stomped it! Absolutely not going to treat me any way but good! We do to much for our kids to be treated like shit! If they treat the parents bad the general public doesn’t stand a chance respect isnt an option!


The worst thing to do is respond to that behaviour you will only feel abused and bruised by responding and getting into and argument of yes no
Just continue to ignore the verbals walk away outside anywhere away from the situation and at a later time when appropriately when a reasonably request is made politely say considering your behaviour of a while ago I’ll have to say no
Delayed consequences to to have better effect
You can bet she doesn’t speak to teachers etc as there will be consequences which if strong enough are effective
Tough love is an amazing source of support for coping with un sociable behaviours
Some times it takes a while for it to work as it’s taken 7years to get to this point so the turn around for behaviour could take a while


“No!” is a complete sentence. Do no elaborate. Ignore and go about your business. Do no engage. You are the parent.


Consequences…kids hate them but follow it through it’ll be difficult an they will want to kick off hoping u will give in-an if it keeps happening hit them with a double consequence lol u know what I mean, I have a 11 yr old that runs the mood of the house at her dads, she yells back, smart mouth, never does what she’s told an never ever picks up after herself so when she comes to my house an try’s that shit on me, I snap back real fast an tell her who the hell do u think you are, telling me what’s up round here! And I’ll give her a warning an say ‘don’t you ever talk to me like that again or your guna get it! :joy: sorry parents but I don’t let that shit fly 7 or 11 I’ll take her chrome book, cellphone all her devices an if she keeps carrying on she can while doing all the dishes 2 nights in a row lol…. She’s soooo defiant but noticeabley different when she’s at my house (she’ll still test me though) but I stay consistent in not letting her get away with it, Hope things workout it’s a headache sometimes…:heart:

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Just dealt with this with our 5 year old and the Facebook portal we had… I had enough and I unplugged it and hid it and its been the absolute best thing I could have ever done. He still gets to use a phone or my laptop on occasion when he’s been good or we have a long car ride, but overall unplugging was the best and most effective way to handle it.

Stop being scared of your child and discipline her! Teach her to respect you before you teach her that disrespect for you is ok!!

Give her chores to do - her own laundry, cleaning her room, taking out the trash, setting the table for dinner, loading or unloading the dishwasher - let her know straight up that you will not take orders from her. Oh - and take away the ipad for 24 hours.

my grand daughter does chores for net times… does the dishwasher … laundry…sets table and mows lawns…in return she gets pool time and her weekly barn time for her riding lesson horse…she does not do her chores she misses out… and she just turned 10

I remind my children that they are people just like me. I am thier mother, not thier slave!

Take away the :poop: she’s yelling about. Put her in her bedroom with nothing but a mattress.