I'm feeling out of depth with my 7 year old, help?

“You asked. I answered.” Works great for my 8 year old. Then, when my 2 and 4 year olds started with the demands, I started saying, “my hands are busy. You will get it faster if you do it yourself.”

Good luck. My 8 year old is a teen in disguise.

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Start by taking her electronics and being stern with her.


If that were my son, I wouldn’t have let him have the iPad after yelling at me. You may have to take privileges away bc of behavior like that. Our son LOVES videogames and YouTube. So that’s our go to when he’s being ornery. If it’s anything worse he gets grounded from said privileges until he can acknowledge his unruly behavior and apologize. Idk just a suggestion, it works out well for us. It does take some time to enforce and you gotta stay persistent too. But eventually she’ll get the idea fr.


My 7 year old was getting the attitude aswell…last week I finally had enough and I shouted that loud my whole street heard me…I marched her to her room and made her stay there for a whole hour…now everytime she tries to cheek me I tell her she will go in her room and she stops instantly xxx


There would
Be no iPad for the rest of the day… period.
I would have my child go to their room and think about their behaviour and they would stay there until they were ready to come out and apologize to me.
If the attitude
Continued the iPad would be gone for longer stretches and anything else she likes to play with.

My advice… be firm and Set boundaries. You are the parent… if you don’t get her attitude in check now, it will only get worse
As she gets older!
Good luck :purple_heart:


What is she on on the iPad? My 8 year old had to be reminded a lot after she watches some toxic shit on you tube. I now have a password so I can check what she puts on before. A lot of the time kids love a power struggle when they feel controlled, set boundaries, explain this intention to be understood, and make extra effort to spend time with her to create a better connection. Don’t allow disrespect and if you feel necessary take the iPad away as a consequence. Finding out why she feels she needs to speak to you like that is really the key to the deeper issue though :woman_shrugging:t2:


I am having the same issue with my 6 year old granddaughter. When she has that attitude she does not get whatever it was she wanted. When she is yelling or throwing a tantrum I send her outside to do it in private. She is starting to catch on to the fact that behavior will not be tolerated. I didn’t let my kids treat me that way and I will not let my grandbabies do it either. I love them too much to let them run wild. I have tried yelling, streaming, timeouts, and spanking but sending her out in the hot sun all alone takes away any power she thinks that attitude gets her. I hope you find what works for you. I will pray for you and your family.


I would have gotten the iPad and not let her have it. “I don’t like being talked to like that. I’m going to hold onto the iPad until we can be nice to each other”


Hi! Behavior therapist here !! The best thing to do when she’s yelling like this is ignore her don’t answer or anything just do not give her any time of day. When she has a calm voice you can say things like “ wow I love how your talking in a calm voice, you can get your iPad im busy” you can also gain more structional control by taking her iPad and having it only accessible to you so she has to come to you to get it . When she wants if she yells again or talks in a rude way to you you can say “ you can talk in a calm voice “ and only let her have it when she’s talking calmly and asks nicely if she doesn’t you just put it up and go about your way ignoring the yells . If you can keep in this routine overtime it should help a lot !


My son is 5 and has been doing the same thing. After he tells me to go get the iPad once and I say no he starts in with his attitude and I ignore it until he goes and grabs it. I also have a time out chair for him for when he gets mouthy or does something bad. Also sometimes toddlers have bad days as well so I always try to make sure he is doing okay by having talks with him


My son tells me his legs hurt so I need to do all the things for him. He’s 7. He can get bossy but he wouldn’t dare scream at me like that. Ignore her when she starts yelling. Do not give her any reaction. When she calms down then repeat what you said and leave it at that.


My daughter started doing that I took all electrics away no tv either unless I picked and it had to be educational at first it was hard she would wine scream cry then she eventually understood her behavior got better she is polite now

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I answer my children once. After that, they are arguing with themselves. Every now & then I’ll come down to their level & say “I already answered that question, I would appreciate it if you followed directions.” At that point he will see that in serious and do as he was told


If she was my daughter she would not have an iPad at ALL!!! I mean her voice started to change and be demanding and disrespectful why does she think she still allow to play with her iPad ??? :roll_eyes:

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Hang in there. I think it was at that age that I realized I was no longer going to be able to be my son’s friend, I had to be a parent and he would like me again when he had kids. It happened before that but it is hard going through this stage. Be strong be consistent and don’t argue. I feel like they are trying to wear you down, so you will do it just to shut them up. If you do it will continue. Good luck

I would have taken away the iPad right as she started carrying on . It will be hard but once she realizes she isn’t in control , things should change .

Taking away her iPad or toys she likes a lot is a start, but just be prepared for that tantrum. And also things she enjoys, my daughter is very little, so she doesn’t get her chocolate milk, only regular if she’s acting up. It’s the simple things. she’s old enough to understand her behavior and what you’re saying so sit down and explain to her why you’re doing these things and how she can get it back. Good luck mama

I told my 2 year old earlier who had emptied her craft paper across the floor to pick it up and put it back in the box. She said no. I said ok but if I have to do it then it’s going away. She picked it up :person_shrugging: Doesn’t always but then it goes away for a while.

Bring out the old fashion belt. Worked back in the day!


For that attitude, I would of got her IPad and removed it. If your daughter can’t speak to you in a respectful manner then she shouldn’t have it. Make your daughter earn the time for the things she likes such as iPads, TV etc - she’ll soon become board having nothing.


No more iPad, she’ll scream and yell but the more she does that, the longer she goes without her ipad. Arguing with your child will get you nowhere thats what they want. Shes only 7 mom, its time to lay down the law while she’s young.


First and foremost as weird as it may sound, get her tested for lyme disease and coinfections. My kid was an angel 5 months before her 4th birthday she contracted lyme and coinfections through a tick bite on her head. Our pediatrician led me to believe she didnt need anything bc there was no bullseye. Well now my once sweet child is a living nightmare as harsh as that sounds and it is all due do a piss poor doctor who didnt listen to my concerns


When you go back and forth arguing with children, it gives them power. She’s 7? No way that would fly here. The second she starts yelling or talking nasty the privilege of the tablet would no longer be an option.


Absolutely unacceptable unfortunately you can’t be their friend if your mom. Disrespect you need to put a stop to now. I would remove the ipad period. Find out where she is getting this attitude from and stop that as well.

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Take the Ipad. Tell her she can’t speak to you that way and can have it back when she wants to be respectful. And don’t give in.


I’d be talking to a dr about this…sounds like bi polar temperament to me. Best to get them checked out when they’re young. Don’t wait till they’re bigger and can over power you.


You’re the parent, she is the child. She doesn’t demand and order you around period. She wouldn’t have that iPad for days or longer with that attitude and behavior. It would be gone till her butt learns respect.

This is why kids need their a** beat🤷🏻‍♀️. I didn’t know what the word “no” meant, but I knew what respect was. I turned out just fine. The amount of disrespect I see in my generation and younger kills me.


Don’t be afraid to discipline her, give her a slap across the face. Parents these days are creating little monsters because they do not discipline their children. smdh

You fed her. Stop arguing. You think she talks to her teacher that way? Ignore that rudeness bc it doesnt work. Dont feed it with ANY attention. OR go get her I pad and lock it up.

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Why did you not tell her she will not get it at all today because of her attitude and then do not give in. Also everyday that you talk back and have a bad attitude your iPad will be taken away and also the TV and you can play in your room or outside.

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Don’t argue with her, just go take the iPad or whatever and let her know she is the child and you are the adult. Let her know that she will get it back when she apologizes and her manners return, and don’t give in too her it just makes it worst

Did she learn that behavior somewhere? Friend or relative’s house? Kids don’t just start talking like that out of no where. Whatever consequences you set, follow through and don’t give in, she will get worse and you will loose all control. Don’t worry about being her friend, she doesn’t need any more friends and she doesn’t need you as a friend until she is 30. I could careless if my kids hated me. I was doing my job if they did.

I’d be checking out what she is watching on said iPad. Nipping this behavior in the bud early on will save you in the long run, it’s only going to get worse as she gets older.

I believe that child needs some professional help, also she was being spoilt from early in her life.

Take it away from her and instead of an iPad get her a kids tablet instead they work just as good no need for her to have something expensive and boss you around your the parent teach her that she can’t talk to you like that if you don’t start doing it now she’ll walk all over you when she older

7 year change! where they are no longer babies and would think and feel that they are like their mom or dad. :innocent:Be calm but firm when you talk to her. Arguing with her won’t help or ignoring her won’t let her understand that she is disrespecting you. Tell her what you feel about what she is doing. Maybe it will be helpful if you take away gadgets and screen time so she will have more time playing so she can release and express what she feels. Observe how she play. Is she aggresive with her playmates or toys? listen to what she says during play. Maybe the child is exhausted because of staying indoors now a days and don’t have much activities to do. Maybe the child needs more listening ears and attention. Were you too busy? Do you talk like she does? Sometime they copy what we do and say and seems to them it is also right to do that to us.

Check your self, limit or no more screen time and gadgets, have time to speak with her (tucking her at bed time for me is the best time to have a heart to heart talk):grin:, be consistent and firm but still loving. Hope this helps.

Different things work with different kids and parents, each has their own strengths. I had to keep changing the strategy. I was a nurturer and tried to talk to my son. We would just go round and round ( and it would exhaust me).
I had to go old school and spank. That worked until he started getting aggressive.
I tried bribing/rewarding him. He got a quarter a day for a good day at daycare/school, but if he had a bad day he had to pay me. (That worked for a while)
Then start all over again.
One constant with how he spoke to me was " you better check yourself, I am not one of your friends and I won’t be talked to like that". Good luck and hope to hear from you on the other side.

Take it away! Don’t give it back until she learns how to act right. My previous comment got deleted because someone got butt hurt because I said to DEMAND respect. She said my boys fear me- quite the contrary. They don’t pay the bills, they know having a bad day does NOT excuse you from speaking to me in a respectful tone and most definitely- do not raise your voice or talk under your breath to me. Demanding respect does NOT mean they are scared of you. My boys tell me everything, but they also know I don’t take disrespect either. I can’t believe how many parents here think having a “star chart” or rewarding them for doing things they SHOULD BE DOING IN THE FIRST PLACE, or counting to five is a way of enforcing rules… sorry that doesn’t work. If you don’t teach her how to respect you now, she will grow up with that mindset and it’ll only get worse once she’s in the workplace. Not everyone is going to “just ignore” her disrespect.

Next time she says mom get it now just say to her no if you want it bad enough you will get up and get it. If she don’t get it then she didn’t want it bad enough

Mother don’t let one single disrespectful attitude from your kids slip out from you , handle it now before it get worst later.

Sounds like my 4 yrs old, if she doesn’t get it herself then it stays we’re it is, stand up to her!!

For starters she wouldn’t have been getting that iPad. It honestly sounds like she’s not getting any consequences for her actions. Sure you ignored her and didn’t give in but what consequences did she face for talking to you like that?

I would definitely get her a doctors appointment with her primary care. Something is going on. Good luck let us know.

My son tried wen he was little I took everything of him even his light bulb it was amazing the change in his behaviour

First make sure the rules are clear to her and what consequence she will have for breaking that rule. Sometimes writing the rules down and posting them somewhere in the house so it’s visible to her is also helpful. I know it’s easier said than done, but remaining calm and consistent is important.

Set some strict rules. Spoiling a child is not making us good parents as we are following their childish moods. Be a good parent and negotiate good behavoural guidelibes wirh her so she knows her boundaries.

I believe most parents are not consistent and the child will play with that…if you hold out they will learn the boundaries

You are the parent, take control of your child. Use tough love, take the iPad away and tell her she will not get it until she shows you respect and knows how to talk to Mum. Or spank her on the legs a few times to know you not going to tolerate her bad behavior

I would have gotten the iPad w charger and put it away. Slowly she could earn it back by getting the end plug first.

You’re the adult. Ignore her outburst. Let her know you’re in charge. You go girl.

I am old fashion a good tail whooping will work real good


My nearly 5 year old son is like this

She needs to see a therapist to see what is causing this behavior.

Ignore. Turn deaf and dumb. And if it gets too out of control… well a spank or slap should fix the brain

The i-pad would be mine, she would need to earn it back with good behavior.


Who runs that house?? Try running it yourself instead of letting your child run it for you.

OMG, take the flippin iPad away from her until she learns to respect you!

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Take the damn iPad away. She can try again tomorrow.


Start therapy now. Don’t become aggressive or violent with them. Reduce screen time.


Mine would talk to me like that once and would her his ass tore up.

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Never should’ve let her on the ipad acting like that.

My question is why she still has the iPad if she’s behaving like that :joy: id take everything including her bedroom door, js :woman_shrugging: she wants it back she can damn well earn it back.

She’s still young a spat on the bottom n set in her room

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Awe, a child Therpist would help

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You are the parent. Act like one.

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I’m old school, spank that behind. But that’s just me

I’m old school my kids got a swat on the butt

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Take iPad away till she behaves. She’s controlling you

Take her luxury items away! Tough love, mama :two_hearts:

Nope. I’d go grab it for sure. To only take it away.

Take away the internet. Boom :boom: normal child in 24-48 hours!

Sounds like a Dr Phil show . Call him

Is she going thru something and isn’t sure how to express herself so she lashes out?
Kids don’t KNOW how to cope… They need to be taught coping skills and of course manners…
I was 10 when I got my period. My mom told me I started the emotional part of puberty around 7/8 years old and I acted out of my usual character being mean and aggressive… The emotional part of puberty starts first.
Is there a friend or a group of friends that she is around that are permitted to act this way at their homes? Maybe she’s mimicking them? Picking up their bad habits?
Punishment for sure due to the level of disrespect but this could be deeper or it could just be exactly what it is… Be open minded and investigate… Good luck


Girllll, I’m basically in the same boat as far as the Sassing back and being blatantly down right rotten towards me. I’ve grounded her from electronics and have also made her stay in her room with little to no change being made so I’m following for advice also!! Sending what little patience I have left your way mama!

I have a 9 yr old and she gets testy too. Sometimes it’s play and I’ll answer, yes ma’am maybe next week Other times she’s been real sassy it it takes one second to tell her she’s grounded for one day. NO ELECTRONICS AT ALL!! If she gets pissy and dares to talk back she gets a warning of adding two more days. I don’t give in either. That girl has suffered 7 days but she made it. For you…your situation is going to get so much worse if you don’t nip it right now. I’ve even spanked her butt with my hand for mistreating my 3 yr old grandson. She’s a great kid but they can all get testy. Good luck. :hibiscus:

Every time she act like that was her mouth out with soap believe that will work because when I was a kid I used to talk back at father and that what he dad and after he started dating that I never back talk him again

I’m right there with you on a daily basis unfortunately ADD ODD and other medical concerns are what we are stuck with I’m stepdad and realized it’s not worth it pick your battles also get kid checked for other issues it took is some time but once you figure out more it’s easier to manage the outbursts

Tough love. If she wants these privileges, she has to earn them. And she needs to respect you. She will only keep walking all over you if you don’t quit enabling her behavior.

She shouldn’t have gotten the Ipad at all after that.
She obviously has no consequences for her actions.
Maybe you should start there.

If my 7 year old spoke like that to me, her Ipad would be in the bin.


Take away ipad. She is too young for that. Also limit sugar, some kids are hyperactive and sugar makes it worse

I know most parents don’t agree but my child definitely would have gotten as spanking :woman_shrugging:t4: she would have gotten her iPad taken away as well until she learns that she doesn’t talk to me that way.

Do not give it to her when. She speaks like that

It sounds like you need to set boundaries with your child. There has to be consequences for when she misbehaves. So in this case I would put the iPad up until she learns to speak correctly. You give out consequences (discipline) for negative behavior and reward the behavior you want to see. (Rewards can be as simple as praise) If you don’t do it now it’s only going to get worse. Consequences (discipline) need to be immediate. Don’t wait 5 hours and then decide now you want to do something about it. Also consistency is important. You can’t cave because she’s acting out. It’ll only make things harder. Limit time on devices. Example: I have 3 teenage boys. They can’t play on their devices Sunday thru Thursday except a few hours after chores and homework. Friday (after school) and Saturday they can have their devices for as long as they want provided they have no missing homework, grades are where they need to be, and their behavior was decent all week. Devices are not a necessity. She’ll live if you take it away. You’re not her best friend you’re her parent. It may be hard but you need to start acting like it. She’ll thank you later when she’s an adult. I promise.


What do you do as punishment when she speaks to you like that?


Yo iPad would be gone like c-ya later gone! Do not tolerate disrespect it only makes it worse, my kids know I am their best friend but if their mouth overloads their ass and they get disrespectful all bets are off mom goes straight petty and I get enjoyment from their misery :joy::joy::joy: manual labor and grounding you know make em Amish goes a long way. I have a 17&13 year old all I gotta do is give em the look, if it goes beyond a look I say my Jesus is fixing to leave fix it! But when my daughter is about to start shark week and she is bitchy I say “tuck your bitch bc mine will eat yours girly”

If my child spoke to me like that she wouldn’t have an iPad anymore. What an entitled little shit.

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Tf? That iPad would be in actual pieces. You’re clearly letting her run all over you and then rewarding her for it.

Ha e you tried bending her over your lap and spanking her butt?

Just whoop her butt a good one and take her i pad away … and if she throws a fit ground her few days and make her do some chores …. A bunch rude spoiled brats anymore….

Ah hell nah!!! I be like….”listen! 1. U don’t talk to me like that! And 2, if u want it that bad, u will go and get it ur damn self, I’m busy!! And u will hear about this from ur father!!

Okay so I might be the only mother in here that gives spankings but I would have whooped her butt. We don’t tolerate disrespect around here. I work my ass off to provide for my family, They will not speak to me disrespectfully

I would smash her iPad and throw it in the garbage lol. She’ll learn real quick. I don’t care if that’s wasting money… my child will NOT ever talk to me like that.

Omg feels! With miss 9 yr old :flushed:

The iPad should disappear

Take her iPad away. Until she learns to respect you, bye bye electronics

Ida gotta my ass beat if I did that. Just saying lol

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Your the best mom I know miss Jasmyn Brown

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Talk to her pediatrician and seek a good therapist

Get it and then throw it out the window

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