This Is Your Life. Get Out Of Unhealthy Marriage He Cheated On You. Good Luck In YOUR Future Marriage
Congratulations on your baby!!! Love is good, having children is good, pour yourself into those things and give other people space and time……praying for you!!
Please don’t invite anyone who is not happy for you and your bf. Have you gender reveal party. If you and your bf are happy thats all that matters. And congratulations on your new baby and your new Journey.
Congratulations and do you know what fuck them you do you and do you know what you deserve to be happy just like everyone else why should you guys suffer as of there opinions go live your lives and be happy it really will be there loss x
Cut those toxic people out of your life. Your real friends are those who are happy for you when you are happy. Family is not always blood, loyalty is family.
It sounds like you are happy and loved. Don’t get the naysayers get you down, just live your life and enjoy.
YOU DESERVE IT…BE as happy as humanly possible…it’s about u
If anyone doesn’t support your decisions, tell them to go to hell and that you don’t care what they think. You are an adult. Live your life. Be happy.
I stayed in an abusive marriage WAY longer than I should have because I was concerned with the opinions of others if I was to leave. It almost killed me, literally. After that close call night, I finally convinced myself it didn’t matter if I was the ONLY person on my side, I would never make decisions based on the worry of others opinions again. I finally left. I survived. I am better than ever, and eventually everyone around me saw that. YOU do what is best for YOU. If someone around you isn’t happy for you if you’re happy, are they really in your corner anyways?? There are so many good people on this planet who will be in your corner. Don’t lose sleep over those who chose not to be. It’s YOUR life. YOU live it sis.
Id tel them to grow tf up…your relationship isnt theirs so their opinion on how your doing yours shouldnt matter, if they cant be happy for you cit them off, no one needs that toxic crap in their life
Congratulations first!! And I think you should write a book lol I was hooked in I wanted to read more. The best way to show your family that this is love and you’re happy! Is by living it… you don’t owe anyone anything. Sometimes, people send bad vibes on purpose and without even knowing. Either way it’s not healthy for you. I might not be easy but you’ve already been down, so brush it off and keep yourself up. You did all this on your own! If you haven’t heard it yet, I know I don’t know you but I’m freaking proud of you!!! Live a good life now. Let me know if you write that book lol
Just because they’re family doesn’t mean you need to invite them. Don’t keep people around you that don’t support you during the good & positive times. I wouldn’t even invite them, your ex was shit and now it’s your time to enjoy all these moments & make good memories. Don’t let ANYONE take that away from you.
Take comfort in his family and move on with your life
U do what u need to do honey for yur self people will always judge no matter what u do good or badif they don’t want to be around then to hell with them is what I say Live yur life for u sweetie not for no one else God bless u
Do not let people dictate your happiness! If you both are happy, so be it! Cut off people who aren’t supportive and keep moving forward!
You have come a long way to even be bothered with people who dont have your back!
Blessings and hugs xx
Think of your self only be happy,live is to short!
Girl fuck them people they’re probably jealous you’re finally happy they didn’t except it
Be true to yourself. If they can’t be happy for you, then let them go and don’t expect anything from them.
Congratulations! I hope y’all have a long happy and healthy relationship! don’t let what others think or say stop you from being happy.
I have cut out many family members because of shit like this. Cut them out of ur life. U don’t need anyone in your life who aren’t happy for you. Who just bring you misery. So proud of u that u left a toxic relationship and started one in the right way and are happy. Congrats on the new baby
So happy for you !
Good luck
Congratulations on your baby.
I was with someone for 6 years luckily wasn’t married we had a baby and it was the most toxic, depressing, draining relationship ever it made me really ill. When my son was a year and a half old his sperms donor hit me I left the relationship and got with my current partner.
Me and my partner have known each other for 8 years but have been together 4 years and we now have two children together and my eldest child and were happy. Were not married were engaged but we got together in august of 2017 and had our daughter in December of 2018. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together or if your married or not along as you are both happy that’s what matters xxxx
I have learned that people who are not happy for you do not need to be part of your life. If you have found happiness and peace, enjoy it. Do not waste your time on negative people, even if they are family. Life is too short to be stressing over people who are miserable. Be happy and do what is best for you and your family.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm finally happy but my family isn't, should I care?
This sounds like a happily ever after to me I’m so glad after all that trauma and emotional abuse, you were able to find love (real love) in someone who was such a good friend. I think it’s important to realise that although you may not have been romantically intimate for as long as others, you have had a solid foundation of friendship, trust and love all along. I’m sorry that your friends and family have reacted poorly, perhaps you can talk to them and explain how it made you feel. Focus on yourself and your amazing family and be happy
Honestly, your relationship is between your partner and yourself. If you are happy, thats all thats important. Those that matter dont mind, and those that mind dont matter. Remember that
You’re happy, he’s happy. What does anyone else’s opinion matter. F em! Congratulations x
every couple is different some couples wait 3 years, some don’t,but this is the 21st century so while you support your cousin and his lifestyle, he should support you married or not! stress is no good for baby, dont let them win, let them carry on and you focus on your life and your pregnancy, congrats x
Those people are just jealous. It’s not like you got knocked up two months into dating
Don’t invite them to your gender reveal if they aren’t genuinely happy for you. Family and Friends aren’t meant to judge you. You live your life and be happy with that man. let them hate and be jealous and judgy by themselves.
Congratulations! Enjoy your and a loving partner and be happy! Let them be jealous miserable people if they want too
Bollocks to them all!! Enjoy your life now you’re happy xx
Sounds like your family are jealous. Ignore them & enjoy being happy.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm finally happy but my family isn't, should I care?
Sounds like you are happy. Be happy. You are not responsible for other peoples happiness. And you don’t need their approval. Sounds like you have found a good person for life. Live that life. Hopefully everyone will warm to the idea eventually and if they don’t still be happy with your life.
Sounds like you got some judgmental jealous family they’re holding things against you/y’all either something from the past or that they just don’t agree with. Here’s the thing, the only person that can live your life is you. If they can’t be positive or supportive then you don’t need them put a little distance between y’all and them and fill the gap with more supportive ppl either they will come around or they won’t but if you and your man are happy and your kids are happy then nothing and no one else matters
You have your OWN family with this man, you don’t OWE anything to anyone else family or not. If YOUR little family is happy and peace then nothing else matters. Sounds to me like your family and friends wanted you to stay in a very unhealthy marriage only because you share a child and marriage.
I think it is sad that your cousin and his friend cant be happy for you, it doesnt matter how long you have been together, or what order you do things in your relationship, that’s not for them to judge they should just share your happiness if you are both happy that’s what family/friends roles are, if they cant do that then that’s on them, it’s a real shame that all of you lose out because of some issue they have but it’s a them problem not a you problem. Surround yourself with a team that supports you and wishes you nothing but happiness, you cant lose with that kind of support in place!
Congratulations! We all deserve happiness. Celebrate with the people that celebrate you and let the others go on about their business. It hurts but you can’t make anyone be supportive. Good luck!
Girl, you over age. You live your life the way you want and don’t mind anyone else. If they don’t like it tell them to take a damn hike. It’s your turn to be happy!! Go be happy and live your life. You don’t need other peoples opinions. Good luck and congratulations!! I was married for 18 years and the last few years of that I was not happy at all so we divorced. I am now engaged to be married next December!! And the ex/my childrens father get along better now than when we were married. Nobody in my family approved of me leaving and finding love elsewhere. But I deserve to be happy too. I am very much happy right where I am. My fiance is very much so so good to me!! He’s a pain in the butt sometimes but he makes me so happy!! Live your life and don’t worry about anyone else!!
Omg no be happy!!! I ended up alone and single during pregnancy and I felt ashamed to be pregnant. Because of what other people thought. Don’t do that!! You deserve to be happy more than anything. This sounds like it was meant to be you just faded and came back to each other I love it. Be happy and if someone isn’t happy for you oh well. You have each other!!!
It doesn’t matter if they’re happy for your not the only thing that matters is that you got out of a bad relationship and you’re happy now other than that it’s none of their business if they truly loves you the way that they said they would they would support you especially since they seem to like the guy people have their own opinions and they always want to impose them on others do what makes you happy its the only thing that counts!
Are you happy??? Yes!!! Then BE HAPPY!!! It’s you and him that’s it. That’s all that matters. And if y’all are happy then roll with it and ignore the others… not many people get to find love. You did so embrace it
Who cares what everyone else thinks. Just stay focused on your relationship, your happiness & your new addition.
Maybe your cousin and her hubby’s relationship/marriage is not as blissful as you think. Maybe there is some jealousy because of baby on the way. Happy people don’t discourage another person’s happiness. Just leave them alone. Concentrate on your own happy life and stay focused on your well being. Congratulations by the way.
You genuinely sound happy mentally and emotionally. It’s your peace of mind and that’s all that matters. Enjoy your lovely pregnancy and may your beautiful relationship continue to blossom.
Im proud of you for dping what was best for you and making yourself happy and let them not be happy just dont worry about what they think there opinions doesnt really matter. Just continue to be happy. Congrats.
To shay to the haters be happy. I don’t know you and I am over the moon happy for you both. God bless don’t worry about the ones who are unhappy about your happiness in time you will learn to see jealousy is real . misery loves company.
Omg after all you have been through you Do NOT need anyone’s approval to be happy… just be happy and love your life they will come around eventually just live in your moment and finally have the happiness you deserve
Just be happy and don’t worry about everyone else. They will always have an opinion but they cannot walk in your shoes. Sometimes family is better from a distance.
Congratulations on being happy it’s your life not there’s as long as your happy that’s all that matters not everyone is meant to be in your next chapter and they are being revealed. Be happy and live your life good luck
If you guys are happy that’s all that matters. If others are not happy for you guys then just keep them away. Hopefully they will see one day that not everything has to be in the order thier relationship went. Every situation is different and love when u least expect it. Ya enjoy this blessing God had given ya and forget anyone that has negativity foe u guys. Congratulations and may God bless ya with so much happiness and many more years to come!!
Honestly, no matter what you do, it will never please everyone. Honestly you got divorced and took some time. You made clear level headed decisions. Do what makes you guys happy and don’t worry about anyone else. They aren’t going to worry about you if you are sitting alone and miserable because you tried to make them happy. Remind them that the same choices are not right for everybody and you tried doing things in the order they preferred before and it did not go so well. There’s a saying about those without sins casting stones. Remind them of the human factor, abs that everyone has a different idea of perfection. This is yours and you are happy.
Unfortunately… there is some family that you will have to walk away from, and be happy for yourself and YOUR little family!
Well congratulations! if you two are happy, and your children are happy that’s all that matters! Right? Your message was inspirational. You clearly know what is good and not good for you. Many many people do not leave a situation like that. I am very glad you moved on to bigger and better things. So happy you upped your career as well! That’s amazing.
Only invite the people that you think are going to be supportive. Even if it’s friends instead of family and your co workers that are supportive. Make this event the happiest time for both of your lives and your families! This is your guys day to be really happy. Dont let anyone ruin it.
Kick the toxic people. If you’re happy that’s what matters. If they want to stay in your life they can change their tune.
Girl you don’t have to please anyone but yourselves. You found happiness and from understanding you found love as well. Keep on doing what’s best for you your partner and most of all your children. The only people you need in your lives are the ones that are there during your struggles.
God bless your new journey in life
Be happy & enjoy your life period. Live your life FOR YOU - no one else. You aren’t going to please everyone & if people can’t be happy for you/support your decision, then they have no place in your circle - regardless if they’re family or not. YOU DON’T NEED THAT NOISE! Life is too damn short.
Your happiness has absolutely not one thing got to do with anyone else including family. If ur genuinely happy then fk them tbh. I’m not married and it’s not something I see myself wanting and I couldn’t give a st what anyone thinks of that. Enjoy ur life missy let everyone off and soon enough they will learn to except it.
Worry about you and him and your kids. If anyone else isn’t happy then it’s their loss. no family is more important then then one you make!
You’re happy, he’s happy and the most important family stood by you. You move on and if they want to be apart of it great if not then your life together goes on. Family ain’t always the best people and they can hurt you more than anyone. Stop giving them attention and see what happens. But in the end you’re happy. You and your family is #1. End that negativity immediately it is bad for your soul.
It’s weird of your cousin and her husband (your boyfriends best friend) to be acting so weird. But listen. Your parents are excited. His family is excited. YOU are excited. YOU are happy. They will either come around or they won’t. You do what makes you happy and try to block their negative energy out. My husband and I were together 8 months when we got pregnant with our daughter (planned). We weren’t married. But knew we would eventually and knew we wanted a baby together. Some people freaked at first but after shock wore off everyone was so happy. We got married when our daughter was 5 months old. 4 years later we had another baby. We’ve been together 7.5 years now, married 6 in November. Who cares what order it’s done in. Congratulations on your baby and on finding your happiness!
In my experience nobody in my family were never supported of my first time getting pregnant even though I was 29 and on my own. My mother even suggested abortion so that I won’t financially struggle and the times I was pregnant twice more, she continued to suggest that I should get an abortion. I understand the pain and hurt you feel from the ones you love. I would advise you to keep on being happy and just do you guys. In the long run they eventually come around. No matter how much their words or reactions hurt, just kill them with kindness!
those who can’t be happy for you and supportive can just not come around… been there, done that… my mom told me when I left my first husband that I was miserable with and not in love with “get over it & live with it & stay for your child” … nope, not gonna stay in a marriage for years and continue to be miserable & unhappy
Be happy and cut the negative ones out. Why do you care so much if what they think, line for said you are an adult and you both are happy. No one else should matter (of course besides the kids)
Congratulations! Don’t let negativity ruin your pregnancy. You follow your own timeline. I hate when people try to force their beliefs on other people. I’m glad you found happiness and don’t let them ruin it.
Don’t let people spoil your moments!! A new baby is about MOM, DAD and SIBLINGS. Everyone else who wants to be supportive is bonus. Speaking from experience, don’t ruin this for yourselves over other people.
If you want the party, do so for beautiful memories. We can’t control others opinions and thoughts. Go live your best life. Hopefully they come around and if not, so be it.
I have been with my husband for nearly 20 yrs only married for 8 yrs, we met when i was a only 18 my mum & sister said we would never last more than a few months they weren’t happy when he moved in with me & they even tried to split us up several times i ended up cutting them out our life’s, we got engaged after 1 yr together, i miscarried our 1st child & they found out 1 yr later & i got no support from them my mum died 1 yr after that & our 1st daughter was born & dies the same day she was born & still no support from my sister or my side of the family if it wasn’t for my husband’s family accepting me i propably wouldn’t be here, my point is family isn’t all it’s meant to be so the ones that are negative towards you & your new partner cut them out it’s their loss live your life & be happy with or without them have your gender reveal party & only invite the ones who are supporting you & your new relationship & pregnancy congratulations be happy & good on you for leaving an unhappy marriage & putting yourself through school for you all the best x
You do what makes you happy. You don’t have to live with them. When you are happy your kids know and feel it and leads to a better life for them
Sometimes people just can’t be happy for others. Sometimes it’s bc they struggled so long to find what they have, sometimes it’s bc they are brainwashed to believe in the old times where it takes a time table of specifics before you marry and have babies and sometimes it’s jealousy. My husband and I were together six months when he proposed, married at a year. We had a baby before we were married and are now together for our second year. Don’t let people tell you how to live your happiness just bc they can’t be content with their own
Girl you got this! Leave those haters behind, if they can’t be civil then forget them. Especially if they don’t know all of the damage that their own family member has done. Life is too short to be miserable and have other ppl tell you what to do. I’m so happy for you!
Your happiness cannot be held on the opinions of others. Please, live your life and be happy. Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter. They’ll get over it. If not, oh well, it’s seriously not their lives, and if they’re really that pressed about your decisions, then they can just not be in your lives after the child is born. simple as that.
Screw them! Life is too short! I went through 10 years of a physical/mentally abusive marriage. I found my soulmate and together we have 6 children.
Don’t waste another second on bad energy. You sound like a very sweet person. Tell them unless they are supportive, to kick rocks! They shouldn’t be so judgmental especially since you already went through hell. Enjoy your life and baby!
Hun your x husband cheated on you the entire time your friends should be happy you found love again with someone who treats you right if not you need new friends now family needs to see from your point of view who cares if your not married its not the olden days anymore you deserve to be happy n in love
Don’t let those petty, vindictive, jealous, buggers, get to you. You do you and live your best life. I can’t believe they wanted you to stay in a loveless marriage just for how it looked. Forget them, be happy!
Don’t worry about what other people think. It’s your life and you know how you feel in your heart.
Take solace in knowing you’ve found your forever someone and ride off into the sunset boo, put those babies first and forget the rest.
No do not allow your family to tear apart your relationship!
The saying you can choose your friends and not your family resonates here in your story. Be happy. You may be hurt by their actions but it’s their loss.
I would use this party as the camel. How they act, if they even show up, will tell them what kind of friends you really have. Cut out the rot, replant new relationships. This sounds cold, but everyone is replaceable except your husband and kids. It’s not the same as the family you are used to, but do what is best for you and your family. At the end of the day, they are who you go home to, not your extended family.
It’s your relationship nobody else’s my husbands family doesn’t support our marriage whatsoever but we have each other and we both realize it we are both very healthy for each other and have a great relationship just keep loving each other
If both you and your partner are happy is all that matters. If you are not asking them for anything, your life is none of their business. Enjoy your family you are creating
In life you are not here to MAKE OTHERS HAPPY. As long as you and your man are going good DO NOT LET ANYONE rude it for you both. Screw what others gonna say. Nowadays not everyone does it “by the book”
I would clearly state on the invite “if you are not happy for us, please do us a favor and stay home” to the shitty ones. Or don’t invite them at all
You cannot put a timeline on love. You knew each other previous to getting married to your first husband. There is absolutely nothing wrong with falling in love and moving on with your life. Period.
Let them be salty about it. That doesn’t effect you unless you let it.
Might as well as the mailman & the Amazon delivery guy how they feel about your relationship Since you’re wondering about everyones opinion. If he’s a good gut you’re happy and such forget then
Other people’s opinions of your relationship are none of your business. They can shit in their hands and clap.
This may sound harsh but are those unhappy people 1-paying your bills?
2-sleeping with you?
Then it don’t matter what they think.
I know it’s hard when family don’t support you or seemto care, and there’s not much you can do to change that. But what you can do is (and trust me I know it’s hard) but try not to care, if your happenss don’t matter to them then why care what they think. It’s your life and family they can except that or get lost.
You deserve your happiness! Dont let anyone take that away or ruin that for you!! If they aren’t happy for you then forget them. Have your gender reveal & enjoy your life! Congratulations!!!
Have ur party and only invite those who support you. Continue to be in a healthy relationship and happy and forget the rest. This is yalls life. Best of luck to you.
Just be happy… that’s all the advice you need. If other people aren’t happy for you it’s their loss . Good luck to you both
You’re happy your finally in a better place don’t worry about the other family members enjoy every moment
Do what makes you happy. No one else matter but you and yours. Love that man and let him love you. Congrats on the baby
Congratulations! Haters gonna talk, you guys don’t need negativity like that in your life. Your family is you guys and kids not everyone ese.
All you can do is take care of yourself and your kids. They’re adults and they should know what they need to do.
Live your own life and be happy for yourself!
All that matters is you have your healthy relationship and a happy family.
Do you girl! Congratulations to your happiness, love and new baby! Don’t worry about anyone but you and your man!