Girl f&@k them!! I literally never post on here but if you have a man that treats you good and loves your child then it doesn’t matter what anyone else feels!!
Be happy sis life to short to worry about people who don’t pay your bills or feed you
Stop caring what people think and soak in your happiness. Don’t let them take that from you
Give no f**ks! Live your best life. Good life to you!
Happy is happy…tell them all…go suck lemons. If you and yours are happy that is what matters
To hell with the haters… do what makes you happy
It’s your life. Not anyone else’s. Do what is best for you.
Fuck them!!! Stop inviting them to places. If they cannot be supportive and happy when you both are happy. THEY ARE NOT ON YOUR TEAM OR SIDE. For either one of you. And your children and you two, do not deserve to have half-assed negative people in your life <3
Deal with that pain and heal from it…but you dont OWE anyone ANYTHING.
This is wonderful for YOU and your boyfriend… anyone who isnt supportive, doesnt matter. They’re opinions dont matter. If YOU are happy and HE is happy… just focus on that. Engage with those who share in your joy.
Forget the money invested in the gender reveal. It’s gone whether you do the reveal or not. And if doing the reveal doesnt bring you joy…DONT DO IT. Dont do it for them.
Your baby. Your party (or not). Your life. Your choices.
You dont owe anyone a thing.
Ignore them, if your happy do you and stuff anyone who wants to be toxic
She found love - that’s awesome!
You’re just going to have to move forward without their support. Best wishes
It doesn’t matter who likes your relationship… if you and your boyfriend are happy, and your daughter is happy, that is all that matters. Tell your unsupportive family and friends to kindly f*** off.
Makes me wonder if they know something you don’t…
It’s all about the 3 F’s, those people opinions do not matter
Who cares what others think if you 2 are happy it’s your business only
Fuck them all and live your life! If you & your children are happy then listen to nobody that isn’t happy for you! Life is far too short to be worried about other peoples opinions so enjoy your gender reveal and invite the people who are happy for you! Positive vibes only
Kick them out of your life i have no contact with my brother in law and his psycho wife. They haven’t even met their nephew who is 18 months, and if I have it my way… they never will. Weren’t supportive of my husbands relationship with me, or how soon we had kids. Fine, I love burning bridges
Be happy & drop the people who aren’t happy for you, family or not. Fuck the haters, do you
Honestly I know that’s your family but anyone who isn’t supportive of you is toxic for you. I married my husband 6 months in and it’s been almost two years that we’ve been together. It doesn’t matter weather you’re married tho if you’re happy and he’s happy then the other shit is NONE of their buisness. Period. You guys have been friends for years and honestly that’s probably the best relationship you can have because not only is this man your partner but your best friend and in my opinion that’s how it should be. Sometimes when you know you love someone you just know and nobody I mean nobody including family has a right to ever bring you down for it.
Does their approval actually effect your relationship, pregnancy and how you raise your children? If the answer is no, and that you are happy it literally doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Do you, live in your happiness unbothered. They will either come around or not. If not, I’d cut them off. Family or not, you’re an adult so they need to respect you. Period.
Girl, you were smart to get educated and get out. If no one is happy for you, I can tell you that I’m.over the moon happy for you!!! I just beat cancer and hear me out… Go live and be happy!!!
As long as you are happy, your family’s opinion doesn’t matter. Congrats on the new baby
Just be happy with him and your kids. Your parents are happy. Just don’t worry, there’s always someone trying to piss on your parade
If you’re happy no one else’s opinion matters.
Just do u , screw them
You seen the poison that WAS your life, YOU fixed it YOU made yourself better! If YOU are happy, fuck the others.
Don’t live to please others, live to please yourself!
Congrats on the little one coming!
Fuck them. Be happy.
Forget them, live your life, do what makes YOU happy!! Happy for you!!!
Ignore the hate! Cut them off.
You can’t make everyone happy. Do what makes you happy. Congratulations on you’re baby girl!!! I’m glad you finally found someone you’re in love with!!
Btw you should write.
Be happy hell u deserved to be happy!! U have a man that loves you n yall having a baby!! Girl forget whomever is not happy for yall n shine on!!! Embrace ur happiness!!
Do what makes you and your little family happy
SIS WHAT?! CONGRATULATIONS! I am sooo fucking proud of you and so over the moon HAPPY for you!!! what an AMZING life story and you’re still SO YOUNG! Fuck the opinions and dirty looks! To me it sounds like the universe is blessing tf out of you and your family & the toxic energies that are coming out are just more things that need to be excluded from your new happy reality! Enjoy your joy! You deserve it babe!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm finally happy but my family isn't, should I care?
Giirrl!! Listen to yourself!! You finally found happiness! I’m assuming everything you used to lay in bed and cry for. Do not let other people pull you back down!! You deserve this!! I’m so happy for you! I myself after a 7 year horrible toxic marrige found love again. I moved in with him after only 3 months! If course we have had our bumps. He is now my 2 children’s only father figure. He loved them and took them in without a second thought! 2 and a half years later we are engaged and we will be bringing our baby boy into this world in Jan. I am so proud of you for all you have overcome. It wasn’t easy and you deserve to move forward happy and in love!
Awesome and congrats !! You finally get to be and feel happy fuck those who are not supportive !!
1st off… Congratulations on your RN education and determination to make life better. 2nd… stop doing anything else to please others idea of what he/she/they want. 3. Put the STOP sign in place. This is your life not anyone else’s. If they ain’t with you and want to make side comments; kick them to the curb and let it GO. You have your own family now and letting this next baby be a grand suprise is marking Your turf. The $$ spent for a reveal party == dont ya think you have a well deserved little getaway relaxation trip due you and your man?? Just some things to think about… God bless you and good luck.
The only advice I can give you is… "To HELL with ANYONE who cannot share in your happiness. " Life is too short for that. Be happy Mama Its not your responsibility nor is it your right to try to please everyone. Your only responsibility is to take care of you and yours. If you’re happy… Then you’re doing everything right.
Many prayers for wonderful days ahead Congratulations from non family but thats happy for you anyway!!
I dated an amazing man for 4 years, after 3 years we were engaged, shortly after our 4 year anniversary, I left him… he didn’t do anything…which was kinda the thing…he wasn’t my type, but because my family was all supportive of finally being with a nice guy, and they loved him…I stayed…when I left, no one supported it…wasn’t long and I ended up with someone else, and it was a fast transition…but I was never truly inlove with this man, so I had no healing to do before moving on…but I’m now married to the man I always wanted to be with… and I ignored the non supporters…who most are now supporters. You can’t listen to others who think they know what you need…you know what you need and want…you found it, your happy… invite them and include them out of hope, but not if they are going to be disrespectful, than you need to just distance from them…life’s to short… enjoy what you got hun!
Are they not supportive because they feel it is too soon? Have you had a heart to heart with just your cousin to see where there mind set is. I understand it is your life but it hurts you that they are making little comments. And, you def don’t want tension or obnoxious vibes everytime you see them. Maybe they don’t know that you guys were forming a relationship already that they don’t know about. They prolly think ya hardly know each other, seen each other and are scared that this is a rebound that is going to cause a whole lot of chain reactions. You don’t have to appease them or give them every single detail but maybe them just knowing that you guys have formed a friendship already for many years already and that this is not a spur of the moment thing, will help them to back down. Or they just need to know to back down bc you want this relationship to work and need the support of your loved ones to surround you.
It’s your Life not theirs!
You have a Long History with him so it’s not a snap decision
You are happy, the parents are happy that’s really all that matters
Live your life and let them live theirs
Congratulations for Graduating and for your new arrival!
The only advice I could give you is that the only thing that matters is your happiness and happiness of your children and partner it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks at all as long as you’re happy that’s what’s important
F em if I had listened to my family and friends I wouldn’t be with my soul mate. We met and not even 3mo after dating my BC failed resulting in our daughter. We have been together now almost years and the way we are with each other its like we have know each other our whole lives
Girl you do you!! Make yourself happy that’s all that matters!!! theya rent living your life you are!! Go for it!! Congrats on getting your degree!!
Girl you’ve got one life. Make sure you and your children are happy and don’t care if it makes other people happy. It’s not your job to make them happy.
Congrats on the baby and on finding a good guy! Be happy and don’t worry about other people!
It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about your relationship. Go back and read your words. You found happiness and you deserve it. Embrace it and embrace those who show you love and support. Blood does not make family. Love and support go a long way. Put you, your family and your happiness first because I assure you that they never will.
I say congratulations and who cares what they think as long as you’re happy
Who cares if that part of ur family is happy! As long as u two are happy thats all that matters and u have parents support. Thats all u need. If ur spending money on a gender reveal then only invite the people who support u girl. Don’t waste ur time/money and effort on people who scoff at ur happiness. In times where good things happen to us u will find out who ur true friends and family are. Haters hate to see u do good so don’t stress over them. If that man is good to u and ur kids then be happy! Remember if u allow the haters to get to u then u are allowing them to control u. U are in control of ur life and ur happiness and only u can allow that to be taken away! Congratulations and I hope u have nothing but happiness and success from now on!
Celebrate your day with your boyfriend. Don’t invite people who don’t even want to be there. They will just try and ruin your day anyways
Dont spend the money on a reveal, you will be upset because no one will show a different attitude. Celebrate with the ones that are happy for you. Hopefully the rest will come around eventually. Most likely since not everyone knew all that was bad with your first marriage they feel everything happened way fast and out of the blue. By the way congrats on everything
If your happy that’s all that matters. If they loved you they would be happy for you no matter what.
Your timeline is your time line. They can be happy for you or get out of your life. It’s really that simple. You’ve been through so much to get to this place. Don’t let anyone take it away from you now!
Do what makes you happy not what others want for you. It’s your life you’re in control. If you are happy with him then just be that happy. If family not supportive then don’t include that family in to your or your children’s life. Good luck
You found your happiness. For the other people that aren’t supportive arm not happy about your decision cut ties with them… You dont need that in your life. The smaller the circle the better it is.
You’re happy. He’s happy. His family is happy. Your family is happy. There are 2 people who aren’t (maybe jealous). You cannot please everyone and should not. There are only 2 people in a relationship and that’s who should be happy. The rest do not matter. Congratulations for finally being happy and for the new addition to your family! Celebrate. Do your thing and don’t worry about what they think. It’s not their life. Tell them to write those opinions on paper and stick it up their butt where it belongs.
Congratulations on your baby!! Stuff what everyone else thinks as long as you are happy then don’t worry what people have to say, some people are just never happy!!
Nope… you shouldn’t care. That’s easier said than done I understand. But the older we get…the more we will come to realize that people with negative opinions about our life…really aren’t that important to our lives when u get down to it. What’s important is the love and happiness you’ve found, the lessons you’ve learned, and the people who truly care and show it. If someone can’t be happy for you… when you are so obviously happy now… do your best to minimize their role in your life. It’s not easy… and it hurts…but I promise you it’s worth it. We hear it alot… so much that alot of times it sounds cliche and loses its meaning, but life truly is way too short to not spend it being happy. Start phasing out the negative people and just enjoy your life. And at the end of the day… to the haters…screw em do you!
As long as you are happy, i wouldn’t worry about what other people think. Time for you to put yourself first.
I’m so happy for you that you found love after heartbreak. May you two have the most beautiful life together
It’s simple you two are happy and about to start this new adventure together, Why be upset about people that couldn’t give two craps about you and the life you have created together Some friends . Dont invite them and dont involve them, they will know doubt bitch about it and if they do then have it out with them then then tell everyone to do one. All the best
Don’t let them take your joy away! Enjoy what you have!
I honestly wd not care what or who thi is as long as yal are happy life is to short to just be un happy all the time
I married my husband three months after meeting him! We’re as happy as ever
First off, congratulations, as crazy as this sounds, a lot of family members get upset , nervous and mad when one finds happiness. I have a cousin that loved when my life was an out of control nightmare. It made him feel better about his lack of life then when I got my act together and settled down and had kids he tried his best to destroy that by spreading lies and rumors about me in order to feel better. It failed and I cut them all out of my life. Hurt like hell but family isn’t family when they are toxic. You keep being happy and living… They are the ones losing out
Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind!
You are happy & that is all that matters.
If no one else is happy for you guys, then stay away from them.
When the baby is born, send those people a little card & say everything & leave it be.
Enjoy your new life & do mot worry what others are thinking or saying
When we find the right person that makes us happy nobody else should be making the decision on how we proceed with that person! You did what was best for you. You left, went to school and graduated all things to be proud of. You deserve to be happy don’t let anyone else take that away!
Do they pay your bills? Do they put food in your mouth? Do you sleep with them? If not to hell with them. They have no business bothering your happiness. Why do you need their approval?
Yous made it work for yous so carry on with just that . F@#k everyone else . Yous both deserve this . Clearly it’s something that has been coming for a very long time with or without anyone else’s approval congratulations on meeting your prince charming and congratulations on your baba in comparison to who? U are moving in your pace,your time , your order screw others expectations . Xx
Ohhhh jealousy’s ohhhh F&&k them haters. Don’t invite them
Very easy solution for you unfriend everyone and live your own happy life.
Congratulations on your baby:confetti_ball:
The only people’s feelings about your relationship that matter are the two in the relationship! Obviously his “best friend” isn’t a true friend at all! As for your cousin, is she jealous?? This is bizarre to me! She’s a judgmental C U Next Tuesday and definitely not a loving family member! Congratulations on your baby and true happiness! You both deserve it! Celebrate your blessings with those who love and support you unconditionally and just stop including anyone else who doesn’t. It is truly their loss! I believe everything happens for a reason. You two weren’t ready for one another when you first met. Plus you were meant to have your beautiful child in your previous marriage. If that is all you got from it, it was a success in my eyes! You got exactly what you were supposed to out of that situation. The good bad and the ugly!
You deserve happiness forget everything and everyone else be happy
Only invite the supportive people to the party you don’t need the stress and drama from the others
You do not owe your family a thing. You are happy and they should be happy for you. If they aren’t then it is their loss not yours. I was almost killed by my ex. My children and I went through counseling and got through the bad times.
My mother was not good she said I had to make the marriage work. I told here shut up and mind her own business. It was my life and I did what was right and safe for my babies and I. I have never regretted it. Stay strong and tell them to mind their own business. Otherwise you make the decisions in your life. You have my support even though we do not know each.
It really doesn’t matter what people think. They’ll come around. As long as you’re both happy, healthy and stable, that is what counts. Congratulations and best of luck
Re-read the first three words you wrote, “I’m finally happy”. Your family should respect that. It’s so hard to find true happiness and when you do, you should hold on to it.
If you’re happy be happy. Don’t let other people try and live your life for you. People will tell others to do things that they wouldn’t do themselves. Hatin people ain’t happy and happy people ain’t hatin. Congratulations on your new found love and baby.
Don’t worry about what they think. Maybe you need to put a little distance between you. It’s your life.Your happiness and your man’s happiness is what matters. Live your life and be happy. Congratulations!
As long as you’re healthy and happy then life is good. Those who are not supportive,let them be,you don’t eat at their houses.
Hey don’t worry about what they have to say. I met my boyfriend online, talked for few months. After finally meeting and officially dating things moved VERY fast. Moved in together right away and my family wasn’t all about it. Here we are happy as can be going on 6 years with two kids.
I honestly wouldn’t give a shit about them, it’s not their life that your living, it’s yours, if this is the healthiest and happiest you’ve been and they are negative about it I’d be be staying away from them and stick to your happy love bubble
With your new partner.
I’m so happy for you! Sounds like you’ve been through hell and finally found the love and happiness you deserve. Forget the haters - if they can’t be supportive and accepting of your relationship, say goodbye and live your best lives xx
Stay happy and moving forward. Your family doesn’t live your life. Congratulations
If you’re happy and he’s happy that is LITERALLY ALL that matters… who cares what anyone else has to say about YOUR relationship… it doesn’t apply to them… it’s about you guys and your new baby…
If that family can’t be happy for you then they’re not really family. And why do you care? Pffff wave them ‘bye-bye’ and live the life you deserve. Don’t waste the energy pleasing jealous, closed minded assholes!!!It’s a no brainer!!!
First of all you’re happy and so is he… they dont have to sleep with him… you do… you didnt need their approval to have a new baby on the way. So why are you seeking anything from your family. You and your long time friend just missed the boat long time ago. And found each other thats fantastic. Maybe liked the jackass you were with and you stood up for yourself and made a bad unhappy marriage go away. And you were given this second chance to re-find the man maybe you should had married in the very beginning… dont let your family bring you down or make You feel ashamed… theyll get over it.
Women use to have prearranged marriages too a million years ago. This is year 2021 their ideas of whats right or wrong holds no bearing anymore. Divorces happen cuz women have broke those bullshit bonds of martial property based on staying together for the childrens sake many years and years ago. Its easy for them to judge you for everything maybe its because they were controlled by their up brings and stayed in a loveless marriage. Or an abusive one. Who knows but thats their problem not yours. Eventually down the road theyll come around. And if they’re acting like this now later as they accept your family id shame the hell out of them. But for now rejoice in your new re-found love and you child here and the one on the way. This is your family and youre the key people that are happy. Dont let them interfere with this. But buy all the things for the new baby and dont suggest baby showers either. Its better than getting things that you wouldnt use or maybe nothing at all from your family members. And youre a big girl and you must stand your ground and realize you do not need your families approval. If they think youre making mistakes so be it. Youll live and survive those too youve been here before. And survived it all. So why are these opinions by your family bothering you so badly?. Or the new man in your lifes family?, why do you seek acceptance and permission and approval from them?? Any of them??? Youre the one who has to live your life they dont pay your bills and support you in any other fashion do they? So why is this a problem. Sure it maybe nice. But nice dont give you the happiness you have in your life now…
If you write a book I would read it…& I hate reading books! Lol. Your life took a turn for the better and I’m so happy for you! You don’t need The people who aren’t in your corner. I’m glad you have your parents and his family and I’m sure your little girl is so excited to be a sister!
that’s really shitty that you don’t have support and i’m sorry! if you’re stable and happy,that’s all you can ask for and then your relationships gotta go with the people that aren’t supportive! congrats!