I'm just wondering what people think

I've already spoke to the school and they are going to sort it today and ring me

Before the 6 week holidays my son started getting bullied. To the point they even stole from our garden. We got cameras and soons they realised the had been recorded and my OH saw them actually do it on the way home and he got the stuff back they stopped. Then after keep being told off and took out of class eventually it stopped. So I was finally calm and my son wasn’t as worried no more. I still message his teacher daily to make sure he is ok. Now yesterday he came out of school and said bully and his friends were in the toilets laughing at him and the bully kept feeling his bum while he was weeing and he’d pumped while weeing as most boys do and he continued feeling his bum and smacking it and them all laughing. Soons my son was finished he ran out of there. He is a very quite boy when in those situations and was scared to say anything in case they hurt him so ran out and didn’t tell anyone because he was scared and embarrassed. So soons he came out of school and told me I was straight on the phone which they said they going to sort it today and ring me. Now in my eyes and his Step father’s eyes and family members I’ve told have all said that’s pretty much sexual assault/harassment. Now if the school doesn’t do much about it what does people think I should do? I mean I don’t understand why a child would do that or want to do that it’s just wrong. My son feels so uncomfortable and upset I really hope the school sports it properly but if they don’t what do I do?
(Please no nasty comments as I’m trying my best everyday to make sure he is happy and safe)


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm just wondering what people think

I would be going mental , kids or not call the police


Get the police involved


I’d tell the school either help fix this now or you demand every parent name to those kids and you’ll make a police report, and I’d also bring this up higher in the school district as well especially bring an ongoing thing.


Report it to police


File police report. It’s sexual assault


I’d find their parents, and ask them if they’re aware of what their douchebag kids are doing…if they show no interest I’d get the law involved. Dont…touch…my…kids…

And thats me being nice about it.


I would speak to the police and see what they say.
He put his hands on your son without his permission. If it was a girl this had happened to they’d be shouting from the roof tops. Doesnt matter what gender they are it is not right. This is not ok and you are right to feel the way you do.
Good luck and I hope your son is doing ok x


That’s definitely sexual assault/harrassment and I’d be getting the police involved


Go to the police if the school doesn’t do anything

What are the ages of these children " just curious " is this a preschool or ECT,?" Either way it needs to be handled , Idk if you have a superintendent of schools where you are if you do contact them of nothing is done

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I would definitely file the police report. That is sickening. Something is seriously wrong with that kid. I would have to beat the sh** out of the mother. But that’s just me.


Report it to your schools governors and the police …

Honey forget the school. Go to the police. Those boys need to be held accountable. The school will say they have a zero bully policy but they do not. I am so sorry this has happened to your child. Children will continue to bully because the schools pull all of the kids in a room together and make them do conflict resolution…it does not work it only makes it worse.


I’d go up there and then hotline the school

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Definitely call the police. That is sexual assault. Those boys are aiming at becoming registered sex offenders at a young age.

Yes that sounds like sexual harassment. Time to call the police. This is not ok. I would be furious. No one has a right to put their hands on anyone, especially their privates and bottoms.

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Prosecuting attorney! File a police report and pursue it and don’t stop until they do something!

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Report it to the police… that is sexual harassment!!

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Make a police report


Definitely police, sorry you’re all going through this :weary::broken_heart:


Call the police and file a report! Prayers for your kiddo and you momma!!

No I’d Def get the law involved hun.
As well as superintendent

This IS sexual assault, treat it as such. Involve the police.

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Anything I would mention, would be illegal , I hate bullies!

It’s sexual harassment, definitely call police

That is sexual assault. If the school doesn’t do anything, go to the police and press charges. Those kids might not stop at just touching his bum next time.

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Man… shit. I dunno how you people don’t teach your kids to defend themselves.

Absolutely unacceptable you need to file a police report and make sure that you involve the school completely, have your child completely separated from those kids. who knows what’s going on with the “bully family” or whatever something’s happening to that child that’s making him lash out on your child. Please before you do anything out of anger take in some consideration that there is also another child involved in the situation and he may also be a victim.

Press sexual assault charge no matter what the school does.


He’s going to the bathroom and kids are touching him. Mhm. No ma’am. I’d be at the school with the police getting every single one of these kids names and their parents names. And I’d be filing restraining orders and pressing charges for sexual assault, harassment and whatever else I could!


Oh I would be in that school asap cause that not right at all . I would also call the police or go to the station and file a report . That’s a form of abuse .


Hugs mama. File assault charges now.
Send one email to the teacher, vp, principal, & each school board member advising them of happened and a copy of the police report.

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Do tort claim against the school for your son.

PLEASE get your local law enforcement involved. That is most definitely sexual assault!!. Not sure of where you live but schools are known to let stuff like this disappear. Protect your child


File a police report asap that’s sexual assault

That’s a huge red flag. Someone is treating this boy like that at home.
Secondly, not to scare you or if you’ve seen it but this reminds me 13 Reasons Why. Which is also hugely alarming.
This is beyond bullying.


Call the police regardless of what the school does or says


100% would be contacting the police. Your son was sexually assulted ans I wouldn’t trust the school to be doing much about that. It needs to be taken to the proper authorities. I am so very sorry your son had to endure that.

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File a police report.

If that was my son I’d be there before anyone could blink and they’d know for damn sure!! If nothings done I’d go to the police and also the education board!! Thats your baby!! Protect him!! I’d want to be informed of this happening and i would see red if I wasn’t!! All the best! Hope he’s okay! X

Call the police schools are hopeless


Police for sure. They will definitely sort it out in case the school (which they won’t they like to sweep) won’t do it.

Call the police, thats sexual harassment

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I would do more than call the school , contact the police and the school board obviously the school isnt handling this boy/boys properly


School is doing nothing it seems, report it to law enforcement.

There are still bullies because the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Go after them for all the law will allow you. Yes they are kids but if their parents had done their jobs they wouldn’t be behaving like this. Small bullies who don’t get taught their lesson grow into bigger bullies.

It’s only when these mean kids and mean parents realize us other parents and kids will not tolerate even the slightest without backlash that this will even remotely get close to being solved.


Get the police involved and get a clear message sent to all


If they shrug it off. Call the police. Call a lawyer. If you have to, contact local news stations and let them know.


Call the police and file a report immediately


That’s assault. You need to just call the police and don’t let it go.


He sexually assaulted your son. Call the cops.


Go beyond the school. Report it to the police because that’s sexual assault. Then they have no other choice but take it seriously.


File a police report and push for the harshest punishment available


I would file a police report! That is 100% sexual harrassment!


Schools rarely do the right thing. You need to ring the police and have these boys prosecuted to the full extent of the law. That is the only way to stop them, and even that might not do the trick. They sound sick to me. First your son, then next maybe a girl and they do a bit more. Horrible. I can only imagine how their parents are. Learned behavior there. Good luck, momma. I’d be whooping ass!

Not acceptable. However, you need to teach your son to use his voice.

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If the school won’t do anything call the police. Continue to fight for him. Do not let this go. Take it all the way to the end and make sure those other boys get reprimanded for what they did. Only than you can stop. Because this is not fucking ok. Quick story… I’m from Toronto. Two years ago at a school called st. Michaels… a group of boys cornered another boy in the bathroom and did the same thing you’re describing… except this time they used a broom and sodomized him and left him bloody and bruised in the bathroom.
You can’t predict how far some of these kids take things.

He has sexually assaulted your son and you need to take this further… he will grow up thinking its fine and will do worse!!


I would definitely say press charges even if the school does something; a bully does not care about the school and speaking from experience you might need the proof that you reported it to law enforcement.

FIle a police report. That is SEXUAL harassment.

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Police. Regardless of how the school “handles” it, it is still sexual assault. I wouldn’t even wait to hear from the school, I’d be going to the police and my child wouldn’t be in school until this is handled.

He pumped while weeing?

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You should contact the police not only for your sons safety but often sexually abused children act out by bullying or sexually assaulting other children.


Call the police and send them to the school! Also file charges for theft of property at your house! Ask for a restraining order! Noone deserves to be touched inappropriately without permission! It’s against the law, and the schools responsibility to keep him safe while there. Sounds like the bully is a pedophile or sexual predator already!


Go straight to administration. Similar thing happened to my son. Child who did it was completely removed from class. It will be on his permanent record.

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Go to the police now!! Do not leave it up to the school!!

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Call the police and file a complaint for sexual assault on a child

Uggg i would call the police if that happened. Thats terrible

Police report - that’s sexual harassment-

Makes you wonder what is going on at home for a little child to think of things like that

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I’m sorry your son had to go through that. What those boys did is considered sexual harassment. I wouldn’t wait for the school to do something about I would contact police honestly. Have them go to the school along with you. What those boys did was not okay at all. I would also keep him out of school for a few days until this is dealt with.

That is sexual assault, I would report it

100 percent file a police report. Your child should be able to use the bathroom with being harassed and that’s completely unacceptable. Without punishment these kids will continue doing this and most likely will escalate. This kids homes need to be looked into as well, they are learning this behavior somewhere. I’m so sorry your son went through this, is he okay?

If the school does anything or not you need to go to the police and file charges that it is sexual assault and if it would have been in the workplace would have been sexual harassment

That is sexual assault. Report it to the police. Children learn through consequences and those children need to learn this now. Notify the school if they don’t take sterner measures, you will see them in court.

its sexual harassment don’t leave it there mama

Report to the police asap

Call police and finds kids parents and handle it while it’s hot !!! That’s so sickening

Make a police report and turn the kid in for sexual harassment !

Yeah I would call the police 120%.

I’d call the police and have them head to the school. I want a meeting - principal, officer, me, my kid, the other kid and the other kids parents ASAP!


First id call the police or maybe the police would be called on me! Secondly take your son to karate or tiquando classes so he learns to defend himself and thirdly, if its possible change schools

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Sexual harassment. Report it.

Call the police also go to the school board

That’s sexual harrassment! I would call the cops

Call police now, too Infor them. What happy and that you’ve told the school. So they can alert the parents.

The school may be lacks about handling the situation go to the police department and file sexual harassment charges.
That is borderline along the edges of molestation honestly it’s inappropriate sexual touching and should never under any circumstances be tolerated doesn’t matter when where or by who. After you’ve done that you need to take your son to the side as I’ve had to do mine and I told him we don’t start fights for any reason whatsoever we’re not mean to other children but if a child starts to bully you and you feel uncomfortable and you feel like you need to defend yourself this is what you do and I have showed my son how to aggressively handle a bully and that means that we will punch you we will kick you we will hurt you because you are violating my space and you are putting me in danger and I have the right to protect myself. He is always vocal with me I take the appropriate steps we speak with the teacher first the teacher speaks to the principal if it’s not handled after that then it’s in my hands and we do according to what mom says. After this situation my son had a incident with a child and he felt he needed to protect himself so he slapped the bejesus out of the kid.
and he told me that he needed to protect himself and I said well good job and high fives because you get what you give and this is a very tough world and it doesn’t get any easier the older you get and because my son is a kind-hearted child he’s automatically a Target any kid that’s quiet and mild mannered and kind is a target. Don’t let your son be afraid to use not only his voice but his fists if need be.
You would be surprised with a really good hard kick to the shin can accomplish.


You call the police. Take your son a file a report. Don’t wait for the school.

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File a Police report

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Please get your little one into counciling asap. Continuous mental and emotional abuse is enough for him to need it but being sexually assaulted at school in front of other kids has gotta be allot for his little mind to deal with. I’d be getting kids names parents names. Definitely press charges. The police need to look into the family of the little boy who thought it was okay to feel your son up while he was peeing. That child may be getting sexually assaulted in his home life. Good luck momma I’m praying for you guys :heart:


I would file a police report and if the school doesn’t do anything go to the school board because that’s sexual assault.

Let the school handle it their way and you report it to the police, because coming to your house gives you the right to complain and sexual harassment is also something that needs to be reported to the police. As for a child that can cause such hurt, God I hope he changes his ways before he cause any more hurt.

Call the cops and Child protective services…im only saying to call CPS because there is something going on with that other kid that needs to be investigated. They will also offer you all the help you would need to keep your son safe


Where r the parents ? Do they know about this.?

Report to the police and lawyer up. That IS sexual harassment and should not be tolerated period. The only sorting that school needs to do is taking those kids out of it.


This is sexual assaulted. Mulustation


Call the cops! Get a police esscort to go talk to the boys parents let them know this needs to stop or more serious actions will be taken

Call the police! Do not wait for the school. As it may continue! You don’t want this going any farther any longer! That’s absolutely uncalled for, and insane. I’m sorry you are both going through this. Hang in there mama, and get to the bottom of it asap!

Report to police n make appt wif headmaster n ask for board of gov to be ther…board of gov have investigate everything