I'm just wondering what people think

School governors need involving also police as it’s sexual harassment

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Bypass the school and go to the police. That for sure is sexual harassment.

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I would call the police that’s sexual harassment and that child himself could be getting sexually abused at home normal kids dont do that …if the police don’t do anything get real serious with the bully parents. REAL SERIOUS


Go to the police . Make a report and they wouldn’t have to call me I would be up there having a fit on their ass and parents this is unacceptable on soooooo Many levels . I would’ve called off today !!!

File a police report get a lawyer if u have to

That is sexual assault. I would definitely go to the police.

I stopped at “touching his bum”…
You file charges for sexual assault and harassment.
Full. Stop.


Teach him to stand up for himself not to start a fight but he has to defend himself if they are invading his space. I promise when he stands up to them it will be over! My daughter got bullied she is the most loving tender hearted person.After we convinced her to stand up for herself,that was the end of the bullying

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Why even take the time to wonder if the school will do anything. CALL THE POLICE and make them do something about this. This is sexual assault.

Contact the police right away and make a report. The school will look out for itself. You need to look out for you and your little one. That’s insane something is definitely happening in the bullies home. But cover yourself and kid.

Definitely get police involved and file reports. That’s sexual harassment and he doesn’t and shouldn’t have to put up with it.

Dont wait on the school. Clearly they havent done anything other than change things with your son and not the bullies. Call the police. Report the sexual harassment and report to the the other happenings that have been going on and let them know the school hasnt done much about it other than remove your son from the class.

Nope. I would report straight to Police. It is sexual assault. No one should be touched without their consent. Also depending on age of the kids I would be worried about what they are exposed to within their home or social lives to think that it’s okay to do something like that to someone.

My son is almost 4 and he knows and understands that and he’s a young child.

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There is someone ALWAYS higher up you can talk to if the principal doesn’t do anything and also make a police report so something is on file if the lil bastard continues to mess with your boy. Hope everything outs

If the school doesn’t do anything about it then you go above their head to the district office I had to do this last year with my son because the school wouldn’t do anything for them so now it’s time to go above their head and go to the district office then if that doesn’t work you go to City Hall Or do you like Steph said call the police and file a sexual harassment


Definitely sexual assault n I would get the police involved because sad to say if these bullies are feeling up on your son they will go to the next level

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I’d file charges even if they do something about that. As that’s inappropriate and not okay. Idc if it’s on their record. You know right from wrong. And to me that’s very wrong to do and that child along with his friends deserve punishment


Go make a police statement! Just imagine what these kids will do next to your son! They have no fear of getting into trouble and it’s going to escalate fast if you don’t get in front of it now. It’s obvious these kids are bullies and the worst kind, it’s also obvious they are use to getting away with it. Every single one of them in that bathroom need to get in trouble . I would see about homeschooling until those kids are dealt with.

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I’d call the cops. Your child was sexually assaulted at school.
It’s times these kids learned a real lesson

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You can honestly call the cops and press charges and hopefully that kid will finally stop after realizing how serious that is! Im so sorry this is happening to your boy


You need to call the cops … it’s 100% sexual assault … just because it’s a boy doing it to a boy it’s still sexual assault … I hope he is ok … one thing I tell my kids if anyone is being mean to them is … they must have a really horrible life if they want everyone to feel horrible like they do and I actually feel really sorry for them because they clearly aren’t happy … it’s stops my kids thinking they have done something to deserve this person’s treatment


I agree this is NOT OK
How old are the children? As I believe that will play a role in the actions

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File sexual assultt charges. If he’s under 18 they will go under the Megan’s Law

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That’s sexual assault and you need to contact the authorities. Show them everything including camera footage of your garden being ransacked

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Teach him to stand up for him self and go Talk to the boys parents that is uncalled for and not right…

The school will and can sweep it under the rug to save their reputation, definitely just go to the police, disgusting sexual harassment like that left unpunished will only escalate


Bullies biggest fear is being bullied back. You know, giving them a piece of their own medicine. I got bullied in school when I was young, but never told anyone about it. One day, I just got tired of the bullying and fought back. You have to stand up to your bullies or you’ll be picked on all your life because if you don’t learn the lesson that is given, there’s really no point on going to school making friends with a circle of wussies.

Bypass the school all together and file a sexual assault charge.


If the School isn’t able go deal with it and your child is still being bullied meet the bullies outside the School hates and tell them the consequences of their actions and how you are going to treat them as they have treated your son Tell them you will definitely treat like with like and see how they.like that If nothing is said things will just get worse for your son It will let the bullies know that you are fully aware of what is going on and that you will not tolerate it from now on Best wishes with it Never neglect the torture that your child is going through Certainly not good for his.memntal.health and it can have consequences for the family

Get into contact with the law. That’s definitely sexual harassment

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Your son has been bullied and sexually harassed. You have names…go to the police


Sounds like the bully is gay and hasn’t excepted it yet, as to why he’s picking on your kid. Probably a lot of mixed emotions there coming out as anger. I would go with a harassment charge. If the kid touches your kid again… I would give him full permission to knock his teeth out! :facepunch:t3:

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I would absolutely be requiring a meeting with those parents. It absolutely is sexual assault and is now a much more serious issue than just “letting the school handle it” and depending on their ages i would be getting the cops involved if this is in high school.


I’d like to expand on previous comments suggesting to go to the police. Your child needs to see that you will always have their back when they report things like this to you. This way, they know that they can come to you for anything in the future - because you’ve treated something heinous like sexual assault with the seriousness it deserves. Too many assaults go unreported because victims do not feel heard and supported.


If you don’t go up there and handle those bullies they SA’d your son. Do something.


That’s sexual harrasment of a minor and in the USA (most states) that boy would be charged with a sex crime. Call the authorities.

That is absolutely sexual assault…don’t matter if it’s a boy doing it to another boy, a girl doing it to another girl or opposite sex doing it to opposite sex…it’s all sexual assault. Don’t even allow the school to know that you are calling the cops and getting this matter dealt with, and surprise the school…they’ll do something then

That’s sexual assault…contact cops yourself you son should feel safe in school…not only is that bully being mean but he is being inappropriate…not right or good…call the cops yourself…report the incident location and names and details… include the kids that stood their laughing… laughing at someone else being sexually assaulted…put a stop to it…now before they cross the line with your son or someone else’s child…always always have your child’s back…go as far as you need to to ensure your child is safe…and comfy at school or anywhere he is at…let the teachers do there thing at school but you take action also…to let the school,the bully,the bullies friends know your serious about what they did is wrong and NOT ok…and let your son know you will do anything to protect him


He should have turned around and peed on them! My brother did that once when someone stole something out of it pockets while he was peeing

File a police report show the school and parents that this is a stressful time for you and your family
Inform the parents of the child that an unacceptable behavior is punishable by law regardless of the age. Parents have to start raising their children or the prison and juvenile justice system will. Stand firm on your word and don’t let them talk you out of your decisions.


File a report that way the parents are involved. they probably don’t know their kids are doing it. I would tell the school to let these kids parents know what their doing.

This is sexual assault and bullying im so sorry your boy is being put threw this those kids should be suspended


Sexual assault! Get off fb and call the police!

I would advise you to either change class or schools. I was on the same situation and I hoped that I could have been given that chance in the past. 20 years ago, the school I was in, no one did anything about it.

My first call would of been to the police. Who knows what the bully will escalate it to next time.

THIS IS SEXUAL ASSAULT!! Why are you not at the police station!!!

That’s for sure serial harassment. Don’t give up!

And put your son in karate!! That way he can fight back expeditiously and respectfully!!!


I’d be involving the police at this point. The other boys are clearly making your child uncomfortable and sexually harassing him.

Maybe sit with the other child with their parent and ask him if he is being bullied u can always teel by a look they give. Consequences are needed but usually there is a reason sometimes kids have no one to turn to when they are stuck so they act out.

Press charges, they can implement a no contact order at school and if its violated in any way, then they will.be in even more trouble.

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Sexual assault go to the cops. Sxhool will sweep it under the rug.

Straight to there doors

Go to the police rite away. Like NOW!

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Call the police now!


Contact ur head of education and police this is not acceptable at any age x

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I’d call the police and have the police scare the kid I don’t know if you can press charges but I would I’d also let the school know the kid needs to be suspended and put into good touch bad touch program. I’d tell your son to knock the kid if they touch his private areas again or pee on them. Serious I know it sounds bad but this is not ok

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I would contact the police. If you don’t want to press charges, then maybe see if they can go talk to the kid about what their actions can lead to. Don’t trust the school system, they undermine situations like that.

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Call the authorities asap. Even if the school “handles” it a police report still needs to be made. This was absolutely sexual assault…


Go to the police. Have your son go too. Have him tell the officers what happened and how scared he was.


You should call the police. If you were sexually assaulted at work, you would go to the police. Sexual assault is not something for the school to handle.


File a police report!!!


Make a police report. Forces school to deal with it appropriately.


Teach that boy to fight and take care of himself.


I would definitely agree that it’s a form of sexual assault.

Stand up for your child and contact authorities that is sexual harassment noone should ever put their hands anywhere on you. Especially not in private areas and your bum is still considered a private part.

I would personally keep him out school, contact the police and alert the school that since they aren’t taking it seriously enough, you will be going to Ofsted and that the police are now notified.

That is utterly disgusting and nobody should have to go through that!
Your poor boy!

The school should be ashamed of themselves!


Make a police report, this is definitely sexual assault and needs to be dealt with asap. Don’t send him back till it’s been resolved


I agree that is sexual harassment and I would report it to the police or whoever you need to beyond the school.


Omfg…,…go to the police and file a report …I would also be at every kids DOORSTEP❣️


I can tell you’re not in the US however, yes, you are correct. This is a sexual violation & I would personally pursue the most extensive punishment possible. This is NOT okay. I would make sure the kid ended up on a registry because that is something that a child of any age should be well versed on (not physically touching another person)

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The police and press charges that’s sexual assault


Definitely don’t wait for the school. They won’t do nothing! File a police report and go higher than the school to someone higher!


I’d be contacting the police


I’d call the police and file a report

Go to the police! The school is not going to do anything major about it


For one thing if it is not documented it never happened document document document I’m a retired social worker you need to go to the school get the school counselor principal and his primary teacher in the office and you need to lay it out tell them what happened they should place a male teacher in the boys bathroom at just supervise these kids and I would make a police report and I would tell the school that you’re going to file charges the other children’s parents also need to be called in this there is absolutely no tolerance for this don’t wait on them you take the bull by the horns you go to the school and get the proper people involved and then the next meeting should be the other parents in there and definitely make a police report you don’t know if they were doing it for fun or if he’s one of these children have been molested their self and they will not stop and it may lead to something worse you don’t know what’s in these children’s minds they are liable to take it further by trying to penetrate him or sick an object in him this is so humiliating and degrading I don’t know that I would even send my child back to school till it was the issue was solved


Call police, file a report, press charges, let police handle the matter! Keep him out of that school!! That’s sick!! Parents should be teaching their kids better!! Prayers for your son and your family!!


You file a police report and get an attorney. Thats 100% sexual ASSAULT.


Send an email to the principal, the superintendent and anyone else at the school to document what happened to your son. It’s harder for them to brush under the carpet when it’s in writing. As it was sexual assault you may also want to involve the police or an attorney.

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Call the police and keep your son away from school, until something is done to stop these vile bullies. Stop it now before it goes too far.

Press charges. :woman_shrugging:t5: They obviously aren’t learning their lesson the easy way. You’ve tried doing things the proper way, involve law enforcement. Your child’s safety is more important than keeping them out of trouble. :woman_shrugging:t5:

Uhm, tell your son next time they touch him BEAT THERE ASS, why is this not an option already? School or not kids or not the moment he touched me like that I would have either whipped around a fucking pissed on them or turned around and rocked his shit… that’s why they keep messing with him, because he’s taking it and not doing shit… the school does not care until someone commits suicide, someone needs to teach your son to defend himself.

file a police report and send it to all people in a high role, superintendent, principal, school board, board of education, depends on where you live and how the chain of command work. also for his safety homeschooling him or pull him out and go to the next closest school. he still needs some kind of education

Police report also go above teacher to principal or school board.


Report it to law enforcement.


that is sexual harassment. don’t wait for the school. have him arrested and press charges. it sucks but the bully will not stop until someone stops him.

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Sexual harassment. File charges!!! The school will not take it seriously. If your son had touched someone else on the bottom they would have already filed charges. Do not let them get away with it. Praying for your son.

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As everyone else stated call the police and press charges. That could have turned into more than just smacking very quickly. It still could. Those boys who were watching and laughing need to be in trouble too. They are instigating the bully to continue. Obviously no adult in those children’s life are teaching them right from wrong. Your son could be harmed soon. In school or out of school. So the only way to make it clear and teach those other boys not to do it again is to get the police involved. The school can only do so much and they will only do what they have to on school time. I’m so sorry your boy is dealing with this. Do not stop fighting for your son to be safe. No matter who you need to involve or who gets in trouble.

You have too be his voice! What the boys in the bathroom is sexual harassment and need too be addressed right now!with the police,teachers,principles ,counselors. I would be in the school and they would hear my voice.I would have their parents in school.I would have law there.I would bring that school down nobody messes with my kid like that! I would flip out.

Find out who the mom is and go to her house. I would beat someone’s ass and if it’s multiple moms, LETS GO.

You go file sexual assault charges. This is your son. Take care if it before something awful happens.

Call the police !!! Don’t wait on the school they have failed too many innocent children !! That is 1000% sexual assault & harassment !!! Your poor son.

My momma bear instincts just kicked in. If this were my son I would be FLIPPING my lid, YOU ARE HIS VOICE !!! He is scared he needs you to do this !!! AND on another note What else will the bully do to the next kid ?!?!

Get. everything. Documented.


I don’t know what age these boys are but at 10 the police can start stepping in!! That is sexual assault and no one male or female has to deal with being touched if it’s not wanted!!! Call the school district and have a police officer in the meetings with you


Definitely sexual assault

The actions of the other boys call for police intervention. Don’t hesitate. The school is not going to fix this problem. If they were going to take care of it, they would have done it already.


Ummm… I would definitely file charges against that child regardless of what action the school takes I would absolutely file sexual harassment charges against him!! I cannot imagine how your son must have felt in that situation!! That behavior needs to be nipped in the butt and obviously at home he’s not being taught about bullying and keeping your hands off of other people especially their private places!!!

Definitely sexual harassment, and while they’re "only children " they can absolutely be very dangerous, especially when you factor in the "pack mentality " bullies seem to favor. I’m so sorry for your sweet boy


When i was in school (now granted about 10 years ago) this one kid used to bend people over a desk hold them down and hump/girate at them. Teachers literally told us to ignore this as reacting was fuling him… this clearly did not work and one day he caught me in a bad mood and i kicked backwards hitting him so hard in the nuts he had to go to hospital. I got expelled (which was entirely unfair ) but he never did it to anyone else after that so it worked. I hope schools got better at handling this for your little ones sake xx


Call the police that’s sexual harrassment.