I'm just wondering what people think

Get u a lawuer b go for the kids n parents n have all involve arrested if they deny it get a lue dect test from everyond involve

file a police report. you wanna sexually assault classmates in the loo you get charges. imagine what this kid does to people they like


Iā€™d definitely report to policeā€¦ whether they boys intentions were sexual harassment, your son was violated and if no one does anything your son will feel like thatā€™s ok and nothing will be done and might be subjected to it later on or the boy who did it may actually get a lick out of it and repeat with your son or others! Better to cover all bases and teach your son that you got his back!!

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Get the police involved!! This will get worse otherwise. Donā€™t send your son to the school anymore, this demonic bullies are going to attempt worse things against him, they are not innocent kids, they have rotten spirits because probably of their home environment and they project their home toxicity into anybody that they perceive weaker than them. Keep your son at home and transfer him to another school because there is a high probability that the bullies are going to attempt worse things against your son and the school would do nothing!!!. Be proactive, donā€™t wait until your son get rape or killed, because this bullies are showing all the signs that they will do it, there are sadly too many cases that back up my words.

Call the school board, get a lawyer and press charges. This is sexual harassment no matter the age. Itā€™s disgusting and should be followed through. This can scar your childā€™s future. Iā€™d probably switch schools at this point, but continue to push this through until the end. No child deserves to be treated that way.

Definitely is sexual harassment. I would file a police report since the school has not been any help with the bullying. Maybe that will give the parents and kids a wake up call itā€™s uncalled for smh. Iā€™m so sorry your going through this my heart goes out to you . I could not hold back my tears while reading this .

You do not need to switch schools. They need to protect Your child over the bully. That is unfair that he will lose out. Nope, press charges and insist that child never be near yours again. Whatever they do with the sexual predator is not your problem, your son and others need to know it is okay to report and it will be handled! Best of luck to your child

That is definitely sexual harassment/ assault. If the school does nothing call the school board. Also it is imperative that you put your child in self defense classes for this very reason. I would start with martial arts. He needs to know how to defend himself, and it will also help to build some confidence within himself. I would also call the police and file a report if thatā€™s why you feel is necessary. This child is likely facing a terrible home life and maybe getting authorities involved can help your child and the bully.

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Iā€™d honestly suggest going to local law enforcement because the school will then be forced to do something about it.


That is definitely sexual assault! If the school doesnā€™t do anything then you need to file a police report and get restraining orders.

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File a police report. That is sexual harassment/assault


Donā€™t wait for the school. Go to the administration office, file a complaint there, go to the page, file a complaint there. Bullying and Sexual Harrasment is not ok in any firm or any age.

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Call policeā€¦donā€™t wait to hear from the school. Thats rapeā€¦harassment to your son.

I would definitely get the law involved especially for ur sonā€™s safety but also for the bullies safety cuz if they r in elementary they should definitely not be even thinking or even know about sexually touching someone possibly something going on in there home


Itā€™s not pretty much sexual harassment. IT IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT

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Turn the school in turn the kids in that is not ok!!! Not only is it bullying but sexual harassment and sounds like the school might possibly try to cover it up ( or something would have been done a while ago about the bullying other than watching/waiting for it to stop)

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Iā€™d report it to the police. I wouldnā€™t give the school time to sort it out. To me that is sexual harassment and needs to be handled as such! Iā€™m so sorry your son and family is going thru this.


I would go to the police and CAS and give them the boys name and the other one who watched this momma would be going bat shit crazy

File a complaint with the school and then I would contact the police and make a report


So, you can call the police and make a report which is probably the right thing to do. Whether or not any legal action can really be taken depends on what state you are in, how old the offending kid is, and your local states attorneys office. Still a good idea to document it with a report though. Especially if there is a school resource officer (SRO) for that district. They would probably like to at least be aware of the situation.


Its definitely sexual assault and you should file a police report immediately


Our state schools have public service at the boards if the school does nothing call them they have codes of conduct and title levels of sexual harassment if again nothing is donā€™t go to police

It is sexual harassment!! Iā€™d be bringing in the authorities. Like last week.

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You should actually go the police about this sexual harassment donā€™t wait for the school act now before its too late


Request a group meeting, itā€™s time thier parents are involved, and id also call police and report it, thst way it will be taken seriously, and the school canā€™t brush it off like nothing.


Let them know youā€™ll be contacting authorities because that is still sexual assault. And thereā€™s numerous ones. My son has had the same issues, and Iā€™m not the one to play with. Two boys were suspended and one was expelled. Put my son in kickboxing and daily talks and heā€™s doing much better. We are the voices for our babies!!! Stand up and get it handled!!!


Go to the police.and if school donā€™t do nothing about it sue the school.

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They cross the line when putting their hands on your child. I have ZERO tolerance for that.

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Police report especially if names are known.

  1. call the cops 2) press charges on this child 3) restraining order. 4) call the superintendent for your school district. If that doesnā€™t work then contact your school board. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Iā€™d have a meeting with the bullies parents. Or change schools. Big hugs to your boy. Must be heart braking seeing this x

Press charges against the violator(s).

I would call the authorities

Report it! I went to to the kids house and let his parents know(wasnt touching bums tho)told the little s.head if he tries it again ill be back with the police and we need an apology now. Sometimes parents of bullys dont know. I hope it gets sorted.

Go to the board of governors.

Sexual assault. File with police let school know itā€™s going to be done in a legal manor and Iā€™d go the extra mile to tell the news that this happened and school doesnā€™t wanna be bothered.


I wouldnā€™t rely on the school to do anything but push it under the rug so they donā€™t have to deal with it I would contact the police and tell them what happened and ask them to go to the school and make sure itā€™s being handled properly
I would also recommend you get him someone to talk to during this process so he has someone who he can talk to of his own
I am so sorry this is happening to your boy and your family I hope it gets handled properly


Call police and report it.

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That is definitely sexual assult, the kid doing it should learn now instead of when he is older. I would report to school as you did and authorities.


Thatā€™s what Sexual assault/ harassment is for sure! While he was peeing?! SMH I can only imagine how ur son feltšŸ˜©

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My son had this happen (he was maybe 7 years old and the other boy was 14) the boy gave my son a bruise on his boobs by twisting them and my son came home was scared to tell me but he finally did because I kept seeing him hold his boobs. I called the school and told them what happened got the name of the kid and come to find out the other kid was already in trouble with courts so I had to choose to press charges or let the school handle it. I let the school handle it as the boy was already in trouble and his lawyer and probation officer knew about this incident as well. I made sure. He also had to apologize to my son verbally and written. His mom and I met in person at the school. He also had to complete an extra 5 hours of community service. Come to find out the boy was acting out because he didnā€™t want to live with his dad but wanted to go with mom to another state. So we found out that he was misbehaving to get booted so mom would get him. Because of his actions he had to stay in town until all his court stuff was complete and he finally figured out that the more trouble he caused the longer it was going to take.

As far as your situation I do hope you call the police and also make sure the school does their part as it was school property and sexual harassment! I will pray for your son and your family.

Sexual assault isnā€™t dependent on the ages. It is sexual assault.


That isnt sexual harassment,that sexual assaultā€¦
File a report with police,pursue charges and if school isnt cooperating hire an attorney and sue them


You canā€™t rely on the school for help for your child anymore. Unfortunately! Us parents have to take a stand for our children. The school teachers, Counselor, and principal have their hands full and if your not a student of a teacher or a Dr ect your kid gets treated like crap and bullied and nobody bats an eye. Hell some of the teachers are just as bad as the students around my areaā€¦ I feel so helpless for kids now in school I hear so many stories from diffrent parents. Your poor guy.

While this happened at school this behavior was not birthed in the school and the school can only do so much. They have a responsibility to follow protocol for such behavior, find out the established rules and insist they follow their own protocols; but donā€™t make the school the scapegoat!

Something is amiss in the bullyā€™s life and he needs more help than the school can provide in an academic environment. His parents need to be held accountable and the child needs therapeutic interventions of several kinds as soon as possible.

Speak to authorities in the school and in Child services. There are possibly other victims and the child may be a victim himself, at the least the parents need to be aware and equipped to address the childā€™s needs in a more effective manner.

Your child will need some short term counseling in order for him not to become a covert bully because of his experiences. You advocating on his behalf is powerful!!

They should not be laying hands on your son like that. Iā€™m sorry this is happening to your son. If the school is not doing anything about it I would get the bullyā€™s parents involved. If nothing happens from that then involve the cops.

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Donā€™t just wait on the school to do something bc I can guarantee you they wonā€™t do what needs to be done. Thatā€™s not something they will want others to find out about bc itā€™ll give the school a bad name. You need to call the police and get them involved. That IS sexual harassment and it shouldnā€™t be tolerated and needs to be handled as a crime bc thatā€™s exactly what it wasā€¦. a crime! Regardless of age. No age makes sexual harassment okay or any less of a crime. You may also want to look into getting an attorney depending on what the police do or suggest. Donā€™t let this school get by with handling this with as little punishment as they possibly can. Show them that this is not acceptable. The kid that done it needs to be shown how serious it is also and needs to be shown what real world consequences are for this type of behavior. You are your sons voice, his advocate, his protector. Get your son the justice he deserves mama!!! Your son and family are in my prayers, Iā€™m so sorry your baby had to experience this.


Call the police and make a report. That is sexual assault and your poor son should never have to go through that. And to have it happen at school where he should feel safe by kids his own age he will need more help then the school can offer. Hugs


THAT IS SEXUAL ASSAULT and we must always protect our babies AT ALL COST. If school does nothing go to the police AND the media. Things like this should never be kept quiet and swept under the carpet. Love on your baby as much as you can, he has been violated and it will be affecting him more then he shows.


I would file a police report.


Make a police report yourself. No child should have to put up with this


File a police report.


Forget the school file a police report. The police will go to this kids house and also to the school. Get the police involved so that this kid and his parents understand the severity, and so the school knows that your not messing around! That is some BS. That kid has some serious issues and unfortunately I guarantee this will not be the last time he does this to a boy or if possibly
Next time it escalates. This is so far past the lineā€¦sexual harassment! Call the police.


Bullys bully because they think youā€™re weak. Teach your kids to fight back.


Call the police. That is sexual assault. Theyā€™re torturing your poor son at school AND at home. Not acceptable.

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I wouldnā€™t be relying on the school to sort it out, bullies get away with far too much and the victims donā€™t get the security they require, especially in a place where they should feel safeā€¦
Iā€™d be informing the school that your taking it into your own hands and be reporting it to the police for sexual assaultā€¦

Im sorry your boy is in this predicament and sending you both big hugs :people_hugging:


Absolutely press charges on all of them for sexual assault and harrassment


I would file a police report and charge them with sexual harassment .


That is sexual harassment. Call the school and tell them your making a report and they will be named in it to of action isnā€™t taken.


File a report with police qnd go as far as pressing charges if need be. You are his mother there for you are the one who has his back the most!


Sexual harassment/assault is serious. Touching goes way to far. He should have the right to use the bathroom without being harassed. The school wonā€™t tell you the punishment but that child needs to be expelled. This isnā€™t boys being boys. This is a police matter. You can also contact Rape Crisis and ask for an adovacate if need be. I am so sorry and sad for your son.

File a police report and press charges regardless of what the school does. And can I just say that it is so amazing that your son feels safe enough to be able to come to you about these things! Youā€™re doing a great job momma!


This breaks my heart Iā€™m so sorry your son is going through this and that is totally unacceptable call the police file a report and make sure those boys pay for what they did. praying for you momma and your son

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Honestly surprised the school didnā€™t already sexulize this.


File a police report for serial harrassment!

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definatley call police,thats sexual harrasment. hope your son is ok xx


You need to call.the police the school wonā€™t do much
Or go to the school broad my husband has?done that a lot.
And got a lot straighten out.
Donā€™t wait

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School board, police, news stations/lawyers. In that order. If they donā€™t do something keep escalating it. This is 100% sexual assault. Harassment is talking about it, assault is doing something. They physically touched this boy and is 100% NOT okay even as a ā€œjokeā€ Once they touch you, they literally DID it, not joked about it. It is NEVER okay to touch someone in ANY type of unwanted manner. This is so disgusting to me that he even had to deal with this. That poor baby.


Itā€™s assault , if school tries to brush you off tell them you want all parents/kids brought in for a meeting. Call the police and inform all that this is an ongoing problem which you have called school due to your son being bullied and assaulted . Inform them that you want to know how to file charges against kids and school. The school should be protecting your child. You would like a policemen present to have everything on record and choice to file charges. Itā€™s your kid , time to get Mama Bear out ! Been there and did it. My autistic son was being bullied, once you involve police and your child not being protected everyone wants to be your friend :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: itā€™s sad kids arenā€™t raised well enough . Best of luck !!!


Not only was that sexual assault on your boy- they also traumatized him further considering he was trying to pee and indisposed ! I have no words for how angry I would be if I were you- that a child canā€™t use the toilet in privacy is bad enough- let alone to be assaulted! Get the law involved, call and speak with them as soon as possible


I would go to the superintendent of the school if they donā€™t produce any results then I would go to the board of education and go from there. That is sexual harrassment not to mention assault. I would be livid if something like that happened to my child. Good Luck Momma!

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Id not trust the anyone there aside from ur child. SCHOOL WILL ONLY TALK AND GIVE PRAISE WHEN OR IF THEY STOP AND MAKE THEM SAY ā€œSORRYā€ id not ignore at allā€¦ id be there in school myself with a sheriff and take it so ssriously as it isā€¦ bullies need a hard lesson ā€¦ id just go very further into all of this. My least results would be to show my child that there are consequences for every action. At very least ur child will feel full support and protection from u.


Contact the superintendent & DEMAND a HIB investigation!!!

:boom:"Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (HIB) ā€” is an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act that: ā€¢ Physically harms a student or damages the studentā€™s property. ā€¢ Has the effect of substantially interfering with a studentā€™s education."

And go to the police and open an investigation. ASAP!!
Good luck. Do not back down.
Iā€™m so sorry this happened. :disappointed_relieved::broken_heart:


Policeā€¦ regardless of what the school does!


No matter what the school does I would call the cops and file for sexual harassment immediately!! Protect your son and other children from acts like that!! For now itā€™s touching people in appropriately but what happens when it escalates

Put your son in some sort of martial arts and he will gain confidence and then tell him if anybody touches him again to smack them! It will probably bring him out of his shell and Iā€™ll bet nobody bullies him after that


That is sexual assault. If the school doesnā€™t do anything call the policecand press charges. Make a scene be loud.


Call the police and press charges

Yep go to the police because then they can have a stern talk to the boys that are doing it and hopefully that will be enough for them to not do it again or to anyone else. Iā€™m sorry your son is going through this :heart:

Thatā€™s not pretty much sexual assault Itā€™s :100: sexual assault Iā€™d call police


Ring the police and report the kids donā€™t matter if there juvenile or adults I wouldnā€™t want this happening to anyoneā€¦

What country is this

Go to the police. Schools donā€™t want the publicity so thatā€™s what you give them. They are too soft on these kids. Donā€™t fold.

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Thatā€™s sexual assault!!! Get their parents information and PRESS CHARGES against the minors (students) and their parents!! Iā€™m conjunction with going to the school TAKE IT TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIS BOARD OF EDUCATION!!! Alsoā€¦ get your child into therapyā€¦ you donā€™t want him harboring any negative emotions to himself!

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I would go to the police. That is sexual assault. I would also recommend if not insist that they look into the bullys home life as in alot of cases the bully possibly was or is being assaulted himself. Itā€™s horrible that this is happening to your boy and I pray you get the situation handled correctly and the bullying stopped but please also try to remember that this is another child doing this and there has to be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed also.

I would call the police and make a report. Now today!!!

Id pit him in martial arts or karate, something to help him learn how to defend himself and if anyoneā€™s bullying him he knows how to stand up for himself. Thats for the future, for now id most definitely show up with the sheriff because thatā€™s sexual harrassment!

Umm that is sexual assault. Report it now

That IS sexual assault! If the school brushes it aside I would go to the cops, the local news, and post it publicly online and blast it everywhere!

Get the police involved now, stuff the school, sounds like they donā€™t give a shit if the kids just keep on doing it. Go down to the police station asap

Iā€™m so sorry kids can be cruel but for your son sake make a police report tell the school you did it and the boyā€™s parents.

Go to the police even before you hear from the school. The school will say they are handling it but it wonā€™t go far. These kids and the school need to know itā€™s not ok and thatā€™s not just bullying itā€™s sexual assault