Grease her scalp. They can’t survive in oily/greasy environments, hence the unwritten rule that some people of some backgrounds “can’t get lice” lol
Also use shampoo with a drop of tea tree oil in it because it repels them. She never had it again.
The combs are great and all but they DO NOT remove all the nits. You literally need to pick through her hair section by section picking the nits out with your fingers. Bag ALL stuffed animals/plush dolls, ect for AT LEAST 30 days. Wash bedding, bag all out of season clothing. Dry everything on high heat. Use tea tree oil (spelling?) Behind the ears and a bit in her shampoo to help prevent. If your not literally picking ALL the nits out of her hair you will never see the end of it. Even when you think they’re gone still make a point of throughly checking her hair section by section.
If you don’t want to cut her hair try,hair gel,just slather it on her will smother the bugs tie her hair in a pony, tail,then put the gel on the scalpput lots on,do it in the morning leave it on all day
It just cost me $400 at a lice clinic to get rid of them. We literally tried everything.
Put vinegar in her hair and let it sit for an hr or so it kills them and unsticks the eggs so they can come out easier. Maybe also cut her hair so its easier
Found this on google might help x
It says we,re not contacts on messenger
Coconut oil her hair everyday and leave it on and use tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar spray throughout. The day as well
I fought with lice in my home for over a year my daughter also has a thick head of hair, we tried multiple store bought shampoos but finally found this brand that worked well for us, it’s called Licefree and I believe we bought it at target. It worked well for my family. I know the feeling momma hang in there!
Can you leave your house for 24 hours///lice need a host/
Dont cut her hair!! Use the shampoo, clean your laundry every day, comb her hair…and pick those little pesky eggs out. If there are any left, they hatch and more come. So pick them out. It takes awhile, but it works. Because sometimes combing and shampooing doesn’t do it all.
Who is she around that keeps giving it to her? Spray everything down with lice spray. Make sure u treat every 2 weeks. All stuff animals need to go I’m a trash bag then the freezer. Cut her hair to her shoulder and get it thin out. My daughter had the same issue and finally I found out which friend of hers always had it. We broke the cycle but it was a long 6 months ugh. Also they hate hair spray wash her hair put it up and use Hair spray
I’d treat hella often with mayo or something not harmful. And straighten everyone’s hair every day. Plus all the vacuuming and all that
First, you need to talk to everyone she has contact with–someone could be re-infecting her, and of course, hopefully you are treating everyone in your household, inc yourself. Every single person who has had contact with her needs to treat even if they don’t see any (lice are getting better at hiding!) 2, you need to cut her hair as short as she can handle–sorry but that is the only way to be able to comb through to get rid of all the nits, all it takes is a couple of nits to hatch and start the whole cycle over again. 3, you need to use something that suffocates the lice rather than pesticides as the lice have developed resistance to them–I see lots of possible ideas on here, some kind of thick oil like coconut works, put a shower cap on and keep it on for 24 hours 4. You need to comb through and get every single nit (why you need the short hair) 5. you need to re-treat in a week to get any nits that you may have missed 6. Buy a metal nit comb–the plastic ones that come with kits do not hold up well to multiple combings
Had it a few years in all 3 of the girls at my house. My 2 girls & my ex’s daughter. Between 4 house it didn’t go away until I treated their heads every 3 days & combed through it for hours afterwards. Stripped everything every 3 days, vacuumed the mattress’s, couch cushions, etc. it’s a nightmare but it got rid of it
Olive oil!! Put it all over her head and hair and then tie a plastic bag over top of her head/hair to seal off hair from rest of body and let it sit for a few hours then comb. The olive oil suffocates them and kills them… it really does work.
Make her an inhabitable environment. I would do another lice treatment, blow dry her hair after every wash and then grease and gel into a ponytail. Bag all of her stuffed animals for at least 30 days and put her bedding in the dryer every morning. You might want to check your own hair as well.
Tea tree shampoo for kids will keep it out once you get rid of it but start washing her hair with it now!
Where I live , they have actual lice removal places. See if you can find one! It’s pricey but it works
Nitty gritty comb tea tree conditioner section the hair into 4 parts and comb thru daily for 7 days until clear x
Dye her hair with the dye that has ammonia in it it will them an the eggs in one shot I been down that road an my daughter hair was pass her butt an very thick I just got the dye closet to her hair recommended by my pediatrician after we tried everything we could
This stuff works wonders. U can get it at any animal store. Just put a little in your hand and run thru their hair. Leave it on all day and wash out and night or the next morning. They will literally fall out. It’s usually used for pigs and cattle with lice. I’ve found that this is the only thing that works
You have to pick out every egg in your child’s hair just comb through it and treating it does not get them gone you have to go through and pick out all eggs.
My daughter went threw this for a year. It was so frustrating. I gave up on all the store stuff.
This is what we did.
Cut her hair. Made a mix of oils. Coconut oil, tea tree oil, castrol oil treated her hair once weekly with a bag over her head and blow dry it on high heat with the oils in it. Combed daily with the lice comb. Did my hair as well. And cleaned and vacuumed EVERYTHING once a week with high heat or hot water.
It sucked good luck.
I used rubbing alcohol on both of my grandkids and it worked great. Pour alcohol on the head soaking the hair fully from scalp to ends. Put a plastic bag on the head an let it sit for a hour. Shampoo and use conditioner. Blow dry hair and do all the other stuff to bedding and things. Haven’t had any since.
My girls had it BAD several years ago. Nothing like I’ve ever seen. I kept on top of it with the shampoo and everything and nothing worked. I was going broke on that shampoo. I found somewhere to slather their hair with a ton of mayonnaise and put a shower cap on their head. They slept in it. Washed and combed their hair the next day and have NOT seen a bug or egg since. I worked for us!!! They say shampoo with tea tree oil is a good “repellent” after the fact but we use regular shampoo and haven’t had a problem since. If it ever happens again I’m skipping everything and doing the Mayo and shower cap off top! Good luck!
Tea tree oil in her hair they also have tea tree shampoo and conditioner but oil is more concentrated so better to use both!
Get lice spray for the furniture and carpets. As you can’t dry them on high heat and I know its a radical thing but dye her hair at the same time you spray things down and dry all pillows blankets and clothes
Look for a place in your area that does head lice, that’s what we finally had to do we have 3 girls, it’s costly but it’s worth it
Try slathering her head in mayonnaise ( true help) leave for an hour or so. Then when you rinse rinse with vinegar then wash as normal. The Mayo suffocates them the vinegar helps dissolve the eggs. Then comb through it.
This worked for my daughter she has thick curly hair.
I’ve done this. Then after several sessions went to the school the kid next to him was full but blonde and I guess my kid having dark brown hair he was always getting checked this other kid was not. Let’s just say I made a scene
I have 3 girls i struggled with head lice especially this time of year too … i washed and bagged pillows blankets airtight bags … i picked and picked and picked treated their hair once a week i also caked their hair with hellmans real mayonnaise baugged the heads wash everything
Honestly when I use to get it all the time I would use kerosene or I would dye my hair because the bleach would suffocate them too.
Don’t forget you have to treat the house by spraying furniture with the proper bug spray and wash all bedding after treatment before any members of the household get back on it. Then you have to retreat the hair 7 to 10 days following whether you see them or not.
OTC lice products don’t have a high level of effectiveness. The same thing use to happen to us. I spent all money on otc and even had someone come to our house. We still had to go get a professional heat treatment. I recommend just starting there and after for prevention, using tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner, keep hair up or in a braid, and using hair spray. They are attracted to straight long hair.
Pay for a professional.
I hope your are washing pillows as and stuffed animals as well. Also I hate to say this but cutting her hair short will also make the fight easier.
Manaise and shower cap for hours then bag all stuffed animals and pillows for a week in trash bags wash all bedding and clothing. Then treat furniture with the spray in stores keep vacuuming and washing daily everything
Ok. I went through this for 6 months off and on. I would get rid of them then somehow my kid would get re-infected. Just remember some hair is just more prone. Idk….anyways this is what I did to get rid of it and it’s the only thing I could do. First I would give my kid an apple cider vinegar hair bath basically. I would then use baby oil. I literally coated my daughters hair every day for 3 days with baby oil to suffocate and break up the knits. Every morning I would go through her and re coat. At night I would comb through and re coat as well. Don’t forget to set down an old towel or something or the oil will go everywhere which sucks but getting rid of the bugs matter more than some sheets. Make sure to get a metal comb because the plastic ones suuuuck. Lastly, I washed just about everything and took her stuffed animals outside. I got her new pillows with protective cases. I also treated & cleaned her mattress. Then put a cover over that sucker. Keep washing the kids pillowcases & sheets for like a week in hot water & add vinegar to the cycle. Vacuum & clean ANY soft area the child has been in contact with
Why not just cut her hair shorter? It will grow back eventually. The shorter the hair is the easier it is
Tea tree oil is amazing also a few dabs behind ears and back the neck daily
Use baby oil on her hair. Daily clarifying shampoo to wash it out. Make sure you are spraying al the beds and furniture too! Good luck momma. I’ve lived this nightmare and it sucks.
My grandmother did it by hand going over every part of the head, for hours. Did the comb and treatment but then sat you down and went through your head. My mom the same. We all had long hair. I hated it and was so careful with my hair after that just because I never wanted to go through that again
Nitty gritty head comb around £10 but worth every penny and removes everything
Mayonnaise. Or dawn dish soap.
Half baby oil half rubbing alcohol mixed in a spray bottle saturate hair then cover for 20 minutes with shower cap, then rinse and shampoo good ! The baby oil loosens the eggs and the alcohol kills any live bugs. Just keep eyes covered good and do in a well ventilated area, outside is best. I have nine children and I was so over it I could not get rid of them for NOTHING, then a little old lady told me to do this and I was skeptical but I had tried EVERYTHING and sure as shit it worked !! The alcohol will make the hair feel like hay till it’s rinsed so if you try don’t freak out lol but after it’s all rinsed out and brushed your hair is so soft and shiny. You can also alcohol once a week for prevention. Hope this helps
You and your entire family that lives in that house needs to go to a picker… all at once. Get rid of every lice at the same time treat all surfaces in your home all at once… all pillows, bedding, blankets, stuffed animals, anything fabric.
hair conditioner leave in for a hour then wash out as nits cant stick to the hair xx
Uv to wash everything on hot washes including her soft toys coats cushions everything that has came in contact with every one of ye uv to do the same for every member of the house hold bedding towles if couch cushions are removable those too mats id even do curtains at this stage if uv had enough to be sure dump hair brushes and all hair accessories start over fresh !! Use tea tree oil then daily behind her ears n everybody else in the house as it repels them make sure nothing worn gets put back in wardrobe drawers if it dose then all need to be boiled washed aswell as in any and all soft furnishings on 90° n repete the treatment ten days later even without any trace of nits but plenty of conditioner while fine combing
If it’s to her butt your really going to have no choice but to cut her hair. It’s beyond toxic to keep treating it especially if you have used prescription . If not lindane shampoo was a very last resort. It can be toxic so it really should be used only if everything else didn’t work also you’ll still have to cut their hair. You’re probably dealing with super lice so most ovc shampoos won’t work. Especially when you do several treatments they become immune.
Wet her hair with listerine cover the wet hair with shower cap leave it on while she sleeps in morning shake hair out into shower cap and was and condition as you normally would repeat every 6 months to prevent any new infestation
Mayonnaise, lather the hair, wrap in a shower cap and let her sleep in it. Rinse it next morning and clarify with dawn dishsoap to get the grease out of her hair. Then sit down and comb it all with a nit comb, very small sections and layers. You may have to do this a couple days in a row.
Make sure to wash all clothes, bedding, pillows, and stuffed animals, vacuum all furniture and carpet, boil all hair combs/brushes
What I did when our family of five had them was I done the lice treatment then covered our hair with olive oil then placed a bag over our heads for a few hours and combed our hair washed all bedding bagged up stuffed animals vacuumed carpets couches and mattresses heated pillows and then steamed couches mattresses and anything I couldn’t put in a dryer then sprayed lice spray on all of the stuff I steamed
Bug bombs, bag stuff you can’t wash for at least 10 days, wash everything, use high heat to dry, throw out hair accessories or boil them. Treat everyone’s hair, mayo in hair works as well as oil, lice can’t live in oily hair, also after treated and gone add a few drops of tea tree oil in shampoos for prevention.
Oh mamma, I feel for you, I have been there. You need to bag her bedding/stuffed animals/clothing/ any soft thing/couch pillows/blankets/throw rugs. Keep it bagged for 2 weeks in the garage or basement. Vaccume everything, mattresses, couches, chairs. We purchased the lice home spray and soaked everything! We doubled up on the Nix. Good luck!!!
Cut it. It will grow back.
Smother the hair with conditioner and run the lice comb through every evening, had to do this yrs ago will never forget, turns out one of my daughters friends was walking with them but was never treated, but all members of the family have to be treated as well
My daughter went through this when she was younger, turned out she had a friend who’s mum never treated them as ‘they just come back anyway’
The eggs are a bugger to get rid of, you can’t really kill them, and they are laid around 7-10 days of lice being born, and they stick themselves to the hair shaft.
So with this in mind, I used to wash her hair then smother it with conditioner, then I would comb through her hair every day to get rid of the lice, very thin sections of hair at a time, and get really close to the scalp checking all hair strands for the eggs, then would slide them off with my fingernails.
Every 5-6 days for a month or so I would repeat the process to catch any new born before they would start breeding.
It was tedious but worth it in the end, then I would keep up with regular checks, use tea tree shampoo & conditioner as they don’t like the smell of it x
They do a shampoo to my kids have not got or had single headlice with this
A lice clinic for sure!
VASELINE coat everybodies head and hair put a shower cap on and keep it in for 24 hours. Wash and vacuum everything in this time emptying the bag/bin multiple times.
I had this problem… tired every thing also …
As a home health provider
One of my ladies told me to use a spray bottle half water half white vinegar
Spray the hair to were its dipping wet… put a shower cap on their head for one hour…
Then blow dry their head on high hot heat ( move around so that you do not burn their scalp )
Rinse well…
Then put mayonnaise all over their head put the shower cap back on …
Sleep with it on …
Then the next morning rinse well… wash their hair.
My children never Thank God got lice again
Go back to the Dr again
You have to pick all the eggs out by hand, strand by strand.
Kerosene worked for me when I was little. My mom spent a ton of money on kits because I had really thick long hair. Kerosene finally worked.
I struggled with it bad when my parents were getting a divorce. We couldn’t find a solution until my mom came across an article. Smother her hair in vasaline cover with a plastic bag over night. And then wash with dawn dish soap may take a few days to get it all out but I guarantee it works! Good luck
When my cousin was young my aunt had to keep her hair dyed dark not sure if lice don’t like it or can’t survive on it but it worked she was 10 when it started. Not sure how will do with such long hair.
Mayo !! It works amazing to get rid of them!
I say go to a lice clinic is pricey but they usually guarantee and time is money to me. My daughter brought home from school last year she has short hair but super thick and my other daughter and myself have very long hair I couldn’t get rid of it quick enough from the daughter that brought it home we tried everything just like your saying. She ended up passing them over to me and other daughter after dealing with it for over a month I finally just went to a lice clinic. Haven’t had any issues since.
It could be the resistant super lice. See your doctor to get an anti parasite.
Shave it off. I know it’s hard I went thru it as a child in chicago public schools. Only thing my mom could do was shave my hair and as it grew back she kept oils and lavender in it.
I know I’ll probably get hate or someone might say it’s bad but it wasn’t bad at all and it worked perfect on my daughter. I put rubbing alcohol on her entire hair and rapped it around with a bag let it sit for about an hour then wash hair. It will get very itchy but that just means it’s doing the job. When you put it on you will even see the big lice getting to the top of the head trying to escape but with the bag wrap they stay and actually die. I did it once a day for two days and they all died. After you still have to go through head and clean out the dead ones.
Are you washing the clothing and stuffed animals, ( if they cannt be washed you have to bag them for at least 3 weeks, you have to really clean the whole room not just bedding and child this includes carpet& curtains. You also have to pick all the little eggs out section by section, check and treat daily for at least a week
Mayonnaise only thing that worked on my granddaughter
I had this problem also we used real Mayonnaise and warm baby oil you put it all over the hair and then put a plastic tight cap or a plastic bag. It Suffocate them. Super easy to get out of hair after that
Coconut oil a entire container about 2 times a week I struggled with lice my entire child hood. When I got grown 15 or so I got read of them!!!
Tea tree oil, you add a few drops into your shampoo and wash like normal. You can find it in CVS or walmart. It has a bit of a smell to it but it definitely helps! It was the only thing that helped me as a kid
My friend used dog shampoo and then dawn dish soap being dead serious
It sounds like you will need to cut her hair. With so much hair you are probably not going to get rid of the lice and the eggs. And then it will be an be a never ending battle.
Mayonnaise wrap it with a grocery bag and keep hair in there overnight rise the next day should get rid of them quick!
I wouldn’t cut her hair off…but for my daughter…Because her hair is so long, I had used a hair straightener to get the eggs that’s down the length of her hair
It will be very difficult to get rid of them from very long hair, so I’d suggest trimming it to more manageable length (it’s hair it will grow back after all). It will be easier to see them and get rid of them. Plus to kill all the eggs use hair straightener everyday for couple of days. It helped my daughter a lot.
Wash her hair every night, comb it with a lice comb and conditioner every time. blow dry it until it’s dry, then blow dry it for 20 more minutes. Wash everything including carpets, couches, car seats, and put all stuff animals in garbage bags. My daughter had it for almost two months and the only thing that finally did it was doing all of this EVERY DAY. I also retreated her hair every 7 days with lice medicine and USED TEA TREE SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER.
My kids struggled with this until we went to a lice clinic no issues since it’s due to super lice probably
Part her hair when combing. Cover every bit in mayonnaise . Let hair set for as long as you can. Even over nite. And keep it wrapped in cling film. … wash off as normal and comb threw in parts . Also combing from the back roots helps
Shave her head or cut it as short as possible. Ur never gonna get it all with that long of hair
Also clean hair attracts lice, minimize washing
Might have to cut it
Tea tree oil straight onto the hair is the only thing I found that worked when I was unable to get rid of them. Make sure you repeat 5 days later
Finding out who she is getting them from is first step because if they aren’t treating themselves and she keeps getting exposed to it they will keep going back to her… using coconut oil, water and small amount of tea tree oil mixed in a spray bottle can help repel them too… good luck
Cut her hair. Here in Mexico there are some places which specialize in getting rid of those. But I really think you should cut her hair at least in half so it is easier
Wet with vinegar then suds with dawn dish soap. Cover with plastic bag for at least an hour. Comb through with metal flea comb then rinse out. I have a Miele vacuum and used that on my daughter’s long hair to get nit out too. Good luck.
Do not cut or shave her hair she’ll thank you later. Yes, long hair is hard when they get lice. Took awhile here to get rid of vacuum mattress, furniture and car seats too. Basically, everything.
Unfortunately you may need to cut the hair off…this happen to me with my daughter when she was 10 and her hair was soo thick and pass her but…It killed me to do it but after the cut she was comfortable and it all grew right back within a year
Hair spray everyday ! Lice love clean hair.
Do the prescription head lice stuff then put rubbing alcohol in her hair and put a hair cap on and leave it for atleast a hour make sure u throw out all stuffed animals wash all bedding repeat in 7 days and keep cutting nits out every day
Do not listen to these people. Do not cut that poor girls hair. Keep her home for 3 days. Continue it on everything. Put combs in freezer
When my daughter had it, we washed everything including toys, vacuum. The shampoos didn’t work enough. We used mayonnaise 1 time and it was gone. She sat with it (shower cap over it) for 8-10 hours. Worked amazing.
My daughter’s have long hair and my sister used laundry soap on thm ( I never dealt with lice b4 so I had to call n reinforcements lol) but it worked didn’t have to cut any off and I put tea tree oil in our shampoo and our water bottles