I'm living a lice nightmare, help!

Dawn soap and depending on how old she it, use a hair straightener to kill the eggs.

You have to treat the house too. Not just the head. And everyone else in the house.

You’re obviously not cleaning and treating the house too.

It’s probably not coming back it’s more than likely coming from a common source that she’s exposed to daily. If you are indeed treating like you are then she should 1) be rid of them and 2) you have poisoned her. That stuff is very potent and not to be used daily. Be very careful how you treat. Combing the hair is the most important thing to do.

Poor baby but keep trying.

Buy Lice Free spray!

Have you tried coconut oil???

I ended up putting my kids hair into a ponytail and then cut the ponytail clean off. Wrap her head up and then let her play outside. That’s what we did daily. The build up of heat on her head helped alleviate the problems! Skilice is what was prescribed to us. Worked wonders.

Bedding and furniture covers need to go in the drier at high heat. Stuffed animals, coats, all cloth things that could have gotten lice or eggs on them.

Use cup of clean motor oil and a cup of olive oil. Mic together and put on hair. Leave on for 1 hour wrap head in plastic wrap wash with shampoo. The mixture suffocate the live. Great grandpa medical books

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Coat hair in Vaseline and bag all stuffed animals and toys for a week I think it is.
The Vaseline is a pain to get out. You have to make an baking soda paste but the Vaseline smothers the lice and eggs. It has to be left on for a week to kill all lice and emerging lice.
Put bleach in laundry with alllllllll bedding and clothes. Not a lot. Like a capful or two. Shouldn’t bleach clothes but should kill any eggs.

Sulfur 8 shampoo helps and then you can spray everything in the house that can’t be washed with essential oils mixed in water - eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree…i think that’s it. My youngest is prone to getting them so we fought with them for years

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pack her with mayonnaise. the oil suffocates them

You actually have to sit and pick them out not just comb tbem

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Keep going!!! Wash the bedding daily in HOT water. Keep combing w a cup of alcohol to dip the flea comb in. Don’t forget the brush. Don’t give up!!!

find a stylist who removes lice expensive or cut hair

Mix tea tree oil and olive oil. Then spray entire house with water/tea tree oil mixture. Please don’t put harmful chemicals on her head that aren’t meant to be there;( I remember my mother soaking my head in kerosene. It was horrid!!

2 ways to help her hair … 1) you can pick up the green bottle of herts flea and tick shampoo ( follow directions for dog treatment works well if hair starts dry ) repeat ever 3 days until gone … wash all bedding dry all pillows stuffed toys in dryer high heat twice without removing pray mattress ( rid real good ) 2) go to any store buy the cheapest mayo you can find ( get a couple of them so you can treat at least twice ) spread all over and under layers of hair cover with a plastic bag for 45 minutes to an hour ( use metal lice comb ) in small amounts comb through with mayo still in hair rinse well then shampoo as normal wait a few days again and repeat whole process including bedding and stuffed toys

My momma socked my head in rubbing alcohol and put a bag over it for a bit!! It worked!! Anytime I see a bug on me my nieces anyone that’s what I do!

I literally took a cup of rubbing alcohol and a lice comb, sectioned off the hair and dipped the comb directly into the alcohol and repeated it. It is time consuming and it dries out her hair, but it did work better than anything else. Just put in good conditioner after you get done and are sure you have gotten rid of them all.

My daughter got lice multiple times last year, we kept getting rid of it then it would come right back so we eventually had to cut her hair and that’s the only thing that worked. She got a cute little pixie cut and loved it!

Use a load of conditioner on her wet hair and comb through it they can’t stick to her hair . Also vinegar bursts the eggs so no more can hatch

Get the menthol head and shoulders…it just works! Keeps them away! I struggled but once I used head and shoulders its finally gone!!! I still use it on and off and we arenlice free!!

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This worked wonders!!

They have places that you can bring them to and pay them to get them out. When my daughter had it, this company came to my house, treated her hair and combed through it. Then I washed everything and it was gone that quick. I had already done her hair 3x with no results so it was the best $100 I spent lol

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Tea tree oil will take care of it

Okay……DO NOT CUT HER HAIR unless you absolutely have too lol but i had really long hair growing up and my mom would just do the lice treatment a couple of times a week and then all my bedding and stuffed animals and clothes and i mean all of it, in big black trash bags and we threw them on our patio and left them out there for like a week and then washed them in hot water twice and the dried them all and all of the lice were gone and killed.

Make sure all stuffed animals are bagged outside in the sun for a few weeks. Wash all bedding daily in hot water , you may need to cut her hair )sorry) get the lice spray for furniture ( it comes in some over the counter kits) after each lice treatment blow dry and flat iron her hair. The heat will help. Put Mayo in her hair overnight with a shower cap on. It’ll help suffocate them. Long process!

My best friend swears by this for her kiddos. They haven’t gotten them since she started using it.

coconut oil lots of it wrapped all night. throw her pillow away. iron the top of her mattress. .use a lice comb. repeat the next night.wrapped in plastic. shampoo in dawn dish soap.

Don’t cut her hair they like short hair so that they can get to the scalp easier . I used to put the lice shampoo on and put a plastic shower cap on and leave it on till you are ready to take it off be careful the dead ones are in the hat

Girl I know your pain. My oldest went through this in middle school and it was like a month before it was gone. First you need to narrow down to who she is getting it from. (mine was a girl she sat with on the bus). Discretely make sure you inform whomever is in charge of said person and let them know your daughter will not be around said person till its taken care of. Second. WASH EVERYTHING! Wash it in the hottest water you can get and make sure to use bleach. Vacuum everything. Check your pets if you have them also. Bleach your hair brushes. Use like 5 boxes of the treatment the first time(my daughter also had very long hair). Wait un-till you are supposed to do the second treatment and use a whole jar of mayo. Cover her head and put a plastic bag on it. It needs to be on like 10 hrs. For safety reasons make sure you do this early in morning. DO NOT let her go to bed with it on her head. After mayo. Wait 2 days and then do it again. She will hate it but it will work. Then you will need to mix 1 cup water, 1 cup fabric softener, (or a few tbls of those laundry scent boosters), 1 cup vinegar and 5ml of tea tree oil and spray everything that is fabric in your house including all stuffed animals, drapes, ect… Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor. :slight_smile:

Try to find a lice center they can be pricey! But they are definitely worth it about 3 visits and they’ll be gone. It’s a lot of sitting but that’s about it.

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medecine named Natura but has to bel frlm dr

I used to work in a daycare for over 30 years. Bag up all stuffed animals in a garbage bag, let them sit for 3 weeks. Wash bedding in hot as you can get it, dry for longer than neccessary on HOT. For the hair mayonnaise piled on her hair. Covered with a shower cap or a plastic bag for hours. Pick out the lice and their eggs, repeat the next day, then again in a week. When washing her hair put a few drops of tee tree oil in with the shampoo and conditioner every time it washed

You have to go in a check their head constantly to get rid of the eggs. I was on it like a hawk and within a week my kids were lice free. I did use a lice shampoo once for them also. Whenever I would get lice from my kids I would just dye my hair. They’d die and didn’t have a problem after that.

Tea tree oil. Mayonnaise, there’s also a spray for the furniture.

Cut her hair short. You miss 1 egg and all your hard work is wasted. You also have to repeat treatment of hair and house after two weeks.

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Cetaphil is the only thing that truly works. First cover her head and hair with Cetaphil, do not let any hair go without it. Comb the hair. Blow dry every single inch completely. Do not wash out. Leave on a minimum 8 hours, but best for 24 hrs. After that time goes by rinse out, wash with shampoo, fully Blow dry. Comb every nit and lice bug out, I also use my nails. From start make sure to bag up any stuffed animals and cloth toys for 3 wks. Store outside or garage. After 3 wks put in dryer on high heat. Wash all her bedding, laundry, dry on warm or hot. If you can. Otherwise bag it. Vacuum bed/mattress, carpet, rugs, carseat, wash any backpacks or bags used. Otherwise they will keep laying eggs and you will have to repeat all this. It’s a pain but do it thoroughly once and you will be good. Make sure to check her head often over a few weeks to make sure.

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Go to a professional I can’t stress that enough we had a 6mo battle and took all the kids to a professional and never had them again

Honestly i use spot on flea treatment it kills them and keeps them away for a few months. Obviously do a skin test first or try on yourself then comb them all out afterwards i swear by it.

Hairspray going to school hair in ponytail if possible. The pediatrician can call in shampoo that’s better. I put rid in our shampoo. Dealt with this for 6 years and it worked

When you do get rid of them- keep a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo. It’s a great preventative.

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Make sure you spray your car too!!! We couldn’t get rid of them for the longest time men my daughter was younger and once we sprayed our car down including bedding and stuffed animals…they were gone!!

Don’t forget the car. Spray where she sits. I have been told numerous times they like clean hair so it’s not necessarily because anyone is dirty. Check if her bags and coats are hung in a community area at school popular contamination point

I HAVE THE ANSWER!!! A product called Cedarcide. It’s out of Texas and can be bought online. It is expensive, but IT WORKS. It is also a natural product so it isn’t harmful to people. Saturate hair and leave it in for like two hours and everything will be dead. As long as you wash linens , pillows and treat things like car seats while it is on your hair, one treatment is all you should need.

Believe it or not, have everyone in the household wash and blow dry their hair EVERY DAY! The heat kills the eggs and drives the live lice out. It worked for my mom when we were kids, we NEVER had lice after we started blow drying every day. Yes, it takes a toll on the hair but it’s worth it to get rid of them.

Buy a blow dryer cap. It goes over your blow dryer. Wash everything with hot water. Several dry cycles. Bag bears. Spray bedding pillows furniture, pom poms, rugs, curtains. Wash her hair in lice treatment. Use cooking oil comb the nits and eggs. Use blow dryer cap for 15 minutes. Wash hair with Dawn to get grease out. Tea tree oil in shampoo.

Cover her head in mayonnaise, thick layer through the roots. Plastic bag over her hair, tight, for 30 minutes then rinse in as hot of water as she can stand. Do daily. Take everything in the house and wash super hot, if it can’t go through the wash out in garbage bags and tie tight, leave in garage covered for minimum 2 week’s then vacuum them very good.

Olive oil and a shower cap! Trust me!!

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Get a two liter of coca cola and wash her hair with it. Ik it sounds weird but it helped whenever my siblings had it.

Equate brand tea tree and mint shampoo and conditioner. Best I’ve ever found and the quickest

Heat kills lice.
Continue treating your house.
Use the hot iron to kill the bugs, pick, then Vacuum the hair.

Sometimes you just got to cut their hair shorter that is how I got rid of my daughters. It’s easier to get the lice medication in. And do not shampoo her hair for about 2 days after applying. Keep searching for eggs. Make sure the kids she is playing with doesn’t have lice if not treated she will keep getting it back.

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Best thing to do is suffocate them. Put all bedding/ pillows in trash bag and close it tight. Leave in there for 24 hours. After that you can wash everything. Tea tree oil is good to use.

Mayonaise at night, cover with shower cap. Wash numerous times to get out oils. Add tea tree oil to shampoo/conditioner for after. As disgusting as we think lice are, they dont like dirty. Keep products in hair to help deter and keep hair up as much as possible.

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I agree, I’m not sure if you go through and pick them out, but combing does not work to get them out alone. You have to go through each part of her hair and make sure your getting all eggs out. We just went through this and have a large family and it was a nightmare. We had to bag their bedding up for 2 weeks, I had to make sure I stayed on it every single day and make sure there were no eggs. We redid treatment in the time it said to and my daughter ended up going to her friends and came back and had them again. We e done mayo for 8 hours, we did coconut oil, lice treatments, lice zapping comb, all of it. I am still having to go through their hair and spraying our stuff down to make sure I didn’t miss any. I also bought lice shampoo and got tea tree oil and lavender to make sprays for their hair.

Vamousse from Walmart. It’s a mousse and it works the first time. I believe it kills the nits too. $20, if she has long hair it may require 2 bottles. Make sure you repeat every 2 weeks for a month to make sure. Also check out where she may be getting them. Some people don’t give a shit and don’t treat their kids. If she’s in school check with them because each school is different and some let kids come back if they’ve been treated but not fully rid of them.

When my daughter was little it was the same way I tried everything, a woman gave me a prescription the doctor gave her for her kids it was called ovide, I used it and never had another problem with it

I take a bottle of tea tree oil mix it in a bottle of conditioner then slather it in her hair leave it over night in a shower cap wash it out the next morning then I do the same for shampoo and wash ur hair once every week or two it helps prevent u getting them

So with my daughter she’s caught it a handful of times from lying family :unamused: but I take coconut oil and warm it up and soak her hair. I put her hair up with a cap or towel over it and she sleeps on it. 8+ hours to suffocate the lice and it helps the eggs come off easier. I sit her in a chair and section her hair and very slowly go through the sections and comb it and then go back through and look to make sure I didn’t miss any eggs. It takes me 3+ hours but it works. I cleaned her room and our bed stuff and bagged up her plush toys and they spray for furniture and such. 2 or three days later your going to retreat with the coconut oil and comb through it again because by that time it gives any eggs left behind from the first round time to hatch. We just wash with dawn and then a good shampoo and conditioner afterwards.

I had to hire someone for my daughter many years ago she had long thick hair too. After you get them out I would put tea tree oil in a spray bottle, spray their hair everyday and do a tight braid with hairspray. All bedding, stuffed animals has to be put in plastic bags I believe for 14 days. I sprayed bedding, couches and carpet.

you’ll probably have to cut her hair momma

Get some mayonnaise…and put as much as you can get on her hair. It smoothers them and loosens the eggs. Cover her hair with a grocery bag or shower cap. Let it sit for a hour. Put tea tree oil in her shampoo and cream rinse. Put all pillows…stuffed animals…anything that can not be washed in a garbage bagfor a month. Wash everything else in as hot water. Get the water as hot as you can.When she goes to school…put her hair up. Since it’s long. It can touch everything. Put all her hair items in hot water.

You have to treat everything and everyone over and over and over. Sometimes you got to throw out pillows, blankets rather than washing them. You also need to clean your car or car seats.

I took our entire family to a professional to treat all of us as well as our home when had lice. They treated every member of our household and took care of the home. It wasn’t cheap. Cost over $700. But it was well worth the piece of mind.

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White vinegar worked when I was a kid. When nothing else would and we chopped all my hair off. A lady said try white vinegar. It literally brought us to tears because it worked! I now despise the smell of white vinegar. Makes me want to throw up. But I can’t deny that it was a sanity savior.

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At this point if you can afford it you should throw out the bedding and cut it short

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Option #1
Flat iron her hair
Get close to the roots without burning her!
Option #2 Diatomaceous earth rubbed into her roots and hair

  • don’t do both together though!!

Run tea-tree oil all through the hair , root to ends, wrap will cling wrap, wet a towel then wring it out & heat in microwave. Wrap the hot towel turban style around the head & leave for 20 minutes!
This was the only thing which worked on my daughter! She also had very long thick hair!
Good Luck!

100 percent go to a lice removal place. They will knock it out one time. It’s expensive and worth it!!! Do not cut her hair!!!

Lice MD was the only thing that worked for us and the same cleaning bleaching and bagging everything up. Good luck I hated when this happened to us.

Color her hair after you come it all out

When my girls went to Headstart they kept getting it. I ended up cutting their hair short. I started using tea tree shampoo and conditioner, sprayed their hair with hairspray, and told them not to put other kid’s hats & brushes on their heads.

If you have a lice squad in your area I highly recommend them! The cost up front is a little much but they will get all the lice and nits out of your daughters hair and sell kits with their enzyme treatment, nit combs etc. We have had the kit for years and was definitely worth the money

We had a nightmare with lice. We ended up going to a lice treatment facility. They use dry heat to kill it. Don’t use chemicals it will fry her hair

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Tree oil in the shampoo.
We struggle off and in for years .
I would get all of it put and they would get it again till I started putting that in the shampoo.
Also make sure u are lice free

Cut hair, and you can also use white conditioner leave in for a hour then comb out or apple cider vinegar works and mint and rosemary

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If she was a boy I would say buzz cut…I know she has long beautiful hair…but if all elese fails you may have to cut her hair to get rid of them…:cry::cry:


Lice free spray on amazon. Cover every bit of hair you can, wrap it into a bun and let it sit in a shower cap. I also added fairytales brand shampoo, conditioner, and spray conditioner. Its pricy but it works.

I had same issues! I started washing my daughters long blonde hair with dog flea soap. Took a bit but I beat those tiny sobs!

There is a lice clinic in Scott that will get rid of them completely. It’s pricey but worth it. Had to go when me and my daughter had gotten it so bad and nothing worked

Unfortunately take a few hours and sit down with a flash light and literally pick out every single big and nits. Afterwards use tea tree oil in the hair. Vacuum everything wash everything bag up all stuffed animals for a few months. I honestly had my kids sleep on the floor with a sheet for a week just untill I knew we were out of the clear if not you’ll have to wash her bedding everyday! It’s such a long painful process for everyone! :woozy_face:


Cheap conditioner and every night in the bath with a nit comb

Apple cider vinegar and a shampoo mix. Wrap in a cap leave in for 3 hours wash out. It loosens the glue on the eggs and kills the live ones. After that use a lice treatmemt to kill any undead eggs. I used this a week straight on my long hair daughter. Take a bit but works. And empty your vacuum after each use to trash out side.

My daughter constantly had lice the 2019-2020 school year. No matter what we did, she kept getting them. The school did absolutely NOTHING about the outbreak. We finally went to a professional & had her (& my) hair cleaned. The lady told us to put her hair up in a braid every morning.
But the truth is, if the OTHER parents don’t clean their kids’ hair, your daughter will keep getting lice. The 6ft apart is one of the good things to come out of COVID. My daughter hasn’t had lice once! (Knock on wood)

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Smoother her hair with mayo. Wrap hair with a plastic bag like from the grocery store. Leave on overnight. Important to use fine tooth lice comb.

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There is a place near us called lice girls. You go in and they do it for you. If they don’t get it all out you go back, but I’ve never heard of people having to go back.

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I have very long and very thick hair… got it as a kid and my mom almost lost her mind… gotta treat the carpets and every cloth item in the house. Hair has to be treated, then combed and blow dried every day for quite a while. Best wishes.

Coat her hair in Vaseline and put a shower cap on. Leave in for an hour and then wash it out thoroughly. Hair is oily for a day or 2 but it works wonders getting it out.

Don’t wash hair everyday. Lice love clean hair. I have a friend with 3 boys. The boys would wash their hair when they felt like doing it. Well the whole time they were in school they never got lice. Kudos to her. She did the right thing.

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Douse her hair with vinegar let it sit for about 15mins then blow dry it. The vinegar loosens their hold, nits and insects. Then proceed with lice treatment

After you do the shampoo, blow dry her hair and use a straightener.

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Tree oil. My daughter was the same during daycare and school. Tree oil will kill the live lice but you have to make sure to get all eggs.

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Treat head as usual with shampoo…cut hair…and tea tree oil helps and wrap up…they hate it. Had to do the same to my granddaughter and she was only a yr old…

Crisco…cake it in her hair…put a shower cap on over night…in the morning wash her hair with dawn dish soap it smoothers the eggs/nits

Once you get rid of it use this to wash her hair with and blow dry after every wash.

Cut it off it will grow back !

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Cut some sorry to say but treat, mayo,. Comb in flat iron everyday

Tgel shampoo! Lather it up and let sit about 20 minutes, repeat every other day until they’re gone. It works!

Use a leave in condition spray with tea tree oil and keep hair up in braids during the day