I'm married to a man and in love with a woman who has blocked me, how do I get closure?

If she blocked you . Sounds like she’s done moved on . Sounds like you need to let go move on and focus on your husband. He deserves your love . Your not gonna get closure . Best thing except that and move on . And be happy with your hubby . Because if you don’t let it go . Your hubby and your marriage is gonna suffer . And he’s gonna start noticing something being off . Than your gonna end up losing him .


Accept the fact she wants nothing to do with you

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You’re not going to get closure. She blocked you, she’s over it, and has moved on. She doesn’t have any interest in talking or being friends. It sucks, I’m sorry, but you need to leave it alone and let it go. Just some advice… You should probably be putting as much energy into your marriage as you’re putting into this girl from literally years ago that made her feelings very clear. She moved on and you need to as well.


This is all just assumption, but I think she is in denial. No one can just stop being gay. For whatever reason she chose her new religious beliefs and is trying to convince everyone (and maybe herself) that she’s straight. She simply is not straight, that’s not how that works. She may have feelings for you too or she may not, but either way I think she is in denial and she’s afraid to be gay and that may be why she’s ignoring you and blocking you. She’s trying to “forget” her old life even though deep down inside she knows she is still gay. It’s just very strange.


Spend time with your husband fall back in love with him

Unfortunately you can’t always get closure in the way you want to. Maybe try speaking to a professional it may help.


Grass is always Greener on the other side …
You should be focusing on rebuilding an emotional connection with your husband !
Poor guy is being neglected and pushed away while you fantasise about some Never happened dream.

If you really think you have an attraction to women, ask hubby for a 3some, get rid of that itch.
She has spoken loudly that you are Not welcome in her life so fix yourself & leave her alone.


I’d say get a divorce since you’re cheating on your husband, emotionally or physically are same thing! Actively seeking another IS cheating!!!
Second, you’re not getting closure and it’s not her job to provide it for you! She’s made her intentions towards you VERY clear! You need some serious therapy so I’d start that ASAP


Take the loss, wish her peace, and move on.

Talking with a professional therapist will help.

Closure doesnt always mean talking or having that one last conversation. Closure is about wanting to move on. If you wanted to be done with it, you’d be done with it.


Hang on, if this way the other way around people would be loosing it. You have emotionally cheated on your husband. Maybe you need to step back from everyone and think about what you truly want. If it’s your husband then forget her. If it’s her, we’ll she has made it clear she doesn’t want it and you need to walk away from both her and your husband.


Go to church where she goes.


Religion won’t change anyone but a relationship with Jesus will! Sounds to me she’s changed and done with you. Respect that! You are married and need to work on your marriage and letting go of her and the way to do that is to accept she no longer wants you in her life!


She is trying to ignore everything from her past, let her. You push her to talk, and it will only get worse. Move on,

The silence is the closure.


You have your closure, she is done, you need to move on and either work on your relationship with your husband but being honest about your sexuality or leave and spend time working out what you really want

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I think you should move on. I would give this advice no matter whether she was a woman or man. She evidently no longer wan’t your friendship or lifestyle so my advice is move on.

If you were a man you’d be crucified in the comments right now, you’ve emotionally cheated on your husband, and are harassing the other woman. You’re clearly trying to invade someone else’s life because YOU want to she has already made it extremely clear she wants nothing to do with you so there’s your closure get over it. Go see a therapist and let your husband go be with someone that will love and respect him because you don’t.


In life we don’t always get closure. Youre also being unfair to your husband. Hopefully you don’t have small kids because they don’t deserve what you’re doing either. Woman up and become apart of your own family again, or divorce your husband and move on entirely. He deserves your honesty.

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You give yourself closure. No one owes you that.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm married to a man and in love with a woman who has blocked me, how do I get closure?

How about you put that energy into your relationship with your husband. Obviously she does not share your feelings so get over it. And just maybe she does not want that burden of breaking up a marriage. Get yourself some counseling.


You sound very confused. First I feel if she blocked you she has made a decision it’s not a relationship she wants to pursue, friendship or otherwise. I think you should respect her wishes. I think you need to stop and get some help sorting out your feeling altogether. It could be you think you want her because you can’t have her. People often feel that way. Your marriage should be your top priority and figuring out what your not getting from your marriage that makes you want to go outside your marriage to get could solve your problems. Marriage is hard and people grow in all different directions, a therapist could help you figure it all out. Could just be a communicate issue. No one knows your marriage or life so judging or shaming you isn’t the answer. Having said that please get help sorting it out before too many people get hurt. Your heart isn’t only heart that could get broken, you stood and made a vow with your husband so that relationship needs sorting out first, you owe him that.


You need to find Jesus to help you


You’re probably making it hard for her to move on & that’s why she blocked you, to avoid temptation. You will eventually get over her & be thankful that you wasn’t able to communicate with her because it will help you avoid temptation also therefore helping you move on.

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This woman has moved on…it doesn’t matter if it’s Jesus…religion or apple pie! She has made it clear she DOES NOT want you in her life…it doesn’t matter the reason.
Stop trying to interfere with where she is today! You have no right to intrude and disrupt someone else’s life because you want to ease your mind. Move on and figure out how to put this behind you because she clearly has…and before you mess up some other person’s life think about your husband…its his life too! Shame on you!


If she blocked you she is done. When I’m completely done with someone and they do not get it, that what I would do. Value yourself because you are important even though this is happening to you.

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Looking to the past means you aren’t living fully right now. Maybe you are bored or unhappy, so you are looking for what’s missing? Maybe you need to make it a priority to take care of yourself. Maybe you need a better job? Do you want to go back to school?

And not once did you say you were in love with your husband imagine how he would feel if he knew. move on because she has


Examine your lifestyle. Read a Bible and as said earlier (find Jesus to help you)


Yet… youre ‘all against who you were’? Lol. Come correct! You’re the married one wanting to shack up with the same sex, who’s no longer swinging that way! Slippery slope! :ok_hand:

You are a married woman. You married that man for a reason…. ask Jesus to restore those feelings and put your energy into being a good wife and his soulmate. Work to strengthen your relationship with your husband. that woman blocked you, she doesn’t want to continue her guilt-ridden gay lifestyle with you. Move on!


You need a counselor. People change. If she wants nothing to do with you so be it move on and go to counseling with your husband.

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Talk to a counselor.

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Respect her actions of blocking you and leave her alone.

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She’s telling you plain and simple move on. Concentrate on the marriage you took vows to. That’s what she believes in not this imagination that’s never going to happen because she doesn’t want it to. She’s no home wreaker. Stop pressuring the situation before your left all alone with nothing but regrets about hurting the husband who is there with you your one you said to leave ve and to cherish. Reread those wedding vows,pull out those pictures of you two on wedding day
STOP and look at what your all about and remember why you said I DO . He deserves that love, respect.


You need to move on.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm married to a man and in love with a woman who has blocked me, how do I get closure?

  1. Acceptance is the first thing to do. She has made it clear she doesn’t want to talk to you. She has her beliefs a d she doesn’t need your approval for them.
  2. Forcing her to communicate when she doesn’t want to is selfish on your part. Find another way, like a letter to burn and anything else that you may have that’s hers, and move on.
  3. She has found god for herself and her life. Regardless what your thoughts are, she’s happy so don’t ruin it for her. Maybe she’s bisexual not just lesbian.
  4. Find closure so your husband gets the attention he deserves from his wife. He should always be the top priority for you or you need to let him go. You sound more like you wish she’d come back to you rather than letting go and moving on. If you can’t be the wife your husband needs then let him go too.

Its going to be hard but you need to think of it as a break up. Think she rnded with me and in time you can more on. Every time you think of her change her name to your husband’s and think of all the love that is there or could be. Try to restart the fire you once had with him like you had for her

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Let that shit go, respect her wishes and put that energy into your husband!


Write a letter and burn it to get closure, she has moved on with her life and sometimes all you can do is move on. Focus on your husband, hobbies, work etc :hibiscus:

Respect her and leave her alone and let it go! It’s none of your business what she believes at this point. She doesn’t want you involved. And respect your marriage even more and put that energy into repairing it!


Why do you need closure? She’s moved on…and so should you. If you can’t, then come clean to your husband. Your lack of respect for him and yourself speaks volumes.


OP as a FEMALE who’s engaged to a male, I still have feelings for my EX GIRLFRIENDS and they both know it. But maybe my best suggestion to you as some have suggested is to write feelings down as a letter to her and maybe burn it as a closure letter. It may not necessarily burn the feelings away but it may give you some kind of closure but it can take a while to eventually close that door and leave those feelings behind. It won’t be easy trust me I understand 100% but the best thing you can do is just work slowly towards learning how to let go of the feelings little by little. Don’t try to force yourself too much or you can do some mental damage to yourself and it can be unhealthy. Take some time to do some self care as well. I wish you all the best luck

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Could you maybe try writing her a letter? It will help you sort through your feelings and even if she doesn’t read it, it may bring you some closure.
I lost my life long best friend when I decided to stop going to her church because I had different beliefs. She told me that she could no longer associate with me since I was turning my back on God. It still hurts to this day, but I know that the friendship was meant to end. I needed to move on with my life.


She is not the same person. She moved on. If you can’t move past this you need to seek counseling. This is not healthy for you or your marriage


This is seriously not ok. She had made her feelings quite obvious and clear by blocking you. And yet you still know what is going on in her life. As in her own life without you. That’s stalking and you clearly need some therapy to help sort your feelings. She has moved on and your closers is not on her.


You should stop stalking her and MoveOn if she blocked you I it was for a reason respect her wishes and move on


Forget her ! Be careful falling again , you say in love .

This comment section isn’t it :woozy_face:. Y’all really think she PLANNED to develop feelings for a WOMAN?? “You’re married” “Put that energy into your husband” That’s not helping her any. As for the original question: hun you can’t force someone to talk to you. As terrible as it seems you’ll most likely never get the closure you desire, it’s best to write it all down & burn it. Maybe burning the letter will burn the feelings with it


Put that energy into the person you MARRIED. :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:t3:


MYOB. Quite thinking about stalking her and put your energy into your marriage


Doesn’t look like you have choice. She clearly wants you out of her life and your MARRIED you should be more worried about if you should be in that relationship not worried about someone who clearly doesn’t want you around.


You focus on your husband and marriage and move on. You don’t need closer from the other person because she already told you to let it go when she blocked you!


It’s resolved for her. She’s done. The hard truth is many times in life there is no closure. Because you feel the need to talk doesn’t mean that’s what she wants or needs. Respect it and keep on moving. This is the part that big girl panties get pulled back up and you just do it. Get busy with your husband, work and household. If you aren’t busy enough take a class, volunteer, go walk the neighbors dog.

Write her a letter of closure

She’s clearly setting a boundary and you should respect that


Nothing you can do. She doesn’t want to talk to you , ur gonna have to find away to move on… write letter mail it to no one and let it go.

I say let it go your married and maybe she has changed and if she blocked you that should tell you something

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We always want something more when we can’t have it/it’s forbidden. Honestly it just sounds like a crush or fantasy. Id forget it.


You’re married…:woman_shrugging:t2:


Might want to just let that go? Write a letter?

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You have to let go. Quit dwelling on her that just makes her seam perfect in your head ( no one is perfect) let it go move on enjoy life , she DOESNT want you

You can’t force closure. You aren’t respecting her boundaries. You need to get over her and focus on your marriage. She doesn’t want to be with you period.


The fact she blocked you is closure enough. You’re married, she’s evolved into a new being.(Yes, God can change people) she’s battling her own journey and trying to do it without you. Respect her wishes… Don’t be the thingshe’s battling to let go of… Not only are u her EX but she clearly knows you’re a married woman. She owes you NOTHING. Go to counseling. That’s your closure.


Therapy and unless your husband and u had an agreement to an ‘open’ relationship…you may wanna consider divorce. Its not fair to either of you to be together if your are not in love with each othet.


You need help let your husband find a FAITHFUL wife smh


My God, move on for Christ sake you are too glutton lol you want both pieces of the cake


Leave that poor woman alone. People change and they’re allowed to. Being obsessive isn’t healthy no matter who the person is.


So you’re married and still trying to peruse another person? She blocked you. You sound like a stalker.


It amazes me how many Assholes there are in this group some of y’all are really disgusting and you are seriously judging the people posting here? Wow

Girl let it go! Let her live her life how she wants. Focus on your marriage.

It sucks. But she doesn’t owe you anything. Respect her boundaries and leave her alone.

Leave that woman alone!


You said your married to a wonderful man then leave him so he can find a woman he deserves .Do you find it right to destroy his life?


Don’t listen to the judgemental ppl…they don’t get what ur going thru cause they have never been in ur shoes obviously…it will get better…just concentrate on ur marriage…don’t stress over her,.


It’s the devil cause girl you married!


You have been blocked.
There is your closure.
She has made the right decision by respecting YOUR husband and getting out of the situation.


You… are…. Married
Leave her alone, she has made her choice and blocked you, you don’t deserve closure


If this was a guy talking about being in love with another woman y’all would not be half as supportive. You need to figure out what you want whether or not you are ever able to talk to her again. And for the love of god, stop stringing your husband along


Move on. She is trying hard to change. You are selfishly trying to change her back and for what? You are married. Leave her alone.


Go to church :church: :raised_hands: :pray: pray over your own marriage also unless this is new for you Jesus and being straight is the way as the Bible says I’m not preaching cause I really don’t want to be bombarded with nonsense however ill say rapture is coming she is changing her life and ways, God destroyed a country land of gays this was probably who she was before you and she wants to make things right when nothing goes.your way most ppl decide to make a change you need to move on go to marriage counseling with your husband churches help with that as well


I feel bad for your husband. Tell him so he can make up his mind if you are worth staying with. I know I would leave you


She doesn’t owe you anything. You can’t make her talk to you. Journal about it or write down everything you have to say to her on a piece of paper, and then tear it up. You need to respect her boundaries.


She does NOT want you…


Get counseling, this is NOT love, it’s obsession, and VERY unhealthy.


It does not sound like you respect her choice.


It’s an unfortunate situation. She will always be unhappy unless she allows herself to express and live her true self. I’m sure this is equally painful for her and that is why she blocked you. Too much temptation for both of you. You need to come clean with your husband and figure this out together on how to move forward.

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First, I think it would be helpful for you to understand how “Jesus talk” actually impacts a person. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, He makes you new. He washes away your sin. But, that doesn’t mean that satan won’t/can’t use people around you to tempt you into old lifestyles. Homosexuality is likely a sin that she may forever struggle with. So that it makes sense for you, it’s like a drug addict that walks away from the drugs. To be successful in that, they don’t get off drugs and then surround themselves with people who who are still using and/or offering to share their drugs with them. She did what was right for her soul, and that is something to be respected. I’m not going to bash you on your feelings or what you have done to your husband because honestly, you sound very confused. You clearly don’t have a relationship with Christ and Christian people know good and well that confusion does not come from The Lord. If you really want to understand and get closure, I would encourage you to get a Bible (Bible apps are free!) and read as much as possible (even if you don’t believe). You may find a lot of answers that you didn’t expect there. I would pray that in doing this, you also find Christ. To be clear, I am not trying to trick you into becoming a Christian. That is not how it works. But my hope is that your curiosity will lead you towards Christ and you will find joy there. The fruit of the Holy Spirit (which you may receive through Christ) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. All good things right? In this you may one day look at your husband with admiration and love, with thankfulness and desire. My prayers are with you. Jesus loves you too. He wants a relationship with you too. Don’t let satan distract you with meaningless and dangerous obsessions. My prayers are with you and I hope that you find your way to truth :heart::pray:t2:

She is not obligated to give you closure. She asked to be left alone – to the point that she had to block you, you need to respect that and walk away.


Tell your husband and step out of his world and be own your own. You can’t be there for him your heart is not with him.

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In my opinion you are just idealising relationship that never happened. You don’t know what would happen between the two of you, you just create perfect/exciting relationship in your head. People often making themselves obsessed about things they were denied. Clearly there was no premise of real relationship and realistically this woman choose her own path and did everything in her powers to let you know that she is not available or interested. You are risking good relationship for a mirage. Ask yourself if you are interested in other women or just the one that got away? Being bi or gay is perfectly ok but you have to be honest with yourself and your husband if you would rather be with that woman than him. He should be able to get his life in order with someone who would want him for him and as a priority.
My advice is be honest with yourself and look reality in eyes not your fantasies build on imaging “what ifs”.


You need to leave this woman alone. You are a married woman and you don’t need her to resolve your feelings. She has told you she was stepping away from that lifestyle and that’s her choice and yes religion changes you. You become a different person when the Lord enters your heart and you try to live by the Bible and for Him.
I don’t want to get off on a religious rant here but it would do you a world of good to pray and ask God to help you through your feelings, you may find a sense of peace.


Everyone has the right to do what they think is best for them and no one that isnt your legal spouce owes you any closure or anything. I think it would be best to respect the boundary she has set by blocking you and look within yourself for closure.


Go to counseling and leave this woman alone


You need to concentrate on your family and not on something that happened way back. I just know that my God can change this we do not understand and if the young lady said God changed her, then stop punishing yourself. If you really want to change or get closure just as God to help you as he hears all your thoughts and wants to be there for you. :pray:

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She doesn’t owe you closure or a talk you need therapy and to honest with your husband and if he leaves that’s on you.


Wtf go talk to your husband you are cheating on him in your head. Your husband deserves better. Get a dayum divorce and go seek forgiveness.