If she’s gay religion won’t change that. Nonetheless she is going to figure that out for herself and it will take time. As for you move on, leave her alone, and focus on what you want to do about your own marriage.
To use religion as a source to block you is not what Jesus was about. You appear to have a yearning for her strength. You really need to seek your higher spiritual connections and ask for help to do whats right for you. There is power in prayer and move forward in your life. Love can be confusing.
Maybe she was never gay and just going through a confused time in her life and you are a reminder of that. For her own life she has removed you. You need to respect her decision and leave her alone. If you need help or closure then you should find a therapist. You are obviously going through your own confusion and therapy may help that.
It’s not her responsibility to give you closure. Move on.
Apparently she doesn’t feel the same and wants nothing to do with you. She has moved on- you are wanting something you can have - border line obsessive- “get closure” is bs - again you want something you can’t have sweetie- turn the page - put her into memory because she has done that to you. Apparently you and her are bisexual kiddo. You love people for who they are not what sex they are. You are a two spirit human - this in itself is a blessing-
Please let her be . She is clearly trying to start anew and live the life God desires . It is probably a huge temptation for her to chat or be around you . Also , remember, some friends are here in our lives for only a season . This is so hard to accept but life goes on . Give yourself time to heal and at the same time , respect her wishes .
Maybe you should get religion
She found her way so leave her alone, if you care about her. Find your own way as she did.
We beat men up verbally and bring up consent for exactly what you’re doing. She said no. No means no. It’s that simple.
Needing closure is just an excuse for you to pursue someone that obviously does not want you to contact her. Leave her alone and work on your marriage.
If she is happy in her new life be happy for her and focus on your life. My mothers best advice was “Don’t be where you are not wanted.” She doesn’t want you around, so respect that. I can assume there may be someone in your life experiences you wouldn’t want bothering you now. Give this person the sw respect. And it sounds like you need to work on you.
All I’m going to say is, sometimes no answer is an answer. You’ve got your answer, now move on and maybe get a divorce because your husband deserves better.
Write her a letter. Just as if she were standing in front of you, listening. Pour your heart out. “Tell” her Everything that you want her to know.
When you are ready, take your letter outside, spade a small hole and burn the letter, letting the ashes fall into the hole. Cover the hole back up.
Take a deep breath and continue on with your life.
You getting married should be enough closure! Does your husband know you still have these strong feelings towards an ex?
She’s straight, always has been, just finally getting away from the demons. I suggest you do the same.
I feel sorry for your husband because not once did you say that you love him …do him a favor and stop being a lowlife user and leave so that he can find someone who loves and wants to be with him .then figure out what you really want because it’s certainly not your husband
Leave her alone is the message
You’re married. Wtf?
She rejected you and made choices to change her lifestyle with reasons that you might not understand or agree with…but you should try to find peace in yourself and let go of her, knowing you might not ever understand or receive the clarity you are hoping for.
Run. She Blocked you for a reason. Maybe, A selfish, stupid reason. Let her go. This will only end in tears
Let it go .She have gone on with Her life. Stop lusting after Her.(Cause its not Love
You. Are. Married.
Let it go and work on your marriage!
She blocked you. That’s closure!!
She doesn’t want to speak to you, she doesn’t have feelings for you. She doesn’t owe you closure because you have feelings for her and she doesn’t have them in return. It’s not all about you and your feelings show some respect and leave her alone and also your husband since you don’t seem to care at all about him.
You need to focus on your marriage.
Her blocking you is closure. She doesn’t wanna talk to you, move on and don’t be that person that keeps trying even though she’s made it VERY clear she wants nothing to do with you
She doesn’t owe you closure. You’re a married woman. Don’t drag your poor husband along while you’re trying to figure out how you feel. That’s just disrespectful to him. I judge no one’s sexual preference, but if she decided to change her ways then she doesn’t need you coming along and being an obstacle.
Leave her alone and maybe focus on you!! Leave your husband as well it’s not fair to him as well.
Not sure how much more clear blocking someone could get…. That is your closure. She not only closed the door, sis she locked it
Maybe you are the reason she changed. Still you didn’t get it so she blocked you. Move on woman. You have a marriage to work on.
Yea. I. Would. Leave. That. Woman. Alone. She. Has. Turned. To. God and in. The. Bible. It. Says. Man. And. Woman. You. Can’t change. Her. Think. About your husband. You. Say. He is a. Good. Man. Work on. This. Marriage
For real closure. You need,to do as she did. Seek a relationship with our God and he will guide you to real closure
You have to respect her and realize that you can’t always get what you want. In a way it’s really selfish to try to chase her down or find a way to communicate with her just to get “closure for you”.
Respect her space and maybe one day she will come to you and talk about it.
Respect her boundaries and your husband
Sounds like you either need to just drop it and let it go since she sounds like she’s moved on and doesn’t feel the same or leave your husband to go pursue it and figure out what you actually want.
Be honest honest your husband about your sexuality and cheating for a start! Sorry but disgusting behaviour. You made promises and vows to this man ffs. This man thinking you’re all for him and your mind is elsewhere!
Tell him the truth and either decide to stay and work through it or leave. It’s that simple.
She blocked you, just leave her be. I feel for your husband.
You r asking for trouble. Walk away and let it be. Do you realize that alot of women would want a wonderful man. Jeez
If she went so far as to block you, you should respect that decision and let it go and accept the fact that you may never get the closure you’re desperately seeking. You also should discuss this with your husband, and discover what it means for your current relationship with him.
If you got a good husband think about him because the one you thinking about might not be good for you.
That silence IS CLOSURE. Accept that and move on.
Feel sorry for your husband. Wasting all that energy on her than on him who is there and married to you.
She’s living a lie if she thinks ignoring you will keep her desires straight and living a Godly life! God knows her true heart, gay or not! She’s harming herself thinking she can pretend to be straight but God knows better. You need to leave her alone until she realizes she won’t be happy until she accepts her true self.
If things were meant to have ended differently, they would had. Even if there was no husband in the picture, she has blocked you and isn’t willing to have contact. Focus your energy on the people in your life who will reciprocate.
Move on from her and divorce your husband. Sounds like you’d rather be single.
I’m not sorry, this is absolutely sickening. You took VOWS with your husband. You need therapy, and if I were your husband, I’d be getting a divorce!
Tell your husband about this so he doesn’t find out on his own - that’ll make it worse.
Good grief!!!
Probably should find out what church she goes too. Then show up there
Um…your married!! She found the light. Be happy for her! Praying you find it too! Also you need to tell your husband about this because its adultery. You think your “in love” with someone else! If you lust after someone else, thats adultery.
Leave her to it. If she’s dumb enough to turn away from who she is or was because of something as retarded as religion. Focus on your husband…
Leave her alone. She doesn’t want you in her love. Move on.
You can’t just move on it doesn’t work like that! &for the record you can love more than one person! However you need to respect her decision! Sure it’s gonna hurt like hell but if you love her you’ll leave it alone
We always want what we can’t have the most. Move on!
Put your big girl pants on and leave her alone. It’s apparent she has chosen another path and doesn’t want contact from or with you. You’re actually sounding stalker-ish without actually stalking. You’re also not being fair to that wonderful husband of yours as you are living a lie.
Really? For 1 it seems she made it clear… so move on with your life. For 2 You are a married WOMAN, you don’t need closure from anything
Turn your life over to your one and only hope, change like she did turn to JESUS. He is your only hope.
She gave you closure. Move on!
I’d say focus on your marriage. Sounds like a classic case of “forbidden fruit”.
How about you respect her decision—seems like she’s made up her mind about you—- and in the meantime how about you stop using your husband—- you’re making a fool of him and lying about your marriage —- be an adult and treat the people you say you love with the respect they deserve
Um y’all have talked. She told you she doesn’t want to be with you and to leave her alone. You don’t like the answer you received and it sounds like typical narcissistic behavior that you’re gonna continue to badger her until you get the answer you want to hear. Leave that woman alone, before she gives you a letter herself, a protective order, with possible stalking and/or harassment charges!
You are not a toddler and know exactly what no means. This woman owes you nothing!
She blocked you, so mourn as you would for someone who has passed away. She has made it abundantly clear she no longer wants you in her life. So that friendship is basically dead.
I’m sorry you have this dilemma, but there’s only one way it can be resolved and turn out fine. Respect her block. It’s finished. Over. Done. You are playing a fantasy in your head. She has no similar interest in you. So stop it. Perhaps give it a short time, and examine why you wanted to supplement your love relationship in the first place. You assert that you love your husband. Work on that! As the Pennsylvania Dutch used to say, Kissing don’t last: cooking do! Maybe get a hobby that you and he will both enjoy. Or try couples therapy. Good luck, friend.