I'm sad that I'll miss out on everything

“a break” ? sounds like you should have have moved closer or just handed over rights at this point.


Maybe move closer to him like a town or something away. I know it’s not easy like that to up and move. Though if you move to his area they have the best school for the learning you perfer. School isn’t easy to choose especially in this day and age. Good luck

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I think you already know what you are going to do. The real reason why is just sugar coated with an excuse. But really there is nothing wrong with Dad being the primary caregiver.


I would think about longer term, than just the school year. Once the kids are settled, you’ll have a very hard time ever regaining custody


Are you able to move to New York? Or even surrounding cities outside of new York? Don’t worry about these Karen’s burnt out moms are the most looked over. Great job thinking about your kids future and not being bitter about him having them. I think you two need to sit down and look at all options and then go from there! Find what works for y’all


No way!!! They are to young for school any how! So why is that your main concern! Maybe when they get to that point but no I wouldn’t let my kids move from texas to NY without me period. I live in Texas and I have no idea where you are located but there are MANY top school districts in Texas!


You momma’s on here act like y’all ain’t never wanted a break…
Y’all act like it’s def not okay for a momma to let her kids live with their daddy…
Some moms aren’t cut out for the mom life…
So moms are…
It’s not a moms job to have their kids 24/7 with or with out the father living in the home….
Y’all act like mommas don’t have the right to do anything that ain’t for their kids…
Seriously !
Parenting is hard !
Being a single parent is even harder !
Y’all all need to get the f*** off that horse y’all clearly think y’all are so high up on that d*** pedestal!
If dads can get away with those kind of (breaks) then so can the momma !geez !


This isn’t sitting well with me. Education and money are both helpful but love and guidance from the parents are what your kids need. It sounds like he is all in are you?


Girls need their mom… keep them with u. Period…NY is no place to live or raise kids


I totally get why you are feeling this way you want to do what’s best for your babies period! No mother should miss out on her child’s life maybe you can move closer to him or do half custody but those are memories you’ll cherish forever

Nope, I couldn’t miss anything. I’d move closer to him


Move to New York. He can have primary custody or you can do shared custody while you get yourself settled with a place to live etc and then you can adjust the custody agreement.

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You are both parents. If it betters your children and creates more opportunities it doesn’t matter which one of you have them as long as you still remain consistent in their lives. Do you have the ability to fly there for important events? Maybe make an agreement with your husband that you would like to FaceTime them and come along for those major milestones.

Could you move closer to him?
I understand you putting them first and that’s amazing.
Not all kids only excel with the mother- they can excel with fathers too.
You know you and your family dynamic- you do what you think is best for you but please map out all options and think long run as well.
Maybe you can move up there in a couple of years- so they can have both parents.
Best of luck to you while you try to figure this out :heart:

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I would move to New York.


If your kids can’t come to you, then you go to them. I understand because of the school but you are their mother and they need you. I definitely do not want to judge you as I’m not a perfect mother but 2 months is an extremely long break. A few days, okay but months, no. You need to go to them because you will hate yourself or they can resent you. I speak from personal experience with my bio dad who lived in another state but dropped me after a while and I always felt like he abandoned or forgot about me and I just learned to live without him.


Men do it all of the time. People take these gender roles too far. My advise, is IF you can…move closer to them and co-parent.

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You may want to look into organizing your thoughts, your kinda across the board the answer is simple you, him, or co parent in close proximity of the other…pick 1

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I read that you let their father take them bc u wanted a break for 2 months and now are thinking about their schedule. He decided to move not you so technically girls can live with you full time and he gets visits not the other way around unless there was a reason for their dad to get them full time. But living that far apart would be difficult to share custody.

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Move to where they are until the girls are grown


Your choice may cause you to lose custody


I think you’re looking for a way out !


If it’s a option move closer so they aren’t split from the both you of, they will miss being able to see both parent’s throughout the whole year. And with them being so young they won’t comprend as much as older kids.

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I’d move to be with my girls! I just couldn’t live out them. Having both of you co parenting and in a smaller school system is definitely going to benifit your children.

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are you gunna dip? because sounds like you’re already set in your ways.


If I were you I’d move to where they are. I would never want to miss out on all those things. They are only little for a short time. If you’re putting them first; I’d move to where they are and be there for them.


I’m sure your children would benefit most by having their mother actively in their lives. I personally could never be away from my children. It sounds like since you need a break you need some time to work on you. I would definitely do that ASAP and get as close as possible to your kids as quick as possible because you are most important in their development. A mother‘s job is to care for her children and be there. Wishing lots of love and sending prayers your way. Things are very stressful and hard right now. I get it. Counseling could help. :pray::purple_heart:


I’d move closer to him and let them have both parents semi close so I wouldn’t have to miss or give up time w them.


First of all- you are an amazing mom for thinking of your children first and being willing to make that sacrifice for them. That said, it’s more than you missing out on those things, they will be missing you for those moments too. Sure FaceTime/video chat makes it easier but it’s not the same. You can’t put your arms around your little one and tell her it’s going to be ok over the phone. I don’t know if it’s possible for you but maybe consider moving closer? It’s a huge sacrifice to move clear across the country away from family, friends, support but if it’s possible, it’s probably a better sacrifice for all of you than letting them stay with dad while you are in Texas. Just the fact that you are willing to consider this for your girls shows that you are one strong mom!


You do what is best for your children and if that means leaving them with dad so be it…Can you mot move to be nearer them you do not have to live on top of your ex but nearer your kids that would be the best thing you can work and help support them and see them regular co- parent you will soon make friends and tour kids would have both parents in their life. I can work so long as you put your feelings aside and what more gift of love could you give your kids than a good and loving life.

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There is no way I could just let my children leave. You either need to accept that you willingly gave up parenting or you need to live closer to your babies.


Consider moving to New York but really look into the school districts because living and growing up in New York classes are not that small even within having a IEP (individualized education plan) good luck finding your balance and peace with your decisions PLEASE don’t be too hard on yourself we only live once and we continue to learn the whole way thru


Not to be mean but you let your toddlers go out of state for two months already, do not think for a moment a judge is going to be ok with this. Your visitation might be a non issue at this point. Maybe you needed a break, but seriously, they are toddlers. Did you think of how this break has affected them? If I were you and you are ready to be a mom again you better get closer to your children, like yesterday.


I wouldn’t of let him take them with him. Now you have put yourself in a bad position. But I would probably try and trade off on holidays and try to keep a good civil relationship with him so hopefully he will
Send you pictures and keep you updated. Or else move close to where he is.

I would A look into moving closer, B ensure if I couldn’t move I would be there for the special days, C have visits etc scheduled before close of the divorce. Loving that far apart is going to be really hard. You letting him “take them” for a “break” most likely will cause you to lose them already if he chose to fight because I’m guessing it’s in some form of text that you needed a break from them. I’m not understanding why the choice to move isn’t clear (as in you pack up and move for the better of your children).


Are you planning to get your kids back? They are going to school where your husband is until January then coming back to you and going to a different school? Or are they staying at one school

Move closer to the father

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Good option that we are getting ready to do is home schooling. That way the kids can be anywhere at anytime and still doing their school work. That’s just an option if you wanted to remain in Texas and him there. I know it isn’t an option for everyone.

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Maybe there’s an option to move closer to the ex for the kids’ sake?

Yea I could never do this no offered


The important thing is who would be the parent they should be with and be happy. Their mental and spiritual wellbeing should come first. You sound like you want to give them up. If you do you don’t need to have them.

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Get packing. Wherever they go… you go! You’re their mother.


There’s a lot of disgustingly hateful and judgmental moms in here

I am wondering if they are with him right now. Who watches them when he is at work. Are they in day care. They need their momma. Move to where they are.


I would move closer to him. There’s no way I could cope, period. Atleast then you could see them whenever and not just summer break

You get a break? I never got a break like that. Yeah I have gone a few days without them and their grandmother or uncle or aunt was caring for them while I took a vacation with my ol man but I would never willingly give them to their father because without an order he can keep the kids forever.


When I was two, my parents divorced, my dad moved my sister and I back to Oregon (where we originate from) and my bio mom stayed in South Carolina (where we were stationed because my dad was military).
I have always resented my bio mother for not making the effort to follow her children and be near us. She wasn’t there for our first days of school every year, she wasn’t there for our high school dances, she wasn’t there for sports, she wasn’t there for our first heartbreak, she wasn’t there for our marriages or the births of our children.
That was her choice and I have always resented her for not caring more about us.
We saw her every summer and it absolutely was not enough time for her to bond with us or us to bond with her.
I have no relationship with her now. She calls/texts every so often, but we have no real relationship. She doesn’t know my children, she’s never shared a thanksgiving dinner with my family, she’s never watched my children open presents on Christmas morning…

If I were you, I would not allow that kind of distance between you and your children.
If I were you, I would move to wherever your husband is moving so that you two can share 50/50 custody and you can be present in your children’s lives.


Something seems off with this story :thinking: your kids do not start school for at least another 3 years, they are babies really, honestly sounds like you may have depression or post partum? Not judging but I you def should get professional help before you make such a drastic choice


I would never do this lol. You move to where your kids are. You’re their mother. Is homeschooling an option? My ex husband and I split 50/50 custody and we homeschool. They can do school work at either house, whenever they/we feel like it.


I’d never allow this


Wow. Is all I have to say. Sorry but… As a mom I could never imagine doing this. Maybe you should move to be closer to him/them.


I’m tearing up thinking about this. My babies are EVERYTHING to me. They are 1 and 2, so in the same age range. And over my dead sane body would I ever let them be anywhere without me. Move closer to dad. People have uprooted their lives for FAR less good reasons and your girls are a damn good reason to do so

I could never
No way
More power to you if you could but I could not


Would it be possible for you to move somewhere closer to there? So you don’t have to miss out…

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I could never let my kids go with my kids that far but y not move closer to the ex so u n the ex r both involved with kids n not far apart

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2/3 means you have time before school unless you mean preschool but yes it’s hard to get kids back if you give them to dad for an extended amount of time. I would say one month each? Until you guys decide on visitation etc

Also dad is not allowed to move out of state if you do not allow it and then he by default gets holidays summers for choosing to move

I would research schools and stuff well before making a choice

Moving to be near him means you are cut off from family and support? Might not be good idea to only have ex in a new place.
But if you feel it’s a good move then move so you can equally share custody

Why don’t you move up there where you and him can see the girls and you won’t be missing out on their stuff


I’m not trying to be rude at all but it sounds more like you’re trying to enjoy being newly single or not wanting to be a single parent more than anything…I could be wrong though. Smaller class sizes is such a minor and easily fixable issue it seems odd you would send your kids way to NY when you’re in TX to accomplish it, especially when they’ve already been gone almost two months. Plus at 2 and 3 they aren’t even really school age yet. Do what you feel is best for yours at the end of the day but it couldn’t be me. We all deserve a break but no one is making you do this, if you’re that worried about missing out on that stuff then don’t. :woman_shrugging:t4:

I will move closer to him so the kids can have you both :heart:


Would you really let your kids go an live with ur ex husband and miss out on their lives because of a school situation and YOU don’t like the school? I’m sorry but sounds like it’s an easy way out you want especially needing a 3 month break!! I can’t get 3 hrs but hey they are my kids I had them!! I think u already know what u want u just want to see how other ppl would see it :thinking:


I wouldn’t. There would be no way I’d ever let my babies go with there father if we were to split.


Putting them first is being a mom however I would have to say I’m also on the selfish stance that I could not miss out and be away from my child for that long. Is it an option for you to move to New York so you can give your kids the education they need and still be with them?


Don’t send them for that long - they need their Moms affection .
If they were older and chose to go then that would be their decision . I know it must be so hard for you but he moved to far away from his Children and you shouldn’t have to suffer. I hope you make the right decision - I know very well I adopted two little girls who were taken away from their Mother and trauma comes with this separation . They feel abandoned and end up with separation anxiety. Best to you :heart:


I personally wouldn’t be able to do that. If the schooling is better there maybe you should consider moving there. Parenthood does not come with 2 month breaks. In my opinion people can’t pick and choose when to be parents. Even in a parent plan, you can’t switch states every other month. That just won’t work educationally. I don’t mean this to be judgemental. It’s just not best for anyone to switch that way. So either give some thought to moving there, or try to work out a schedule that won’t impact school, and won’t leave you feeling so upset. Base line for me is if you’re really upset about it, change it. Go to your babies and make a new life for yourself there.


You made the biggest mistake sending those kids with him. Now he has rights to establish custody as residential parent. Good luck in court. I would’ve never let my soon to be ex-husband take my kids.


I would never let my children be raised anywhere but with me! Fight! Why would you allow it??

Honestly I left my fiancé in January for a city 3 hours away from him and by February he was following behind us living 20 minutes away, he gets to see her everyday and is in her life and decision making 24-7 and with everything I do. I was of course annoyed at first but I’m so grateful it’s happened this way.

Time to move to New York then…


I would had never agreed to that in the first place, I’d been seeking help for my anxiety and getting it under control, so I could be the mother my kids deserve. (I actually do have generalized anxiety disorder) so for me… either you want to be their for them or you don’t. I know life happens, but man… I don’t feel like anything other than actually being there for them will help you cope. I’d be bringing my kids home or moving next door. No in between and if I didn’t like the Texas school district, and wanted to stay in Texas then, I’d either move to one I liked, pay tuition, or home school. I guess my advice is… be there wherever that is and be stable. Education is extremely important, but so is having a mother that shows up and is there, no matter what. And i know anxiety is awful, but treatable. Idk. But no way living that far apart will y’all be able to split custody equally, so one of the two of you will have primary physical custody, so I guess you need to decide if that’s what you want or not.


Ummm NOPE. Keep them with YOU… change school districts… use someone else address… wth are u thinking??? Seriously THEY ARE 2 and 3 years old!!! THEY NEED THIER MOTHER or a Damm school :expressionless:


This is what dad’s go through all the time we are told to suck it up and that is terrible hope u figure it out my daughter is 11 and still going through it :sleepy:

I would, could never ever let my kids go with anyone. I doncare who they are. They are going to grow up thinking you gave them up. You said you need a break. Be real.


Something you may see as temporary could become permanent when he asks for full custody which he most likely will if they’re living with him.
In my opinion I wouldn’t do it but I also wouldn’t want to be away from my kids not even a few days, let alone a couple months :woman_shrugging:t2:


Wait… You’re their mother???

Something about this doesn’t seem right.
Your children are toddlers, not really school age.
If you let him take them before there is a custody order in place, he can file for full custody with residential placement.
Also, needing several months long break from your kids sounds like you may PP, or at least in need of some mental health support.


There’s nooooooo way I’d be able to be away from my kids, let alone THAT young! I can’t imagine being away from my mom that young, so think about how they’d feel. School class size would never be an issue for most moms so I feel like you’re screaming for freedom. If that’s the case you may need medication or therapy.


From experience of my kids being in the Texas school district I wouldn’t allow them to go. My girls were bullied to the point where I had to take them out. We are now in a new state and they are doing so much better academically and better personality wise. I would move states to get my girls the better one on one education and being by both parents would help them in the long run as well.

If it’s possible, I’d move there with them. I think having two parents in different states is tough enough let alone not seeing one for long periods of time. Plus, I myself couldn’t miss any of that stuff. If I couldn’t move I’d probably homeschool them and let them have even visitations between parents but I’d probably still move closer.


Have you thought about maybe relocating yourself? That could be something to consider, missing out on things can be hard but thinking of the kids first is what makes you an amazing mom!

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I have 7. I made a mistake of moving 7 hours away from my older 3 I get to see once a week while in a custody battle. I would finish my sons home schooling on a friday then drive 7 hours to be able to see my kids all after pulling a 40 hour work week getting off at 7 am on that friday. Visit them Saturday and drive 7 hours back home to be at work sunday night. No way would I be that far from them

Putting them first and their education isnt sending them off to New York without you that’s first.


You even said yourself that his school district is better so I would let them go to school there. Maybe you can move closer for the kids sake? There’s no way I would allow that much distance between me and my babies. You can always find another job and home but you never get to see them babies grow up again! Not being rude at all so please don’t take it that way, I’m just saying.

Get a job n move to NY around the same community, share custody

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Maybe you can move closer to them?


I would be moving with them!!

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Move to there city or keep the girls they will need there.mom

They aren’t school age either

2 and 3 year old still need their mommy. That also means that they will be on preschool only. I would not make a quick decision just yet. You can think about moving and making that sacrifice and move later on. I would encourage you to really think about it and make a decision after once you and the dad come to a mutual agreement

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u r better than me idk what id never ever have let my kids go to another state idc who they r with all i am saying

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I would never let my husband take them you are their mother

Move closer to them. Stay close to be in their life.


I think at 2 & 3 I wouldn’t be too concerned about class sizes and them getting 1 on 1. Such a crucial time to need their mama :two_hearts:


Why wouldn’t you just move to New York? I’d never let my kids be so far away from me for an extended amount of time. Yes, you are doing the right thing putting them first and making sure they continue a relationship with their dad in an environment you find much more suitable, but you can also be there. Plan to move closer. Then you can co-parent properly. Your daughters need their mother active in their lives, not just visitation. Motherhood requires sacrifice.


Move closer to them
And co-parent


How many moms need a break, but doesn’t put their kids on someone else’s? Girl bye you just don’t want to take responsibility.:roll_eyes:


Move there too. I couldn’t be away from my child for any extended time…


Sounds like your mind is made up. Their not even school-aged kids yet. There is no way I could move that far away. What happens if something was to happen and your that far away?


I’d plan on moving closer to your ex so you can co parent together. The kids aren’t school age yet. You still have time to sort all that out. I think it would be easier if you lived in the same state though.

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I’d be moving with them :woman_shrugging: especially since you stated you want to do what’s best for them. Then moving to NY would be the answer.


I think you should put them in the school district where your at. They are way too young to even worry about 1 on 1 instruction… as a mama I couldn’t miss any of those special moments with my kids just because the class size is smaller somewhere else.plus he moved away that was his choice so now he has to make the arrangements to come see them