If it does not feel right to you then it should be checked out. Find a doctor that will listen to you. There could be many reasons ranging from normal to serious.
After first baby, they stitched me fast, due to losing a good amount of blood. Needless to say, they dident get all the placenta out, causing weeks and weeks of bleeding, cramping and pain. Ended up having a D & C. Could be so many things.
You need to at least have some tests. An ultrasound and blood work.
Go to doctor something is not right and it should not take you that long to heal
Something is not right! Go to a different doctor!
I bled very much for quite a while after my youngest… who is now 7… anyway… I never was the same again… always two heavy periods a month with break through gushing randomly. I’ve since had a partial hysterectomy about three years ago. See your obgyn!
I did the something with depo shot!!! Look into a different kind of birth control!!!
I actually went and entire year post partum after one shot with bleeding. It was heavy first couple months then slacked off and was light to spotting after that. I did not go back for more shots- it literally was only 1 shot and this was 27 years ago.
I don’t remember pain to my stomach but did have increased headaches and Id say I probably also didn’t have much of an appetite initially either. It really did end up juat being how I dealt with the post partum. Bit when I stopped bleeding it was for months too.
This is not “normal”, and You need to call your doctor and let them know…that is what they are there for!
Definitely go to a doc ASAP. 19 months does not seem normal. It may be, but pretty sure not. Guessing something may not have healed?
That’s not normal get to a different doctor, but definitely go to the hospital
I don’t have babies but that sure doesn’t sound good. I would see a different doctor about this.
Is it normal to get BC so quickly after birth? I had c-sections with both and had to wait bc I got an IUD.
I did that with my last child ,41 years ago , and had to have a partial hysterectomy done
It is not normal. Find a new doctor!
Sounds like you need a new obgyn. Not normal.
19 weeks or 19 months is too long whichever it is please see a different doctor
I am not an OB/GYN nurse but it sounds like you have infection caused by retained placenta, or non dispelled products from your babies birth!! You need to demand testing!! God bless and praying for a full recovery!
see a different doctor. It is not normal. Don’t go to a doc in the box either. Ask around and find a good doctor. Just find one right away
Please contact your doctor and get some medical attention. You can eventually deplete your clotting factor, fibrinogen, and become very anemic. Not good. Can be fixed, but you need to be seen. They can also determine if you have any residual tissue that needs to be tended to. Never worry about “bothering” your doctor. That’s what they are there for. It could be the Depo shot.
Definitely ge5 a second opinion, none of what your describing sounds normal…id go to the hospital, better to be safe than sorry…
If you do not want anymore children…Ablation is the way to go. I haven’t had a period since!
Go See Another Doctor please!!Pain is not normal for that many weeks!
You should definitely see another doctor. Mine told me the same thing and I bled 7 1/2 months straight with the depo, lost a huge amount of weight went to the ER the doctor told me my body was actually losing blood and they had to counter react the birth control
I bled after my baby because the doctor had left the afterbirth inside.!!! I had to have 5 transfusions and almost died.
I had a csection. But, I had ínstense pain, nauseas, unable to hold my baby due to abdominal pain , insane headaches and swelling and my blood pressure was high (for me, for average person it was slightly elevated so the doc didn’t realize and sent me home). None of which I had the first time. The only reason I went to the doc, was due to a hematoma. But at my follow up, found out I had postpartum preeclampsia. And was high risk for seizures. Thankfully it all cleared up. I didn’t even realize postpartum preeclampsia was a thing
I would sit on her steeps until she saw me,sounds like they may left something in you
Go to the ER. There is something going on and you need to find out sooner rather than later.
You may need a D&C just to be sure, also if you are bleeding that much you might need a blood transfusion, and some IV fluids
Something not right you need to go get checked out .
By your 6 week recheck everything should be okay from having the baby. Should be checked, other problems can arise from continued bleeding. INSIST ON AN EXAM. There are a lot of issues that could be happening.
I would recommend a doctor and NoT Facebook. We can give coulda bee but an MD is your qualified person who can help you. It could be a lot of things or it could be nothing. Please go see your medical professional. At least call the office.
I’m discrediting your doctor! Go see another doctor!! And sooner than later!! Like tomorrow! You’re iron and hemoglobin/hematocrit levels have got to be alarmingly low!! Dizziness, lightheaded, especially upon standing or while in the shower, shortness of breath, ZERO energy…? Any sane person will tell you that bleeding that much is not normal. Your body would have been healed at least by 6 weeks post delivery! See. A. New. Doctor.
Go to the ER and do not leave until they find out what is wrong with you because this is not normal! I’m very concerned about you and I don’t even know you!
Go to a different Dr! It is irrisponsable for your Dr. to ignore this. It makes no difference what happened to someone else. You are not them!
19 weeks is far too long , a d and c will prob help
Be careful of your red blood cell count. It will cause you to be extremely tired and feel sluggish. Its takes 3 months to replenish your blood. I had this happen to me from having extended periods with no break.
Who is your Dr. And please go to London St. Joseph they know what they are doing Saved myself and my twins …really their Dr’s are awesome they are first options don’t wait hun
First go to another doctor!! That kind of bleeding for that long is abnormal, period. You may be anemic as well.
I would have been back to the Dr by the time 5-6 months were up. You know your body. Go!
I would definitely be taking an iron supplement… I have been through this and could’ve prevented me going to the hospital and having to get several blood transfusions because I almost let my heavy periods kill me before getting help
You say 19 months AND 19 weeks !!! Either way, see a new doctor.
Why would you wait and ask strangers. You better get there soon or you may not be here to enjoy your baby
You better go to the ER! Losing too much blood is very bad!!!
Had 4 babies and this is not normal. 6-8 weeks yes a long time maybe 12 but not like this. Find another Dr if yours won’t help
Increased migraines can also indicate you are very anemic. You should go to er…
Sounds like you may have placenta left in, get it checked out
Go to a different dr!!! That does not sound normal!!! Maybe you are having a reaction of some sort to the medication. Either way—. GET A 2ND OPINION—-NOW!!!
Need to get to the hospital or another doctor as soon as possible
I’ve heard the placenta thing. Probably need a D & C. See a doctor.
You will now experience all kinds of differences in your body after giving birth. It took me FOREVER to stop bleeding heavily. I had more than one dr check me out and I even had c-sections both times. Give it some time, it will stop. But please know, from now own your body will be different. Some slight changes, some evident. Just part of life
Go to the doctor you should stop bleeding at least 6 weeks after giving birth.
Go get a second opinion or go to the emergency room with bleeding and pain. Facebook is not a place for true medical advise. You know something is wrong go to the ER
I agree with everyone that’s saying go to another doctor. You shouldn’t be bleeding still.
I had the same thing with the depo shot. Bled for over a year even after going off of it. They made me a lab rat and tried this and that and finally had to have a hysterectomy
You need a second opinion. It’s your life, not your doctor’s.
This is not normal you should see a dr. Maybe a new dr.
You definitely need a second opinion from a good obgyn. Don’t mess around.
My opinion. Way too long for this. Get a second opinion. You are probably anemic by now. Should not be pain. Go to mayo.com and search symptoms. See what they say. Maybe you should go to the hospital. Don’t wait.
Go to the ER. That is not normal after 19 weeks.
First time I took depo— no bleeding. Come off for a few years and went back on it and I bled straight for a year until I had a hysterectomy
You should make sure you are not anemic( not sure of spelling) you should also see a dr. About your bleeding that is not normal .
No that is not normal to bleed that long. Something’s wrong. You need to see a gyno ASAP. I bled for maybe 2 wks after I had my kids.
Sounds like your hormones are all out of whack! Bet your not nursing either. That would have helped. Better see your Gyn.
My first thought…see another doctor! This is not normal, you need help!
You need to get right in and get it checked. This is nothing to play with. Think of yourself and your baby.
I agree with Sue you should get a second opinion.
Not normal. May be an infection. See a different doctor.
If your doctor doesn’t take your complaint seriously, find one that will. Bleeding is one thing but those other symptoms complicate things.
This is not normal. You need to see your Gynecologist ASAP!
You need to get it checked out. Bleeding for 19 weeks is not normal.
I say see another doctor for second opinion. None of what you said is normal.
How about asking your doctor ! And not face book for a start.
Don’t wait on seeing any doctor just get to the ER right away that’s all that matters right now
That depo shot had my period down for 3 months straight. I stopped using it. I didn’t know it was still available.
Why have you not been to another Dr way pass due.
My son is 19 months. And I’ve been on the depo since he was 6 months. I’ve been bleeding for 5 weeks now. I have an app tomorrow and getting off the depo.
To be on the safe side make an appointment to see you Doctor.
This is a question for your Doctor not random people.
Thats not normal, you could have an infection or other serious issues. I would go see another doctor!
Please go see a doctor, that’s not normal.
Go see a different doctor right away!
Avoid steps that can be causing the uterine bleeding and pain. Elevate your feet as much as possible relax and take it easy
Bother them that’s what they get paid for and they could have missed getting something out this is not normal
You should get a second opinion and not wait too long…You could be OK, but our bodies usually tell us when things are not right…just do it.
Here’s a thought…ask your doctor and not the on-line community.
Get a second or third opinion. That is not normal! Seriously. My philosophy is id rather be wrong and it be nothing rather than waiting and it be something serious.
Not normal at all seek. New doctor second opinion immediately or go to emergency room immediately.
Could be retained placenta. You need to see your obgyn. Its not normal…unless you got an IUD shortly after birth. But still csn get oral meds to stop the excessive bleeding. You may develop anemia. You need checked assp
Find yourself another doctor stat! Come on you really had to know that is a more reliable response than posting the question on facebook? Good luck to a speedy resolution!
Not normal I didn’t drop bleeding my Dr. Did a DNC said he missed some placenta I was fine after that.
I would get a second opinion from an obstetrician/gynecologist.
Why are you asking on this forum. You need to see your doctor weeks ago–from an old RN.
Need to see your doctor about this. Not normal
I would recommend getting a second opinion. This is not a (normal) occurance.
See a Dr do not wait. And if they blow you off see another one. They work for you. This is not normal.
Weeks or months??? Makes a difference
You must see your Dr. As soon as possible. This is not normal
Go to Dr. With your concern. Anytime you have a health problem or question talk to Dr.
Go to the ER NOW!!! That is not normal and waiting could do more damage.