I'm unexpectedly pregnant, help me feel okay!

Well I will tell you pass on the tubal after you deliver.
Wait at least 2 months.

Iā€™m 38 and currently pregnant with my 4th. I freaked out like you but my hubby was supposed to get a vasectomy and clearly didnā€™t because he procrastinated too long. It was a shock for me because I struggled to get pregnant for my last son and this just happened without even trying. I felt panic at first because my son who just turned 2 and heā€™s wild lol I wasnā€™t for sure I wanted another one but I donā€™t believe in abortions. When I found out Iā€™m having my first girl I canā€™t even describe the feeling I had, Iā€™m like this was meant to be and I can handle anything.


Iā€™m 33 & just had my 4th baby she has been such a HUGE BLESSING to our family ALL our children areā€¦I plan on having 3 more as wellā€‹:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I dnt really have any advice for u except dnt worry what anyone else thinks itā€™s YOUR life I think when we have multiples we tend to be shamed into feeling guilty ashamed etc etc children are a blessing & believe it or not (for me at least) the more I have the easier it getsā€‹:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: I was born to be a mother tho so I take my role with PRIDEā€¦Good luck mama everything will be fine & fall into place itā€™s always a shock but as time goes on it will just feel right & u wonā€™t be able to imagine ur life any different :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

#1 those are your kids and your body. They have no right to have any kind of opinion. Donā€™t be scared. You also donā€™t owe it to anyone to get a tubal after your section AND THEN tell someone about it. Again, thatā€™s your personal business. I had my tubal done 2 years after my daughter was born and wished I wouldā€™ve done it after I had my section, instead of waiting. I was scared to get it done at the same time so I let my body heal and then went back. Now Iā€™m going Monday for a full hysterectomy(health issues) & have 4 beautiful babies! Do your thing. Again, Donā€™t explain yourself to anyone and donā€™t feel like you have to tell anyone, especially family, your personal business that concerns your body. You got this Mama! :heart:

A blessing. Flip your parents off if they donā€™t support you.

Just know you are blessedā€¦ and things happen for a reason. Trust in the Lord and keep your faith.

Wow so many questions and all you drama loving women can focus on is the on sentence where she didnā€™t want to tell her parents. Man yā€™all something else.

U donā€™t have to get a c-section to get your tubes tied they can have you come back and get them tied.

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Abortion is an option and a tubal after

Itā€™s called birth control And condoms

You a grown woman. You can say shove it and move on if they donā€™t like it

Congratulations and you canā€™t control a pandemic with surgeries. And sex is natural. Just tell them. And really 1 more doesnā€™t change much unless you have a 2 seater car.

I have 4 kids. Honestly itā€™s not much different from having 3 when it comes down to it, you simply adapt and move forward. You got this. My family literally threw in my face like oh great you sure you need another kid, ect so I feel you there, but you know what, at the end of the day itā€™s me my husband and our kids and those other people donā€™t even come by hardly so eff their opinions. Love that baby and the family youā€™ve created with all your heart and get that tubal done. I had my tubal done after my unexpected number 4 and it was a healthy choice for us. My husband wants another girl but we have 3 boys and 1 girl and weā€™re happy as we are, he understands that I have had 4 children and thatā€™s enough for me. If I were to have had more, sure Iā€™d adapt again, but I made a choice that adding more kids would cost more money and need more house space that we really already donā€™t have, we get by.


Well abortion is an option and then you can schedule your tubal ligation :slight_smile:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm unexpectedly pregnant, help me feel okay!

Currently 6 month pregnant with my 5th. 34 years old. Iā€™ve got a 14M, 12M, 4F, 1M. This one is a F (thank the cosmos). My family was over me having kids 3 kids ago. I said all that to sayā€¦ I couldnā€™t be happier with my small army. They are all so different and love me so much. People roll their eyes at me but I donā€™t like people anyway. :heart:


I feel like this is ME. I had 3 and wanted to be done but insurance wouldnā€™t cover it and I got pregnant witt number 4 and was devastated. I lost my job because of it and even wanted to abort but there were no doctors available for me at that time. My daughter is 1 now and I call her my Angel. I donā€™t know what life would be like without her. My other kids help me out and it just works, because it has to and I love them. It will work out.


Try 8 kids. We found out last year this time we were expecting twins to make #7 and #8. Talk about a shock!


Mom of 5. 22F, 21M, 17M, 11M, 9F. I was supposed to have a tubal during the delivery of my 11yr old, but he came early at 29 weeks. The doctor was just trying to save us both, so the tubal didnā€™t happen. Made an appt to get one, but found out about my little girl right before I had it. Sheā€™s such a blessing. I canā€™t imagine my life without her. I did get my tubal after her, but itā€™s been my biggest regret in life. Iā€™ve had soooo many problems on top of now wanting another baby since 2 are out of the house and my middle child is getting ready to go off to college next year. Good luck!


I only have two but i can honestly say i would be in hysterics if i got pregnant every again. Im on birth control so i understand the anxiety of another baby. I think after you tell everyone and get your surgery everything will come together just fine. Ask for help whenever you can get it and if at all you can have a day or two to yourself or even a few hours to yourself then take it. Goodluck youā€™ll be just fine.

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I have 5 sons 39, 36,31,24 and 19.The last was a suprise at 43.He was a joy from the start and still is! I cannot imagine my life without him.On my 4th I was 38 and got a few remarks so on the 5th son I was fierce and just waiting for remarks. I never got too many but a few looks.The bottom line is God created him for me and our family, actually the whole world and no one is to challenge His plans- unless they think they know more!:grin:It is no business of anyone elseā€™s anyways!

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I had 3 boys and then when I was 31 I got pregnant by suprise and it ended up being a girl and she is my saving grace. I didnā€™t know it at the time. Babies are blessing in disguise. Lost their father in a car wreck when she was 2 1/2 months. It can be done having 4 kids. Single or married. Just breath and process the situation.

I had my 4th when I was 30 and he will be 26 next month. I regretted not having a 5th after it was too late. Now I have 3 grandkids and love every minute of it.

35 years old here. 10 weeks today. Have a 14 and 13 year old. ā€¦so starting completely over. I am in love with adding a new addition. And I always get the ā€˜omg such an age gapā€™ or ā€˜omg youā€™re so old arenā€™t you concerned?ā€™. Idc. If they ainā€™t paying or raising the baby or my current kiddos screw them. My family and I are happy and canā€™t wait to meet this little bundle. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I have 3 and tied mine right after my last born. Now my kids are grown and I would love another little one! If a miracle happens Iā€™d be blessed but either way once I buy my house Iā€™m fostering/looking to adopt.

My mom had her last kid at 44 and im the oldest 26. So i have brothers that is 10, 8 , 6, 2. And now my mom is 46 and my dad is 56. So its all up to you. I have kids of my own that are 6 and 4 and i have my tubes tied but i want more kids i didnt it because my mom was concerned about my health with having 2 c sections already.

Congratulations! Its a blessing and an honor. Yes feeling shocked is natural but donā€™t worry what anyone else thinks. This is your blessing

They will only do a c-section iv you need it which you donā€™t know now. You can get a postpartum tubal ligation the day after delivery if you donā€™t need a c-section.
Make sure to sign the tubal ligation papers early in your pregnancy

Mom of 7 here!!! You got this

You donā€™t have to say anything to your parents, they will never know unless you say something to them, As for the C/S, as a M/B RN for over 30 yrs, it is very easy & the smart thing to do at that time . You are usually OOB within 12 hrs, so & easy & no picking up anything heavier than your baby for 2 wks, except your baby, Rest when you can, & take care of yourself.

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Why you worried about to tell your parents??? You should be concerned about how to tell about the baby to the father of your kids, considering that a baby is a decision that itā€™s making together. ??? And why they are done of you having kids??? Do they have to support you financially or taking any responsibility for your kids???


Mom of 4. Im 36 and my littles are 5,6,7 and 9. Take a deep breath. Itā€™s going to be just fine. And no need to avoid your parents. Youā€™re a grown women and as you said, this was a surprise. Embrace it :heart:

I had a tubal ligation after my fourth and wish I hadnā€™t. Itā€™s given me nothing but issues including longer, heavier periods, excessive cramping and terrible mood swings.

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I was upset when I found out I was having my 3rd. After a while, I started feeling better and getting excited. Itā€™s not really your parentsā€™ business at allā€¦even if you have 12 kids. Just be happy and enjoy your new little baby and tell them to kiss your :peach:

Grandparents love grandchidlren because they donā€™t have to raise them. So why would yout parents be cincerened? Unless you are having trouble already raising 3 kids. Lol it wonā€™t get any easier adding a 4th but here you are. I hope the excitement comes as the child didnā€™t ask to be here and you could have been using better protection. Not many moms are built to handle multiple children, but usually they realize that before having so many.

I asked for a c-section because I want my tubes tied after this pregnancy. A lot of doctors wonā€™t do a c-section for that. Instead they might wait until after you have the baby and a day later preform the other surgery. Most think a c-section is too major of a surgery if there are not complications causing you to need one. Atleast thatā€™s what my doctor told me.

Your parents may eventually support you. But it is sad that they are making you feel that way :frowning: even expressing to you that they are done with you having kids :confused: Good luck momma and keep your chin up! You have 9 months to prepare for your 4th baby. Itā€™s going to be scary but you can do it!

I had all c sections with all 4 of mine they wonā€™t turn head down but congrats babies are a blessing donā€™t let anyone tell you other wise hope everything works out in your favor best wishes

I am 28 and have 5 boys ages 8yrs-9 months.

The last little guy was a surprise because the youngest ones are 15 months apart. The only hard thing was the older kids not waking the youngers during nap. Otherwise if you have a supportive spouse and parents itā€™s a smooth transition.

It makes me sad to think your parents are the ones you fear to tell. I am sure they will come around. But praying for full support and no judgment from them.

Iā€™m loving all these wonderful supportive comments on this post ! I also had 5 and everyone kept asking me when I was gonna tie my tubes after each child ā€¦none of your business was my response :heart::heart::heart:

I have 4 kids,
6,3,2 and 1 lol
Itā€™s chaos momma

Take a breath! You are blessed :pray: