Hi everyone! I have a doctor’s appointment but can’t get in until Thursday. I had both of my kids c-section. My oldest is almost 14 and my youngest will be 12 in 2 weeks. After I had my daughter my incision got infected and had to be reopened and packed 4 times a day until it healed. It healed well except a little divet at the end about half inch long. Yesterday where that divet is felt tender so I looked at it. It has a red ring around it about the size of a half dollar. I cleaned it really well and went to bed. Today I worked 9 hours and about every 3 hours would go.to the bathroom to clean it because I was sweating. I called and made a Dr appointment. I just got home from work it is deep red and (I know this is gross) but it is oozing and smells horrible like infection. I have been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years (since I was 3) but it’s really worrying me. Has anyone ever had this happen? I shower every night before bed and I am a really clean person. I don’t know what is going on but am wondering if I shouldn’t wait until Thursday to be seen.
Go to urgent care immediately
Please go to the er you can go septic really fast i know from experience.
Yeah, I wouldn’t wait er or urgent care or call Dr Dr see if they have an emergency appt available
My youngest was 10-11 when my c section scar ripped open it’s always felt tender, the skin has always felt… thin? And when I had my c sections I had a helluva time healing. Nurses in my home for weeks packing it.
Go to an urgent care clinic.
My youngest was 10-11 when my c section scar ripped open it’s always felt tender, the skin has always felt… thin? And when I had my c sections I had a helluva time healing. Nurses in my home for weeks packing it. It healed with huge lumps of scar tissue that still hurt to this day. Been a few years now since it opened last but yes, it happened to me.
I would think keep the site dry with water it’s going to get infected
Please go to the ER right away
My mom had surgery scars that were similar and she ended up having Mrsa and a severe staph infection. Definitely get to the Dr and get checked out.
Would be go ER, prayers.
Go to er!!! 100%. That is moving fast
Go to the ER! They can at least prescribe medication for the infection
Definitely if it’s that bad go to the ER
If you’re starting to get a fever and sweating then I would go to the ER I’m not a huge go to the hospital for everything person but if it’s doing everything you’re saying this is the time that calls going to the ER
And the fact that you’re diabetic you need to go
You are a diabetic! Go to urgent care or the ER. I’m sure that you know an infection can throw off your sugars and high sugar can help an infection flourish!
ER or walk in clinic ASAP.
Iv had the same exact thing only they sent me home with a staff infection and went back and had to have a wound vac they opened my c section and packed 3 times a week
Go to hospital asap just in case
Go to the ER, don’t wait!!! Please
Go to the ER do not wait
Don’t come on Facebook for medical advise . Get to the ER infection is infection . Quit playing games with your health
Because you are a diabetic I highly suggest going to the ER !
You can’t take chances being a diabetic
Definitely don’t wait. Go to the emerg department.
Go to the ER if your Dr can’t get you worked in.
Go to the hospital before it spreads!
Go to the hospital asap. My c section scar got infected. I had a hole double the size of my fists together. They photographed me multiple times a week. It started out small. I had a surgery to take off the dead skin and tissue. I had to see a wound clinic for a year. Finally after packing it for months I got a wound vac. I healed up almost immediately after the vac.
Get in as soon as possible e
E ROOM walk in
E.r. now.theres a damger of sepsis.
Go to ER or Urgent Care.
I would go to the ER. Infections are serious
Go to emergency room now.
Go to the Causlty pls there is an infection…
Go to ER If your asking questions that is your red flag
To handle your business
Skip the appointment and go to a walk in right now
This just scared me. A c section scar that old can still cause problems??? I did not know that. I had my first c section almost 2 years ago
You need an ER. Now.
If you wait it can 100% become septic.
Go to the hospital now
My daughter also has a bad c section scar with a divot on it she said hers occasionally gets a red ring around it like that and the doctor told her to put Desitin Diaper cream on it and it does help lots , if it is oozing and smells bad though I would go to the er just in case especially being diabetic you do not want to get a bad infection .
Jesus Christ. Go to the hospital ER.
Don’t wait until thursday
Go to Emergency room
Maybe it needs to be removed. You definitely have infection.
Mine recently got infected although it’s fresh (had baby 6 weeks ago), first I had antibiotics but they gave baby oral thrush and didn’t tough the infection, was given a cream and it’s amazing it’s cleared it up very quickly! Ask for the cream if you can
Absolutely get it checked ASAP. However, mine still gets like this super quickly. When I’m hot and sweaty and super active it kicks in really fast. It sounds gross but it’s caused by chafing and where the area is delicate, it infects really easily. Go and get it checked though to put your mind at rest. I now deal with it at home x
Go to the ER. Whatever you’re doing isn’t important. This could cause sepsis and you can die.
Please seek urgent help!
Go to the hospital now.
Not worth it to take any chances being a diabetic. I’d go to emerg
These posts kill me! Go to the ER! Why are you asking for medical advice on the internet? You may as well google MD it
Go to the ER right away. You
This happened to mine while it was still freshly healing. You do not want to end up septic. They will probably send you for a CT and check the incision fluid, and hopefully you catch it quickly enough to where you will only need an antibiotic.
I’d go to emerg. Just in case!
Go to ER sounds like you might be going septic
My C-section was 21 years ago and still gets infected once in a while, usually in the summer. Keep it clean, keep it dry. Caldensense (spelling may be off, it’s a pink bottle) powder helps a lot when it gets irrated during the summer.
If you do not want to wait, find a local urgent care. That will have a lower cost, and the same result. Good luck!
Go to the Emergency Room
Could be yeast infection yes it happens. Dr now
See any doc who is available. They had docs who see overflow.
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Definitely go to the ER.
Go to Urgent Care or the ER. I’m also diabetic and we have to be very careful with wounds, especially as we age, because we don’t heal as quickly.
Use equaphore diaper cream every day keep clean you won’t have problems anymore
Go to the ER it shouldn’t be a problem especially after 12 years.
Four sections, 14, 12, 3 & 2 now.
Go to the ER
Go to the ER or in and out clinic.
I wouldn’t wait…id go to the ER
Go to the ER. Sounds like cellulitis!
Get checked immediately
I would go the ER. I had a csection almost 7 yrs ago and its healed completely. Has been since my son was around 3 months or so.
Nope you need yo go be seen asap, I had an infection in my csection too, it needs to be taken care of and you need antibiotics.
It sounds like an emergency should ring them back up you dont want to leave it if your diabetic aswell and leaving it if it is infected you can get sepsis
Go make sure it’s not infected first if all. Then get Bag Balm and put on it a few times a day and it’ll heal pretty quick.
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Go to a walk in clinic
do not wait! go to the ER
Infection Get to Doctors emergency
That’s not Good ‘
Can you go to the er? I would
I would go to the ER right away. Don’t wait.
That’s infection! Like others said, go to ER stat before it does get worse (blood infection)
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You need to be seen now.do not wait go to the emergency room.
Go to the ER, the infection is spreading and you dont want it to spread to your blood and cause you to go septic.
Yes! I felt like somthing was wrong eith my mine told my doctors nurse all she did was look at it and say it was fine. The very next day it started leaking this yellow fluid and I went to the emergency room. They had to make a little hole to drain the fluid out and there was alot, had to pack it untill it healed.
I would head out to the ER. That’s definitely an infection… Not something you should mess with, especially since you’re a diabetic. Take care of yourself.
I’d go to the er especially if you think it’s infected
Due to being diabetic, if you were my family member I’d want you to go to urgent care or the ER if you don’t have urgent care. Infections can get away from diabetics so easily, and put that on top of healing from major surgery I would feel better if you were seen. So that is my vote.
Get to the er or dr NOW
It’s yeast. Keep it clean and dry. Use gold bond powder.
Go to er where you had the baby
Don’t go to ER, they are overwhelmed enough, walk in or Urgent Care. It could even be a blocked oil gland. I have had several that have had to be lanced.
You need to go on in.
I had something like this after my son, when I saw the doctor they would give me a powder antibiotics and it wouldn’t help so I went back and they said well you have to take oral antibiotics instead of the powder this went on until my son was like 8 weeks when finally the doctor that actually delivered me said that I needed to use both the powder and oral medication at the same time, once I did that it cleared up in like 2 days… Good luck!
Keep it cleaned and covered until doctor appointment. You’ll probably need an antibiotic. You need to up your protein. Not ample amount will cause old wounds to reopen. Best wishes.
As everyone has already suggested, an emergency/urgent trip to see a doctor is your best course of action. I would suggest urgent care over the ER because you’re more likely to get personalize care and you (hopefully) wont have to wait as long as an ER would make you. You can call and schedule an appointment at a lot of urgent clinics! I’ve come to realize a lot of people don’t know that. You need this to be taken care of like yesterday. Antibiotics need to be started. I hope you feel better soon!
I hope you go to the E.R. with your diabetes. Cesarean infections are common but the infection with ooze and smell is not.
Go to er don’t wait.
I would definately not wait. Go to your nearest ER
Put a pad there to catch the sweat and draining thing
ER room now you shouldn’t wait
I had a C-section infection, I started getting fevers one minute I’ll be hot the next I would be freezing I went to the hospital the incision opened I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks cause they had to clean it an everything the healing process so much longer please get it checked out asap!!