It doesn’t sound like it will get better soon, talk to someone you trust and isn’t involved with either of you.
I started over at 34 with a 7 year old. Wasn’t easy but it turned out great!
Just like everyone else has said, there is no such thing as too late to start over.
You are doing right by yourself and your child and if you were MY daughter, I would help you to move back with me in a heartbeat.
Don’t regret your past; learn from it and move forward.
As a mother, I am very proud of you. Keep doing what you are doing!
This sounds identical to what I have been through. I lived in Florida and my entire family was in New Jersey. I have three kids and moved back in with my parents when I was 38. I lived there for two years and now am happy to say I just bought a house by myself and after closing on the house two weeks later got a GREAT paying job. Needless to say 23 is a great age to start over! You got this!!
The biggest problem I see the you would even question if 23 is to old to start over. I would rather be alone then unhappy. And if you think you do it for your child she won’t respect you for it.
Honey, you’re in your prime. Go for it! I have my regrets for not doing it. Don’t make the same mistake!!
Girl go for it. You are still young and you do what you have to do for your ,5 year old. The baby comes first. Go get your degree and go forward don’t look back. Go forward and show him that you can do it. Lift your head up never give up on hopebecause God always answers.
Move in with parents where you have support, finish your education. A better life lies ahead but not with him.
When you are 30 or 40 or 50, etc, you will think back and realize for yourself that 23 is not in any way too old. Congrats to you for wanting to improve yourself. You have plenty of time to accomplish your goals. Your husband doesn’t realize how fortunate he is- go find someone that appreciates you. Good luck!
Girl, I started over at 40. I got my GED, went to college for 6 yrs, got a masters in Education. You have everything ahead of you; all you need to do is never have any regrets, don’t look back, keep your eyes forward and NEVER talk bad of your husband. It was part of your journey and your child will learn from you; it’s all part of God’s plan.
You already know the answer ,or you would not be asking the question!!..if you seek validation from random people on Facebook…you should look into professional counseling as a support system!!!
Never too old to “not start over” but to move on for your sake and that of your son. Just don’t be a sponge on your parents. Do your fair share as you’re not a guest but a member of the family. It will be hard and rocky at times. Have a heart to heart with your parents to lay out ground rules…who’s word is final when it comes to your son and other important things that pertain to household duties and respect for their home. Be expected to help with bills or pay rent. Mom & dad raised their kids, you raise yours.
I graduated from college at age 66 so I could teach. Never too late.
Yes my dear you can go back to collage and make your self a independent woman .Don’t watch the age that’s just a number wish you all the best.
It’s never too late! I just turned 38 and two years in to starting over. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made for me and my kids. Being happy is the biggest gift you can give to yourself and the littles that are looking up to you for guidance. I also used that as a huge driving force for myself, I told myself I didn’t want to model for my kids that you stay in toxicity and settle for that, I wanted to model that you grab life by the horns and you decide your fate. Good luck!
I started over at 40 with 5 kids… (ages 6,8,9,10 & 15) should have left Much Sooner! Life is SO much better!
I was 24 with 3 kids and a broken marriage…I moved home for 6 months or so and went to college. Its never to late to start over or new.
I was 28 when I moved back home with my son. Never too late to start over, especially when your partner isn’t putting effort in
Never to late to be happy! I started over at 32, with 3 kids 10, 7,1year of age, you can do it! If you choose trust in you!
It’s never too late. You’ll never regret taking care/putting You first🥰
Oh my absolutely not you still hopefully have many years ahead Make a good life for you and your child then someday WAY down the road if good descent man comes along good but be able to make it on your own so you dont just settle Many blessings
I went back to college at 50. No you’re not to old!
Never ever too late to start over. Ever.
My biggest advice: Learn aby Law of Attraction & Law of Assumption… your life will forever positively change. On YouTube I listen to Create Your Future, Law of Attraction Solutions, & Esther/ Abraham Hicks…to name a few.
Hi home, accept all the love and care your momma is willing to give you. I moved back to my mom with 3 girls who were
2, 3 and 4 years old and I was 34. She was a blessing the girls got so much Grammy love. Teach your daughter how strong and independent you can become. I’m rooting for you, you can do this!!!
Do it! Its never too late to better oneself.
Girl do you your parents will help because you have a plan and they love you congrats
I was 45 when I started again! Best thing I ever did! been together now 22 years!
23 is the right age to start over. Im 40 with 3 teenagers and still going to school. Regret that i shoild have done oy im my 20s. Please move in with your parents and start over. Good luck
You are 23 and you think you are too old to start over? You are still a baby. Start over, do it now, you’ll regret it if you don’t. You can either be 25 in 2 years still doing what you are doing today or you can be 25 in 2 years with an associate’s degree doing something that enables yo to support yourself and your child.
Heck I finished college at 45. Go for your goals and make yourself fly high!
Any time is a good time to start over. I’ve picked myself up and started over many times. My first time I was 30 with a15, 13, and a seven year old. It saved my life and the kids lives. My ex was very abusive. With God’s help I made it through. You can too. Be careful with your next choices. Lonely is a lot better than some alternatives.
Time to take care of you n your child. Do what’s best for both of you. Your never to old to make changes in your life to better your life.
Loft your head up. You are valuable and you are worthy. Twenty-three is no big deal. Don’t let age get in your way. I only had my Associates degree but wanted a Master’s
O worked really hard and finished my Bachelors and then started my Masters in my late 40s. It is never too late to find God’s will for the remainder of your life!
Do it and make sure you don’t get talked into returning to him. Thus is your chance to live the one life you have.
It’s never too late. It sounds like your parents are going to be supportive. Go for it. Look into financial aid to pay so you don’t end up in debt.
Never too late to start over thats awesome you want to go back to school good luck on your new journey
You are NOT too old to start over, move back in with parents, etc. Just do it!
Never too old. I was 26. Have been married to a wonderful man for 43 years now and never looked back. Was on my own for 12 years and found him and never been happier.
It is never too late to start over, do what you need to do for yourself and your child. Good for you!
If I was your parents, I would move you home so fast he wouldn’t know you were gone. You are still young enough to make those changes you want to make. GO FOR IT!
Oh honey, you’re just starting out in life. Go to school and get a better career. Even if it takes 4 yrs you’ll be 27 and never have to be dependent on a man. You’ll know your self worth and never have to just " settle ". You’ll have the power to go in whatever you choose to do in life and you’ll be teaching your child to be strong and I independent. Go for it !!!
You are Never too old to follow your dreams. My mom went to college in her late 40’s. Go for it and leave your past behind you where it belongs.
Honey I will be 50 this year and I actually have a 23 yr old son with an amazing job ( single) living in the lower level at home At this time in his life there is no need for him to pay rent or a mortgage he needs to focus on his career which he is still in the process of deciding he’s narrowed it down but you are so young you do what you need to do. I’m also in the process of changing careers I’m going backing back to school in Oct. it’s NEVER to late to chase your dreams and there will always be sacrifices to be made. Good luck keep doing you
NO, you are definitely not too old to go back to college ! All good wishes to you .
It’s never “too old” to start again, especially when you have parents willing to help.
I went back to college at 34 with three children and the youngest was only three. I graduated on 4 years with a B.S. in nursing and a 3.0 GPA
It is hard work but being motivated to want a better life makes all the difference.
It’s never too late to reinvest yourself into a better version of you
Never to late!!! Graduated at 36 with 2 kids, worked nights and went to school during day
You are never too old to make a positive change in your life.
Definitely not. Ive been back in with my parents a few times and so have both my brothers. Its not permanent. And its just til u get back on track. Im going to be 46 this summer and the last time i was with my parents was 4 yrs ago. I helped with bills; meals and other things while i was in their home.
Do not wait another day. You are never to old to start over! You have your whole life in front of you! You and your daughter will be better for it!
It’s never to late to start over, it’s when you give up that’s late. At 23 you still have your whole life. Do what’s right for yourself and your child. You will never regret it, move forward, be happy and enjoy your life. Best of luck. One more thing go home to your family.
Life is too short - move on and get started with your life. You can do it without him! Don’t look back!
You are not old i would focus on your self and goals and don’t marry a guy who can’t keep promises and won’t focus on building a solid life.
Too late?.. girl you got me beat. I stayed for all the wrong reasons. And wasted my time and energy for nothing.
You got this…
Of course you can. I went back at 27, with a 5 yr old and a 1 year old. ( You already have better English than most on fb, lol)
It’s never to late to better your life. Take charge of your life and move forward. At 23 you are only a baby. Good luck with making a better life for you and your son.
I went to nursing school when my youngest started kindergarten. Do it!
In two years you will be 25…whether you go to college or not…one choice gives you a better chance at a better future, the other is status quo…Not a hard decision.
Also as far as your soon to be ex, forgive him. I am speaking to you from experience. It hurts now I know, but you will heal, your daughter too. Forgiveness goes along way in your healing. The opposite side to that is, like having cancer, eating away inside of you. It will affect every area of your life. It took me almost 40 years to learn it. Just think how much fun I could have been having.
Girl, move on and dedicate yourself to your dreams and forget him. He is not mature enough, most aren’t they just want sex, won’t wear a condom and get mad if you get pregnant. Move on you will thank yourself for not wasting time on this lilboy that likes to have sex…and watch the next one too, it take them so long to grow up, they never see anything they do wrong or admit to it. You have a child, you’re young and still have enough energy and drive…and don’t allow him to get you pregnant again…some guys do this to slow you down while they continue to play and waste your time. They say I’m sorry but never change and if his friends know you are together and invite him to things like this, as long as they remain friends this will continue…23 is not old,oh boy, if you go back to your parents home have a plan and stick to it.
It’s never to late for accomplish anything in life especially for your kids and yourself .the sky is the limit go for it
You are not to old to go to school. Stop wasting your time with someone that doesn’t care about you.
I divorced my husband when I was 24 and moved in with my parents and now I’m 27 and marrying someone I never thought could exist. So, no. It’s not to late. Toss his ass out like last weeks leftovers sis. It’s better for your babies to see you doing better on your own than to see you miserable with their father. You got this. File those papers.
NEVER too late to Start over. Just learn to love yourself and make all you can possible to go on and get a better life for you and your kid. Good luck and go for it!!!
I left with three at 28. My life went on just fine and I have accomplished more than I ever expected. Been with 2nd husband for over 40 years and had two more kids. Am 76 now and no regrets. Go for it you are worth more than gold and God will be your help if you let him have the reines
I went back to college at 35 to become a alternative therapist go for it this is your time you are very young and so lucky to be able to have the childcare as well get rid of your you’re useless other half who seems to have no respect for you whatsoever once you go don’t look back
It is never too late. I have started my life over several times. The last time I was 70. The company I worked for was sold (my employer was 85) and the new owners let us older employees go. I spent six months looking for a job but I made it! Good luck to you.
You are amazing! Some women learn the hard way until their children have grown or longer, wasting the best YEARS of their lives, spiraling in a miserable life, and setting a poor example for their children. While I sense you are wise and mature beyond your years, 23 is YOUNG! You are doing an amazing thing, making wise choices, and setting a wonderful example for your child. The man currently in your life likely believes he controls you and can do whatever he wants, and you will stay and put up with it. Please have a “safe” plan to cut ties with him. It’s possible, and even likely, his behavior will escalate negatively as he tries to get you back where he wants you, under his control. Have a safe plan, and stick to it unwaveringly. Change phone numbers, delete social media and cut ties with his family and close friends. Stay someplace with people who will protect you. Do not hesitate to get a restraining order if needed. Maybe this guy is not that way, but better safe than sorry. My friend had a bad experience at your age in a similar situation, and she couldn’t believe what he did, said, promised, manipulated, coerced, bribed, used their child against her… she really stuck to her message, “this is OVER!”, and he FINALLY got the message with police and attorney involvement. She could not believe he did all the things he did and said. You may think he prefers another woman and will be happy to let you go, but in case his feelings toward you are narcissistic and about control, develop your safe plan and stick to it! You are young, amazing, and making by far the best choice! You will be in my prayers. You stay strong and stubbornly stick to your message and your plan! Don’t know you, but sending love to you!
I was 33 and a single parent when I went back to school and was working. I waited until my child was in kindergarten as well. If you have the chance- GO to college. I did homework with my girl, she thought that was so cool In a few years you will be so proud and it is a great example for your girl. You can do it. I left a physically abusive relationship when she was 13 month old. It will be scary, hard, and at times lonely, but you. Can do it. And it sounds like you have a very supportive e family. That is the biggest hurdle, and you have it cleared.
It’s never to late to start over I went back to school in my 30s. You do what you need to do to make a better life for you and your little one.
It’s never to late to start over… you are still very young and have your whole life ahead of you. You got this
Never too late! Do what is good for you and your daughter!!! He sounds like a weight around hour neck that yo do not need !! Go for it honey !! Make YOUR life and your daughters life better!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
Oh honey… 23 is NOT too old for anything! This is a time that you’re figuring out what you want from life. Jump on in and go back to school! Improve yourself, hold that head high and show that dude that you do NOT need him nor his BS.
Never to old you can do or be anything you want if you want it bad enough and work hard to get it don’t stop until you get it you can do it take pride in you and your child and go for it you can do it so proud of you now do it
I would be okay with it if it was my son or daughter to better themselves but that is question for your parents…
I finally go to go at 32 and i had the best time ever .you go for it and i promise you that it will work out great .oh and i got all A’s
You are not too old. You have so many years ahead of you. Do anything that will improve your life for you and your son.
I did it at 40!! Creat a new life and never look back!!!
My 25 yr old son just graduated from college, got a job in his field, and will be making $100k his first year…& his salary will increase rapidly over the next several years. I say all this to encourage you to!!!
2 years will fly by, you daughter & your parents will make precious memories, and when you graduate you’ll be independent & set for life.
P.S. I’m sure you know this by now, but when it comes to a significant other cheating….
Once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater!!
I went back to school at 40. Learn something new everyday it makes life interesting
Not too old your priority is your child and you go to school you got this
It is never to late to startover.23 is very young. GO FOR IT.ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. KEEP THE FAITH.
I’m about to start over at 58. If you are too old I’m in trouble! Never say never.
Do it - I left school after failing end of year exams at 15, and at 51 went back and got a degree. LIFE CHANGING
Never too old.
If it’s not your scene leave.
Just make sure it’s for the right reason. I’m sure he still wants you.! There are a million different couples dynamics that can work. Don’t feel dictated by society. Drawing a line in the sand may work for some, and an opportunity for adaption for otters. We are controlled by unseen social moralities that ignore “unique” relationships of the past.
Leaving because you feel you’re too old is the worse reason IMHO. You’re never too old.
Good for you follow your dreams, put God first in life and it will be a cakewalk!! I know
Go back to school you deserve to give that you enjoy learning my roommate is over 60 and lost job during pandemic has to consider age now but embrace your new adventures. Take it you are amazing and never to old to learn
Honey puhlease, your life is just beginning. Question is, can you really stay 100%away from the baby daddy? If so , the world is yours, there’s lots of resources just for you.
If you can’t leave him alone, then you will reap what you sow. Be strong and move along.
Your not old just tired of being treated like nothing. Run don’t walk to parents and persue your dreams
you have time, better do it now while you have parents that will help and sure they would love to be with a granddaughter. in 20s is a good time for college. yu are more mature then 18.
He keeps doing it because you keeping letting him by taking him back again and again.
It is never too late to change your path!
5 to 75 it’s never too late boo I commend you for wanting to do somthing with yourself for your baby. You go boo!! I pray for nothing but happiness and for that bag to overflow with blessingns
Go for it. You are not too old. I went back to school at 24 with a 5 yr old and a 1 yr old. I made it and you can too
It’s NEVER to late. I was divorced at 28 with 3 children and went to nursing school. Now retired after 30 years
Never too old to start over! I had a child at 17 and 21. I went to college at 25, got my BSN at 31.
It is NEVER to late to start over! Sounds like you have a great plan. Go for it!
It’s never too late! I went back to school with a 7 & 4 year old after my divorce to get a better job. You can do it!
YOU ARE STILL A BABY!! GO!! My son is 27 and him and his gf still live with me so they can save for a house and finish courses they started when they were 23-24. My son still has 1 yr of apprenticeship but they have 0 kids. If your parents are OK with it…do it. It’s never too late!!!