Twenty-three is still quite young! By all means, go get that education.
As I recently told the college-aged daughter of a dear friend: a man will let you down, but an education won’t. So prioritize that education first, and you can worry about a man later.
Its never too late to start over. Leave and watch your life get better.
Never too late! Move on! There’s better fellas out there but take care of you and baby kid first!
I went back to college at 24 full time and graduated at 28 with first degree. Sat out one year and went back and got the 2nd degree. It can be done. It’s never too late. Move on and DO you…men will always be around.
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Girl I went back to college 2009-2011, I had three kids 2,4,and 8. Two of them were in school I was 26. I’m glad I did other than the bills at the end when I was done with college $29,000 then a year later I was left separated after 13 years. If I can do it, girl you can too!!!
Do what you need to do for yourself and your child - it is never to late to reinvent yourself, regardless of what age you are or what exactly that means for an end result. Figure out what life you want to have for your child, make a plan, and then start accomplishing small goals that head in that direction.
*I was 29 when I finally accepted the relationship I was in was over and my daughter and I were on our own. I moved back with my parents, went back to school online and worked FT (daughter was 5). It took about 2 years but I never gave up and it was the best decision I could’ve ever made!
You can do this! and you’ll be doing it a lot earlier than many!! <3 Good luck to you!
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Girl I’m 28 and just went back to college! It’s never too late!
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What? Yes it’s absolutely ancient you should have your shit together by now…seriously tho no! Idc the age I’m taking my kids back for whatever reason.
Oh girl, now is the time. And with being a single mom, oh the scholarships you can get!! I went back for 8 years. Most of it on grants and scholarships, I have absolutely zero regrets.
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Life hasn’t even begun at 23!
You go girl, go to school and get a degree. Your life will just be beginning and you’re making a better life for your kid.
Never think of yourself as old! You go do you and what you want and the best of life will follow. Enjoy your journey
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You have your whole life ahead of you!!
If your parents will let you move back in, DO iT!
Go to college. Save your money. Get a better job. Get your own place.
Be an awesome single mom!
I started over at 37.
Life is so much better.
Do it!!!
No you are not too old to start over! You’re never too old to start over! And everyone has made mistakes I stayed in bad relationships longer then I should have and started over twice! With the help of a supportive family you are in a better position then most! Work hard, save your money, make smart financial decisions and you can make a wonderful life for yourself and your child!
Uh no. I’m 50 and starting over. If you think your to old at 25 then what am I supposed to do? Crawl under a rock and go to sleep. Smh.
Never too late!!come on girl you’re only 23 years old
Hahaha is this a serious question?! Lmao I’m 33 young AF about to start over! What I would give to be 23 and start I over lol it’s never too late! And with one kid… pshhh i wish I would!
You’re never too old to start over… I was 25 with 3 kids when I left their sperm donor. I was in even worse position than you, as he was extremely abusive and controlling and didn’t allow me to work and had cut me off from all my friends and family. When I first left him I was on every public assistance imaginable. Now, 8 years later, I’m a business owner, home owner and about to marry the amazing man that has been helping me raise my kids as his own for the last 7 of those 8 years. It’s never ever too late!
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Girl no, u go start over and be happy I’m 32 and starting over and loving it
That’s how I felt when I was 23 because I was in the worst situation of my life dating back to when I was 14 years old. You are definitely not too old, don’t let your fear mess with your mind. Move on! There’s nothing wrong with wanting a better life for you and your child!
If your parents are willing to let you come home and help you GO NOW!
You are not to old to start over! Take care of you and your child. Do you want to be in this same situation you are in 5 years from now - then make the change. It will be scarey but so worth it
Never too old to leave someone who isn’t treating you right. You focus on you and don’t let doubt keep you from taking care of you and you baby
Never too old to make your life better…
I graduated nursing school at 30. Had a wonderful career. I now live in Mexico full time. Go live your dreams.
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Not at all girl, not at all. You’re soooo young. You’ll probably start over a few more times in life. You’re a baby. Consider this a new beginning
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23 is young as hell girl! Put YOU first
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Of course it’s not too late at 23…you’re still incredibly young. Please move forward with your life
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Move out & move on >> get your education & know that you don’t have to depend on any man “taking care of you” .
He’s not gonna change that behavior but you can change your response to it. Move back home with your parents , better yourself and your life and leave him in the past. You and your child are your priorities .
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Go home to your parents! My daughter could be 33 and I’d still welcome her home with open arms!
leave he will never change. you will eventually will be happier .
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Never too old to start over. And at 23, even with a kiddo, you’re still only starting your journey.
Honey, I started over at 48. It’s never too late.
Honey, it is NEVER too late to start over. Especially at the tender age of 23. Don’t look back. Do what you have to do for the child and forget about him. You are just starting your life.
You’re never to old… it may be hard but you can do it.
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I went back to school at age 26, by that time I had 3 kids. you’d be surprised how many are in school at your age. So go do you and everything else will fall into place for you.
Your only 23 go for a fresh start,
Forget about him n get goingtake care of your self n go get that education you’ve been holding off
Darling you’re never too old to start over. And at 23 your life is just getting started. By all means wipe the slate clean as many times as it takes for you to have the life you and your child deserve
Never to late to pick up and start over for the good of you and your kids!
You got this!!
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Do it while you can. To me 23 is still a baby. You have an opportunity to better yourself and to show your child what not to put up with as a woman. You got this!
23 isnt even full grown adult yet! As long as your breathing babe you can start over
You are never too old to start over, do what’s best for yourself, and look for an honest relationship with integrity. Be strong.
You are young and age has nothing to do with starting over . It’s easier being a single parent then staying with a lying cheating bafoon .
It is never to late to start over. I started over at age 42 with 2 kids. Been married to my second husband for 4 years now and it has been awesome. Should have started over sooner.
Darling, I am 40 (41 in Aug). I restarted my life 3 years ago. I literally packed up my kids, moved to an area where we knew 1 person, cut ties with everyone toxic. I don’t have much financially, but I do ok, & I’m finally happy. More importantly, my kids are happy.
Girl, I am 54yrs old and have started over (career wise) many times over the years…Its never to late to do anything…
You can do this… Just don’t panic and let others stroke your fears! You GO GIRL!!
I started over at 32 with 4 kids, never too late
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Your 23 i did that it your age worked 3 jobs supported my daughter’s and met my husband a few years later. Married 14 yrs now.
It can be done you can find your happiness obviously hes looking only for his.
omg I’m 19yrs old now and I will be 24 or 25 more? to graduate in College.But it depends because I haven’t study last yr due to covid.But yeah you’re not old and not late tho
It is NEVER to late to change your path. It is NEVER to late to walk away from toxic and be happy with the life you create!!! Momma do what you gotta do for your happiness, peace, and success in life…your baby depends on you for their peace and happiness!
It never too late. I started over at 23 and then again at 28. Give your child a better life. Go to school it’s never to late for that !!
It’s never to late to start over!!!
No definitely not!!! I was 43 when I started over & then again at 49
Never too late. His behavior towards you isint something you’re child needs to learn
You’re a spring chicken you can do it. I’m almost 20 years older than you and was thinking of studying something new. Don’t feel old at 23 you have a lot of years ahead of you
You are definitely NOT too old to go back to college. I went back at 27, when my daughter went to kindergarten…and again at 48 when I already had grandkids. As a more mature student you will have learned some things from living that people right out of high school don’t have. I truly believe professors enjoy more mature students and during class discussions will tend to look to you for insights younger students won’t have. It’s good to develop yourself with skills and knowledge… even a couple years of college might help you get better jobs, especially if you are trained to do a specific kind of work. I encourage you to live with your folks and go to college
Umm NO!
No age is to old. I’m 45 and took the leap at 40
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Breathe pack and move on with your daughter 23 is not old. You are young and I am sure your parents will be supportive of you and their granddaughter. You got this💪 full speed ahead.
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No do what you need to do
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Girl I started over at 37 and 2kids…
You are not too old to start over! You may just feel like you have lived more of a life than others your age. Go to school. Those 2 (college, 3 or 4 years (university) will pass anyway whatever you do. At least use them to your advantage. You will be your child’s hero. And get a lawyer to secure your daughter’s financial future. Her father needs to pay support. Your child is legally entitled to it.
Omg no you ain’t I’ve started over many time and I’m 43 just do you live laugh love that baby it’s all that matters. You deserve better than a pos like him
It is NEVER too late to start over when it comes to doing what’s best for you and your children!
You’ve outgrown your current situation and that is ok. We are nothing if we don’t continue to learn and grow! Go for It!
Time to move on . Don’t waste any more of your young life.
Started over at 28, 36, and recently at 42. Nothing wrong with starting over it when you don’t get back up then it’s a concern
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It’s never to late to start over everyone deserves to be happy and the opportunity to live your best life x
23 …you are still soooooo very it.
It’s never too late!
Leave start over and everything you do know should be about you and your daughter our at least her!
Best decision you will probably ever make good luck
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23 is still young and it’s never too old to start over
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Absolutely not. I was with my ex for 10 years. Moved back in with my parents at 28 with two children. Went back to school, got a degree. Moved out on my own, remarried two years ago and starting back to school next week to change the letters behind my name.
I’m 34 and live with my grandma and my brother is a carer is 42 and lives with my mother. I should sooooo move out but no, 23 is perfectly normal to move back in
It’s never too late. The first time was a divorcr at 22. And the 2nd time at 57 when my second husband passed away at 55. I am now 63 and doing everything I’ve wanted to do.
It’s never too late to start over FIGHTING
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You’re never too old. I’m 27 and restarting my life. I’m starting school this year and starting a second career. You got this!
You are only 23… you are so young still. Leave that douchebag and be who you need to be for your little one! Life is too short to be unhappy.
hell no its not to old! I didn’t get my shit together until I was about 28 now I’m 30 just started emt classes and I have a 11 yr old and a 2 year old and didn’t find my wonderful person I’m with until I was 27 lol we all take different roads in life! it will all work out for you
NEVER too late PLUS your child does not need to be in a dysfunctional home because the kids also get hurt and traumatized .
Know yourself worth and do what is best for your child and yourself.
May God Bless you both and BTW your parents want the best for you I am sure.
Absolutely not. Start over!! He does not respect you and you need to show some self respect. You will have a much more fulfilled life living it without this guy. You deserve to be happy. Don’t let him keep dragging you down. Staying together for the children isn’t always the right thing to do. Living that life will end up with you having a lot of regrets. Please don’t do this to yourself. File for divorce and child support, and let him go seek out this lifestyle he wants.
I started over at 30 with 3 children, it’s never too late, good luck & happiness to you sweetheart
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Too old? You have just begun!
Its never to late to start over. I left my exhusband of 18 years because of an affair and other reasons. I was 40 and my kids were almost adults. I moved in with my father and my daughter moved with me but my son chose to stay with his father in a different state. It was harder to leave my son than it was my ex. My father let me stay with him until i could get back on my feet. So no sweetheart its never to late to start over. You do what you have to do for you and those kids.
Absolutely not!!! I’m 41 and starting college for the first time
I left my ex when i was 29, with 3 kids (4 months, 7 and 10). Ended up with a wonderful man and had a son with him and married a year later. Decided when my youngest was 2 to go back to work. And when he was old enough for school, I went back myself and got a nursing assistant license.
It’s never too late!
Even my mother started over at 40 and went back to school
It’s not too old! I’ve started over and over again. Moved across the country and back. Went to get a degree, covid happened so I haven’t used my degree. Now working in construction and have an interview to make over 100k a year and I’m 30.
I feel like a late bloomer and wish I had taken a trade instead of a degree back in the day but if this interview goes well then I’m right where I’m suppose to be with all the struggles I’ve gone through.
So go do it, and if you don’t like it, change it. Just don’t accept anything less than what you’re worth (and by you already raising a child, your worth a lot more than you think!).
All the best - Canada
Never too old!! Go for it!!
Never too late.
Quit giving him your time.
Girl you better run while you can !!! 23 is so young your still a baby trust me you have more than enough time to stay single for a couple years work on you and then eventually find love Goodluck and godbless and please run for the hills NOW !
No age is to late to start over. You could be 53 and it’s fine to start over.
If your parents are willing and fine with letting you live with them, then do it to provide a better life for you and your child.
Just remember to not take the trash back after you get a better job!
No ma’am not to late to start over and better yourself. You have your whole life ahead of you. Make a great example for your child.
I’m starting over at 46 after 27 years of marriage! You got this!
You are so young. Of course, it’s not too late. You have plenty of time and you should take your time. Leave anyone who isn’t treating you how you deserve to be treated. Never settle for anyone who is abusing you. Start over and have fun with it. I have 3 kids and have started over twice. Last time I started over, I let myself have so much fun and it was so peaceful being single that my current fiance literally had to beg me to try another relationship. Glad I did because he treats me so much better than my exes. Your only responsibility is to yourself and your babies. Take care of you.
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There’s never any age that’s to old to start over as long as your bettering life for yourself and your child.